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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 408 407, Toru Amuro: A good subordinate who was bribed by a roasted sweet potato

Anyway, Sano didn’t let Sano spend any money on the half meal in the restaurant.

Although there was a little accident in the middle, which caused the dinner to be interrupted, and one of the four people died and one was arrested, the other two were still somewhat graceful and paid all the money they should pay, even if in the end If Mao Lilan hadn’t fallen down, would they have moved to another table or restaurant to continue?

It’s all another story.

Here, just ask Gin for reimbursement later.

I got a ride, so I just wanted to give you a favor.

What a big deal.

After Kazami Yuya was stunned for a moment, he still took the things and thanked them, then sent Sano and Sano home all the way, then started the car and left.

The next day is another brand new day.

Sano finally received a new mission.

[Please accept and complete ten killer missions within the mission time limit. You will receive two hundred strengthening points upon completion. The remaining mission time is – 119:59:59].

Well, the job of a professional killer.

Detective-related missions, delinquent-related missions, organization member-related missions, superhero-related missions, and now it’s finally the turn of killer-related missions.

Sano stood up and opened the computer.

After one operation, I logged into a platform website.

Click on the regional distribution, select Neon, and a bunch of…scattered tasks will appear.

…Youkai, why are there so few missions? ?

Sano rubbed his eyes, refreshed the network again, and confirmed that there was nothing wrong on his side. The problem was not with him, but with this platform!

No wonder Neon doesn’t even have a branch. It turns out there is no business at all.

Sano sighed and lit a cigarette.

That’s right, there is no “branch” here at Neon.

In order to register as a professional killer, Sano also traveled abroad and completed the “entry test” – a not difficult task.

Only then did I get the qualification to enter the platform.

For this reason, there were some commotions that were neither big nor small, neither salty nor light.

But that doesn’t matter.

The important thing is, is the living environment of Neon, a professional killer, so bad?

Obviously, various cases occur every day.

Can’t understand, can’t understand.

In such a workplace environment, the number of professional killers in Neon is probably not too many…or it can be said that it is definitely very few.

Or maybe it’s actually the other way around.

Because Neon has too few professional killers, so there are no customers or orders?

After coming back to his senses, Sano clicked on the forum option again.

After searching a few times, I found related posts.

“On the Differences and Reasons Between Eastern and Western Professional Killer Circles”.

Clicking on the content of the post, Sano realized that it was not just neon.

In all countries in the East, there are very few professional killers.

The main reason is not official suppression or anything else. It sounds lofty and noble, but it is just a very simple and realistic reason.

Because the existence of “professional killer” itself originated in the West.

When it developed to the east, its resources had been devoured by other beings.

…Most of them are killers who rely on reputation. They have no platform and rely entirely on old customers and referrals from customers. Of course, there are also a large number of people.

He is unwilling to admit that he is a killer.

Just collect money to do things.

Just use another name…such as Sano’s Armed Detective Agency.

Is this considered trying to steal business from yourself?

all in all.

This job is not easy to do.

After closing the post, Sano browsed the task list, and after confirming that there were no problems with the time, he took over most of them.

The sequence process is arranged.

As for why most and not all.

It’s because some of the commissioned contents are just like a joke, and some of the commission fees are just like a joke, and some are more special.

For example…the commission for “Killing Rye.”

Well, including Sano’s Black Death Black Mask Vest, they are all on the list.

There are even Gin, Belmod, and even Mouri Kogoro.

Some goals are clear, while others are vague, all because Sano knows them.

Only then can we tell the difference.

…This reminded Sano of a joke unconsciously.

After I was released from prison, I became rich in an instant from poverty.


Because the people on the wanted poster are all acquaintances.

Ahem, back to the topic.

In addition to the bizarre goals and content of these tasks, even the commission fees are not cost-effective at all. They are a combination of the two previous weird tasks.

Super weird.

So Sano didn’t want to take it at all.

Excluding these, Sano can only entrust less than ten tasks.

Now we can only hope that a new mission can emerge within Sano’s mission time limit.

Otherwise, Sano would have no choice but to focus on those junk commissions or tasks related to his acquaintances and vests.

After rubbing his fingers, Sano picked up the garbage bag next to him and went out.

Then he met Toru Amuro at the stairs.

In other words, it was Sano who took the initiative to approach Toru Amuro, who was waiting for him.

“Oh, boss, do you have anything to do to cool off here?”

“Well, how about the free meal last night? Was it delicious?”

Toru Amuro nodded in response to Sano’s greeting.

Sano replied: “It’s really hard to talk about, because a case happened at that time, so I didn’t get to taste it at all. As a result, the case was finally over, and my friend fell down again, so I could only end it in a hurry.”

“That’s it.”

Toru Amuro nodded again. Although he actually knew these things already, he still didn’t know on the surface, so of course he had to ask.

…Moreover, despite asking twice last night, Toru Amuro felt a little incomprehensible to Yuya Kazami’s rapid change of attitude and his big attitude.

When asking about the situation for the first time and giving instructions.

Kazami Yuya still had a very solemn and vigilant tone.

It seemed that he was following some heinous and extremely dangerous terrorist.

But when it came to the second inquiry… to be precise, when Yuya Kazami took the initiative to report the abnormal situation, he suddenly started praising Sano again.

He is said to be warm-hearted and polite.

He is also liked by children and does not look like a bad person.

Well, actually Toru Amuro can probably understand why this is the case.

The focus is nothing more than “being polite”.

On the way back to Tokyo, Sano bought a sweet potato for Yuya Kazami.

…Did you treat this guy badly, didn’t you give him anything to eat or drink?

To be bribed by a serving of roasted sweet potatoes? ?

Toru Amuro felt a little depressed, although if he put aside the possibility of Rye, looking at Sano himself, even he would think that he was a very good person, or a very good child.

…For example, just because of a random excuse I made, I was worried about whether I could not afford to eat, and even invited myself to eat together.

“Speaking of which, someone seems to be eyeing me recently.”

Just when Toru Amuro was thinking wildly, Sano suddenly brought up a new topic, and then took out a bunch of scraps from his pocket.

“First they arranged for people to follow me, and then they installed surveillance cameras and bugs in my house. It was really scary… By the way, yesterday I had contact with the person who followed me, and I temporarily used your name, boss. “

Hearing Sano’s “reminder”, Toru Amuro looked away from the pile of rubbish and continued to nod: “Well, I understand. I will check it later to see what the other party’s purpose is. If it has nothing to do with the organization, , then I will also help you in my own name.”

“Oh, thank you boss in advance.”

Sano waved his hand, went downstairs and left.

Toru Amuro, who watched Sano’s back, let out a sigh of relief… He didn’t expect that the little things installed in Sano’s house would be discovered in an instant, and Yuya Kazami had indeed been found to be following him.

Is this guy so vigilant?

According to what his good subordinate said, Sano had already noticed something when he borrowed his pseudonym, or was it really just a coincidence?

But at least the rye he stayed with last night was indeed real rye.

There’s no way that Sano last night was fake, right?

After tapping her toes, Toru Amuro scratched his hair a little irritably.

Forget it, keep observing for a while, if you really can’t find any flaws.

There’s nothing we can do about it.

Now, you have to do the mission.

Toru Amuro took out his cell phone and made a call, then drove to the back door of a bar.

Several peripheral members were already waiting here, and the two or three small trucks next to them showed that Toru Amuro needed to purchase quite a lot of weapons and equipment today.

“…I’m telling you, don’t look for trouble, okay? It’s a big business. Can our boss just meet you whenever you want? He doesn’t even have an introducer, he just talks nonsense here, foreigners are amazing, Or if you really want the goods, you can increase the price and I will give you some privately.”

Before Amuro Tohru could speak, he vaguely heard a sound coming from the alley next to him.

Turning his head to look, three figures came into view.

The most conspicuous one is the tall foreign man facing Toru Amuro, wearing a suit and gold-rimmed glasses, with blond hair and green eyes.

Looks polite.

There is nothing like what a person from the underground world should look like.

What does such a guy want to do when he comes to the territory of this kind of weapons dealer? And after listening to that, does he still want to see the weapons dealer himself?

Toru Amuro was a little puzzled and couldn’t understand what this person was thinking.

Leng Tou Qing is not that dumb either.

Let alone an unknown passerby, even Toru Amuro, a cadre and member of the organization, might not be given much respect.

I’m afraid if I don’t pay later, my life will be lost in the hands of these two watchdogs.

Amuro Toru sighed inwardly.

To be fair, as an undercover agent who walks a tightrope at high altitudes, Toru Amuro has always been good at controlling his own hands and not meddling in other people’s business, but that was only under the premise that there was risk.

Normally, out of righteousness deep within.

If Toru Amuro can help, he will naturally help. After all, it is still a human life.

But before Toru Amuro could do anything, the foreigner in the alley slightly raised his eyes and glanced at him with a cold look.

As if ignoring everything in front of him.

After being stunned for a moment, Toru Amuro quickly put away his previous attitude.

Doesn’t it feel like an ordinary young man?

…Why is this guy here?

Sano didn’t expect to meet Toru Amuro here, coming for a logistics mission.

Forget it, it’s a trivial matter that doesn’t matter.

That’s right, one of the tasks Sano took on was to kill the weapons dealer that was a common purchase channel for the organization, because he knew the location very well.

So Sano came here first.

The result seemed to be more troublesome than Sano expected.

Really, even though I already said that there was a big deal to be discussed, why couldn’t I just call the leader out and then stretch my neck to chop him off?

After sighing quite depressedly.

Sano withdrew his gaze from Toru Amuro, and instead focused on the daggers drawn by the two watchdogs who had been chirping but could not get a reply. They probably thought they were being looked down upon and became angry due to embarrassment.

Then just go right in.

Before the two of them started posing, Sano took a step back, raised his feet, and twisted his waist.


The long legs thrown out like steel whips swept over the two watchdogs. With a loud muffled sound, many small cracks opened in the wall next to the alley.

As stone chips flew down, the two annoying bugs each rolled their eyes, and two puddles of mud slid to the ground against the wall, completely losing consciousness.

Outside the alley, Amuro Toru’s eyes twitched and he felt a phantom pain in his head.

What kind of terrifying explosive power is this?

With that kind of strength and that kind of speed, Toru Amuro didn’t doubt that even he wouldn’t be able to dodge that kick, and he would most likely have to lie on the ground after the kick.

As for the two guys actually lying on the ground.

If he was not sent to the hospital in time, he might not even be able to survive.

Even if I go to the hospital, will I be able to wake up?

When I wake up and whether I will be unable to get out of bed for the rest of my life, it is a question.

Sano retracted his legs, dusted the non-existent dust on his trousers with his hands, smoothed out the wrinkles, raised his hands to push up his glasses, and then walked out of the alley.

Toru Amuro subconsciously became vigilant and reached for the pistol.

However, Sano was naturally not interested in Toru Amuro. After walking out of the alley, he stopped and turned to look at the other two watchdogs at the back door of the bar.

After you turned around and turned around, you saw…a drink vending machine.

Under Toru Amuro’s confused gaze, Sano grabbed the corner of the vending machine with one hand.

Use your hands hard.

The entire vending machine rose from the ground.


Several peripheral members next to Amuro Toru exclaimed, which also attracted the attention of the two watchdogs at the back door… Just when their eyes turned around, the vending machine had already been thrown by Sano out.

The vending machine, which weighed several hundred kilograms, was as light as a baseball in Sano’s hands.

It accurately hit the two stunned people, sending them flying several meters away.

He was pinned down by the vending machine and couldn’t move.

After calmly clapping his hands, Sano walked to the back door of the bar and entered directly.

Toru Amuro and others were left in a daze.

“…Sir, are we still going in?”

A peripheral member came to his senses and asked Toru Amuro.

Amuro Toru twitched the corner of her mouth and replied: “Let’s wait and see what’s going on.”

Then, there was some faint movement in the bar.

But it soon became quiet again.

A moment later, the figure in a suit walked out of the back door of the bar.

Frowning, he used a piece of paper to wipe the blood on his body… Judging from the fact that there were no wounds on his body, it was most likely someone else’s blood.

what’s the situation?

Has this man’s target, the weapons dealer, been dealt with?

There was a little solemnity in Amuro Toru’s eyes.

Even though the weapons dealer himself is not actually here today, it looks like this.

Conflict definitely broke out, and it was definitely not a small one.

But Toru Amuro didn’t hear the gunfire just now.

You know, this is the headquarters of Neon’s largest weapons dealer, and there are definitely not a few guys with heavy firepower of mass destruction.

If there really was a conflict, how could there not even be any gunshots?

Unless…those people were dealt with before they even had time to get their guns.

is it possible?

Is this reasonable?

Just when Toru Amuro was doubting himself, Sano had already thrown away the tissue and subconsciously glanced at the other party… just as the other party thought.

Sano did kill the group of people in the bar before they started shooting.

The attribute bonuses of the thug suit and the Masked Superman pendant are completely different.

The advantage of flexible attributes is destined to take the route of attacking later.

Because the fault tolerance rate is high enough.

However, the advantage of explosive attributes is that the fault tolerance rate is very low, so it can only be preemptive.

As long as you are one step ahead of the enemy and have the idea of ​​taking action… to be precise.

As long as you can take action faster than the enemy.

Then Sano will definitely be able to get the result before the enemy takes action.

The terrifying instantaneous explosive power can cover a distance of more than ten or twenty meters by Sano in the blink of an eye.

Sano is faster within seven steps, but Sano is still faster beyond seven steps.

Generally speaking, it is very similar to the action mode under the Black Death Vest.

It’s just that in comparison, the upper limit of the thug suit is higher.

This is true whether it is in terms of movement speed, attack power, or even attack speed.

…Though even so, Sano still felt a little bit.

There is no sense of security just relying on this blessing.

After all, a high upper limit basically means a low lower limit.

With the blessing of the special attack suit, even if Sano is shot, it will not be a big deal, and even his actions may not be hindered much.

But with the blessing of a thug suit, that’s not necessarily the case.

To put it bluntly, the error tolerance rate is still low.

No wonder Sano felt uncomfortable.

Of course, this doesn’t really matter. Anyway, this vest is designed as a killer, not a warrior. As long as you try to avoid a “fair” confrontation, it will be fine.

It’s better to hurry up and catch the next one.

…However, just when Sano was about to leave after taking one look, his steps suddenly stopped.

Cast his gaze again.

But instead of looking at Toru Amuro, he was looking at a peripheral member.

After staring at the man for a few seconds, Sano took out his phone and checked it back and forth several times.

After confirming that he had not mistakenly identified the person, Sano walked over.

Seeing this, Toru Amuro became vigilant again for a few moments, and they all touched the gun.



Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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