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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 40 40, tracking technology is a bit… embarrassing


Sano tilted his head and couldn’t help but asked with a smile: “Then, police officer, which law did I violate?”

“Give a false confession.”

“Where’s the evidence?”


Takagi Wataru choked, where is the evidence for this?

Sano’s face was dull. He once watched a movie series called Harry Potter. There was a sentence in it that he liked very much, that is – as long as you don’t get caught when you break the school rules, it doesn’t count as a violation of the school rules.

…That’s what it should be said. Anyway, that’s what it means. As we all know, school is a small society, so the rules of the school are also applicable to society.

Just like what Sano had in mind when he killed the trio of Italian robbers earlier, now Takagi Wataru has no evidence at all, so why should he say that Sano provided a false confession?

Seeing this, Sato Miwako opposite finally pushed Takagi Wataru away and sat directly opposite Sano.

“Then let me ask you, why did you appear in a haunted house that no one has entered in several years? What is the reason? Don’t tell me that you just want to go. I won’t believe it.”

“Whether you believe it or not is your business, Miss Police.”

Sano calmly turned the disposable cup in his hand: “Not everything in this world necessarily needs a reason, just like I am turning this cup now, just like you are picking your nails now.”

Miwako Sato was stunned and looked down at her hands. She was actually picking her nails unconsciously just now…

“This helps me think!”

“This is a far-fetched reason, do you think I will believe it?”

Sano sighed: “If the police officer insists on saying that, then I can find countless reasons. For example, it is easier for me to fall asleep in that kind of place. For example, I am just interested in haunted houses, just like those Conan movies. Wait like a little devil.”


Miwako Sato stood up breathlessly, with suppressed anger on her face: “I remind you again Sano, that person is very dangerous. If you know anything, just tell me, you don’t need to be afraid of him, believe me!”

“Please also trust me, Officer Miwako Sato.”

Sano put down his coffee and looked at Miwako Sato with a sincere face: “I really don’t know anything.”


“If you two insist on telling me what I did wrong, in my opinion, I just entered an empty house without permission. At least on the surface, no one wants it anymore.”

“I neither stole nor robbed. I am a law-abiding citizen. I just happened to go in last night. Even if I file a lawsuit, I believe my lawyer can solve this matter in a perfect way.”

“What do you two think?”

Looking at the smiling Sano, Sato Miwako closed her eyes and remained silent for a long time, and finally gave up.

“Next thing.”

Takagi Wataru glanced at Miwako Sato, who was leaning on the chair with a tired look on her face, cautiously agreed, and then started writing notes about the art museum.

Half an hour later, Takagi Sheba looked at the transcript book. There was almost no change in the three rounds. They were all transcripts of just two or three lines. He couldn’t help but slowly typed out a few points.

If you hand over something like this, you won’t be fired…

“Thank you.”

On the other side, at Yoneka Town 4-chome, Sano thanked Sato Miwako who had specially “escorted” him home, then opened the door and returned home.

Miwako Sato stared at Sano’s closed door for a while, then looked away and turned to go downstairs.

The police car downstairs drove away, but the door of Sano’s house opened a crack again, revealing his eyes.

After watching Sato Miwako leave, Sano closed the door again and frowned slightly.


Sano picked up the phone receiver and pressed a few buttons: “Hey, boss, don’t come to me recently. You’ve run into some trouble.”

“What’s the meaning?”

Toru Amuro was obviously surprised when he received Sano’s call.

“Ah, it was about the Maple Leaf Gold Coin incident before. Witnesses saw me wearing a special attack suit. The police are currently looking for me, and I was also misunderstood as being related to the man in the special attack suit in their eyes. I suspect that they will do it recently. Follow me.”

Sano explained the situation.

“Has it been seen?”

Toru Amuro frowned and felt a thump in his heart.

“Did passersby see it?”

“No, it was a child who was present at the time. It seemed that the light was refracted to my back, allowing him to see my special attack suit. The trouble was that when I was further forward, I happened to be saved while still wearing the special attack suit. He, and when he was fighting in a special attack uniform today, he was also caught on camera.”

Sano was a little speechless when he thought of the information he had gotten from Sato Miwako when he was taking notes. Could such a coincidence happen?

If Conan doesn’t win the first prize in the lottery, Sano will stand on his head and wash his hair!


On the other end of the phone, Toru Amuro just felt confused after hearing Sano’s words.

What is this? Why did you pull out such a large list of things at once?

“Wait a minute, let me stroke it.”

Toru Amuro sorted out his thoughts: “In short, there is a child who was once rescued by you wearing a special attack suit. He was also there during the Maple Leaf Gold Coin mission and saw you… but not completely. Now the police suspect that you are… Wearing a special attack suit, you are connected, so I might be watching you, right?”

Toru Amuro changed the order of Sano’s words and deleted some unimportant things.


“Okay, I understand. You don’t have to worry about this, and you don’t have to tell Gin. I will help you solve it.”

Sano raised his eyebrows in surprise. He originally called Toru Amuro, but he was just worried that the other party would come over recklessly and be targeted by the police again, which would expose more things.

It is even unknown whether Toru Amuro will be dissatisfied because Sano was targeted by the police, just like Gin, who wants to kill him to silence him.

Who knew Toru Amuro would take over this matter directly?

This boss is surprisingly protective of his weaknesses.

“But the task that Gin has given you cannot be delayed. In this way, you will…”

The next day, Sano slept until he woke up naturally. After washing, he got up and went out.

go to school.

Of course, Sano didn’t really go to school, he just wanted others to think he went to school.

After going downstairs, Sano’s peripheral vision swept in front of an alley.

Neon Police’s tracking technology…

It’s a bit embarrassing.

This is truly embarrassing, because if Sano wants to, he can throw away these two people at any time and let the other party follow him, but of course he won’t.

Because what Sano wanted was to let the other party follow him.

Sano withdrew his attention and tried his best to pretend that the other party’s tracking skills were actually very good.

“Follow up quickly!”

The people following Sano were Sato Miwako and Takagi Wataru.

ps: In the future, updates will be unified into the early morning hours.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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