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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 391 390, do you think I am a chocolate wholesaler?

Although he looks a bit careless, he is indeed handsome, at least not worse than himself, and judging from his performance just now, his strength is not bad. He has the ability and willingness to protect Suzuki Sonoko, and he can indirectly show both aspects. , its excellent level of character and character.

The loser is not unjust.

…But it’s still so sad.

Kyogoku really forced his face to grimace, but the tears in his heart were already like a vast ocean.

However, at this time, Suzuki Sonoko had come out of her dazed state. She probably realized what was going on, and her expression gradually became weird.

Finally, he raised his finger and pointed at Kyogoku Makoto.

“That…lucky man, isn’t it you?”

Kyogoku didn’t even understand Suzuki Sonoko’s words for the first time. He looked around him along his fingers. When he found that there was no one there, he finally came to his senses.


Kyogoku, who transformed into a bean-eyed and boiling kettle, pointed at himself in disbelief.

Suzuki Sonoko is like a chicken pecking at rice.


Nervous? Is this it?

Started feeding dog food out of nowhere?

Sano looked at him with a speechless face. Could it be that these two guys haven’t confirmed their relationship yet? Otherwise, why would such a small move by Suzuki Sonoko lead to such a big misunderstanding?

It’s impossible that in Kyogoku’s eyes, Suzuki Sonoko changes her mind so easily, right?

…Although they are already like that, the relationship has not been confirmed yet.

It’s also quite outrageous.

“By the way, Ah Zhen, did you just dodge that guy’s bullet? Did you learn this abroad? Have you become so powerful?”

After the misunderstanding was resolved, Suzuki Sonoko immediately asked excitedly.

After all, dodging bullets basically only happens in movies… Even for most ordinary people, whether they will see the existence of a gun with their own eyes in their lifetime is a big question, even though Suzuki Sonoko’s status is relatively special. , but the reason why I have had this experience many times.

It seems that it is all thanks to Conan, the god of plague.

Mao Lilan also looked at Kyogoku Makoto with some curiosity.

Kyogoku then explained that he was just predicting the trajectory of the opponent’s shot and dodging in advance, not really dodging bullets.

He also said that with Mao Lilan’s reaction speed, he could do it as long as he concentrated.

Of course Sano was not surprised by this.

There is no way, the blessing of the special attack server is there. Whether Kyogoku can really dodge bullets, others don’t know, how can he not know if he is dead?

As for why Kyogoku’s ability to “predict” is only now revealed.

…Then we have to see if this guy had the opportunity to “dodge bullets” when he was in the neon area in the past. What’s the point of traveling abroad, encountering gunfire, and then discovering that he can “dodge bullets”? So strange.

However, Kyogoku Ma’s explanation made Sano the center of attention.

“Then Mr. Kurosawa, do you dodge bullets like this?”

Sano glanced at Kyogoku Makoto who didn’t speak.

In the wave just now, this kid probably didn’t have time to pay attention to the situation on his side, so he didn’t notice that there was actually a difference in the timing of dodging bullets between the two sides.

Originally, Sano didn’t bother to explain anything.

But then I thought about it, if I could give Kyogoku a sense of urgency so that this kid could work harder to grow, that would be a good thing for me.

So, Sano said sarcastically: “It’s very rude. Can you please stop using those opportunistic things to measure my abilities?”


Sano looked at Kyogoku, who was a little surprised and confused, and spent a few seconds explaining the differences and gaps in the “bullet dodging” skills between the two parties.

Kyogoku was stunned for a moment.

Is there anyone in this world who can do such a thing…

Kyogoku suddenly remembered the senior who easily dodged all his attacks. If he had that level of “body skills”, he might actually be able to do it.

“Na na.”

Just when the atmosphere was a bit weird, Conan, who had finally had enough, reached out and tugged on Sano’s sleeve: “Uncle Kuro… Uncle Ze, it can be said that Brother Kyogoku is here, but uncle, why are you here?” You will come here, where did you hear that something would happen here?”


Conan narrowed his eyes: “Uncle, are you here specifically for us?”


After Conan’s prompting, the best friend duo finally noticed something unusual.

Because although the existence of Black Mask often performs heroic deeds throughout Tokyo, it appears around them too many times?


It doesn’t feel like much.

But there seems to be no other reasonable explanation.

After stimulating the thoughts of the people around him, Conan raised his lips and spoke again.

“Even if it’s because… we have always encountered dangerous things, it is inevitable that we will encounter them, but Tokyo is so big, and dangerous things happen all the time every day, why are we chosen? I guess someone asked you to come here .”

“Is it right.”

Looking at Conan whose eyes were gradually becoming excited, Sano, who was expressionless, suddenly raised the corners of his mouth: “You are right. Although there are indeed so many targets that I can choose from, that’s why I chose you.”

“It’s also entrusted by others.”

“Who is it, Sano!?”

Conan didn’t expect Sano to admit it so readily. After being stunned, he quickly asked.

…Through various previous events, Conan has confirmed that Sano and Heidi know each other, and there is a high probability that they do not have a simple face-to-face relationship.

There is a high probability that Black Death and Black Mask know each other, and there is also a high probability that they are very familiar with each other.

Therefore, the probability that Sano and Black Mask know each other is very high!

In this way, the reason why Kurosawa came here, and the reason why.

It all makes sense.

However, the other party’s next answer shocked Conan again.

“Are you talking about the famous high school detective? It’s possible. My employers have always kept their identities secret. Anyway, I just collect people’s money and do things for them. I don’t have the time or interest to explore the privacy of my clients. “

……client? ? ?

Conan’s eyes were dull, what was the point of accepting money from others… Ah, Kurosawa seemed to have indeed said that he was a private detective.

But isn’t that just a pretext? ?

After the incident that day, Conan of course asked Shigekichi Shitara where he hired such a special private detective, but the other party said with question marks on his face that he had never hired any private detective.

Rather, Shitara Shigeyoshi originally wanted to hire Mouri Kogoro.

If he had already been hired, how could he still go to Moori Kogoro?

All in all, the situation was somewhat beyond Conan’s expectations.

So co-author, this guy came here because he had a commission? ?

Conan originally thought this was a noble act of chivalry.

It turned out to be a dirty money transaction?

Wait a minute, let’s take a look.

Could it be that Kurosawa’s appearance as a black mask and his current true appearance represent two different meanings?

Conan’s mind suddenly opened up.

But while some doubts have been resolved, new doubts will always arise.

Only this time, when Conan was about to continue asking, he was interrupted by Sano.

“If you ask me again, you won’t look like a primary school student.”

Sano looked down at Conan, but there was a knife-like threat hidden in his plain words.

…Does this guy know his identity?

Conan was stunned for a moment, because according to what he asked about Haibara Ai’s condition after the bus hijacking that day, she had not disclosed her affairs to Kurosawa.

But at least Kurosawa seems to already know the identity of Haibara Ai.

Although the route is unknown, since Kurosawai can find Haibara Ai, there is nothing too surprising about finding Conan.

Conan stopped talking and fell silent… This feeling of being grabbed at a vital point and used as a threat was so frustrating and familiar.

Sano is really with these two guys, right?

Facing the depression and suspicion in Conan’s eyes, Sano turned his gaze to the people beside him who were stunned by the exchange between the two: “Well, since the matter has been resolved, I will withdraw now. See you next time. ”

See you next time? ?

Hey guys, this wave has just ended and the next wave has already been booked?

Before anyone could react, Sano turned around and left through the door that had been kicked off by Kyogoku Makoto.

Conan saw this and quickly took out his cell phone to catch up.

“Hey, wait a minute. Let’s change our mobile phone numbers first. Let’s make friends and keep in touch…”

Seeing Conan chasing after Conan out the door with his short legs like some wretched uncle who wanted to chat up a little girl, Suzuki Sonoko’s expression couldn’t help but become weird again, and she secretly nudged Mao Lilan.

“Hey, Xiaolan, your dad usually teaches him this at home?”

Mao Lilan: “…”

This, can this father deny it?

The day after Valentine’s Day.

Sano briefly flipped through today’s newspaper, but what he mainly read was the report about “man-eating dogs”.

The official went to the scene to refute the rumors, saying that the case had obtained the testimony of valid witnesses, and that the dog acted bravely, not… well.

Intentional homicide.

This is naturally what Sano requested.

After all, what you want is to be honest and aboveboard. What’s the point of carrying the name of a man-eating dog?

As for valid witnesses.

Oh, if the official says it is effective, then it must be effective.

Of course, the headline of the newspaper was about something else. Well, it was the friendly exchange between Sano and Shuichi Akai yesterday.

“The faceless man who was a bomb maniac reappeared, chasing another car at a speed of 130 yards in the city, and shooting wildly with an MP5. A large number of police cars were dispatched to pursue and intercept it, but to no avail, leaving only an empty car and disappearing without a trace! “

…Recalling yesterday’s scene of Shuichi Akai flying at the front, himself chasing after him, and a bunch of police cars hanging behind him, Sano couldn’t help but smile.

I have to say that Sano is not sure about other aspects, but at least in terms of drag racing skills, he is indeed inferior to Shuichi Akai. That guy, even if his boss Toru Amuro comes, he may not be able to catch up.

It just so happens that those guys in the police have double standards.

He didn’t keep an eye on Shuichi Akai, but put all his strength on Sano’s side.

This made the already difficult pursuit even more difficult.

In the end, Sano saw that it was impossible to catch up, so he had no choice but to abandon the car, and then got into the crowd before the police really caught up.


But it doesn’t matter, we will meet again in the future anyway.

I hope this ex…senior will not be so shy next time.

After putting away the newspaper, Sano picked up the two bags next to him and went out.

First, he put one down at the next door… Of course, there was a card attached, stating that it was from Sano. It was not his style to do good deeds without leaving his name.

Then Sano carried another bag of chocolates and set off to the place agreed with Gin.

But just a few minutes later, Sano received another mission.

[Please ensure that James Blake survives within the mission time limit. You will receive one hundred strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the mission is – 05:59:59].

James Blake?

Which one?

Sano pulled out the map. If he had a location, it would be easy.

When he came to a deserted place, Sano immediately took out the replica doll he carried with him. After switching the vest, the replica went to complete the task, while the main body continued to find Gin.

Soon afterwards, Sano and Gin met.

Hand the chocolate in one hand and the task document in the other.

“You just brought one copy?”

Gin looked at the bag of chocolates in his hand, then at Sano’s hand which had nothing else except the document bag, and asked aloud.


Sano, who was reading the information, raised his head in confusion, scratched his face and said: “Otherwise, besides Cohen and Chianti, there is no one else… Oh, there is also Calvados, oops, they are all the same, otherwise the three of them Otherwise, don’t give it to Calvados at all, since he doesn’t know about it anyway.”

As he spoke, Sano noticed something was wrong, and his expression became strange: “Or… is it Gin-sama, do you want another one?”

Gin said nothing, acquiescing… Well, let me tell you something, the little girl nowadays is quite good at craftsmanship, well, at least if she really gets together with Sano in the future, this guy won’t starve.

That’s right, Gin is checking for Sano to choose a good partner.

Definitely not because of greed.

However, Sano found this a bit funny.

“No, the rest was given to others. Yesterday I asked you if you wanted it, but you didn’t tell me. Now I’m going to find it for you somewhere. Think of me as a chocolate wholesaler.”

Gin snorted coldly: “I’m just asking for Calvados. I don’t want it. If it’s gone, it’s gone. Just give them three points.”

“Yes Yes Yes.”

Sano didn’t bother to expose Gin.

He has the toughest tongue in his body, and even if a missile hits him, his body will not be completely destroyed.


Because the mouth is definitely still there.


Sano waved and left.

…In fact, logically speaking, if something like that happened yesterday, Gin should at least ask Sano about it, and because it was the headline, it was impossible to say that he didn’t know about it.

But since gin and wine were not mentioned, Sano was naturally happy to relax.

Anyway, it’s not the first time. For example, Gin didn’t even ask about the incident at the Rice Flower Central Building last time, so Sano just took it as his acquiescence——

As long as Sano is not caught, that is, his true identity will not be exposed, and it will not have an impact on the organization, then he can make whatever he wants without paying attention to his “hidden rules.”

After Sano left, the duo got into the car, but as soon as the car started, Gin took out a piece of chocolate, and as usual broke off a piece to test the vodka.

Seeing this, Vodka was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise.

“Brother, this is not rye for…”

“What rye.”

Gin twitched his eyelids, directly interrupting Vodka’s doubts. His cold rhetorical questions and eyes made the Ma boy sweat in his head… Is this a way to enrich his own pockets and swallow this chocolate all to himself?

When did eldest brother become so fond of sweets?

By the way, if Rye knew about it, he wouldn’t be angry, right?

After moving his lips, Vodka finally didn’t dare to make any more noise, so he took the piece of chocolate and stuffed it into his mouth.

…This may be called hush money.

As long as he becomes an accomplice, it is absolutely impossible to report him.

Although even without this, Vodka will definitely firmly support his big brother’s decision.

Test poison?

What poison to try?

Where is the poison?

Seeing that Vodka was so sensible, Gin withdrew his gaze with satisfaction and stuffed the remaining chocolate into his mouth… Tsk, compared to the others, this little girl’s craftsmanship is obviously a bit rough, so she will be eliminated first.

Gin started picking and choosing again.

At the same time, on the other side, Sano’s clone has arrived near the mission target.

What’s more troublesome is that the mission target is in the car.

And there seem to be dangers lurking on both sides.

If he does it rashly, it may lead to his accidental death.

Why can’t we just follow Ayumi’s example and put people in the trunk?

…Although that time was just a coincidence.

Sano sat in the back seat of the taxi, staring calmly at the police car not far away.

The target of the mission is the guy in the middle of the police car whose head is covered by his coat.

There were three other people in the car. The driver was a man wearing a police uniform, and there were two plainclothes men sitting on each side of the back seat. Don’t ask Sano why he took these three. At a glance, ordinary people would just think they were policemen. as risk factors.

Whose serious policeman is so willing to put a gun to someone’s head?

That guy, how long did it take for Sano to catch up with him? He was already hit twice.

Are you afraid that others won’t know it’s a kidnapping?

Or are these losers treating the people in the cars around them as blind people?

…Well, looking at the reactions of the people in the cars around me, they were really blinded.

Then there is no choice but to save the person, the only one who is not blind.


Suddenly, Sano’s eyes turned and landed on a black pickup truck that gradually came into view not far away. Shuichi Akai, who was smoking a cigarette in the driver’s seat, put his hand on the window frame and was also staring at the police car. .

…What a terrible fate.

Taking a day off, I need to think about life


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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