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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 411 410, where are the beggars?

Under such conditions, if Sano needs the help of the police to solve the case.

Officer Megure will also try his best to provide assistance.

And this development also convinced Conan.

Although Kurosawa did know some things, he didn’t know everything.

Otherwise, given his attitude towards the police, he would definitely take action on his own and would have to get involved in the police investigation.

But there was another point that Conan couldn’t understand.

Why is the other party so hostile to the police?

Logically speaking.

A superhero who works in private, although not perfect, is definitely a good person.

No matter who is speaking, there should not be any problem in that the other party and the police are on the same side.

So why did Kurosawa refute Miwako Sato’s statement.

What else can I say, it’s not considered hostile for the time being?

Is it possible that there will be hostility in the future?

Why do you say that?

If there are any unavoidable reasons or restrictions from external factors.

Then the tone doesn’t need to be so bad, right?

It doesn’t feel like it’s because of other reasons, but your own reasons?

Has anything happened between you and the police in the past? It can’t be just a bad mood, right?

…In fact, as early as the beginning, Conan had already noticed that there were some problems in the communication between the other party and Shiratori Rensaburo, but he thought that the other party just felt that that kind of thinking and behavior was too brainless, that is, it was wrong to deal with the situation and the person.

But now it seems that it is wrong to people.

Conan thought hard and couldn’t figure it out. He wanted to ask the other party directly.

But looking at the other party’s still sullen face… Conan knew that even if he asked, there was a high probability that he would be ignored, or even further insulted.

“That’s true, but how should we investigate?”

Shiratori Rensaburo scratched his head in distress: “There are no clues at all…”

Speaking of this, everyone subconsciously looked at Sano again.


Officer Memu coughed quickly, not only because he did not want any further friction between the two parties, but also because he had some small thoughts of his own… No matter what, he was a member of the police after all, and he had no position or temper.

That is naturally impossible.

Without showing it, it can only be said that Officer Megure is a sophisticated person.

Don’t rely on Kurosawa, just rely on your own strength to solve it, or in other words, solve it faster than Kurosawa.

It’s very comfortable to take a breath.

It just so happened that Mitsuhiko suddenly discovered that the camera he brought was missing, which immediately attracted everyone’s attention. After a search, it was finally found in the trash can.

But it’s just an empty shell, and the video tape inside is gone.

This increased the attention of this matter again. Another good thing is that Mitsuhiko’s video tape was actually left on his body.

The videotape that was allegedly taken away by the suspect was a new one that Mitsuhiko had just replaced.

Therefore, it is possible that the “evidence” still exists.

The group of people quickly found a place and watched the video tape.

From this, Sano also knew why Takagi Wataru received the slap from Miwako Sato.

Things have to start from the root of this case.

This parade was originally an event organized by a football team.

Because he is famous, he has many fans.

Correspondingly, there are also many negative fans.

So on the same day, the police received a threatening letter, which basically said that they would do something interesting during the parade.

…Looking at the reactions of Officer Megure and his team, Sano knew that there might be something special behind this threatening letter, in short.

The police take this matter very seriously.

Therefore, Miwako Sato and the others dressed up in disguise and blended in with the passers-by.

Although he doesn’t know why, Takagi Wataru doesn’t need to pretend.

But perhaps because he didn’t want to be excluded, Takagi Wataru dressed up, and then was slapped by Sato Miwako. The reason was… his disguised appearance looked too much like a certain person in the policewoman’s memory.

…off the mark.

Looking at the picture, after Miwako Sato beat Takagi Wataru, she said nothing and had no intention of explaining.

Besides being confused, Takagi Wataru didn’t have any anger or other thoughts at all.

Sano couldn’t help but sigh: “They are really two excellent police officers.”


The already weird-looking police officers suddenly became even weirder when they heard Sano’s words. However, considering Officer Megure’s words and the current situation, no one responded and just watched the video carefully.

However, after looking at it again, I found nothing.

I looked it up a second time and still found nothing.

After reading it for the third time, I still found nothing.

There were too many people captured in the videotape, and it wasn’t that no one behaved abnormally. On the contrary, there were many people who behaved abnormally, so many that it was difficult to distinguish them.

…For example, a little girl who thought Mitsuhiko was secretly filming something.

Seeing this, everyone sighed in melancholy.

“It seems we can only look for other clues…”

As soon as Officer Megure turned his head, he saw Sano walking out. After being stunned for a moment, he quickly asked: “Hey, Brother Kurosawa, aren’t you coming with us?”

Sano looked back at Officer Megure and left without saying anything.

“Wait Kurosawa, do you have any clues?”

Conan immediately chased after him…it was Officer Megure who made the non-interference agreement with the other party, not him.

Why can’t you ask more?

I didn’t ask before because the situation was not as “clear” as it is now… At least Conan didn’t think that people like Kurosawa would run around like headless flies, so since it was moving, there must be something Got a certain clue.


It’s business as usual.

Conan, who chased out the door, only saw a pile of air.


On the other side, Sano was quickly heading to the target location.

In fact, another main reason why Sano chose not to capture the bomb suspect on the spot was because he wanted to get involved in the case.

Sano’s intuition told him that there might be follow-up tasks to this case.

No, it’s already here.

Just like the previous mission, Sano needed to defuse the target bomb… This reminded him unconsciously of the previous mission where he had to constantly defuse bombs.

It seems like you can make a lot of money today?

I hope this donor can give me some help.

Sano is not very demanding.

A hundred or so bombs would be enough.

After arriving at a phone booth, Sano looked around and couldn’t find anything wrong. After thinking for a few seconds, he put on a passerby hat and blasting gloves, and walked into the phone booth leisurely and openly.

Just like an ordinary passerby who wants to make a phone call, he fumbles through the operation.

Very safely and quickly, Sano disposed of the bomb.

Then, Sano received another bomb disposal mission and went to defuse another bomb.

This seemed to confirm that Sano’s idea was correct.

But just when Sano thought that he would keep running around and defusing bombs in the next time, a change suddenly came.

[Please ensure that no one dies in the mission target area within the mission time limit. You will receive 100 strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the mission is – 02:59:59].

…Is this the end of the chapter?

Sano smacked his lips as he was still not satisfied. If the young man is not strong enough, he can’t last longer.

Of course, after all is said and done, the money still has to be collected first.

So Sano followed the map again and came to a post office?

What’s going on? Why did you come to a place like the post office again?

Sano looked at the situation with some confusion, but could not find any traces of bombs in the post office… but he found a few familiar figures.

A group of police officers.

He also seemed to be disguised as a post office worker.

Have you found the truth and are you going to wait and see?

Sano frowned and stood on the second floor carelessly, but was affected by the passerby’s hat.

No one noticed that there was someone standing on the second floor.

After thinking for a while, Sano chose to continue to wait and see, patiently waiting for his opportunity to appear.

After a while, the danger factor finally appeared.

Several guys, also disguised as postal workers, burst through the door with pistols.

It seems like they are trying to rob the funds that the post office is about to send away today… This is outrageous.

With this skill, wouldn’t it be more profitable to rob a bank?

However, what made Sano feel even more outrageous was that Officer Megure and his team, disguised as staff, chose to tear off their disguises directly, took out their pistols, and faced off against the robbers at close range with guns.

…is there something wrong with this guy?

Sano leaned back tactically, unable to understand the actions of this group of people…well, actually he could understand a little bit, after all, not everyone is a desperado.

Faced with more than ten times the number of people and suppressed firepower.

A few robbers who only want money will most likely choose to lay down their weapons and surrender.

But this is only a high probability.

Otherwise, why would Sano appear here?

And judging from the feedback given by the blasting gloves, these robbers did not bring bombs in, so the only possible risk factors are the pistols in their hands, and the possibility of a life-and-death explosion later.

As the saying goes, flesh and blood are weak… Except for Sano, who was wearing a special attack uniform, he had never seen anyone who had been shot at a vital point, even from a pistol, survive.

Even if it was the group of villains who confronted Chianti on the rooftop of the building last night, it was because the leader wanted to force her to surrender in order to get something very important – that is, the point where he was threatened.

As for Officer Megure and his team here would do this, Sano could only feel that they did not want to take action directly and escalate the situation to the point where they had to kill several robbers.

If that’s the case.

Nasano still wanted to sigh.

The operation of the evil pen.

Seeing that under the persuasion of Officer Megure, the expressions of the two robbers were a little shaken, and they even felt like putting down their guns. However, the man in the middle was breathing more and more rapidly, and his facial features became more and more ferocious. Sano knew that .

It’s time to take action.

“Bang bang bang…”

Sano fired six bullets in a row at lightning speed.

The three robbers had their guns aimed at their wrists and shoulders.

Well, just in case, one more shot.

Don’t ask why Sano used a gun instead of transforming into a black mask.

Don’t even ask why Sano gave bullets to the two robbers who were already trying to put down their guns.

First of all, these three robbers are already in a “targeting” state.

Sano suddenly jumped out and had no time to deal with the opponent before he fired.

It’s hard to say.

Sano is not wearing that gangster suit now, and he does not want to make the same shady move as Officer Megure, which would increase the risk for no reason.

Isn’t that why you are making yourself unhappy?

Correspondingly, the second one is similar.

Sano suddenly fired. Who knows if the other two robbers would be frightened and pull the trigger directly?

…Of course the above are all ideas of deep consciousness.

As for Sano’s superficial thoughts, there is only one.

Finish it quickly.

get off work!


The gunshots were mixed with the screams of the three robbers and the sound of pistols falling.


A group of police officers were all frightened by the sudden gunfire. Fortunately, they still had some professionalism left, and they all turned their guns and aimed at the second floor.

It’s a pity that when Officer Megure and others turned around.

Sano had already put away his gun and evacuated, but all he saw was nothing.

Miwako Sato and Rensaburo Shiratori ran to the second floor without saying a word.

Seeing this, Takagi Wataru and several other police officers followed closely.

However, after going upstairs, it was still empty.

“Damn it!”

Miwako Sato angrily chipped away at the wall. Only Rensaburo Shiratori took out his gloves and picked up a bullet casing on the ground, showing a thoughtful look.

The next day came again.

Sano looked at a message in the private chat channel of the professional killer platform on his computer.

He couldn’t help but curl his lips.

The content is – “In addition to killing people, will you also find people? I mean, if I ask you to kill someone who is difficult to find, don’t you need me to provide his location?” The time was yesterday. It’s about ten o’clock in the evening.

Sano didn’t hesitate and replied directly.

“It depends on who you want to kill and the reward you want to offer.”

Unexpectedly, the other party responded instantly.

“…I don’t know his real name, I only know his code name, Rye, a cadre member of a criminal organization. He is very dangerous and elusive. If you are willing to take the time to search, there is a connection between the Faceless Man and the Bomb Maniac. Through reports and some gossip, you may gain a lot of understanding.”

Ha, it is indeed this guy.

Sano couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth when he saw the other party’s reply.

To be fair, the existence of the killer black cat appeared some time ago, or even just a few days ago, not to mention neon, but the entire world.

This is an undoubted newcomer killer.

There is no reputation at all.

Especially when Sano didn’t deliberately spread this name, it was impossible for anyone to come to him to talk about the mission.

Not to mention the target is so… special.

Before Sano could reply, a new message came again.

“I mean, if you have the means to find him, is it possible to capture him alive or give me his traces without killing him?”


What does this mean?

Sano touched his chin with interest, thought for a while and then typed on the keyboard: “Okay, make an offer.”

“…How about ten million?”

Sano twitched the corner of his mouth and asked a question.

Toru Amuro immediately responded with a question mark.

Sano slapped the keyboard wildly: “Where are you sending the beggars?”

“How much do you want?”

“Billion, find him and I can give you news.”

Sano replied: “Ten billion, I can bring him to you.”

After a pause for a few seconds, Sano added another symbol.


After a minute, Toru Amuro didn’t reply.

Five minutes later, Toru Amuro still had no reply.

Half an hour later, Toru Amuro still had no reply.

Oops, it looks like the deal has broken down.

Sano put down the novel he was holding up out of boredom, stood up and exited the platform. After cleaning up all traces, he turned off the computer… This development was something he had expected. Anyway, he just had nothing to do.

Just teasing this guy to pass the time… Ahem, but Sano never thought at all that he would actually accept Tohru Amuro’s commission.

That’s not entirely true.

After all, that’s 10 billion, 10 billion.

It can be piled up in a room… No, then it might be enough to just build a house for Sano, maybe even a small bungalow, maybe a big villa?

If it really reaches that level, then Sano should take some time to direct and act on his own.

It’s not impossible.

In addition, Sano’s, um, pricing is not entirely random.

Isn’t that just telling Toru Amuro that he doesn’t want to accept this commission and is deliberately making things difficult for him?

Sano decided this based on the market price.

…The specific reference is the price of the Armed Detective Agency.

To be precise, except for the Armed Detective Agency, the prices for orders received from other places are not “public”. Of course, even if they are not made public, Sano is the boss behind the scenes.

Naturally it can be understood.

All in all, Sano is not asking for random prices.

This is just to not disrupt the market and to act according to the rules.

Yes, that’s it.


The phone vibrated, and Sano took it out and took a look. It was a text message from Mao Lilan.

He said there was a national mock test tomorrow and asked Sano if he wanted to review together or something.

Of course Sano declined this.

It is impossible to review, and it is impossible to review in this life.

Maybe cramming for other things will be useful, but only for exams.

Sano can only hold athlete’s foot.

Other than being stinky to death, it has no use at all.

However, just when Sano was about to go out and complete the tasks on the professional killer platform…

[Please dismantle the target bomb within the mission time limit. If you complete it, you will get one hundred strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is – 02:59:59].


Why does this thing look so familiar?

Sano was stunned for a few seconds, laughed, and immediately changed his destination. After switching vests along the way, he followed the map to locate the target bomb.

A car on the street, not far away were Sato Miwako, Shiratori Rensaburo, Takagi Wataru and Conan’s team of plague gods, except for Dr. Agasa and that one.

Other than Yumi Miyamoto?

It’s almost the same configuration as yesterday.


Seeing a figure sneaking away from the car, Sano raised the corner of his mouth again.

It really is……

After shaking his head, Sano quietly entered the car.

The bomb was then found and defused.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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