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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 4 4. Is this the strongest villain?

“That guy is at most a primary school student. Why did he come to a middle school? Is he the target of my mission?”

Sano suddenly shook his head again.

No, the red dot on the system map is the location of the mission target, and that red dot has always been in Erqiao Middle School, so how could it be the dog knight who just arrived.

Forget it, the mission is still the most important thing.

Sano stopped thinking about it and turned the accelerator to prepare to rush into Futabashi Middle School. Then in the next second, he saw the dog rider’s cool mount from before, suddenly limping out of the gate and whimpering. , and immediately felt something was wrong.


It’s obviously just a small electric donkey, but when you twist the accelerator, it can make a roar like a motorcycle.

Sano rode a small electric donkey and rushed into the gate of Erqiao Middle School at high speed. When the alarmed security guard poked his head out again, he couldn’t even see the taillights.

“This is it.”

Sano followed the system map to the warehouse of Futabashi Middle School. Before he could investigate the situation, he could vaguely hear movement coming from inside.

Sano got out of the car without saying a word and opened the warehouse door.

Then Sano only saw a man wearing a ball cap, who was beating the dog rider who entered the school first with an iron rod. The situation was so brutal that it made people want to take out popcorn.


Sensing the movement at the door, the man in the ball cap immediately stopped ravaging the dog knight and looked at the door fiercely.

“This man is a kidnapper, help us!”

The dog knight lying on the ground with a bruised nose and face, although he did not see Sano clearly at the door, regarded him as the last straw and shouted for help with a painful look on his face.

My name is Kudo Shinichi, and my idol is Sherlock Holmes, a high school detective.

Just today, when I and my childhood sweetheart went to the Dorobige Tropical Park to play, they accidentally encountered the roller coaster murder case. With my own intelligence, this case was naturally solved perfectly.

But this was not the end, because he noticed the other two men in black on the roller coaster at that time, so he left his childhood sweetheart behind and followed them secretly.

Originally witnessing a dark transaction, he failed to notice the other man in black behind him. As a result, he was beaten with a sap and given a poison that seemed to kill people invisible.

Then, he became smaller.

From a seventeen-year-old high school detective to a seven-year-old kid.

Due to various complicated reasons, he successfully transformed into “Edogawa Conan” and temporarily stayed in the home of his childhood sweetheart, trying to find out the traces of the two men in black through his childhood sweetheart’s father, who was a detective, and transform back again.

Then tonight, his childhood sweetheart’s father received a request for a kidnapping case.

Although the body has shrunk, the mind remains flexible.

Relying on his transcendent reasoning skills, he quickly found the location of the kidnapper as expected.

Unfortunately, although the mind is still flexible, the body has become smaller after all.

He made a mistake. With the body of a primary school student, how could he deal with an adult man?

No, he just received a severe beating. If the situation were worse, he might have to die here today.

Fortunately, at this critical moment, a man who, although dressed strangely and old-fashioned, was at least clearly not on the side of the kidnappers, appeared!


Sano turned his eyes and discovered that there was a tearful little girl inside the warehouse. She was probably the one who was kidnapped, and she should also be the target of his mission this time.

So, this dog knight is really here to save the “princess”?

When Sano was thinking wildly, the man in the ball cap had a cold look in his eyes, and hit the heroic dog knight in the stomach with a stick again, causing the opponent to twist into a maggot on the ground, and then looked at Sano with some fear: ” What are you dressing up like? Do you still think this is the last era? You are really vulgar.”

After ridiculing, the man in the ball cap put the bat on his shoulder again: “Forget it, as long as you turn a blind eye, I can give you 100 million later. How about it? It’s a good deal, right? This deal…”

However, before the man in the ball cap finished speaking, Sano at the door had already crossed several meters away, flew up and kicked the opponent in the face, sending the opponent directly flying and hitting the wall, making a huge muffled sound. .


With a grinding sound, the man in the ball cap gradually slid down the wall, like a puddle of mud, his eyes turned white, foaming at the mouth, and he lost consciousness.

“I just finished making fun of you and you still want to live in harmony. Do you think I’m a beggar?”

Sano fell back to the ground and snorted coldly.

Of course he knew very well that this outfit was very unconventional, but he knew better, how could he bear such ridicule?

The dog knight on the side was obviously stunned for a moment when he saw the kidnapper being kicked unconscious, and then he got up and thanked the strangely dressed young man in front of him.

“Thanks for the help.”

As for the timid little girl behind the dog knight, although she was still a little scared, she still politely followed her and thanked him.

Sano had no interest in paying attention to the two children, because the second he kicked the man with the ball cap away, the system had already prompted him that the task was completed, and there was no need to stay any longer.

Go home and sleep.

However, before Sano could turn around, a loud shout suddenly sounded behind him: “You bastard who kidnapped a child!!!”


Sano barely reacted before a calf kicked him on the side of the face. The huge force made his brain dizzy and was accompanied by a strong feeling of weightlessness.

And Sano really flew up.

In the horrified eyes of the dog knight, the long-haired girl in a blue jacket whipped Sano several meters away with a whip kick, just like the kidnapper who was kicked away by Sano before, and hit the wall.

Feng shui has changed, and this year it’s Sano’s house.


Seeing that the long-haired girl was still trying to step forward to hit the target, the dog knight finally reacted and hurriedly shouted: “Sister Xiaolan, don’t, he is not a bad person, he saved us!!”


The girl known as Sister Xiaolan was suddenly startled and her movements stopped.

As for what Sano is thinking at this moment…

The first reaction was that it hurt.

The second reaction is that although I have already known that the effect of the special attack server is to increase my combat effectiveness to the level of the strongest delinquent in Tokyo at most, it does not mean that I am the strongest in Neon, let alone outside the delinquent world. ,but.

Why was he kicked away by a girl? ?

God is the strongest bad guy, is this it? ? ?

“Sorry, sorry, I don’t know. I saw you wearing… such clothes, I thought you were a kidnapper…”

After reacting for a while, Mao Lilan finally realized that she had made the wrong enemy and was about to apologize, but before she could finish her words, a sound broke through the air.

Mao Lilan subconsciously raised her right arm to block. Under the whip kick, she immediately became unstable. She could only support herself on the ground and rolled a few meters before standing up again.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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