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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 396 395, Sano: I, you are trustworthy!

To be honest, Sano actually has little confidence in Takagi Wataru’s abilities.

Sano simply has some confidence in Takagi Wataru’s character.

An honest person.

He should not lie or make baseless assumptions.

Especially in this situation.

Sano tentatively assumed that Takagi Wataru had grasped the truth.

And now that the root of the matter has been uncovered, it is natural that they must communicate with each other as soon as possible.

To avoid long nights and endless dreams.

So Sano began to urge Sato Miwako to contact the other party quickly.

However, there was still no gain.

Sano took the mobile phone from Sato Miwako’s hand without hesitation, and said coldly to Takagi Wataru: “You damn boy better be dead, otherwise, even if you don’t die, I guarantee you will.”

“…I’m here, I’m here!”

Listening to Sano’s voice on the other end of the phone, as if he wanted to eat him alive, Takagi Wataru finally responded hastily, fearing that he would be resented if he was a step too late… There was nothing he could do, what happened to Officer Megure earlier? Woolen cloth.

That time, just by being a tool, my skin was almost torn off.

If this becomes the rightful owner…then he’d better buy a coffin as soon as possible.

“I’m sorry, I just…”

Takagi Wataru was about to explain the reason for his sudden “loss of contact” when he was impatiently interrupted by Sano.

“Let’s get down to business!”

“Ah…ah, good!”

Takagi Wataru planned to tell his “reasoning” again, and then… halfway through, when he was about to say his name, he screamed and there was no movement.

Sano: “…”

Onlookers: “…”

“My darn thing!”

After taking a deep breath, Sano threw the phone to the ground and cursed angrily.

Next to her, Miwako Sato widened her eyes, looked at the corpse of the mobile phone on the ground, then looked at Sano, her mouth moved, but she still didn’t dare to make a sound.

But just because Sato Miwako didn’t say anything didn’t mean that Sano would ignore her.

After turning his head, Sano looked at Sato Miwako with a very indescribable look.

If I had to say it, it would be two words.


…Damn it, it’s none of her business, it’s not Miwako Sato who’s procrastinating!

Sato Miwako pursed her lips very innocently.

But Takagi Wataru is from the police after all, and he and Miwako Sato are teammates.

So it’s not surprising that he was even seated…

Only Haihara Ai reminded helplessly: “Um, Officer Takagi must be in trouble. Should we care about his safety first?”

“Oh yes.”

Miwako Sato finally remembered that this was not the time to mess around, so she quickly took out her mobile phone to call her teammates. Alas, where did her mobile phone go…

His eyes turned to Sano.

Sano took out his mobile phone, but did not hand it to Sato Miwako.

Instead, he called Officer Megure himself.

…Is this girl afraid of “reciprocating”?

Miwako Sato twitched her lips speechlessly, thinking that she was as childish as the other person.

Soon, Sano got in touch with Officer Megure, and through him he connected with Shiratori Rensaburo, and finally came to the conclusion that Takagi Wataru left alone.

Suspected to be in distress.

Officer Megure immediately arranged a team to conduct a search at Takagi Wataru’s previous location.

After Sano hung up the phone, Conan began to turn his nimble little head and said: “Just now, Officer Takagi seemed to have said that the murderer back then was someone your father knew, Officer Sato, right? The one you met before Did the members of my father’s high school baseball team say where they were going to drink?”

Hearing this, Miwako Sato frowned: “Do you doubt them?”

Conan said nothing, which was considered acquiescence.

Miwako Sato glanced hesitantly at Sano who was silent on the other side.

Still told the answer.

“…I really didn’t expect that the person who killed Officer Sato’s father was actually someone he knew.”

Mitsuhiko sighed with emotion.

Sano glanced at the child and said casually: “Otherwise, why do you think Masayoshi Sato still didn’t directly reveal the identity of the murderer when the ambulance arrived?”


The real children were stunned, and then they suddenly realized that there was such a loophole in Sato Miwako’s description at that time.

Mitsuhiko bravely asked Sano for advice: “But Officer Sato’s father knows so many people, why must it be among those four people?”

“Not necessarily.”

Sano lit a cigarette: “This is just speculation… After all, except for those four people, there are no other suspicious targets within our knowledge.”

“Oh, I see.”

Mitsuhiko nodded thoughtfully: “Let’s make a bold assumption first, and then verify it…”

While Sano was talking nonsense with the three little brats, Conan had already completed the exchange with Sato Miwako. The four “suspects” went to a pub near Shinagawa Station, and Takagi Wataru was also at Shinagawa Station. The “suspect” caught nearby, so if he really discovered the truth about the case and happened to be heard while making the phone call…

“Let’s go to that tavern first!”

So, the group of people came to the tavern again.

It’s a pity that we arrived late, the four guys had already dispersed and gone home.

However, this does not mean that the presence of Sano and others is meaningless. Miwako Sato asked the owner of the tavern about the situation of the four people, and the owner also told all the exchanges between the four people that he heard.

Sano listened briefly, turned around and realized that he had forgotten everything.

I don’t even remember a single thing… Oh, I remember a fart.

It’s the man named… I forgot his name, but he has the face of an aunt.

It was said that this guy had stayed abroad for three years before.

As for why Sano remembers this incident, firstly, Conan said previously that the prosecution period for Sato Masayoshi’s case ended exactly three years ago, and secondly, the word “foreign” always reminds him of certain volumes. The guy who ran away with his money.

Suspicions are growing.

Sano rubbed his fingers. Unfortunately, although he had doubted these four people before, it was because they were clones and they only came out to throw away garbage.

He didn’t have a hammer with him.

Otherwise, you can test it out at the beginning.

In addition, during the eight… well, during the investigation, Sano also learned about another thing.

That was Miwako Sato’s father, who actually did not die in a traffic accident.

But he was killed.

Witnesses said they saw Masayoshi Sato being pushed in front of an oncoming truck.

This led to his death in a “car accident”.

Just when the case seemed to have reached a frozen stage again, Haihara Ai, who was waiting in the car, suddenly ran in with a map and explained it.

Haibara Ai deduced what she thought was the arsonist’s fifth and final arson location – the basis of the reasoning was that the suspect tried to outline a word “fire” on the map. .

…Is this thing reliable?

Sano looked at Haibara Ai with some suspicion. The reasoning of Conan, the god of plague, was not only a bit surprising, but also a bit unbelievable.

[Please ensure that no one dies in the mission target location within the mission time limit. You will receive 100 strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the mission is – 00:59:59].

The sudden mission made Sano stunned… What the hell, he was led astray by Conan. Why are you staring at the useless truth and wondering?

Slipping away.

Sano left the tavern quietly.

When Conan and the others noticed that Sano was missing, when they went out to take a look, they found that the trio of real children who were waiting in the car were actually there.

There was no trace either.

His face was suddenly confused.

…What the hell is going on?

Group disappears?

How can this “elusive” setting be contagious? ?

It happened that Shiratori Rensaburo arrived at this time. After a conversation, Conan suddenly realized and thought of how Takagi Wataru saw the truth of the case that year.

However, before Conan could speak, his detective armband buzzed again.

Near a warehouse in Shinagawa.

The trio of real children were huddled in the corner, reporting the situation and location to Conan through their detective armbands… Probably the three of them happened to see the arsonist passing by while waiting in the car, so they followed him.

After hanging up the “phone”, Mitsuhiko was silent for a long time, and couldn’t help but ask in a trembling voice: “Speaking of which, we just followed him subconsciously. Have you ever thought about what we should do if Brother Sano gets angry?”

Hearing this, Bu Mei and Tai were stunned for a moment, and then fell silent.

“Why didn’t you talk about such an important issue until now?”

Genta asked with a pale face.

“Didn’t I forget about this? Otherwise, I would have contacted Conan from the beginning. At least I would have someone to share the blame with…”

Mitsuhiko replied with a sad face.

The three little kids were silent for a while, and at the same time their legs became weak and they sat down on the ground.

My life is over…

It wasn’t until a while later that the trio regained some of their energy.

“Conan, why hasn’t he arrived yet?”

As soon as Genta finished muttering, he felt something was wrong again.

Conan is here, so how can Sano be far away?

…It would be better not to come over at all.

“How long has it been? How could it be so fast?”

Mitsuhiko replied smoothly, which made Genta get excited: “It’s already been ten minutes, okay, how much longer do you want, if you don’t hurry up, people will run away.”

“It’s not even ten minutes, it’s only five minutes at most!”

Mitsuhiko then took out his watch, trying to prove that his words were correct.

But because the surroundings were too dark, the trio couldn’t see the watch clearly.

At this moment, a warm fire appeared behind the trio.

“You should be able to see clearly now.”

“Ah…thank you…”

Before Mitsuhiko finished saying thank you, he suddenly realized something was wrong. The trio turned around at the same time, with a ferocious smiling face with bloodshot eyes.

clear and distinct.

Panic suddenly came to mind.

“Ah, you can indeed see it quite clearly.”

A plain voice came from behind the man, and the man’s smile suddenly froze.

Looking back, a young face was looking down at him.

This moment, this scene.

Just like how the man treated the trio before.

It’s just that this time the man is no longer the superior, but the complete inferior.

“You guy!”

In shock and anger, the man pulled out the dagger that shone with cold light.




Looking at the arsonist who just screamed and fell to the ground, the trio slowly raised their heads and looked at Sano, who was holding a hammer and looking cold.

I was a little surprised and excited.

After reacting, it cooled down again, even more than before.

Sano turned his attention to the trio, making the three little kids as if they were stone statues, daring not to move.

“Why act privately?”

Facing Sano’s question, Mitsuhiko hesitated for a while before he said “I forgot”.

“That’s a really good reason.”

Sano sneered: “I hope that one day in the future when you are really responsible for a case, you will also be able to forget important clues, which will prevent the murderer from being caught and lead to the innocent death of your teammates. Good detectives in the future of Neon.”


So weird.

The faces of the trio were all burning with embarrassment.

Sano didn’t bother to talk to the trio, and he wasn’t his child. He only said more because the trio helped him get his vest back earlier.

And it is “protected” in a substantial sense.

So it doesn’t matter if you mention it, it doesn’t cost anything anyway.

After turning around, Sano walked towards the burning warehouse.

Seeing this, Mitsuhiko immediately shouted in confusion: “Brother Sano, we have inquired, this is an abandoned warehouse, there should be no one in it…”


Sano looked back at Mitsuhiko, making him immediately realize that he had said the wrong thing.

But the words are wrong and right.

You can’t put another life at high risk just because of a weak possibility, right?

“I know what you’re thinking, but you don’t know what I’m thinking.”

Sano waved his hand: “Just stay here.”

After saying that, Sano stepped directly across the flames of the warehouse door, his figure gradually blurring.

Until it disappears.

Ignoring the flames and walking into the warehouse, Sano began to search for all living creatures.

In this case, first of all, it was the extremely obvious “arsonist” who was competing against the lighter team, and then there was the need to ensure that no one died in an area. If this was the case, Sano would still not understand what the risk factors were.

It would be better to go home and listen to Ito Takazo.

It was just that when he went out and found that the trio in the car was missing, Sano thought that the target was these three kid who wanted to die, but who knew that when he got there, he discovered that although these three kid wanted to die, they were not completely dead. seek death.

So who is waiting for him to save in this warehouse fire scene?

A name came to mind, but it seemed unlikely.

…I still can’t figure out what kind of inside story the case of Masayoshi Sato was that could be related to this arson case.

Arriving at a corner of the warehouse, Sano saw Takagi Wataru who was handcuffed to an iron window, sweating profusely, and desperately hitting the window with the butt of his gun.

Last time it was Sato Miwako who was handcuffed, this time it was Takagi Wataru.

Is this what is called fun?

After watching for a few seconds, Sano finally said: “What are you doing?”

The sudden sound made Takagi Wataru tremble, and he turned his head to look, but his face showed more fright: “Sano, why are you here!?”

“I should ask you this.”

Sano rubbed the lighter with his left hand in his pocket: “Don’t tell me that you used up all the bullets in the gun and didn’t hit the handcuffs.”


Why do these words feel a bit familiar… Oh, Zhang Dapao has done this before.

Takagi Wataru on the opposite side blinked and quickly explained that the handcuffs were a relic of Sato Miwako’s father, so he didn’t want to damage them.

I was afraid that Sato Miwako would be sad because of this.


After Sano nodded, he turned and left.

Takagi Shedou stared and shouted quickly.

“Hey, hey, hey, Sano, don’t leave yet, you’re already here, help me!”

Takagi Wataru never expected that Sano would choose to turn around and leave directly after asking. Normally, in such a scene.

Will anyone choose to turn a blind eye and do nothing to save him? ?

Sano paused and turned around: “You won’t let me touch the handcuffs, how can I help?”

“Here, you can also help me pry the window…”

Takagi Wataru replied with some embarrassment.

“I don’t quite understand why you would ask me for help.”

Sano glanced at the fire that was getting stronger and stronger around him: “Generally speaking, as police officers, shouldn’t you all be selfless at times like this and ask citizens like us to evacuate as soon as possible to avoid risks?”


Takagi Wataru rubbed the back of his head: “That’s true, but I always feel… if it were you, Sano, nothing would go wrong.”

Sano raised his eyebrows and laughed.

“Good guy, so I am so trustworthy in your heart?”


Takagi Wataru smiled sheepishly.

“Okay, for the sake of this trust, I will help you.”

Sano walked up to Takagi Wataru and raised the hammer in his hand.

Just when Takagi Wataru thought Sano was going to knock on the iron window… the hammer fell on his head, and it hit him several times!

Takagi Wataru immediately lost consciousness.

In fact, with the setting of Takagi Wataru, an honest man, superimposed as a detective, Sano may not be able to knock him out even if he hits him a dozen times, let alone a few times.

But who told this guy to just take a sap?

The blood on his head was still flowing loudly, so the difficulty of knocking him out was naturally greatly reduced.

Of course, Takagi Wataru’s hands were cuffed anyway.

Even if you don’t get dizzy after a few hits, you can just hit it a few more times. What a big deal.

…And just when Sano entered the warehouse, outside the warehouse.

“Hikari, Mitsuhiko, Brother Sano has gone in, what should we do?”

Because of what happened just now, Genta had already instinctively regarded Mitsuhiko as the backbone of the team to replace Conan, and asked him about the next direction.

Mitsuhiko hesitated for a few seconds before taking out his detective armband.

“Listen to the command and wait quietly. Contact Conan to explain the situation.”

“What’s happening?”

Conan’s voice came from behind, and the trio turned to look.

Shiratori Rensaburo, Haibara Ai and Conan have arrived.


The two parties quickly completed the exchange.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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