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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 399 398, Huang Mao: Don’t even give it to the dog


This made the three people who were still suddenly enlightened and thoughtful stared at the same time.

“Are you kidding? How could we know this thing!?”

“You can’t and can’t be worse than me. I don’t believe that three cobblers can produce a Zhuge Liang. There will always be one who can do it.”

Before the three of them could speak again, Sano turned his eyes and looked at each other one by one.

There were only two words in his eyes.


“…I didn’t say that. Letting a man do this kind of thing is the wrong direction.”

Conan continued to argue for himself without giving up: “Xiaolan, for example, is very good at this. Wouldn’t it be better for you to ask her directly than to ask us?”

“Because this kind of thing is very troublesome, not a trivial matter.”

Conan waited for two seconds, but failed to wait for the follow-up, and suddenly stared in disbelief: “So, because it is troublesome, you are embarrassed to trouble her, then why are you embarrassed to trouble us!?”

“Because I’m not troubling you.”

Sano calmly lit up his cigarette: “It’s a deal. As for Mao Lilan, I have no handle on her.”

Three people: “…”

Say it, say it?

You actually said it out loud?

What could have been considered a tacit “threat” hidden under the surface was now exposed by Sano as a “handle”.

This made the three of them speechless and also very helpless.

…Who makes me really have leverage in Sano’s hands, and there are three of them.

The God of Plague duo and Ito Takashi looked at each other.

A feeling of sympathy for each other arises spontaneously.

The distance between the three people was instantly shortened.

Then, the three people started working… No, it should be said four people.

Because Sano also has to continue.

Sano did not forget that the task required him to weave what he needed “with his own hands”.

Therefore, Sano asked the three people to help, not because he wanted them to knit gloves and then use them, but because he wanted them to “teach” him how to knit gloves.

This originally made the three of them relieved.

Since you don’t need to do it yourself, it will probably be much easier.

But who knew that the “teaching” arranged by Sano was still for the three of them to weave, while he watched from the side and tried his best to “replicate” their every step through careful observation.

But that’s not the most devastating thing.

The most devastating thing is that Sano is like a disabled person with both hands and can’t “learn” at all. Even Taka Ito has made a pair of gloves that can barely be seen, but the ones in his hands are still the same. A mess of threads.

“It won’t work even if we continue like this until dawn tomorrow!”

Seeing that the sun was approaching the west, Hattori Heiji finally became anxious.

“Brother, Gong and I… Conan has other things to do next. How about you let us two go? Anyway, he has already done it. Just ask him to teach you. We two useless people stay here.” It’s of no use.”

Facing Hattori Heiji’s finger, Ito Takashi became anxious.

Even if you really want to run away, you actually want to leave yourself alone to suffer?

“No, Master, what I did just now was just a coincidence. Why not let the two of them stay too, maybe there will be some unexpected gains?”

Hattori Heiji couldn’t help but stare when he heard that Ito Taka did not seek an escape opportunity for his excuse, but instead tried to drag the two of him into the water.

What good does it do you to harm others without benefiting yourself? ?

In response to Hattori Heiji’s eye attack, a smile appeared on Ito Takashi’s face——

If you want to die, die together!

No one can even think about running away!

After a while, the relationship between the two parties that was slightly closer because of their sympathy for the same disease was shattered in an instant.

Just when the atmosphere became tense, another figure appeared.

changed the situation.

“What are you doing here?”

Conan turned around and saw Huang Mao wearing a special attack suit, and his eyes immediately widened.

Isn’t this the second in command of Black Death? Why is he here?

Did he come here to find Sano?

That was such a God-given opportunity!

The last issue between Sano and Black Death… was not pleasantly confused anyway.

This time it was actually delivered to my door.

Conan instantly lost his desire to “escape”. On the contrary, he had to stay. Even if Sano drove him away, he would not abandon his friends!

But just when Conan was thinking about how to guide the situation later.

Surprisingly, Sano did not show any “resistance” to Huang Mao’s appearance. Instead, his eyes lit up and he waved to him.

Huang Mao tilted his neck. Although he was a little confused, he still moved forward.

“What’s up?”

“Teach me how to knit gloves.”


Huang Mao’s eyes turned to the balls of wool on the ground. After a few seconds of silence, he slowly typed out a row of dots: “…I can’t do this either.”


Sano raised his eyebrows and strangled Huang Mao’s neck.

“It shouldn’t be. Hei Shi said that the clothes you made for Xiao Hei were pretty good-looking. He also said that he would reward you well, well, well later.”

Huang Mao was suddenly strangled by Sano’s neck, and he was still a little dissatisfied.

But after hearing this, his hands and feet felt cold.

What the hell…when did the boss know about this?

Huang Mao can be sure that his memory is correct. His boss has not asked him about the little black clothes, and this matter is other than him.

Only the mistress knows.

Informer, traitor!

Huang Mao felt a little depressed, but what made him even more depressed was that he had worked so hard to make such a good dress for the boss’s dog, so it would be fine if he didn’t praise himself a few words.

Why are you still angry?

Originally, Huang Mao was quite looking forward to it. After his boss saw the clothes on his dog, he showed a little surprise or even surprise, and then he said a few words of shame and humility… The result was like this?

…Although Sano did say there was a “reward” just now.

But Huang Mao is not a fool after all, so those three “good”s are just like a sentencing declaration.

Don’t you understand what’s going on?

After recovering his thoughts, Huang Mao opened Sano’s arm, straightened up, took a deep breath, rubbed his palms, and showed a flattering smile.

“Of course it’s no problem, my good neighbor. I can teach you whatever you want me to do. Apart from fighting, what I’m best at is sewing and mending!”

“Just leave it to me and feel at ease!”

Looking at the inexplicably familiar scene and development in front of them, although the three Conan people next to them did not hear Sano’s whispers against his yellow-haired ears.

But you can probably still know.

This is another unlucky guy who Sano has the handle on.



Unlike Ito Takashi and Hattori Heiji, Conan, who was well aware of Huangmao’s status, expressed doubts about the “relationship” the other party just proposed.

Unfortunately, Sano ignored Conan.

With a master teammate like Huang Mao here, these cheaters can naturally be thrown away.

Sano waved his hand and sent the three people away.

Then the formal study work began.

What a pity… until it got dark, Sano and Huang Mao had to go inside and turn on the lights.

The progress of things is still pitifully slow.

…To be honest, Huang Mao had expected Sano’s “skills”.

Because there is quite a lot of waste at the stairwell.

It was precisely because of the shocking endgame that Huang Mao panicked and said that he was not good at this. Otherwise, let alone being friends with his boss, just being a neighbor would be enough for him to help. .

But it turned out that Huang Mao still underestimated the difficulty of this matter.


After his finger was pricked by the needle again, Sano retracted his hand with a hiss, and sucked the red dot off his finger twice skillfully, then continued threading the needle and patiently finished the last step. He let out a long breath with bright eyes, as if he had let out all the depression in his heart.

“It’s finally done!”

Looking at Sano who was relieved, Huang Mao didn’t say anything. He just lowered his head and glanced at the pair of gloves on the table, and couldn’t help but slowly type a few points.

…Are you really sure this thing can be considered a glove?

You don’t necessarily want it for your dog, right?

After hesitating for a few seconds, Huang Mao finally spoke.

“Brother, are you done with this?”

Sano was stunned: “What else?”

…It seems like the two sides are not on the same channel at all.

Huang Mao rubbed his temples with a headache. On his side, the progress bar had finally increased a little, almost 1%, but on Sano’s side, the progress bar had actually been filled up. He thought it’s over?

After hesitating for a few seconds, Huang Mao still reminded: “Brother, if I remember correctly, you seemed to have said before that this pair of gloves is going to be sold at the charity fair, and it must be sold. Right?”


“Then do you think anyone would buy a pair of gloves that look like rags?”

Sano: “…”

Although Sano also felt that Huang Mao was right, he said it was a rag.

Isn’t that a bit much?

After all, it is the result of my hard work, besides.

At least it can be put on your hands. Can it be put on a rag?

After smacking his lips in displeasure, Sano said a few perfunctory words to Huang Mao.

Plan to fool him.

Seeing this, Huang Mao made another suggestion.

“If that doesn’t work, just knit a scarf.”

“Woven scarves?”

Before Sano could question, Huang Mao nodded and said, “Well, knitting scarves is much simpler than knitting gloves. It is the most basic and elementary thing. With your current level, you may be able to barely make it into something you can see.”

…Having said that, when Sano was in middle and high school in his previous life, he seemed to have seen many little girls secretly knitting scarves during class.

Although Sano never received it.

“It seems that little girl didn’t tell you that you must knit gloves, right?”

Huang Mao’s words woke up the dreamer, but Sano, who had finally climbed over the high wall, was suddenly told that the door next to him was not closed, to be honest.

My mood didn’t get better.

On the contrary, it was even more uncomfortable.

“Didn’t you tell me earlier?”

Facing Sano’s questioning, Huang Mao blinked innocently.

“I just thought of it. Hurry up and I should be able to get it done before going to bed tonight.”

Get rid of you big-headed devil.

Sano rolled his eyes and chose to ignore Huang Mao’s urging.

all will be good.

As long as it’s recognizable as a glove.

As for whether it can be sold later, we will wait and see later.

In the days to come, at least until Sano dies, I don’t want to touch needlework again.

Huang Mao originally wanted to give a few more words of advice, but then he thought about it.

This is none of your business in the first place, why do you care so much?

Wouldn’t it be great to retreat as soon as possible?

So Huang Mao smoothly became a tool that could be used and thrown away, and he went home to sleep.

After driving Huang Mao away, Sano also quickly went out.

Sano wanted to finish knitting gloves as soon as possible. Apart from the lack of patience, the more important factor was… well, the former was the main factor.

By the way, Sano received a new mission.

Probably the Plague God duo killed someone or someone again.

[Please help Officer Megure find the truth within the mission time limit. You will get 100 strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the mission is – 02:59:59].

Knew it.

Sano came to a deserted place and switched vests.

… Logically speaking, Sano should contact Conan or Officer Megure as his true identity at this time, so that he can find the mission and intervene in a reasonable way. At the same time, he can also take the opportunity to understand the situation and help solve the case.

But that was the situation yesterday.

Today, it’s different.

Sanoye’s head moved: “Dahei, report the location, received the reply.”

A high-end apartment.

Officer Memu is leading the team upstairs.

After seeing Conan, Judy, and Hattori Heiji standing in front of the deceased’s house with thoughtful expressions on their faces, Officer Megure first glanced at the door.

It’s closed.

After heaving a sigh of relief, Officer Megure smiled and said, “It seems that you learned the lesson this time and did not enter the scene to check before the police arrived.”

Before Conan could speak, a voice came from behind Officer Megure.

“Ha, do you actually think that creatures like detectives would choose to keep to themselves, especially pretentious high school detectives like this?”

Officer Memu was stunned and looked back to see a man in a suit holding a cigarette walking towards him.

“Who are you……”

“Uncle Kurosawa!”

Conan’s eyes immediately lit up: “Why are you here?”


Upon hearing Conan’s greeting, the expressions of Judy, Hattori Heiji, and Officer Megure all changed in different ways.

“Are you, Kurosawa?”

Officer Memu, who had the least worries, chose to speak directly: “I know you. Your name has been mentioned in the reports and records of several cases.”

In fact, Officer Megure didn’t say anything yet.

That was mentioned in the last, most recent case report record.

Kurosawa is suspected of being Black Mask.

But it was just a suspicion, and after that case, Conan secretly reminded the police that Black Mask’s identity was exposed.

It may have a bad impact.

Considering Black Mask’s past “contributions”, Officer Megure was naturally willing to help.


Although he was very curious, Officer Megure suppressed his curiosity for the time being.

“So, you’re here for this case?”

Officer Megure asked tentatively.


Sano nodded and admitted: “A client entrusted me to solve this case.”


Conan, Hattori Heiji and Officer Megure asked almost simultaneously.

“Sorry, this is customer privacy.”

Sano pretended to roll up his sleeves and glanced at his non-existent watch.

“Besides, I’m in a hurry. I only have ten minutes, so don’t waste my time.”

“…You want to solve this case within ten minutes?”

Hattori Heiji was a little surprised and said: “How much do you know about the status of this case, and you dare to be so confident? Aren’t you afraid of being embarrassed?”

Sano didn’t respond, just looked at Officer Megure.

After Officer Memu was stunned for a few seconds, he finally came to his senses: “Then let’s go in and take a look first.”

After opening the door and entering the house, Officer Megure’s first words were.

“You guys came in before, are you sure the door is locked?”


“Then it’s very likely that he committed suicide, right?”

“No, we think there is a high probability of foul play.”

Speaking of this, Hattori Heiji glanced at Sano… The background of today’s case is simple to say the least, and deep to say it is indeed very deep. In the final analysis.

We have to start with the reason why Hattori Heiji came to Tokyo.

…That seems a little too deep.

Anyway, it was Conan who needed help, so Dr. Ari took it upon himself to call Hattori Heiji over. After some exchanges, Conan revealed that in the original Cupido Hotel, the female star Chrissy Wynyard was most likely Pease. Teammates of the Section, that is, members of that organization.

Unfortunately, Chris Wynyard disappeared after that.

From this, Hattori Heiji brought up the question of the suspicious foreign woman next to Conan.

Then, after going to Sano’s house, the duo came to Judy’s house to test.

Unfortunately, before the results of the temptation came out, the dead came out first.

Just when the three of them were going downstairs to have dinner, an uncle fell from more than 20 floors and fell like a piece of meat.

After conducting a preliminary investigation, Conan and the other two men immediately came to the deceased’s home to investigate.

It is basically certain that the deceased did not commit suicide.

But this conclusion was reached after two rounds of investigations on my side.

This Kurosawa is “new here”, why did he blurt out a “case” just now?

Hattori Heiji remembered what Conan had mentioned to him about the bus hijacking incident.

In that case, Kurosawa seemed to have shown great powers of observation.

Perhaps it can also be called reasoning ability.

And this guy seems to claim to be a private detective?

“Mr. Kurosawa, what do you think?”

Hattori Heiji threw the topic to Sano, now that the words were out.

Then you can’t show it?

“Or do you need to hear our summary of clues first?”

Sano glanced at Hattori Heiji and probably understood what the other person was thinking.

Unfortunately, Sano does not have the observation skills to see through the scene at a glance.

He doesn’t even have the reasoning ability to identify the murderer with just a few words.

But Sano has a plug-in.

After the God of Plague duo appeared, Sano understood that there must be a bloody disaster in Tokyo today, which also represented the possibility of a mission. In addition, Daikoku’s “evolution” had been rapid recently and he had been able to summon Neon.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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