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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 376 375, shocked! Sano Shinichiro's old photos from two years ago exposed

I didn’t expect it to happen now. No, to be more precise, it was passed to Gin’s ears last night… To be more precise, this shouldn’t be “passed”, but that guy meant it. We arranged for intelligence personnel to pay attention to this matter, otherwise we would not have known about it so quickly.

Thinking about Gin’s behavior when he found out… Is this guy so concerned about his life and death?

Zuo Ziyin started to murmur.

Although I really want to regard this incident as Gin’s pretentiousness, a method used to “control” his subordinates, enhance the sense of belonging, and the sense of community, but if it is really caused by a simple colleague, then Sano Should I be moved first and then respond or something?

Sano stopped brushing his teeth, thought for two seconds, and then shuddered – let’s forget it, maybe it would be better to just pretend that this never happened.

Otherwise it would be a bit disgusting.

As for other more things, Sano didn’t bother to care.

Just take it one step at a time, as the saying goes, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and the boat will naturally go straight when it meets the bridge.

After the bus hijacking case, Sano had a day of leisure until the next day, when he went to school.

Both Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko’s eyes lit up.

Because really speaking, Sano has not appeared in front of the two of them for a long time since the last time Izu…two brigades.

Although Sano only went abroad during this period and did not even stay there for two or three days, but taking into account the round trip, the time before departure, and the time after “returning”, Ling Ling was indeed Not short anymore.

It’s not like the two of them didn’t send text messages to Sano during this period, but Sano either couldn’t read them back or just said a few perfunctory “um”, “ah” and “oh”.

…It’s not that Sano is too lazy to deal with it, it’s just that he is really busy.

Actually, it’s not just this bestie duo.

Conan, Toru Amuro, Makoto Kyogoku, Takashi Ito, even Officer Megure and Narumi Asai, everyone I know has sent text messages to Sano.

Sano, on the other hand, has always treated everyone equally.

Either they have been unified and cannot be read back, or they can all be replied…with a perfunctory sentence.

Master Duanshui is talking about existences like Sano.

After some exchange of pleasantries, the two quickly turned their attention away from Sano and turned to chatting about Mao Lilan’s mobile phone, which seemed to be a new one given by others.

As for who the “others” are.

Sano said that he had just finished breakfast and was not hungry, so he was not interested in it.

It wasn’t until almost halfway through the class that Sano suddenly noticed that the students in the class were gradually starting to behave strangely. One after another, they lowered their heads and took out their mobile phones, or whispered to their classmates, or quickly pressed the button The buttons on the mobile phones are most likely sending text messages to each other.

Of course, if it was just like this, Sano wouldn’t care too much.

The real problem is that these students still peek back at Sano from time to time.

This made Sano understand that the center point of these guys’ “talk” was probably about him.

What’s happening?

Sano’s eyes turned to Suzuki Sonoko. When their eyes met, the other party almost subconsciously looked away, and the next second he realized something was wrong.

He turned to look at Sano again and shook the phone in his hand.

Sano took out his cell phone and received a text message from Suzuki Sonoko a few seconds later.

“Senior, you know that fan website of yours, right?”

Sano typed the reply without hesitation: “I know, what’s wrong.”


Suzuki Sonoko: “Then will you log in… Forget it, I’ll just send you the picture.”

…Why does it smell like inexplicable gossip?

Sano frowned. He had always been a melon-eating person, but one day he would eat melon on himself. He just didn’t know what kind of melon it was.

Soon, Suzuki Sonoko sent another picture.

After clicking it, the first thing that caught Sano’s eyes was a “title.”

“Shocked! Sano Shinichiro’s old photos from two years ago have been exposed!”

…What the hell, who came up with this title?

The taste is a bit too strong, right?

After being speechless, Sano scrolled down and finally saw the “true face of Mount Lu”.

This picture should be Suzuki Sonoko’s, taken from Sano’s fan website, so this thing is something close to a post.

Perhaps it can also be called an article.

In addition to the long paragraphs of text description, the most eye-catching thing is the accompanying picture.

The person in the picture is indeed Sano.

However, it was Sano wearing a special attack suit.

Well, that’s right, it’s the special attack suit that Black Death wears.

Sano Tactics frowned, and sure enough, the original person from two years ago probably harbored the dream of a bad boy, and the relationship with the member of the special attack team was probably not as “unjust” in Kyogoku’s eyes.

But Sano just didn’t expect that the original person would actually leave such a photo.

I never thought that this photo would be picked up by Sano’s fans.

This is a bit outrageous.


Soon, Mao Lilan also sent a message, with no other purpose. Naturally, it was to explore the relationship between Sano and the “Black Death”… Of course, she didn’t ask that right from the beginning, but made various insinuations.

Of course, this kind of word is not suitable for Mao Lilan.

Because this girl is not good at it, let alone someone who can do this kind of thing.

It’s just that Sano has a keen sense of smell and can see the curiosity that cannot be hidden behind Mao Lilan’s superficial concern. Of course, this is not surprising.

After all, it goes without saying that the weight of the “Black Death” exists.

It just so happens that this thing was only created this year, but Sano already wore this iconic piece of clothing two years ago, saying that there is no connection between the two.

Who the hell believes it?

Gossip is a human instinct, not to mention Mao Lilan, Sano, Belmod, and even Gin, who can’t curb the birth of this instinct.

At most, you can just control your behavior and not pay for this instinct.

And Mao Lilan is obviously not the only one who has this instinct.

Suzuki Sonoko endured it for a while after sending the picture. The text messages kept sending as if she was throwing money. At the same time, many students in the class were sending text messages to Sano.

… Sano did not take the initiative to exchange numbers with these classmates.

But as a central figure who is not very central, these students naturally wanted to exchange numbers with Sano, but since they couldn’t find anyone most of the time, they asked a duo of best friends to help ask if they could give them a number.

Sano didn’t have any idea of ​​being a big name. It was just a number, so he gave it to him.

This has resulted in Sano currently receiving a large amount of information, which is like sea water.

As a result, Sano’s cell phone crashed.

…By the time Sano finished fixing his cell phone and returned home, he didn’t even bother to look through the basket of text messages. Most of them were gossip and curiosity about unrelated passers-by, and perhaps some inquiries from important characters.

But they are all insignificant things.

It’s just a piece of clothing, what a big deal.

What kind of black death, I don’t know, I’ve never heard of it.

It has nothing to do with you. Believe it or not. If you don’t believe it, you will be down.


Suddenly, a touch of gold came into the eyes of Sano who was opening the door. He turned around and saw that it was a figure with blond hair coming out from next door to his house…but it was not the little girl’s house, but another one next door.

Sano didn’t pay much attention at first, he just felt that the neighbor was quite fashionable…or maybe he had a different neighbor at some point.

But when the figure turned around.

The corners of Sano’s eyes twitched unconsciously.

It’s yellow hair.

When did this girl come to live next to my house? ?


Or is it just for yourself?

Before Sano could react, he was stunned when he saw his yellow hair. He then took out his mobile phone and shifted his gaze back and forth, as if he had confirmed something.

He immediately pounced on Sano.


“I’m such a big-headed devil!”

Sano kicked Huang Mao in the face and resisted the opponent to prevent him from getting close.

“Who the hell are you?”

I have to admit that Sano is indeed a little panicked now, but he is still trying to stay calm, his brain spinning instinctively to think of countermeasures.

It’s a pity that this accident happened too hastily, and in the end I had to pretend not to know about it.

…The key is that Huang Mao directly calls Boss Sano as soon as he comes up.

Sano really didn’t understand.

When such a photo appears, “misunderstanding” is inevitable, but Sano’s true identity and Huang Ma have already met once in Izu.

It’s not like Black Death didn’t play at that time.

Why are you still being “misunderstood” like this?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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