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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 393 392, Kurosawa vs Akai Shuichi

After patting his clothes, Sano got up and left, but did not go home. Instead, he took out a small device that was close to a handheld computer. Following the location above, he took a taxi and arrived in front of an apartment.

…I wonder if Akai Shuichi lives with that guy named James?

Sano touched the left pistol in his pocket, his eyes flickering.

That’s right, when Sano rescued James, to be precise, after he recognized the other party’s identity, he conveniently left a transmitter on the other party, hoping to see if he could take this opportunity to find Akai. Shuichi.

Yesterday’s exchange had no end, and it just happened to happen again today.

Sano naturally wanted to continue the exchange.

It’s just that Sano’s identity was Kurosawai at the time, and there were Conan and other police people behind him, so it was difficult to take action directly, so he adopted this method.

I hope my former senior will not be so shy this time.

… Shuichi Akai, as the previous generation of Rye, can certainly be regarded as Sano’s senior.

But who knows that this guy is a traitor who has been fired.

So Sano doesn’t see any problem in calling him a senior.

But after walking into the apartment, Sano was in trouble again.

The floor of this apartment is not low, and the transmitter left by Sano is not like his map positioning, which can show the entire 3D model.

So much so that Sano didn’t know James’ specific location at all.

Find it layer by layer?

Suddenly, Sano’s eyes turned and fell on a foreigner who was looking at him furtively from the corner of his eye… As a big international city, it’s not surprising that there are a few foreigners in Tokyo, but it happened to be here.

Saying that there is nothing wrong with this guy, Sano doesn’t believe it anyway.

Before Sano could think of the next direction, the foreigner had already gotten up and went upstairs.

This is to lead the way for yourself.

Sano curled his lips and followed without any hesitation.

Then, Sano entered the encirclement.

There were about a dozen guns pointed at Sano at the entrances of the stairs upstairs and downstairs.

Among them, James’s face is the only one Sano recognizes.

“It is indeed you… Kurosawa, right.”

James held a gun in one hand and a small transmitter in the other, with a little curiosity on his face: “Although I am very grateful for your help today, we didn’t even exchange names when we first met. , wouldn’t it be impolite to leave something like this on someone else’s body?”

…Have you really been discovered?

Sano wasn’t too surprised that the gadgets he left behind were discovered. After all, this guy was also an FBI agent, so he couldn’t be too vigilant.

Originally, the probability of this could only be said to be half and half.

But the foreigner below, who was clearly a daring but actually a bait, confirmed the fact that Sano’s transmitter must have been discovered, and James also wanted to take this opportunity to fish, setting up traps in advance and waiting for him to come.

As for why Sano got into it even though he knew it was a trap.

Of course it’s not because Sano is confident that he can kill the opponent… Of course he is confident, but this is not the main reason, the main reason is.

There is no need to kill him at all.

Sano is currently wearing Kurosawa’s vest.

On the surface, he is an innocent legal citizen, but secretly he is a heroic superhero. He even saved James’ life just now, as long as Sano doesn’t mess around.

Why should the FBI touch itself?

The reason Sano chose to wear Kurosawa’s vest was not only to avoid trouble, but more importantly, it was unreasonable to use other vests.

Even if it’s a rye vest, no matter how unpredictable Sano is.

The transmitter does exist after all.

If he ignores it, if he thinks about today’s anomalies through James, Shuichi Akai will probably discover that Rye and Kurosawa are in the same group.

If Sano silences the entire FBI, the problem will be solved.

What if one of them escapes? What if something slips through the net?

Caution is the way to go.

This is the first rule Gin taught Sano.

What’s more, using two vests, Kurosawai and Rye, there is not much difference.

Sano didn’t say that he had to kill Shuichi Akai, otherwise he would feel uncomfortable all over. He wasn’t a murderous maniac who did nothing but kill all day long.

“Akai Shuichi isn’t there?”

Sano was too lazy to talk nonsense with James and directly brought up the topic, causing the other party to raise his eyebrows in surprise.

“What, you’re not here for me?”

Sano also raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: “Who are you?”

James: “…”

Gee, why is this person so annoying?

“Why are you looking for me?”

Before James could speak again, Shuichi Akai had already walked out of the darkness and stared directly at Sano.

Akai Shuichi remembered this man. Counting today’s meeting, it should be the third meeting between the two. However, the previous two times were not so much meetings, but that he simply saw each other.

Let alone anything else, the two parties didn’t even speak.

Therefore, Akai Shuichi really doesn’t understand why the other party wants to find him, especially in such an unreasonable way.

Since you know that you can find yourself by following James, you should also know that you are the FBI?

A bit troublesome.

But what’s even more troublesome is that the other party’s behavior on the bus that day always makes Akai Shuichi unconsciously think of the troublesome person who chased him all over Tokyo yesterday, even though there is no connection between the two.

Then this is definitely not a simple role.

It’s better to first understand the other party’s purpose and position.

Seeing Akai Shuichi showing his face, Sano smiled, finally his trip was not in vain.

“It’s very simple. I just want to see if I can form a team with you.”

“Team up?”

Akai Shuichi frowned in confusion. Although he had already guessed in his mind, he still confirmed it verbally: “Can you explain it more clearly?”

“Don’t you have trouble with the organization…that is, the winery? I just don’t have much trouble with them, so I just wanted to see if there is anything we can cooperate with.”

Sano replied, making Akai Shuichi narrow his eyes.

“I see, then we are all of the same mind.”

“I don’t think there’s any problem and we can definitely cooperate.”

Akai Shuichi smiled. Although the credibility of what the other party said was still unknown, compared to the possibility that the other party was an enemy, he was more willing to believe that the two parties were at least not hostile.

No matter it’s the other party’s attitude or the performance of the two previous actions.

This is true.

In addition, this person is not weak in strength. It can even be said that he is a bit too strong for people to understand. It seems that there is a mysterious “intelligence source” with unknown details… Otherwise, this guy was unlucky both times and happened to meet him. those things.

Anyway, Akai Shuichi didn’t believe it.

Not to mention that this guy still knows about his existence and his relationship with James.

Finally, Shuichi Akai and his team were conducting private cross-border operations. They were so secretive that they did not dare to make any noise, for fear that Neon officials would seize some leverage. Naturally, they would not have too much effective power.

The organization to be dealt with is even more terrifying.

So if you can have strong teammates to help each other.

So why not?

However, before Shuichi Akai could invite him to sit down and have a long conversation together, he saw the other party smiling and said: “I’m sorry, you seem to have misunderstood something. I didn’t come here to ask you if you want to cooperate. But I’m here to see if you have the qualifications to cooperate with me.”


Not to mention the miscellaneous soldiers next to him, even Shuichi Akai was stunned.

Sano ignored the FBI agents around him and didn’t even have time to lower their guns. He stepped up the steps step by step and came to Shuichi Akai.

“Is it difficult to understand? I want to try your skills.”

Akai Shuichi frowned slightly and looked at Sano.

“How do you want to try?”

After raising his hand to signal James to calm down, Shuichi Akai decided to satisfy his would-be teammate’s willfulness and asked Sano how he wanted to “compete.”

It just so happens that you can take this opportunity to test the other party’s abilities.

Sano touched his chin and said: “Then just be more direct. If you try to kill me, I will try to kill you. Whoever kills first will win. If you win, I will recognize your strength. It’s the simplest and clearest.”


Hearing this, a soldier with a very square face, which could even be said to have a face similar to that of Wo Gua, couldn’t help shouting: “Are you kidding? There is no competition that presupposes killing the opponent. Don’t go too far!”

“Don’t worry Cameron, I won’t die.”

Akai Shuichi smiled lightly and said: “I will accept this competition.”

The smile on Sano’s face became even bigger: “Then find a quieter place, preferably a bigger one, otherwise, I’m afraid you will die in a few seconds.”


Facing Sano’s ridicule, Akai Shuichi accepted it without comment.

Akai Shuichi admitted that this person is quite… he should be very powerful.

But so what.

Is he Akai Shuichi bad?

Not to mention Kurosawa who can dodge bullets, even Rye who can shuttle through the hail of bullets, Akai Shuichi is also confident to compete and even win. He has been avoiding the opponent just because he is afraid of trouble, or it is not necessary.

Make sure not to be killed, and stop in time at the point where you can definitely kill the opponent.

This is Shuichi Akai’s confidence.

…Then, the two were escorted by a group of FBI agents to a remote area.

Akai Shuichi, who was checking the firearms, turned around and saw Sano standing in the middle of the open space with his hands in his pockets, looking bored and waiting.

“Do you have a gun on you? You can borrow it from us if necessary.”

Hearing Akai Shuichi’s inquiry, Sano raised his eyebrows and refused: “No, I don’t like to use this thing. It won’t be of much use to me, but it will get in the way.”

…This guy is so arrogant.

Even Akai Shuichi couldn’t help but frown.

As an FBI agent, Akai Shuichi also worked as an undercover agent for several years. He has a deep enough exposure to another world outside the safe world of ordinary people.

Perhaps for some of the top beings in this world, they do have personalities that are not used to using firearms, or it can be said to be quirks. It is not particularly rare, but it is not very useful to have firearms, and it is still a hindrance.

It’s a little too outrageous.

Unless this guy has never practiced a gun at all and is a loser with no talent at all, no matter how strong he is in other aspects.

What I say is purely pretentious.

But Akai Shuichi didn’t want to get entangled in this trivial matter.

After putting down the gun in his hand, Shuichi Akai rolled up his sleeves and walked towards Sano: “In this case, to be fair, I won’t use the gun.”

Sano tilted his neck.

Does Shuichi Akai have anything to say about close combat?

In Sano’s impression, there seems to be no other setting except “number one in sniper technical organization”… Forget it, since the other party has stepped forward, he must have this confidence, and it’s not like he has never seen himself before Strength.

If Shuichi Akai was too strong, he wouldn’t be able to beat himself at all.

That proves that this guy really has no other highlights except his sniper skills.

That’s all.

Sano didn’t bother to struggle and put on a posture, as did Akai Shuichi.

It is worth mentioning that Akai Shuichi’s posture is a bit special.

Like martial arts with schools.

A wild road like Sano should be two completely different concepts.

…You can’t tell the genre, is it just a general knowledge, or does it mean you don’t understand melee combat at all?

Akai Shuichi was also observing Sano’s posture.

After finding that he couldn’t see the trick, Akai Shuichi decided to take the initiative to test.

“Ask me for advice!”

The ghostly figure quickly drew closer, and a hand knife was pointed directly at Sano’s eye.

…Is this a finger jab?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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