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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 38 38, Sano: Weak, helpless, and pitiful

“If there is a camera, why didn’t you tell me earlier? Really.”

Mouri Kogoro muttered, feeling that he was wasting his energy before.

As for Sano, he was even more numb.

Damn it, there are actually cameras here?

I haven’t noticed it yet. Could it be that the “whole process” was actually photographed?

Sano actually wasn’t too panicked. After all, for now, his black Death vest should be considered “clean”. Even if it was torn off, it wouldn’t be a big deal, provided…

Things at the winery must not be exposed, especially the previous Maple Leaf Gold Coin incident.

Even if it means “acting bravely when it comes to justice”.

Even if the person who dies is “deserving of his death”.

But killing is an unchangeable fact after all. If exposed, Sano will definitely be in a lot of trouble, especially since Sano also swallowed the maple leaf gold coins after killing someone.

Tsk, it’s so troublesome. I have to think of a way to completely solve the problems that may be exposed by the vest…

“Yoshi, since there is a camera, let’s just go and take a look!”

Under the leadership of Officer Megure, the group quickly headed to the control room of the art museum. It was because Sano was surrounded by the crowd in the middle that he did not get lost again and successfully arrived.


Just when Sano yawned, Mao Lilan suddenly grabbed his hand and frowned: “Senior, what is your hand?”


With tears in his eyes, Sano looked at the hand he was holding in confusion, and then realized that his hand was full of cuts, especially the joints above the fingers. Blood was oozing from several of the cuts, which looked a bit scary.


As soon as Sano thought about it, he realized that it was caused by his fist hitting the armor when he was fighting with Director Ochiai. Because the wound was so shallow, the slight pain was ignored.

Does this mean that the armor now has his own blood on it?

Sano’s brows jumped, and he immediately withdrew his hand pretending to be nonchalant and put it in his pocket: “Ah, maybe I accidentally touched it somewhere.”

Facing Sano’s obviously perfunctory explanation, Mao Lilan narrowed his eyes, but did not continue to ask, but looked at Sato Miwako aside.

Miwako Sato naturally heard the conversation between the two just now. She probably had some guesses about Mao Lilan’s current thoughts. The injury on the hand was probably caused intentionally by someone.

“The injury was very new. It probably happened just now. The bleeding didn’t even stop.”

Mao Lilan leaned into Sato Miwako’s ear and reported the situation: “It seems that the person who injured the senior is very likely to be stopped in the art museum now.”


Sato Miwako nodded solemnly.

A murder had just occurred in the art museum, so the people inside couldn’t be let go casually, so with luck, it might be possible to find the person who bullied Sano.

It’s just that while the case is still being investigated, it is of course impossible for Miwako Sato to leave casually and go find some bad boy, and Officer Megure will not allow it.

Looking up again, the museum staff had turned on the surveillance replay. On the screen, it was Boss Manaka who had just walked into the hell, looking around as if he was looking for something.

Sano glanced at the surveillance screen, and his tense nerves relaxed a little. From this angle and range, it seemed that he couldn’t capture his normal appearance at that time.

The only thing that will be revealed later is that the Black Death has just appeared here. It doesn’t make any difference. Anyway, Director Ochiai will wake up later and will tell him when asked.

However, the previous problem still exists. The relationship between the vest and the main body must be severed, but what can be done about this…

While Sano was thinking about the future, in the surveillance screen, Boss Manaka had been nailed to the wall by the medieval armor that suddenly moved behind him.

Everyone in the monitoring room except Sano held their breath and stared at the screen intently. Then they saw a figure suddenly pop out and fight with the armor.

In the dim hell, only two figures could be seen constantly intersecting. The long sword with cold light was constantly being swung out by the knight’s armor, and the sound of breaking through the air and the bang of falling fists and feet were constantly heard.

Looking at the exciting and exciting fighting scene like a movie, exclamations were heard from time to time in the monitoring room, until the knight’s armor was suddenly brought down, and the figure who was already considered a “master” in the eyes of everyone grabbed the armor’s head. After hitting the ground, the control room immediately fell into silence again.

Okay, what a childish way of attacking…

Everyone, including Mao Lilan, a karate master, was silent for a while.

In fact, generally speaking, there is nothing wrong with such an attack method. However, if you have the preconceived impression of the “master” in front of you, it won’t work.

“Ah, take off your helmet!”

At this moment, a policeman shouted, and everyone immediately focused their attention, and then saw Director Ochiai’s face revealed after the knight’s armor was removed from the helmet.

“It’s actually him…”

Mouri Kogoro, Officer Megure and others all looked shocked and eye-opening.

“I didn’t expect it was really him…”

Conan couldn’t help but glance at Sano in the corner. Did this guy figure out everything just by looking at the crime scene, or did he guess it by mistake?

“That old man can actually kill people wearing that armor…”

Mao Lilan also felt a little emotional: “If he were younger, maybe I wouldn’t be his opponent…”

Is your focus a little skewed?

Conan’s dead eyes withdrew his gaze from his childhood sweetheart, and when he looked at the surveillance screen where the stop button was pressed, his eyes shone brightly.

“This is!?”

Conan jumped on the monitor and stared at the screen for a few seconds before looking at Mao Lilan: “Sister Xiaolan, this person seems to be the person who kicked you in the warehouse before!”


Mao Lilan, who was suddenly cueed, was stunned. She could only step forward and take a closer look under Conan’s eager eyes: “Well, indeed, although it is a bit blurry, this… special dress and hairstyle should be his.” That’s right.”

Mouri Kogoro rubbed the back of his head in confusion: “What are you talking about?”

“That’s the bad boy in the special attack suit!”

Conan bit his thumb: “The first time I met him was the kidnapping incident, then the Maple Leaf gold coin incident, and now he appears here again…”

“Wait, the Maple Leaf gold coin incident?”

Officer Megure also grabbed Conan with a serious face: “You mean the guy who was suspected of killing the three Italian robbers and taking all the maple leaf gold coins in the Maple Leaf Gold Coin incident?”

Regarding the kidnapping incident and the Maple Leaf Gold Coin incident mentioned by Conan, as Officer Megure of the Criminal Investigation Section 1 of the Metropolitan Police Department’s Criminal Investigation Section 3, he naturally knew everything about it.

Especially in these two cases, Conan, a little devil, was involved. The existence of the “special attack uniform bad boy” was naturally mentioned in the transcripts made afterwards. How could Officer Megure not care about this.

As a “famous detective”, Mouri Kogoro, who is also deeply involved in case intelligence, also had a solemn face: “It turns out it’s this guy…”

As for Mao Lilan, she was stunned: “Kill, kill??”

Although Mao Lilan had contact with the existence of the “Bad Special Attack Service” during the kidnapping incident, she didn’t know anything about the Maple Leaf Gold Coins after that.

It was just that in Mao Lilan’s opinion, the “bad special attack suit” subdued the kidnappers and saved Conan and the little girl, so he should be a good person.

Of course, it wasn’t just Mao Lilan who was confused, Sano was also confused.

what’s the situation?

How did Officer Megure know that his… vest was involved in the Maple Leaf Gold Coin incident?

Did Conan, a busybody, actually see himself, or rather see his vest?

Good guy, it turns out that my vest has been unclean for a long time, and I didn’t know it until now?

Sano was stunned in place, with countless thoughts flashing through his brain in an instant, analyzing the current unexpected situation and what he should do next.

Miwako Sato, who was frowning and thinking, suddenly looked at Sano and said, “Sano, the bad boy who has been bullying you, could it be this guy?”


Mao Lilan turned around suddenly, and she didn’t expect Sato Miwako to actually tell her what she had agreed to keep secret.


Officer Megure also rushed to Sano: “Do you know who this special attack suit is!?”

Conan came to Sano’s side without anyone noticing, raising his head with an innocent smile on his face: “Hey~ It turns out that Brother Sano has been bullied by bad boys. No wonder he hid in that place last night. go.”

“last night?”

Officer Memu clapped his hands: “By the way, I remembered it. Conan said that you also appeared in the haunted house imprisonment case last night. This makes sense. Are you being targeted by this person? , so you don’t dare to go home?”


Hearing this, Mao Lilan couldn’t care less and came closer to Sano: “Is this really true, senior!?”

Miwako Sato grabbed Sano’s shoulders with a righteous look on her face: “Don’t worry, say it. We are the police and we will definitely help you solve the problem!”

Mouri Kogoro also explained with a look of displeasure: “Anyway, you are going to take notes later, so just say what you need to say.”

Sano: “…”

Sano, who was surrounded in the middle, looked numb.

The development of things is always unexpected. The waistcoat becomes unclean…or it is a bad thing for others to know that it is unclean. Fortunately, the surveillance camera did not capture the scene before Sano’s transformation. The waistcoat has not been torn off for the time being. It’s still safe, so even if it’s dirty, it won’t affect Sano himself.

It’s just that it seems that the matter has not been solved, but… it has become more troublesome.

What kind of delinquent boy has been bullying him, making him unable to even go home? How come Sano himself doesn’t know about this?

Are the brain circuits of these people really still normal?

No, the situation is too chaotic. You must first take your attention away and then think of countermeasures.

Sano’s silence, in the eyes of Officer Megure and others, had an inexplicable bitterness, as if he acquiesced to what they had just said.

For a time, Sano’s image in everyone’s mind could be said to have become weak, helpless, and pitiful.

“Everyone, have you forgotten what you need to do now?”

A few seconds later, with Sano’s rather helpless reminder, the people in the Hell Room realized that the murder incident in the art museum had not yet come to an end.

Although I am very concerned about what happened to Sano, the most important thing is the present.

“Ahem, that’s true, but now the situation is clear. Under the armor that killed Manaka’s boss was Director Ochiai himself. As for that note, it was probably Director Ochiai who originally wanted to frame Keita. That’s right, but he didn’t expect that someone would actually knock him out midway.”

Officer Memu summarized the situation: “Now that the surveillance videos are there, the evidence is conclusive, and the case can be closed.”

“Alele, it’s so strange…ah!”

Conan, who was standing on the monitoring platform and was about to continue the “Ah Le Le” tactics, was pulled down by Sano: “Nothing strange, the matter is over, please shut up.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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