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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 395 394, it’s called Kudo Shinichi

Generally speaking, when people are particularly bored, they will basically have two reaction states.

One is looking for interesting things to do.

The second is that everything is troublesome and they just want to avoid it.

How to deal with specific things in detail depends on what the reaction is, so after rubbing my fingers.

Sano walked across the road anyway.

“You seem to be quite free.”


A group of people who were originally full of bitterness and hatred immediately turned their attention to Sano.

Among them, not to mention the fake child duo of Conan and Haibara Ai, not to mention the three real children who became nervous, Ayumi, Sato Miwako, Takagi Wataru and Shiratori Rensaburo, were a little embarrassed after they reacted.

…no special reason.

It’s because of Sano’s words, “You guys seem to have a lot of time.”

As criminal police officers, it is naturally impossible for the three of them to be “idle”. Sometimes, even during their vacation, they may be involved in a phone call.

I had to suspend my vacation and come back to work.

Not to mention the situation where three people are on vacation at the same time, it is difficult to happen… Today is undoubtedly a working day, but these are not important. What is important is that Sano seems to have misunderstood the three of them and was fishing during working hours, so he started to mock them.

“Ah… Sano, you came just in time. Ayumi seemed to have witnessed the appearance of a serial arsonist last night. We were planning to go to the scene to check the situation. Would you like to come with us? Maybe we can get something unexpected.”

Shiratori Rensaburo responded quickly, and his casual invitation not only paved the way for subsequent actions, but also secretly explained the situation to Sano.

…Well, that’s right, my group is not fishing.

But working on a case!


Sano nodded noncommittally, but…a serial arsonist.

He collided with his own lighter combination.

This time, in addition to the smell of the case, there is also the smell of the mission.

Just when Sano was about to accept the invitation and ask about the situation again, something unexpected happened on Miwako Sato’s end.

As a result, Sano could only wait and see for the time being.

Probably a few old men and women appeared…well, actually they were only forty or fifty years old.

Anyway, I met Miwako Sato and chatted with her for quite a while.

Finally, Miwako Sato introduced Sano.

“These are all teammates on my father’s high school baseball team.”

“Ace pitcher Hidero Saruwatari.”

A man wearing glasses with only a few barcodes on his head.

“Mr. Shikano Shuji, who runs very fast.”

A man with a slicked back hair, but his face smells like an old aunt.

“Mr. Mitsuo Inamata, the main player of the baseball team.”

A fat man.

“The beautiful manager of the baseball team, Miss Choko the Divine Bird.”

This is a real old aunt, but at least her face looks kind.

There’s nothing mean or acrimonious about it.

“Why do you guys get together?”

After the introduction, Miwako Sato asked curiously, and the other party replied, “We haven’t seen each other for a long time, so we went out to have a meal and a drink together.”

By the way, I came to see Miwako Sato’s father, Masayoshi Sato.

As he spoke, one of them placed the flowers next to a bouquet of flowers on the roadside.

Then he waved his hands and planned to say goodbye and leave.

“…What is the situation of Sato Miwako’s father?”

Conan was kicked in the butt and turned around helplessly to explain the situation to Sano.

It turned out that although Conan and his group had originally planned to go to Ayumi’s witness site to see if there were any clues, Miwako Sato had something of her own to do before that, which was to send flowers to her father.

Eighteen years ago today, Masayoshi Sato was involved in a traffic accident while chasing a robber and murderer, and died in the line of duty. But until the ambulance arrived, he was lying on the road here, still shouting something like “Sad thoughts.” Lang”.

Later, due to the death of Masayoshi Sato, who had mastered the key elements, the truth of the case could not be found out. The case was named “The Chou Sirou Case” and became an unsolved case. Even the prosecution period was already three years ago. past.

…But isn’t this an arson case? Why is it still related to the case so many years ago?

Sano frowned slightly, saying that this sudden old case had nothing to do with the current arson case, he wouldn’t believe it anyway.

Are the arsonist and the robber and murderer from that time the same?

“By the way, Officer Sato also said that if anyone can find out the truth about that case, she will agree to any request no matter what.”

Hearing this, Sano couldn’t help but twitch the corners of his eyes. He looked at Conan with a bit of shock in his eyes, and after a long silence, he asked.

“Then if you solve the case, what are you going to ask for?”

Conan smiled obscenely, and then said he wanted tickets to the game, which caused another period of silence from Sano.

“By the way, Haiyuan wants a brand-name bag, and Genta wants eel rice…”

Conan again explained his little friend’s dream in a small talk.

Then he asked Sano what he wanted.

Sano didn’t reply, but just looked at Takagi Wataru and Takagi Wataru who were secretly raising their ears: “What about you two, if you solve the case, what requests do you want to make?”

Both of their faces froze, and then they coughed faintly red.

“I, we, haven’t thought about it yet…”

Sano curled his lips: “Dirty adult.”


Takagi Wataru and Shiratori Rensaburo’s faces turned red and purple in an instant.

Conan and the real children all tilted their necks with question marks on their faces.

On the other hand, Haihara Ai glanced at Sano meaningfully and teased: “You know, only people with evil hearts will see everything as evil.”

“Then if you are not evil, why do you think I am evil?”

Sano calmly retaliated with tooth, making Haiyuan Ai twitch the corner of his mouth.

“What happen to you guys?”

It happened that Miwako Sato saw off the elders at this time, came over with some doubts, and asked about the extremely weird atmosphere at the scene.

Takagi Wataru and Shiratori Rensaburo naturally dealt with it in a panic.

Then, Officer Megure called, seemingly finding traces of the arsonist, and asked the two of them to quickly join the search team.

Then Takagi Wataru accidentally discovered that he had forgotten to bring his handcuffs. After a brief daze, Sato Miwako forcibly gave her handcuffs to the other party.

…Strictly speaking, they are the handcuffs of Miwako Sato’s dead father.

As for Miwako Sato’s own handcuffs.

Oh, Sano remembered. In the case that almost cost Dr. Agasa his life, he broke it. Maybe he was sent for repair, or maybe it couldn’t be repaired, but the new handcuffs It hasn’t been sent out yet.

…Is the operating capital of the Neon Police so insufficient?

You don’t even have spare handcuffs, so you still need to beat the workers with your father’s relics?

Amid Sano’s confusion, Takagi and Wataru drove away.

Then Conan raised new doubts, that is, Takagi Wataru’s action of checking the pistol before leaving, and the direction of the type of case investigation that the duo’s team, namely Officer Megure, should be responsible for.

To put it bluntly, ordinary arson cases should not be handled by this team.

Unless, this arson case is no longer an ordinary arson case.

Sure enough, Miwako Sato gave the answer, which was that a body was found near the scene of the fourth arson. It was speculated that it was a passerby who wanted to do something brave, but in the end, justice was executed in turn.

“This case is quite dangerous, so you must not leave my side later…”

As soon as Sato Miwako finished speaking, she thought of Sano next to her. She pursed her lips and stopped talking nonsense.

“Hey, that dog over there…”

At this moment, the real loli Ayumi suddenly shouted, causing everyone to subconsciously follow her gaze.

Naturally, Sano did the same, and then he saw Xiao Hei.

…To be precise, it was Xiao Hei wearing a special attack suit.

That’s right, special attack server.

Special attack suit? ? ?

What the hell is this? ?

Can anyone tell Sano what this dog is wearing?

…Sano used this tool dog a lot in the past two days to act as a space channel. I didn’t see this dog wearing anything like this during those times.

When did it happen and who did it?

Compared to Sano’s confusion, Conan was not too confused.

After all, it has become a default fact that Xiao Hei’s master died because of Hei.

So to, um, assert sovereignty?

There’s nothing surprising about giving it the characteristics of the Black Death.

But this is a good opportunity to open up the topic.

Conan’s eyes flashed. In fact, he had a lot of questions in his mind and wanted to “consult” Sano, but because it took too long, coupled with the previous situation and his understanding of the other party, he did not speak immediately. .

Now is the best time.

“Ale, isn’t that a black dog?”

Conan smiled and tugged at the corner of Sano’s clothes: “It’s really the same as what brother Sano said the other day. His real owner is terrible when he gets angry.”

… This kid just keeps trying. What the hell is this weird thing about?

Sano glanced sideways at Conan and lit a cigarette.



What about the response?

Just say “yes”? ?

Conan’s mouth twitched. Sure enough, Sano didn’t want to admit it.

“Why does Brother Sano know that the owner of this dog is Heishi?”

Conan continued to pursue, and became more and more bold, or straight to the point. Apart from the completely confused trio of real children and Haibara Ai who was watching from the sidelines, Miwako Sato was also keeping a close eye on Sano.

Naturally, Conan was not the only one who was curious about this matter.

And if you really want to talk about it, things related to black death are not all in the category of gossip mind or not. They can be counted as serious business.

I am not afraid that Miwako Sato will not join the game, so I can use her strength.

Conan didn’t believe that Sano could continue to act stupid!

However, Sano still looked bored: “I don’t know it’s Black Death, I only know that there are others besides me feeding it.”

“How do you know?”

“It told me.”

Conan: “???”

Conan turned his head and looked across the road, facing Xiao Hei who was scratching in the corner. The corner of his mouth twitched and said: “I say, you should be perfunctory and perfunctory in a reasonable way. If the dog told you, you should let him come over and tell me. me?”

Sano flicked the ashes of his cigarette and said, “Sorry, I’m never perfunctory. If I didn’t want to pay attention to you, I wouldn’t even hold you in my mouth. I’m serious.”


Conan stared at Sano with suspicion, and then gradually turned into hesitation and worry.

“Sano, are you…hearing a hallucination?”

“I fantasize about you Male Gobi.”

Sano kicked Conan on the butt and rolled his eyes: “I also know that it already had a name before me. If you don’t believe it, try it?”

“what name?”

Miwako Sato finally intervened.

“Kudo Shinichi.”

Sano replied.


Conan stared and shouted: “Hey, hey, a personal attack is a bit too much!”

“Personal attacks?”

Sato Miwako and Conan’s friends all cast doubtful glances at him.

…Actually, it’s not wrong to say that what Sano just said was a personal attack.

But the problem is that Conan is not the one being attacked, so why is he so anxious?

Conan’s body froze, and Haihara Ai next to him had dead eyes.

If one person tries his best to stumble, the other person will be tripped by him.

What kind of teammates are you?

After finally being fooled, Conan finally stopped talking, but Sato Miwako’s curiosity was aroused: “Sano, that dog is really called Kudo Shinichi. I remember there was a famous detective in high school who seemed to be the same.” He must be called by this name, does Heishi have anything to do with him?”


“But Brother Sano, didn’t you always call him Xiaohei before?”

A real child couldn’t help but asked.

…Although Sano didn’t get a response when he called Xiao Hei. Instead, he got feedback when he called Silly Dog. But if you say that this guy’s real name is Kudo Shinichi, no matter how you look at it, you think it’s a joke. .

To put it bluntly, I am still curious whether what Sano said is true or false.

Sano did not engage in unnecessary verbal arguments about this, but just turned his gaze to Xiao Hei opposite.

I shouted “Xiao Hei”, but there was no movement.

He yelled “silly dog” again, but still no movement.

At the end, he said “Kudou Shinichi”. After twitching his ears, Xiao Hei quickly turned his head to look at Sano, and then came over wagging his tail.

“Be good, be good, you are so good, Kudo Shinichi.”

Sano knelt down and touched Xiao Hei’s head.

On the other hand, he kept chanting “Kudo Shinichi” and “Kudo Shinichi”. Every time he said it, it seemed like a knife was stabbed in Conan’s little heart.

“You can also touch it, but you have to call it Kudo Shinichi, otherwise it will be unhappy and bite people if it is unhappy. Do you understand?”

Upon hearing Sano’s words, the eyes of several real children immediately lit up.

“Can, is it okay?”


So, a bunch of people gathered around a dog on the roadside, petting it and saying “Kudo Shinichi”, which made Conan’s expression become more and more…abstract.

In the end, even Haihara Ai joined the large army.

Conan immediately covered his heart, feeling like he couldn’t breathe.

…Heh, aren’t you curious about things related to Xiao Hei?

This was revealed so carefully, you must be very happy, right?

Sano watched Conan’s reaction with his peripheral vision and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Of course, this operation was planned by Sano secretly through mental communication with Xiao Hei. Of course, it was just incidental. His main purpose was to find out where this guy got such… dog skin.

The answer was – Huang Mao made it for Xiao Hei.

…It seems that I am really too friendly with these “subordinates”.

One is free enough to fall in love, and the other is free enough to make clothes for dogs.


Let them be happy for two more days.

A warm smile appeared on Sano’s face, but it made the two tomboys who were secretly observing him shiver unconsciously.

Why does this guy laugh so horribly?

Isn’t my nightmare over yet? ?

Conan gasped, his heart constantly sending out “escape” signals.

But the investigation of the case had to continue after all. After Sano went to the toilet, the group got into Miwako Sato’s car and headed to their destination.

…Of course, this toilet is not really meant to be used.

The incident happened suddenly, and Sano’s clone was completely a clone.

Apart from those eyes, there was no equipment around him.

What’s more important is that Sano completely forgot that his main body was at home.

That guy, his screams are really special…

Alas, the soundproofing panels must be arranged as soon as possible.

Although Sano is also confident that Ito Taka will be so busy that he will not even have time to return home, but since he has learned such a “lesson”, it is always right to make more preparations.

At the entrance of an alley, Ayumi was vividly describing what she saw last night.

Yuantai is greedy for the Masked Superman game console.

“What’s good about Masked Superman is that the black mask is visible and tangible, isn’t it?”

Conan wanted to use the topic again, but unfortunately this time Sano didn’t even pick him up. No matter how sinister and weird he was, he didn’t even look at him.

It wasn’t until Conan couldn’t help but want to take action that Sano glanced away.

Conan immediately shrank back in a cold sweat.

…Can’t this guy even learn a lesson?

Hui Yuan Ai sighed helplessly and raised his hand to rub his temples.

“Sano, do you have any ideas?”

Miwako Sato then asked Sano.

Sano shook his head and said nothing. The case seemed to be in trouble for the time being.


At this moment, Miwako Sato’s cell phone rang. When she took it out and connected it, it turned out to be Wataru Takagi.

“Hey, Officer Sato, I know, I know who Chou Silang is!”

Hearing this, Sato Miwako, Sano and others raised their eyebrows in surprise, and then waited with bated breath for Takagi Wataru’s answer.

Unfortunately, after a scream, only a vague conversation between Takagi Wataru and Shiratori Rensaburo came from the other end of the phone… Can’t you tell me the answer first?

Sano curled his lips speechlessly.

Just thinking that Takagi Wataru is not someone who likes to show off, this situation gave Sano a bad feeling…feeling like this is going to end?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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