Switch Mode

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 405 404, Conan: Sano, is this your illegitimate daughter?

Sano asked another point that was not so gossipy, and Gin immediately answered.

“It should be about the same as the few people who know you are Rye. No, it’s not almost the same. The number seems to be exactly the same. Apart from Rum’s confidant who knows you are Rye, there is just one more Belmod, Pi. Sco also knew it originally, but he died in your hands.”

Hearing this, Sano unexpectedly received other information.

The boss of the organization, rum, gin, vodka, Belmode.

Plus one of Rum’s henchmen.

These seem to be everyone above ordinary cadres.

Among them, Belmode knew that Rye was the third generation, but Rum’s men did not know.

But Rum’s men knew that Sano was Rye, but Belmod didn’t.

Well, that’s interesting.

I just don’t know if there are any other unknown senior cadres besides these people.

…Wait, that’s not right.

“Vodka also knows about him?”

Hearing Sano’s surprised voice, Gin frowned.

“To be precise, Vodka only knows a little bit. Some things he heard, and some things I told him intentionally or unintentionally.”

Sano blinked… didn’t this mean the same thing?

In Sano’s view, senior cadres are divided into real senior cadres and pseudo-senior cadres.

The former is gin and rum, and the latter is the one with vodka, Belmod and rum, belonging to a special class of confidants of senior cadres.

At the same time, the authority of the latter is not as good as that of the former, but slightly higher than that of ordinary cadre members. In addition, it is because of frequent contact with the former.

They can know a lot of inside information that ordinary cadres cannot know, either openly or covertly.

As for Gin’s behavior towards Belmode.

And judging from Belmode’s behavior.

Sano didn’t think that Belmod would be an ordinary team leader’s confidant.

There is a high probability… that he is a confidant of the person at the top of the organization.

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that even Belmode does not have the authority to access Sano’s files, and vodka naturally does not have it. Therefore, if the other party knows about this, it can only be because Gin said something to him… and of course this is not the case. important.

The important thing is that Vodka knew about it but didn’t tell himself.


“After all, the relationship has faded away. It’s in vain that I still call him Jia Ge.”

Hearing Sano’s sigh, Gin was stunned, and his eyes gradually became weird.

…Although I can’t understand the logic, I should consider it as such.

Have you tricked your own Ma Zai?

at the same time.

Sent by Gin to run errands, Vodka, who was far away in Tokyo, sneezed.

“What kind of little girl misses me?”

Vodka rubbed his nose, muttered, and turned his attention to the chocolates displayed on the counter of the store next to him. The packaging alone looked expensive: “Brother seems to like sweets now, so buy some and go back… By the way.” Bringing some to Rye is like paying protection money.”

The next day, Sano was woken up by a knock on the door.

After opening the door, the person standing outside the door was not someone Sano knew, but it was the person he called.

“Bring it in.”


Two workers in work clothes immediately brought in a box.

Then start assembling the computer.

That’s right, after getting off Gin’s car last night and going on a mission, Sano took the time to make reasonable use of the organization’s funds.

Bought myself a computer.

Logically speaking, Sano should have bought a computer at the earliest time.

Although it is useless, no matter whether it is useful or not, it is definitely necessary to have it.

But then I went to the store selling computers.

They are all big computers that only exist in Sano’s memory, and the games can only be played in Minesweeper.

So Sano gave up the idea.

As for now, Sano has a need in this area, and computers have made great progress just like the rapid development of mobile phones.

So I bought one.

“Did you buy a computer?”

A question came to his ears, and Sano, who was leaning on the door frame, responded with a casual “hmm”, but the next second he realized something was wrong and turned around in surprise.

Amuro, who was smiling but not smiling, came into his eyes.

“…Boss, why are you here?”

After Sano was stunned, he suddenly remembered the chain reaction that might have occurred during the last meeting in the distance, and then frowned. Could it be that he was here to test himself.

Sano thinks this is very likely.

As an intelligence officer, Toru Amuro is very cautious.

No matter how much he doubted Sano, he would never act rashly.

At that time, Gin’s behavior was very abnormal. With a little thought, he could think of the possibility of “fishing for law enforcement” and face possible traps.

Of course Toru Amuro couldn’t just jump in carelessly.

After waiting for a while, approaching and testing as if nothing happened, it will be easier to relax the enemy’s vigilance, and it will be easier to obtain the desired information.

The most important thing is to avoid risks.

“Ah, I moved.”

Toru Amuro took out a bunch of keys that looked very familiar to Sano. Before he could react, the other party had already given the answer: “It’s right downstairs in your house. From now on, we will be neighbors, so naturally we have to come over and say hello.”

Sano: “…”

What the hell, why did even this guy move here?

If you want to monitor yourself, that would be too blatant, right?

Facing Sano’s confused face, Toru Amuro’s expression did not change at all.

Just as Sano thought, Toru Amuro noticed what happened that day. It might have been deliberately leaked by Gin, so he waited for a while before approaching the other party, and in order to effectively monitor the other party in a more reasonable manner.

Toru Amuro even moved over.

“No, isn’t it a bit inappropriate for you to move to a place like this?”

Sano, who came back to his senses, couldn’t help but asked in a funny way.

“Why is it inappropriate? You can live in it, but I can’t?”

Toru Amuro sighed: “Recently, funds have been difficult to operate. There is a big hole. The money distributed by the organization can only be passed on. I have no choice but to live in this damn place, or… you can help me a little.” ?”

“No money.”

Sano did as Tohru Amuro wished and ended the topic without hesitation.

“Then that means my salary is gone too?”

Just when Toru Amuro thought the topic was completely over, Sano asked a novel question from a novel angle, to which he could only roll his eyes secretly, saying that there would be no problem with the detective agency’s salary.

It’s probably like that, except for “necessary expenses”, you can’t keep any money on hand.

Even if Sano offered to give him more, after he finished drawing, he would transfer the extra to Amuro Tohru, but he was fooled by saying that “the flow does not match, it is impossible to be agreed.”

It’s really hard for my boss to make it up so outrageously.

Sano didn’t say anything more.

After seeing off the two installation masters, Toru Amuro turned around and left.

“Anyway, I’ll give you more advice in the future.”

After watching Toru Amuro leave, Sano looked around and tried to switch vests.

no change.

Have you installed a monitor nearby?


Sano calmly closed the door and lived his life as usual without anything unusual.

It wasn’t until after dark that Sano was about to go on a mission as usual when he received a message from Gin – he was going to do a high-level mission tonight, but he wasn’t going to team up with him.

But with bourbon.

Interesting, how did this guy manage to control the assignment of tasks?

Sano raised his lips with interest.

To be fair, Toru Amuro had just moved here, so he shouldn’t be in such a hurry to do it.

It can’t be a simple accident, right?

But if it was really Toru Amuro’s deliberate manipulation, it would indeed be considered flawless.

After closing the phone, Sano pushed the door open and walked out.

In the room below, Toru Amuro was wearing headphones and staring at the screen, his eyes instantly frozen.

…really came out.

Toru Amuro’s expression gradually became like an ice cube. In order for Rye to form a team with him naturally, he really put in a little thought.

That’s a thought that really doesn’t even count as a means.

Toru Amuro suppressed a few pieces of information on hand that were neither important nor trivial. Once these pieces of information were reported, they would inevitably trigger missions, and through his years of experience and understanding of the mission allocation mechanism, these missions had a high probability. , will be divided between him and Rye.

In this way, no one is aware of it, and no loopholes can be found at all.

Even if Sano is really Rye, Toru Amuro teaming up together as soon as he moved in may arouse a little suspicion, but it can only be suspicion.

What’s more, if you don’t understand this.

That might be really dangerous for me.

The only thing that Tohru Amuro didn’t expect was that he succeeded on the first try.

Probability is just probability after all.

Toru Amuro also prepared several pieces of information, waiting to be tried again and again.

However, just when Amuro was about to take a breath, Sano, who had left home from the surveillance screen, suddenly appeared again and returned home.

……what’s the situation?

Before Toru Amuro could react, a call came on his cell phone.

Toru Amuro took it out and saw that it was Rye’s phone number. However, from the surveillance screen, Sano did not make any move to make a call, and was just sitting at the door smoking.

…Why do you smoke at the door?

Is it to tell myself that he didn’t call?

After frowning slightly, Toru Amuro answered the phone.

“Hey, Rye.”

“Hey, Bourbon, where are we meeting? Why don’t you stop by and pick me up?”

Listening to Rye’s voice on the phone, Toru Amuro was silent for a few seconds and asked tentatively: “Rye, have you had dinner and what do you want to eat?”

“Why, you want to invite me to dinner… I said you probably want to date me, then I’m sorry, I’m not interested in men, especially black men.”

Toru Amuro: “…”

Well, even though I was ridiculed inexplicably…twice, I can at least confirm that the person on the other end of the phone is a real person, or a person.

Rather than a small means of recording or something.

But even so, the possibility of a voice changer cannot be ruled out.

If that’s the case, then it’s like being pointed at the tip of a knife…

Amuro Toru’s eyes flickered. Even if Sano was really Rye, he was not afraid of being known by the other party. He was doubting the other party and had even launched a test.

Because this can be fooled completely.

…But the question now is if Sano is really Rye.

Then why do you want to “clear the suspicion”?

In Toru Amuro’s view, under this condition, if Sano is particularly suspicious of himself, he should deliberately expose his flaws to lure himself into taking the bait and kill him. But if the other party does not suspect…

Then wash the chicken feathers?

Can’t understand, can’t understand.

Could it be that Sano really isn’t Rye, so that doesn’t make sense?

Amuro Toru frowned in thought until Rye called impatiently on the phone.

It was only then that Toru Amuro came back to his senses, said a perfunctory sentence and then went out.

However, Toru Amuro had just reached the stairs when he bumped into Sano again.

“…Where are you going?”

Toru Amuro glanced at the little girl following Sano and asked.

“Go get some food.”

Sano also looked at Toru Amuro and answered truthfully.

Toru Amuro nodded… If you put it this way, could it be that the reason why Sano was sitting at the door smoking just now was actually waiting for this little girl?

“Boss, do you want to come with me? It’s free anyway.”

Sano’s invitation made Tohru Amuro feel a lot in her heart…does she feel that she is so useless that she can’t even afford food?

But if Sano is really not Rye, Toru Amuro will be “careful” about this.

It would still be quite gratifying.

“No need, there are instructions from above. The bonus is more than the food money.”

Toru Amuro declined Sano, secretly saying that he had a mission.


Sano nodded, naturally not insisting on dragging Amuro Toru away.

It was just a little politeness, but if Toru Amuro really agreed, then Sano would have a headache, and he would have to think about how to prevent the other party from going.

Then, the three of them went downstairs together and split into two.

After Toru Amuro watched Sano and the little girl get into the car and leave, he started thinking again.

Rye wants to do a mission with him later, but Sano wants to eat.

Especially not eating alone, but with a little girl.

This avoids the possibility of using the gimmick of eating to create an alibi.

So the Rye who contacted me is also a real person?

After hesitating for two seconds, Toru Amuro took out his phone and sent a text message.

When he just came downstairs, Toru Amuro casually asked Sano where he was eating, and the reason he used was “if it’s over and there’s still time, I’ll go there and have a meal.”

In fact, of course he was afraid of Sano’s tricks.

Amuro Toru was 100% sure that when he teamed up with Rye, Sano was indeed somewhere else, eating with others.

After taking back his mobile phone, Toru Amuro set off for the mission location.

At the same time, Sano on the other side of the car was introducing flower planting and delicacies to the little girl.

Well, that’s right.

Sano is going to take the little girl to eat tonight, which is flower garden food.

This time, apart from the fact that Sano wanted to get rid of Tohru Amuro, it also included the factor of his previous promise to the little girl to take her to a real feast.

…Although as someone who has lived in a flower gardening family for more than twenty years, this thing actually does not have much appeal to Sano.

But for the little girl, it’s different.

“Wow, Xiaolongbao, BJ roast duck, egg fried rice, preserved eggs, twice-cooked pork…”

Looking at the various pictures on the flyer, the little girl drooled.

“Sweet potato, do we really want to eat this?”

“Well, you can just eat it when you get to the place later.”

Don’t spend your own money anyway.

Sano added in his mind.

Today’s cheating is not so much cheating as it is collective whoring.

At an event, Mao Lilan won two free coupons for a flower restaurant, because one coupon can be used by an adult and a child under ten years old.

Just enough to count Sano, Mao Lilan, Conan, and the little girl.

…Originally, Mao Lilan put aside the scroll between herself and Conan. It was not easy to tell who should give the other scroll. Giving it to her father, Mouri Kogoro, would be the easiest and easiest thing to do. The “fair” choice.

But after all, Mao Lilan is not a kid who can delve into the world.

After getting the tickets, I happily asked Sano if he was free and if he wanted to go together.

Sano was naturally happy to have sex for free.

Even the so-called flower-growing delicacies do not have that kind of special blessing in Sano’s eyes.

But after all, this is a high-end restaurant, so why not eat if you can.

What’s more, you can also carry children, which makes it even more profitable.

Therefore, Sano humbly accepted the second invitation ticket, and took the little girl to meet up with Mao Lilan and Conan, and then headed to the restaurant together.

When the two sides met, Mao Lilan and Conan saw that the little girl Sano brought was the one from the kindergarten that day, with a little surprise on their faces.

There is also a little bit of “as expected”.

Conan tugged on Sano’s sleeve and asked in a low voice.

“Sano, why did you bring her here?”


Sano blinked in confusion: “There is free dinner, why don’t you come?”

“No, I mean, why would you want to bring her here?”

Conan emphasized his doubts.

“Even if there is free dinner, why do we have to bring her here?”

“What, don’t you want her to come, or are you jealous?”

Sano teased Conan, but in fact he probably understood what he meant.

Before Conan was speechless, Sano explained the situation.

…It turns out that he agreed to take this little girl to have a meal with him. No wonder, but how can anyone agree to take someone to a big meal without passing the “take”?

After Conan came to his senses, he still couldn’t help complaining in his heart.

At the end, he simply asked suspiciously: “Sano, is this little girl actually your illegitimate daughter?”

Sano: “?”

After slapping Conan on the back of the head, Sano asked about business: “How are we going to get there? Is it too expensive to take a taxi? Do you want to drive your dad’s car?”


After saying hello to the little girl, Mao Lilan turned around and said subconsciously: “Well, taking a taxi is indeed too expensive and not cost-effective. It just so happened that my father rented a car at home two days ago due to work needs and has not returned it yet. , but I don’t have a driver’s license, senior, you seem to have a driver’s license, right…”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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not work with dark mode