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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 377 376, Ito Taka consciously takes the blame

After the chaos, Huang Mao calmed down a little. After a short exchange, Sano roughly clarified the current situation, that is…

Huang Mao had completely forgotten that he had met Sano before in Izu.

This girl just happened to hear “Sano Shinichiro’s photo from two years ago” during a chat among the Black Death members. She got interested in gossiping, so she took it and took a look, and then she was shocked to find it.

…Isn’t this just a black man who didn’t have a back hair style?

In an instant, Huang Mao suddenly realized.

It turns out that the eldest son of the family is the famous high school detective Sano Shinichiro!

Especially after seeing Sano’s full-face photo, the more Huang Mao looked at it, the more he felt that it was very similar to the sudden glimpse of Heishi when he took off his mask for the only time earlier, or that he was the same person.

…This guy really needs to have his brain checked.

After understanding everything, Sano was speechless and amused. Finally, he told Huang Mao about Izu last time, which confirmed that he and Heishi could never be the same person.

Huang Mao was greatly disappointed.

“Then, what is your relationship with our boss?”

After being disappointed, Huang Mao immediately regained his composure and used his curiosity to ask: “Are you two good friends? Is it because of you that my boss wears that special attack suit? Or is it? He actually got dressed earlier, and since you two know each other, why didn’t you say hello when we met in Izu last time…”

Huang ** was forced to answer a lot of questions.

Although Sano didn’t bother to answer at all, he just said “I don’t know” to him, as if he didn’t bother to answer, and then entered the room.

…What the hell, it scares me to death.

Just now, Sano almost really thought that there was some big mistake that he didn’t notice, which caused the vest to be torn off directly. He was even thinking about whether he should silence him first, but it turned out to be a mistake.

His vest is so perfect that even if he is suspected, there will be no evidence.

Is it because something unexpected happened today that was so unexpected that it caused me to be nervous?

Sano did a few stretches, then took out his phone and read the text messages from other vests.

Well, Huang Mao did send text messages to Heidi, including several other members of the special attack team, and even the official guys, who also conducted more or less cautious tests, but it was Gin’s side.

It seems that he doesn’t know about this… Of course, he may know it, but he doesn’t care, so he didn’t even ask Sano, forget it.

What do you care about?

“Dong dong dong.”

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Just when Sano thought it was Huang Mao and still didn’t give up, the person standing outside the door after opening the door was a smiling Ito Taka.

“Yo, Master!”

Sano was stunned and frowned: “Do you have a problem with me?”

“Hey, look at what you said, Master. If nothing happens, why can’t I come and see you?”

Ito Taka handed a small box to Sano: “Hey, a gift.”


Sano took the box, took a look, and found two glutinous rice dumplings inside… to be more precise, they were a unique snack here in Neon.

It seems to be called, what is it called?



Sano looked away and asked: “What gift should I give you?”

… Could it be that my birthday is coming again?

No, it’s only right that you check your calendar in advance.

“Neighbors, you can’t give some gifts to build a good relationship in advance.”

Ito Taka replied, causing Sano to be silent for a while – what the hell is going on, why did one or two of them all move to this poor place of their own?

You know, the area where Sano lives is not a good place.

That is to say, Sano was used to living there, so he was too lazy to move. As for Ito Taka and Huang Ma, one became a member of the organization and the other was the second-in-command of the Black Death. Even if they were not particularly rich, they were definitely not money-hungry owners.

Why did you come to live here?

…Although I don’t know the reason, Huang Mao, maybe it can be said to be a pure coincidence, and Ito Taka, the person who said this girl is not directed at him.

Sano wouldn’t believe it anyway.

“Where do you live?”

Sano didn’t ask too much, just asked Ito Taka where he lived.

It’s said to be a neighbor, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be next door, especially since he knows the residents on both sides of Sano… It’s impossible to share a room with Huang Mao, right?

Or, what is the relationship between this guy and that little girl?

Ito Taka’s answer proved that Sano was overthinking. He lived next door to Huang Mao.

There was a room separated from Sano.

At this point, the topic seems to have ended.

But Ito Taka did not leave, but still stood at the door.

“…Anything else?”

Faced with Sano’s question, Ito Taka blinked: “No, Master, you have accepted the gift, didn’t you invite me in to sit there?”


Sano closed the door directly.

Ito Takashi: “…”

Oh, sure enough, the master is the master.

Ito Takashi shook his head and turned to go home, but Sano turned around and realized that Gin had received a text message.

But I didn’t come here because of the photo from two years ago, but because of Ito Taka.

“I should have warned you, let you remind your subordinate.”


Sano tilted his head in confusion, and then thought about the problem of Ito Taka that Gin had mentioned to him on the flight to America.

…Later, when things got busy, Sano forgot about it again.

Even yesterday, Gin gave Sano a low-level task, and he gave it to Taka Ito. I’m afraid it was outsourced by that guy again.

Otherwise, Gin would not remind him again.

Then let’s take a look, what on earth is that guy Ito Takashi thinking.

Sano backhanded a text message to Ito Taka, asking him to wait at the designated place, then switched his vest and entered the black cat form, and then set off.

Soon, the four of them met at the appointed place.

In addition to Sano, Ito Taka, and gin, there is also a paddling vodka.

“I should have warned you, don’t leave the organization’s tasks to outsiders again. If something goes wrong, you will be executed in the name of betrayal.”

Sano struck first.

At first, Ito Taka was severely criticized.

“You don’t understand me or something, why are you doing this?”

Hearing this, Gin and the two turned their attention to Ito Taka.

Although Ito Taka himself looked confused.

What the hell is this?

When had I been warned… Oh~ So that’s it.

Ito Taka is not stupid.

After listening to what Sano said clearly as an “accusation” and secretly as an “explanation”, how could he not know why he was called over?

…It’s just that the other party’s speed of blaming the blame is a little too fast, right?

After reacting, Ito’s mouth twitched. Considering what the other party had just reminded him, he also understood that if this problem could not be solved, he could not solve it.

Then let alone being a member of the organization.

Even my own life safety may be affected.

Logically speaking, Ito Taka should first admit his mistakes at this time, and then correct them. Then his good boss who is blaming him will probably “compensate” him for blaming him, close the door and give him a severe round of punishment. Criticism or punishment, this matter can be considered in the past.

Of course, Ito Taka can also choose to point out Sano’s “mistake” first and then admit it. In this case, the “pressure” on his face will be much less.

Although it’s only on the bright side.

After thinking for two seconds, Ito Taka did not refute Sano’s statement, but chose to silently take the blame, and said sincerely and apologetically: “I’m sorry, Mr. Rye, I may not have explained it clearly to you.”

“When I say there won’t be any problems, I don’t mean that I won’t do it in the future, but that my approach will definitely not cause any trouble in the future.”

“Although in your opinion, those who help me complete my mission may be outsiders, in my opinion, they are my most sincere friends.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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