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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 410 409, Kurosawa’s hostility


The middle-aged man was stunned. Is this the voice of the second sniper?

Isn’t he a man who is almost thirty years old? Why does he sound like a little kid with no hair on the walkie-talkie? Is it because of the walkie-talkie?

After all, he was just a temporary subordinate who was hired at a huge price and was not very familiar with him, so the middle-aged man didn’t think much about it and just looked at Chianti.

“So, the overall situation has been decided, it’s almost time to admit defeat, right?”

However, after hearing the voice on the intercom, Chianti, who was also stunned for a moment, had a strange look on his face, and finally revealed a sarcastic and playful sneer: “Ah, you are indeed right. “

“The overall situation has been decided.”


Before the middle-aged man could recover from Chianti’s strange reaction, a silenced gunshot came from the intercom, followed by the voice of “No. 2” again: “The target has been solved. Lock in the next target.”

“Next target?”

The middle-aged man was just wondering why there would be another target when he heard a “pop” sound, blood flew everywhere, and a gap immediately opened in the human wall blocking him.


Another shot came over the intercom.

The middle-aged man tilted his neck and fell into a pool of blood.

Yes, men are the next target.

As for the last target, it was naturally the cute No. 1 sniper.

At the same moment when the man was shot and fell to the ground, Chianti drew his gun and fired randomly. In the chaotic battle situation, precise bullets came quickly from the night.

Kill the enemies one by one.

After confirming that all risk factors had been eliminated, Sano modified his sunglasses, stood up, and turned to look at the figure who also put away his gun and stood up two or three hundred meters away.

Cohen also looked at Sano and nodded slightly.

“I said, Rye, why didn’t you say a word when you arrived? What if I didn’t hear your voice just now and acted randomly?”

Chianti’s complaint came over the walkie-talkie, presumably for taking the guy’s walkie-talkie.

To this, Sano replied in turn: “I don’t have your phone number, so what are you going to do? Why don’t you just run up and yell at me?”

“Besides, you didn’t talk about your situation when you asked for support. To be honest, it’s hard for me to understand. If I hadn’t reacted quickly enough, I might have just appeared on the stage and shouted so loudly.”

After a few seconds of silence, the other end of the intercom issued a questioning soul questioning life.

“Wait a minute, you mean, not only did Gin not give you the contact device, but he also didn’t tell you what the hell our situation is like?”

Sano was also stunned when he heard this, and then showed his dead eyes.

…Basically, Sano figured out what was going on.

It should be said that Gin was very arrogant and didn’t care about the lives of the sniper duo.

Or should I say that Gin’s “trust” in Sano is a little too much?

Both parties wisely chose to skip the topic.

After gathering downstairs, Sano planned to take the duo’s ride.

As a result, a speeding black van attracted the attention of three people.

“Hurry up!”

Seeing a dozen men in black rushing out of the van and heading straight to the rooftop of the building where Chianti was previously, Cohen pushed up his goggles and said.

“Looks like we’re not the only ones with reinforcements.”

“But their support was too slow.”

Chianti turned to look at Sano: “How do you say rye?”

“It’s not a real magic car after all, otherwise it should be able to hold twice as many people.”

Sano’s answer raised several questions in Chianti.

“I’m afraid it will be a bit troublesome to leave it to the person who finishes the work. Let’s solve it directly.”

Sano brought the topic back again.

“Then let’s…”

Sano grabbed Chianti, who was about to turn back: “Why are you taking so much time? Isn’t there a trap on site waiting for them to come back?”

Chianti was stunned for a moment, then turned his attention to the black van.

…This man is so insidious.

“But unfortunately, Gin said that this mission cannot make too much noise, so if you want to use bombs, it is definitely not advisable.”

Listening to Chianti’s pretentious sigh, Sano raised his eyebrows: “He didn’t tell me.”

The corner of Chianti’s mouth twitched: “But we are next to you. If we really let you do this, you will be criticized. It’s hard to tell, but we will be unlucky!”

“Okay, okay.”

Sano took out a cigarette with his backhand, lit it behind his back, and took a deep breath.


The white mist drifted by, revealing Sano’s snow-white teeth: “Then let’s find another way.”

A few minutes later.

Chianti sat in the passenger seat of the car and looked at the black van behind through the rearview mirror. From her perspective, she could see a little scarlet in the darkness underneath the car.

Very conspicuous.


Cohen reminded him, and Chianti immediately cheered up and watched the dozen or so hurried and cursing men in black get back into the van.



The blazing flames instantly emerged from the chassis of the car and enveloped the entire car.

Amid screams and curses, the people in black tried to escape from the car.

But after just a few guys who were covered in flames emerged and were quickly devoured, the car exploded again because of the flames.


Looking at the two flame men who were still breathing, they were screaming and rolling on the ground.

A trace of cold sweat ran down Chianti’s head: “Didn’t you agree not to make a big fuss?”

“This is no big deal.”

Sano looked away from the phone and looked at Chianti: “What Gin meant was that no one could notice anything unusual about what happened tonight. This was a normal fire that caused the car to explode, and it was not caused by a bomb. “

…That’s not unreasonable.

Chianti narrowed his eyes and asked again: “But, is the ignition device you left under the car okay? Will it not be detected by the police? And why did you make it look like smoke?”

“Want to learn?”

Sano asked abruptly.

Chianti was stunned for a moment and then asked in surprise: “You can teach me?”

“It’s useless. You can’t learn it even if I teach you.”

Sano said this, which made Chianti reveal his dead eyes… Then don’t say it in the first place!

“Okay, hurry up and evacuate. I still have a mission to solve. It’s almost too late.”

At Sano’s urging, Cohen started the car and drove away quickly.

Time comes the next day.

Sano just woke up and received a new mission.

[Please dismantle the target bomb within the mission time limit. If you complete it, you will get one hundred strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is – 02:59:59].

Defuse bombs?

Sano scratched his head and pulled out the map.

If you have a position, it will be easy to handle. Let’s eat bucket instant noodles to fill our stomach.

After getting up and boiling water, washing up, and drying up a bucket of instant noodles, Sano went out to locate the location, but on the way he switched to Kurosawa’s vest.

Soon, Sano saw a lively scene from a distance.

…This is the street where the parade was held last night, right?

Sano was stunned, a little surprised.

Co-author, here is not a case that has occurred, but a case that will occur?


Sano didn’t think too much because he didn’t have much time.

Another headache for Sano is that there are too many passers-by here.

Putting aside the question of how Sano could tell the precise location of the red dot of his mission in such a crowd, it would be a very troublesome problem just to explore or approach the target.


Suddenly, Sano’s eyes turned and fell on a few short figures outside the crowded crowd.

The Plague God Squad was as expected.

The five real and fake children, including Conan, as well as Dr. Agasa and… Miwako Sato, Rensaburo Shiratori, and the female police officer from the Ministry of Transportation who seems to be named Yumi Miyamoto, all have a strong sense of case at a glance.

Wait a moment.

Sano originally thought about approaching the area near the God of Plague to check the situation, but he didn’t expect that when he looked at the map with a comparison object, he made a different discovery.

The bomb didn’t seem to be in the crowd, and it was still moving.

Is this a rhythm where someone wants to take the stolen goods all at once?

While Sano was distracted, another character appeared.

It seemed that Takagi Wataru was slapped by Miwako Sato when he got out of the car and approached Conan and his group across the street… which was a bit baffling.

Sano was too lazy to take care of it. Just as he was about to take action, he saw another sneaky figure touching Takagi Wataru’s car and checked its location again.

Hey, isn’t this a coincidence? This is.

Sano looked at the man with interest and put a bag under Takagi Wataru’s car.

After thinking about it, Sano did not stop him or catch him on the spot.

He then found a corner, separated the clones and entered the black cat form.

Then Sano held the blasting gloves in his mouth and quietly got under Takagi Wataru’s car. He opened the handbag and got in. Sure enough, he saw the bomb. It seemed that it was set to detonate remotely through the phone.

The strategy of not choosing to alert the enemy played an unexpected role.

After thinking wildly for a few seconds, Sano placed the blasting glove in his mouth on the bomb, then stretched out his claws and inserted them into the glove.

…Why, cats can’t wear gloves?

Can’t claws be considered hands?

It has hands and is worn, so why shouldn’t it be used?

With the above well-founded reasons, Sano successfully defused the bomb.

At the same moment, Takagi Wataru returned to the car for some reason and dropped the keys under the car. He bent down and looked under the car and saw a white handbag, but it was Sano who got into the bag.

It was not seen by Takagi Wataru.

But Takagi Wataru still became nervous for a moment, and quickly stood up and walked towards his colleagues.

“Oops, there’s something under my car that doesn’t look right.”


Sato Miwako and the other policemen immediately changed their expressions. Under Conan’s somewhat puzzled eyes, they quickly came to the side of Takagi Wataru’s car and looked down.

The result was…empty.

“…Takagi, where is there something here? Did you see it wrong, or are you playing with us?”


Faced with the questions from his colleagues, Takagi Wataru was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head to check again. After confirming that there was indeed nothing, his face was filled with question marks: “That’s not right, I just saw a white handbag…”

“That’s what he was talking about.”

A sudden voice interrupted the conversation.

Everyone turned to look, and a face with sparse stubble came into their eyes.


Sano ignored Conan and just threw the handbag in his hand to the nearest Shiratori Rensaburo.

“What’s this?”

Shiratori Rensaburo asked subconsciously.


Sano replied.


Several real children looked frightened at the same time, and they would scream loudly and run away quickly in the next second.

Fortunately, a few police officers had quick eyesight and quick hands. They grabbed several real children and covered their mouths at the same time, so that the situation did not get out of control.

“Hush, the person who planted the bomb may still be nearby, don’t attract their attention!”

After Shiratori Rensaburo comforted the three children, he looked at Sano who looked calm next to him with a headache: “I’m telling you, how can you touch something like a bomb casually? What if it explodes? ah?”

As he spoke, Shiratori Rensaburo urged Sato Miwako to call the bomb disposal team.

Sano looked disdainful at this: “I won’t touch it. Do you have to rely on you to solve the problem? Figure out the location of this bomb. If it weren’t for me, your good colleague would have been wiped out with his car. .”

Hearing this, Shiratori Rensaburo was stunned for a moment, then opened the bag and took a look, his expression instantly became solemn: “This was detonated by remote control over the phone!”


The faces of Conan and Takagi Wataru next to them all changed, because they knew very well what the remote control detonation meant. It meant that the person who installed the bomb was most likely nearby, and it meant that their abnormality had probably been noticed.

It means…this bomb may be detonated at any time!

Conan looked around with a gloomy expression, searching for every suspicious person.

But the people around were basically passers-by gathered together to watch the parade.

Nothing can be seen at all.

Shiratori Rensaburo also began to think about whether he should ignore possible danger factors, prioritize solving the current danger factors, put down the bomb, and then quickly evacuate the crowd and wait for the bomb disposal team to come and deal with it.

However, at this tense moment, Sano finally spoke.

“Why are everyone panicking? The bomb has been defused and cannot be detonated again.”


Conan and others looked at Sano with wide eyes.

“Who demolished it, how did it do it, and when did it do it?”

Soul asked three questions subconsciously, among which Shiratori Rensaburo even rubbed his eyes: “This thing obviously doesn’t have any trace of being tampered with, right?”

“I defused it using my own techniques just now. If you could see the traces, then I wouldn’t have to play bomb defusing tricks.”

After Sano answered the four questions one by one, he showed disdain again: “You can figure it out with just a little thought. If this bomb had not been dismantled, how could I have handed it over to you so carelessly.”

“No, strictly speaking, if it hadn’t been dismantled, I wouldn’t have given it to you.”

Sano denied the latter sentence and added the setting again.

…I always feel that there is a very strong smell of disgust and contempt.

Shiratori Rensaburo and several police officers blushed for a while.

However, Conan didn’t feel any strange at all, and asked curiously: “Uncle Kurosawa, can you still defuse bombs? Your skills are so good. Where did you learn it? There are very few places that teach this kind of thing. And how do you know that?” , there will be a bomb here, even under Officer Takagi’s car?”

Sano glanced at Conan, and then…ignored him.

The other people who were also listening attentively were speechless when they were also opened up by Conan’s question.

However, unlike Conan, as police officers, Shiratori Rensaburo and others did not pay too much attention to attitude and relationship issues, and directly pursued questions.

“Listen, the suspect who planted the bomb is likely to act again. We need your cooperation. If you really know something, please don’t hide it.”

Looking at Rensaburo Shiratori, who had a serious look on his face, Sano sneered: “Why, if I don’t tell you my channels and you still plan to come with me, you will be worthy of being a neon policeman, he is quite domineering.”

Shiratori Rensaburo choked: “I didn’t mean that…”

“Then what do you mean?”



Sato Miwako interrupted this seemingly increasingly chaotic development and looked at Sano: “In short, at least we can be sure that you are on our side, so let’s find the suspect together and solve this case…”

“Don’t get me wrong, miss. Maybe we are not hostile at the moment, but if we say we are on the same side, it makes me laugh.”

Sano refuted Miwako Sato’s words and stared at the other party coldly.

The words are full of distance, even hostility.

Logically speaking, under Sano’s Kurosawai vest, there is actually a black mask. Logically speaking, it should be an absolutely positive existence like the police.

Maintain a good relationship.

Sano did think and do this in the past.

But now, to be honest, Sano is not in the mood.

Self-righteous and self-assertive.

Sano can take the initiative to say that he is on the same side as the police, but the other way around.

It just doesn’t work.

Sano knew this was a bit unreasonable, but so what?

Faced with Sano’s words, Sato Miwako and several other police officials already felt a little embarrassed.

Not many people in the police know about the existence of Kurosawai and his specificity.

Except for a few high-level people and those who have direct contact, everyone else is unaware of the inside story.

Unfortunately, Miwako Sato knows them all.

Therefore, in addition to feeling angry, several people also felt a little depressed and confused.

It was Conan who hurriedly dragged Officer Megure, who was also at the scene, to prevent the situation from becoming more serious.

Afterwards, through the mediation operation of this veteran, the two parties temporarily reached an agreement.

Sano will participate in the investigation of this case, and will move freely without any restrictions, let alone be asked for any information.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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