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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 41 41, Black Death is full of Black Death

I don’t know how the two of them persuaded Officer Dememu to let him abandon the two of them and instead follow a student who was only suspected of having contact with the suspect.

Sano continued to walk forward, until at a certain moment, several small electric donkeys came into view, and he stopped.


A few delinquent boys in special attack uniforms who were sitting on a small electric donkey smoking and bragging stopped talking and turned to look at Sano who was standing not far away. After looking at it carefully, he threw away the cigarettes in his hands and put on his hat. A mask with the word “kill” on it.

“That is……”

Miwako Sato, who was following behind, hid behind the green belt and poked her head: “Is it the Black Death?”

Long ago, Sato Miwako had already conducted an investigation on the characteristics of the bad boy in the special attack suit based on the information provided by Conan, so naturally she also knew about the “Black Death”, a bad boy organization.

Black base, special attack uniforms and masks with various slogans, black slicked-back hairstyle, and the means of transportation for all the little electric donkeys. These characteristics can be found quickly with a little search.

Just because the “Special Attack Server” they targeted had only one person acting in the three known appearances, rather than a group action, so they did not directly launch operations against the Black Death organization, and in their view Come on, a runaway organization cannot be involved in human life.

Of course, the police’s suspicions are not entirely unknown.

Then someone who can fight should not be some little Karami. Before the creation of Black Death, he bloodbathed Tokyo’s bad world and the leader of the Black Death who single-handedly created the Black Death. Black Death is undoubtedly the most suspect.

After trying to find several members of Black Death, the police failed to get more information about Black Death from the other party.

After all, those little Karami may not have seen their boss as many times as the police.

Originally, Heisei was just one of the suspected targets, and he wasn’t sure if it was him. Now he didn’t even have any information about Heisei. He wanted to find someone who didn’t know the details among so many people wandering around all day. It is really difficult for people with this status.

But no matter what, in Sato Miwako’s view, the special attack suit must be just a special existence, so the only way is to wait and let the opponent hit the door on its own.

Originally, Miwako Sato thought that this special attack server would be looking for Sano, but now she is looking for him, but it is not just one person. What should we do now?

“Hey Hey hey.”

Just when Miwako Sato hesitated, the members of the Black Death Organization had already walked towards Sano.

“Is that you, Shinichiro Sano?”

Sano looked coldly at the few delinquents surrounding him without saying a word, but the hammer of justice slipped from his hand.

“Officer Sato, what should we do?”

Under Takagi Wataru’s eager questioning, Sato Miwako finally reacted. Looking at the several bad boys who had already punched Sano, she couldn’t help but feel angry.

“Damn it, I can’t control that much anymore. Let’s arrest him first. We can’t just watch Sano get beaten!”

The two of them rushed out quickly. Miwako Sato was about to shout to stop, but she didn’t expect that the next second those delinquent boys would scream and fall to the ground one after another.

Sano was holding a hammer in his hand, and when he caught a delinquent boy, he hammered twice, causing the boy lying on the ground to use his limbs like a dog, trying to avoid Sano’s hammer.

“Quick, run!”

After a few bad boys distanced themselves, they climbed onto the electric donkey without saying a word and fled quickly.

Until then, Sano turned his head slightly and looked at Sato Miwako and Takagi Wataru, with a look of surprise on his face: “Why are these two police officers here?”


Sato Miwako and Takagi Wataru looked at each other and suddenly realized that they seemed to have some misunderstandings about this boy who they had only met twice…and now three times.

Ten minutes later, Sano and the two police officers were sitting in the cafe.

“I’ve made it very clear, I really don’t know the person you are talking about, and I have not been bullied by any bad boy.”

Sano held the iced coffee and said calmly: “It’s just that for some reasons, they often cause trouble. Of course, who suffers in the end is another matter. You have also seen it.”

Sato Miwako couldn’t help but ask: “Didn’t Xiaolan say that you are not in good health? I think you are quite good at fighting. Is that your disguise to avoid going to school?”

“First, my health is not bad, I just have poor physical abilities.”

“Second, when children fight, it’s not about their physical ability, but whether they’re ruthless enough.”

Sano took a sip of coffee: “With weapons in hand, as long as there aren’t many people on the other side, I won’t suffer.”

Thinking of the hammer that Sano held before, Sato Miwako couldn’t help but be silent for a moment. Speaking of which, when they first met, the other party also brought this thing. At that time, it seemed that it was used for self-defense, but she didn’t believe it…

“And the Black Death you’re talking about.”

Sano clicked his tongue: “It’s not like I haven’t seen those people before, but they didn’t seem to be dressed like this at that time. Now, I don’t know.”

Sato Miwako nodded: “As I expected, after all, the Black Death has only developed recently. Rather than saying that it is a runaway organization, it is better to say that within Tokyo, if you do not join the Black Death, you are no longer a delinquent. .”

Miwako Sato’s words are indeed not exaggerated in the slightest.

It had been several days since Sano knew that someone had taken his name to create the Black Death.

At the beginning, this was just a runaway organization with a few hundred people. Although it could be said to be the largest in Tokyo, it was just like that. It was no different from before.

Just one day after the creation of Black Death, this organization began to expand at an alarming rate, from hundreds to thousands of people, and now it can even be said to be terrifying… tens of thousands of people.

The current Black Death has absorbed the delinquent boys from all over Tokyo. Rather than being the name of the rampage organization, it is better to say that it is synonymous with delinquent boys.

This is also the biggest reason why the police gave up trying to find the “special attack suit” that Conan called among them.

The difficulty is too high, it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Of course Sano is aware of this matter. After all, he is the leader of the Black Death… Well, in fact, regarding the fact that his organization has expanded to this point without his knowledge, Sano also called him last night. I only found out when I was a little brother.

There are tens of thousands of people. Neon’s largest underworld organization doesn’t seem to have this scale…

However, Miwako Sato’s side was unable to do anything, mainly due to the rules and regulations Sano had issued to his younger brothers just in case.

Wearing uniform clothing and hairstyles, only half of the face can be seen under the mask. Even though many people are obviously different from Sano in body shape, there are not many people left.

This is especially true now that the Black Death’s population base is so large.

It’s almost like Black Death is full of Black Death.

In addition, Sano’s younger brothers know very little information about him, so it would be strange if they could still find it.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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