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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 389 388, Akai Shuichi: A souvenir?


After withdrawing his thoughts, Gin’s eyes were dim and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

Vodka on the side couldn’t wait for a reply, but he had a rough idea in his mind.

I don’t know if the result will be bad or not, but at least it’s certain.

Definitely not great.

On the other side, Sano, who was wandering, was also thinking about yesterday.

I have to admit that there is a reason why that doctor is famous.

That guy is indeed not on the same level as that… so and so.

Before meeting Sano, the guy was well prepared. Without saying anything else, he first asked him about his past affairs.

It seems like something happened every year since childhood… probably because he wanted to determine where Sano’s memory stopped.

Yes, Sano’s “memory loss” has been confirmed.

This is a completely different concept from the previous “memory decline”.

But the previous one, “time perception disorder”, was denied by this doctor… Sano originally wanted to blur this aspect through memory loss, although it was later denied, and even though it is denied now Denial is already meaningless.

All in all, Sano’s condition became “amnesia” in the eyes of the doctor.

This is actually a good thing for Sano, because he no longer has to worry about his past affairs, but the final result doesn’t seem to be that good.

Because of Sano’s diagnosis, there is an additional split personality, which is the most secondary in major movies and novels, multiple personality settings.

In the eyes of that doctor, this was the only most reasonable judgment… Especially after looking behind Sano’s “amnesia”, he also discovered various details about the differences in the acting styles, that is, the personalities of the “two people” .

Even the fact that Sano was unknown in the past and then suddenly became a famous detective was very consistent with multiple personalities in the eyes of the doctor.

Well, after all, it was a very important diagnosis. Gin naturally did not hide the relationship between Sano and Rye’s identities from the doctor, otherwise it would not exist. Such a detailed life history could be used as a reference.

All in all, Sano now has become a second personality in the eyes of others.

That’s right, Sano is the second personality.

Because Sano has no memory of the past.

Therefore, it will naturally be identified as the personality that appears later.

As for whether the first personality still exists, or whether there is a third personality or a fourth personality, although Sano has tried his best to control the situation.

But look at the doctor’s reaction.

Probably not very willing to believe it.

“Multiple personalities.”

Sano smacked his lips, feeling a little emotional.

Because in fact, if we talk about it seriously, Sano can actually be regarded as the second personality of this body, but his personality appears very unreasonable, and as soon as it comes out, the previous personality is directly obliterated. …Of course, it was him who caused the original body to disappear.

I have to ask a question first.

But Sano really didn’t leave any room and took full control.

Apart from this, there is no big difference between schizophrenia and schizophrenia, and Sano has no resistance to this… because even he himself is not sure whether he has it or not. disease, not to mention that this setting actually did not cause him much trouble, but sometimes it was a little convenient.

So what’s there to exclude?

But then again…

If another person with multiple personalities commits a crime, how will the law determine it?

Should he be treated as a normal mentally ill person, or should he not be sentenced at all?

Ha, if there is such a good thing.

That would be interesting.

Sano directly stated that he is the second personality, Black Death is the third personality, Rye is the fourth personality… all the way back, one vest and one personality.

From now on, I can do whatever I want, completely unscrupulously.

It sounds pretty cool when you say it this way…ahem, it’s quite useful, but it’s just a little off.

After entertaining himself for a while, Sano recovered his thoughts, took out his cell phone and looked at the time.

After a while, Ito Taka’s figure appeared in Sano’s sight.

Behind Ito Taka were two puppets carrying bags.

…After the “showdown”, Ito Taka can naturally be more bold in his behavior. Even if he is teaming up with Sano, he can also bring his puppets with him.

It’s still very convenient to start a fight or something.

As for this mission, why Sano teamed up with Ito Takashi instead of directly giving the task to Ito Takashi as the hands-off boss? It was naturally not because he wanted to enhance his relationship with the other party, but just Gin’s request.

Well, Ito Taka’s previous missions were thoroughly investigated, and the problem of him dumping the missions to others was found. So basically it was Sano who dumped the missions to him first, and Gin naturally knew it… Although in the case of the former, this does not attract much attention.

It can be said that it was completely ignored.

That is also impossible.

No, Gin “warned” Sano, telling him not to be too lazy, to wander around with nothing to do all day long, and to take care of his subordinates.

She is nagging like an old woman and is annoying to death.

“Let’s go.”

Sano didn’t waste any time. He took a bag from the hands of the two puppets and set off for the mission target location… The bag contained weapons, well, it was two submachine guns and some loaded magazines.

Logically speaking, Sano doesn’t need such a thing.

The presence of the killer’s twin guns, coupled with the blessing of the Masked Superman pendant, is enough for Sano to solve 99.9% of the situations. Carrying such guns is cumbersome, no matter what aspect of action it is in. This is true.

Sano really didn’t use these things in the past.

It’s just that when we were at America’s side before, Sano seemed to have inadvertently opened the door to a new world because of the thing that Gin had brought just in case… Ahem, there was no need to run errands anyway. Run by yourself.

Just use it to play with.

Even if something happened as a result of this, Sano wouldn’t be without confidence in forcing his way out.

At first, Sano didn’t want to carry a weapon that could be retracted at any time, because at that time, it would be extremely troublesome if exposed, but now, it is just a small trouble.

…Sano restrained himself before Ito Taka could carry Gatling out.

Sano and Ito Takashi arrived at a high-end hotel.

The mission goal is to temporarily live on the upper floors of this hotel, protected by many bodyguards. It is not yet clear whether he possesses firearms… There is a high probability that he should, so just in case, Sano puts one hand in At the same time, he took out his left pistol from his sweatshirt pocket and held it, so that he could enter a state of 100% bullet avoidance at any time without worrying about overturning.

However, before Sano and the others could enter the hotel door, they came to the elevator. A figure suddenly appeared, disrupting their original plan.

“Hey, Saburo!”

Looking at Akai Shuichi who was waving to him, Sano was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the other person was greeting him… Because he used the name of vodka, he almost forgot it, but of course it didn’t matter.

The important thing is that this guy’s luck is really bad.

Ito Taka, who was following Sano, saw Akai Shuichi and took a few seconds to recognize the other person’s identity…it was in the Rice Flower Central Building.

The one who had dinner with his boss.

Maybe he’s also a cadre?

Just when Ito Taka wanted to say hello, the next second, the big bag in Sano’s hand had already landed, and at the same moment, two dark gun muzzles appeared.

Aimed at Akai Shuichi.

Akai Shuichi’s pupils shrank, the hair on his body stood up, and he subconsciously threw himself to the side.

“Da da da da——”

Gunfire sparked screams.

Guests and staff in the hotel lobby fled in a hurry, or lay down on the spot, holding their heads like ostriches, praying that bullets would not fall on them.

As one of the parties involved, Ito Takashi and Akai Shuichi were full of exclamation marks and question marks… Didn’t they have dinner together before, looking like they were having a good time and they were all good friends?

Why did they start fighting again as soon as they met?

For the first time, Ito Taka felt that his head was a bit insufficient.

I really can’t understand the current situation… Could it be that he is ill?

Ito Takashi did not forget that his boss received the doctor’s diagnosis with him yesterday. While he was surprised and sighing, of course he also had a little bit of care in mind, and of course he couldn’t rush this.

What Ito Taka wants to know more at the moment is whether this task can still be completed? ?

… At the other end, Akai Shuichi was hiding behind a wide pillar, wiping the cold sweat from his head.

Akai Shuichi was a little surprised when he saw Rye.

First, he was surprised that Rye was not dead… Of course, Akai Hidemoto didn’t think that this guy would really die.

Secondly, I was shocked that I would meet him here.

This is such a fate. Just when I wanted to find out if this guy was still alive, he actually came to my door.

…Since it has been confirmed that he is still alive, let’s take the opportunity to explore why he is still alive.

With this thought in mind, Akai Shuichi greeted the other party.

Then there was a response, as if it was a souvenir brought back from America.

Fortunately, Akai Shuichi’s reaction was quick enough, otherwise he would have become a sieve by now.

Shuichi Akai’s head was racing with lingering fear.

Has he been exposed after all… There is nothing strange about this. It can even be said that it is really strange that he was not exposed until now. But since he has been exposed, there is nothing that can be done about it.

The most important thing at the moment is how to deal with this madman who realizes that he has been tricked.

… Sano held two guns, and as if the bullets were free, he kept firing at the bunker where Akai Shuichi was, while approaching him with steady steps.

Just as Akai Shuichi thought, Sano finally recognized him. To be precise, he looked through past text message records at Gin’s reminder.

Only then did I find the photo of Shuichi Akai that Gin had sent me when Miyano Akemi was on her fishing law enforcement mission, and I also thought about it.

Where on earth had I seen this face?

…To be honest, although Sano knew that Akai Shuichi had a problem from the beginning, he really never thought that the problem would be so big. I’m afraid this girl has a brain problem. Generally speaking, someone would do this. ?

Aren’t you afraid that you have actually recognized it and are just pretending not to recognize it to set up a trap?

Zuo Ye was a little depressed, depressed that Akai Shuichi would actually regard himself as a fool, and thus become a fool along with him, and even more depressed that…

I was actually really stupid.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

Akai Shuichi’s iconic black hair is too eye-catching, almost as eye-catching as Gin’s long white hair and Vodka’s sunglasses. Sano regards it as a “recognition” standard, but who knew that this guy actually cut his hair.

Just cut it off. You know that you are a cadre who has inherited the code name of Rye, but you still dare to approach yourself so boldly. It’s so awesome.

To be honest, if this situation were normal, Sano would not be angry… Of course, he is indeed not angry now.

Sano just no longer had the patience to remain calm and wait and see what Akai Shuichi wanted to do and what he could do as he pressed against him.

Now Sano just wants to try it.

How awesome is Shuichi Akai?

If he dares to do this, it means that Shuichi Akai is already prepared to be recognized at any time, right?

Then come and take a look.

What is the difference between old and new rye?


Suddenly, there was a faint crisp sound among the intensive gunshots and screams.

It sounded like a grenade tab being pulled out.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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