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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 409 408, Gin: I don’t eat garbage

Sano first said hello to Toru Amuro, and without waiting for the other party’s response, he pointed to the peripheral member next to him and asked, “Can you please give him to me?”


After a brief pause, big question marks appeared on Toru Amuro’s faces.

“I accepted a commission, and the content is to remove his head, so can you please hand him over to me.”

Sano repeated it again and explained the reason in more detail.

The politeness and honesty in his words caused Amuro Toru and others’ brains to shut down for a while.

This person…is really mentally ill! ?

What is the difference between saying this and asking someone, “Hello, I want to kill you, can you let me kill you?” ?

…To be honest, Toru Amuro thought the man in front of him was very “gentle” at first glance.

But if you think about it carefully, such a person has the same feeling as a person reading leisurely on the battlefield. It is a kind of indifference that everything is under control, and it is also an absolute confidence in one’s own strength, or it can Call it arrogance.

The next two waves indirectly or directly confirmed the ferocity and power of this foreign man.

From what I just said, he must still be a killer?

Ability, identity, both are extremely dangerous existences.

But even with such a dangerous existence, he spoke very…kindly.

First, he greeted Toru Amuro, and then asked if he could pay someone.

It was simply refreshing Amuro Toru’s outlook on life.

…This killer is obviously very cruel, but also extremely polite?

After twitching his lips, Toru Amuro pretended to be calm and asked: “Are you a killer?”


“…Someone commissioned you to kill him?”

“That’s right.”

“…The content of the commission is that he only needs to die, and there are no other requirements.”


The two exchanged a few words as if chatting.

Toru Amuro, who had already roughly understood the situation, was silent for a few seconds, and then asked: “If I say I don’t want to hand over, and even protect him, what will you do?”

“Kill you.”

Sano answered simply: “Anyone who prevents me from completing my mission is an enemy.”

…What a strange guy.

Toru Amuro took a deep breath: “Let’s do this. I’ll give you double the amount of money that person gave you, let him live, and pretend that I didn’t accept this commission. How about that?”

Sano shook his head and rejected: “I have already accepted this task, so it must be completed. This has nothing to do with money, it is just a matter of professional ethics.”

…What a god-like professional ethics.

Toru Amuro looked at Sano, whose eyes were unperturbed. After confirming that he could no longer change his mind, he nodded: “Okay, I understand. This is his personal matter. You can just resolve it among yourself.”


Before the peripheral member could react, a big hand was already on his throat.

The whole person jumped into the air and was pressed on the carriage of the pickup truck, with his palms folded hard.

The man tilted his head and became silent.

After letting go of his hand, Sano took a photo of the peripheral members who fell to the ground and stared dead.

Toru Amuro watched Sano’s actions from the side and asked again: “Can I ask who wants to kill him and why.”

“First, I don’t know. Second, even if I knew, I wouldn’t tell you.”

Sano took back his cell phone and looked at Toru Amuro: “Not paying attention and not disclosing the client’s privacy are also the professional qualities a killer should have.”

“Of course, you can also choose to entrust me to find that person or even kill him. To thank you for your cooperation, I can give you a 10% discount.”


Toru Amuro narrowed his eyes thoughtfully: “What kind of commissions do you accept?”

“As long as the money is available, you can make the whole of Tokyo a dead city.”

Sano responded calmly: “Of course, I never accept commissions privately. If you need it, just go to the platform and directly designate the recipient of the commission.”


Toru Amuro was stunned again and said in surprise: “Are you a professional killer?”


Sano stopped talking nonsense and nodded to confirm before planning to leave. Seeing this, Toru Amuro quickly asked the last question: “Then what is your code name?”

Sano, who had already walked a few meters away, paused, turned around, and gave the answer.

“Black Cat.”

At night, Sano and Vodka were sitting alone on the Porsche 356A with the doors wide open on both sides.

As for Gin, I didn’t know what to do after entering the stronghold.

He didn’t let Sano follow him either, so he waited outside.

Sano was picking his fingers out of boredom. Although Vodka next to him wanted to open up the topic, he wasn’t quite sure what to do. As the saying goes, the more you do, the more likely you are to make a mistake.

It’s better to stay quiet.

But it was okay that Vodka didn’t look at Sano, he looked at it.

Sano was looking for a topic, and when the topic was mentioned, he remembered that incident.

“Jia Ge.”

Sano put his hand on the back of Vodka’s neck, which was as stiff as a stone: “I heard from Gin-sama that you already knew…about the first generation of rye?”

Generation Rye?

Vodka was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Sano was talking about his father.

…Does this father and son have a bad relationship? Why do they call each other so strange?

After licking his lips, Vodka laughed dryly and said: “Because the eldest brother said that it is your private matter. If you can, try not to mention it, so…”

“I can understand that you want to use Gin-sama to suppress me, Brother Ka?”

As he spoke, Sano’s palms changed from cupping to cupping.

…It’s actually more polite to say “shake”. From the perspective of vodka, perhaps it should be called “pinching” or even “pinching”.

At this moment, vodka feels like fate is being strangled by the back of its neck.

He didn’t dare to move at all.

“Brother Jia, I will be very sad if you act like this. I regard you as the colleague with the best relationship in the entire organization, but you hide something from me. You even use Lord Gin to suppress me now. I’m really good.” sad.”

Faced with Sano’s whisper, which was close to his face, Vodka broke out in a cold sweat.

“Then how about eating some chocolate and maybe your mood will get better?”

Vodka suggested nervously.


Sano raised his eyebrows in confusion.

I never expected that vodka would change the subject like this, and…

“Where did the chocolate come from in this car… Could it be that I haven’t finished the chocolate I gave you before? It must be bad and can’t be eaten. Do you still keep it?”

Vodka quickly shook his head and waved his hands, explaining: “No, those chocolates you gave me before have been eaten by…my boss and I. I just bought them two days ago and bought one for you. I just want to think about it now.” stand up.”


Sano smacked his lips. The lollipops in his pocket were indeed a bit tired of eating. He changed the flavors at the right time and they seemed to be pretty good.

“Let me see.”

Sano gave him a step, and Vodka immediately pulled out a bag of chocolates from under the back seat.

Looking at the packaging, it seems quite expensive.

If the vodka didn’t lie, he bought it a few days ago and wanted to give it to Sano.

That makes Sano’s behavior just now seem a bit petty.

But it doesn’t matter, Sano can’t be completely considered an adult anyway.

If you are angry with a small family, you will be angry with a small family.

After tearing open the package, Sano threw a piece of chocolate into his mouth and shared a piece with the vodka.

Well, take what others give and give it to others.

This is what Sano is best at.

Just like that, the topic that Sano originally raised was in the past.

The two casually chatted about a topic, each eating chocolate, and the wrapping paper fell one after another until Gin returned to the car.

“Big, big pot…ahem!”

Vodka swallowed the chocolate in his mouth, and said hello to Gin with a sore throat.

Gin didn’t respond, just looked at the chocolate wrappers on the driver’s floor mat.

“I’ll clean it up right away!”

Vodka quickly took out the foot pad and shook it wildly.

Then I blew the dust again and then put it back again.

“By the way, there are also chocolates. I bought them when I was out in the field two days ago. I wanted to come back and give them to my elder brother, but I forgot them. I just remembered them.”

Vodka reached into the car again, took out the bag Sano placed next to the gear lever, and handed it to Gin in a flattering manner: “They are all the most expensive ones.”

Sano in the car hit a row of dots… not because Vodka seemed to have forgotten his performance when he saw Gin, but because he didn’t understand it.

Why should the chocolates for myself be put in the same bag as the chocolates for Gin?

Outside the car, Gin stared at the bag of vodka in his hand for a long time.

After staring at Vodka until he couldn’t even smile, he spoke coldly.

“I don’t have the habit of eating garbage.”


Hearing this, Vodka was stunned and suddenly became anxious.

“How can this be garbage? These are the best chocolates, brother, if you don’t believe me…”

As he said that, Vodka reached into his bag to dig out, intending to let Gin see his “effort” with his own eyes.

However, halfway through the words, Vodka stopped talking, silently opened the bag, stuck his head in, and finally took out a handful of empty wrapping paper.

Vodka: “…”

It’s actually garbage? ?

Vodka’s mouth twitched involuntarily and his eyes widened… Although covered by sunglasses, he still stiffened his neck and looked back at Sano in the car.

“Don’t look at me. I didn’t know there was Gin-sama’s share in it. You took it quickly and I didn’t have time to tell you. You can’t blame me.”

Sano shrugged innocently and said so.

…But at least don’t put the wrapping paper in the bag again!

Only then did Vodka realize that the floor mat of the passenger seat where Sano was sitting was very clean.

It’s okay to eat all the chocolate, but why are you acting so polite at this time?

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

Sano’s actions not only caused Vodka to give “garbage” to Gin, but also made his previous littering behavior even more conspicuous.

Vodka’s face instantly fell into tears, and he turned around to explain to Gin.

But Gin didn’t have the time or mood to pay attention to vodka.

After saying “drive” in a cold voice, he got into the back seat of the car.

Seeing this, Vodka could only climb into the car silently, start the car and step on the accelerator.

Sano, on the other hand, had nothing to do with anything and remained silent.

What’s wrong with being reasonable, loving cleanliness, and not littering?

What, why didn’t you do this in Toru Amuro’s car before? Is this a double standard?

…Sano said that his quality changes with his mood.

If you are in a good mood, you will have more qualities; if you are in a bad mood, you will have no qualities.

Well, that makes sense.

If it doesn’t work, double standards will be double standards.

There are two types of people Sano hates most in the world.

One is a person with double standards, and the other is a person who won’t let Sano double standards.

“Cohen and Chianti are in some trouble. You can go and provide support later.”

Gin opened his mouth and issued a mission that couldn’t exactly be considered a mission.

Sano nodded slightly to express understanding, but the next second he received a text message.

From a certain plague god.

There was nothing else, just asking Sano why he didn’t go see Mao Lilan.

After Mao Lilan collapsed and was taken to the hospital that day, she quickly woke up and went home to recuperate. Sano has indeed not visited her until now.

Originally, Conan sent Sano a text message the next day, probably because he had recovered his nerves, asking him to go see Mao Lilan when he had time.

But Sano didn’t reply.

After more than a dozen text messages back and forth, the young man became angry.

Now he simply “accused” Sano directly.

It’s just that Mao Lilan regarded Sano as a good friend and a good senior, but when he got sick, he didn’t even look at her or ask.

Not caring about Mao Lilan at all made her sad, bala bala a lot.

Sano still didn’t bother to pay attention to this, and blocked him immediately.

Bad stuff.

You don’t know how to read and don’t even know what to ask?

Let’s not talk about which two evil spirits were responsible for that night, but Sano was forgotten.

So, is there anything wrong with Mao Lilan? Does it still need to be seen?

Eight hundred years ago, when this girl first woke up, she called Sano.

It’s simply a piece of shit.

The kind of person who can’t be more careful about his writing.

After taking back the phone, Vodka suddenly stepped on the brakes.

Looking up, I saw a lot of police cars parked in front of me.


Vodka looked back and asked Gin for his opinion.

Gin didn’t say anything, just raised his chin. Vodka, as a caring man, immediately understood, unbuckled his seat belt, got out of the car and ran over.

“Maybe another case happened.”

Sano said lazily, but picked up the hood of his sweater.

The facial features can be covered by a passerby’s hat, but the color of the hair still needs to be covered with a hood.

Although he may not be investigated, and even if he is investigated, his hair color alone may not necessarily mean anything, but after all, sitting in the back row is Gin who is as stable as an old dog.

Sano didn’t want to lose any words.

Especially since he just ate the other person’s chocolate.

A few minutes later, Vodka came back in a puff of shit.

“It’s okay, brother. I said there will be a parade here tomorrow, so I came over in advance to make arrangements to facilitate order control…”

Gin still didn’t say anything, and just glanced at Sano through the rearview mirror.

Sano shrugged.

The car continued to move forward, and soon Sano was dumped in a building.


After looking around, Sano planned to go directly to the sniper duo.

But he didn’t expect that Dahei, who had been following him above, suddenly let out a cry.

Sano paused, then curled his lips and changed direction.

At the same time, on the rooftop of a building.

Chianti is confronting a group of men in black.

In fact, as snipers, the sniper duo rarely does this kind of tasks that require direct confrontation. Most of the time, they just snipe and assassinate from a distance.

But this task is of relatively high importance and must be taken over by cadre members.

But the cadres and members of the organization have no time to spare.

So it was left in the hands of the Chianti duo.

According to normal procedures, Chianti should silence the other party after the transaction is completed.

But the other party didn’t seem ready to sit still and wait for death.

They came up with about ten people and blocked Chianti directly.

In this regard, Chianti said that her good teammate Cohen was pointing a sniper rifle at the opponent’s head in an attempt to temporarily calm down the situation and retreat first.

I will look for opportunities to get the place back in the future.

As a result, the other party said that Chianti was not the only one who brought snipers.

The other party also brought two snipers, who were currently aiming at Chianti’s head.

If Chianti doesn’t want flowers to bloom in its head, then Cohen must not let the other party’s head bloom.

The situation was at a standstill.

Of course, this was for a group of people on the rooftop of this building in Chianti.

Behind the scenes, the situation is actually undercurrent.

Chianti and this group of people will not act rashly. What will be the final result?

It also depends on the performance of Cohen and the two enemy snipers.

Whichever side’s snipers dominate, victory will belong to that side.

“Oh, don’t be so nervous. I know that you two are the top snipers in the winery. Of course, the two I brought are not bad either. They are both from the team. It’s a competition between masters. , shouldn’t it be something that is very exciting, very exciting, and very interesting?”

Looking at the middle-aged man hiding among the men in black with a sneer on his face, Chianti twitched the corner of his mouth and did not reply, but he was very angry in his heart.

…This kind of situation where you can only place your hopes on others and wait for the results yourself is really unpleasant. Speaking of which, Cohen should have contacted Gin, right? I don’t know what reinforcements are. It will come when the time comes, and who will come for reinforcements?

Most likely Gin will make the trip himself?

Chianti unconsciously thought of another… sniper in the organization.

As a stronger sniper than Akai Shuichi, although he doesn’t seem to like using sniping methods very much, if that guy comes over.

It should be easy to do, right?


Suddenly, the walkie-talkie in the man’s hand rang, and then a cold voice came out: “This is No. 1. The target has been found, but the target has also found me. No. 2, cooperate with me to deal with him.”

Upon hearing this, Chianti’s heart suddenly “thumped”.

The middle-aged man grinned and pressed the intercom: “No. 2, do you hear me?”

After a few seconds of silence, a chuckle came over the intercom.

“Moses Moses, this is No. 2. No. 2 has also found the target and can kill it at any time.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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