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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 412 411, Conan: Kurosawa is bourbon!

At the same time, Shiratori Rensaburo on the other side had returned to the vehicle.

As soon as he entered the car, Shiratori Rensaburo noticed the piece of paper taped to the driver’s sun visor. The words on it made his pupils shrink instantly.

After his heart skipped a beat, Shiratori Rensaburo hurriedly tried to escape from the car.

But at this moment, a voice came from the back row: “Don’t panic, the bomb has been defused.”

Shiratori Rensaburo trembled all over, covering his heart that almost jumped out of his throat, turned around, and took a deep breath: “I said, can you stop being so scary?”

“Don’t you should thank me first?”

Wearing a vest, Sano ignored the other party’s gaze and casually flicked the cigarette ashes on the back seat: “After all, if it weren’t for me, you would be dead by now.”

“…Where is the bomb?”


Sano casually threw the bomb to Shiratori Rensaburo again, causing the police officer to tremble again.

…Why is this situation so inexplicably familiar?

Shiratori Rensaburo took a deep breath and checked the bomb in his hand.

Although, like last time, Shiratori Rensaburo could not see any signs that the bomb had been dismantled, at least he was sure that it was a real bomb and not a prank toy.

“It seems right.”

Shiratori Rensaburo’s expression became solemn, and he quickly got out of the car and called his colleagues.

After some discussion, several police officers came to a rough conclusion.

Correspondingly, Sano also roughly understood the whole story.

It turns out that Shiratori Rensaburo and Takagi Wataru appeared here because they received clues from anonymous reports that there was a bomb in the restaurant here.

Since today was a special day, the two came over to check.

As for Conan and Miwako Sato, they met by chance under the Ferris wheel in the amusement park. As they were leaving together, they happened to meet the duo of Wataru Takagi who had just finished checking out the restaurant.

After the two parties talked, they talked about the police… Strictly speaking, it was just a group of policemen who knew each other and planned to go to karaoke at night. Because Rensaburo Shiratori was not interested in such things, he said he wanted to leave first.

Then…I saw Sano in the car.

“In other words, is this clue true?”

“No, strictly speaking, this clue should be said to be bait.”

Conan looked around: “By telling the police that there was a bomb in this restaurant, luring the police over, loading bombs in the car, and using the crowd evacuated by the police as a cover… What is the purpose of this person?”

Before Shiratori Rensaburo could think about it, he received another call from Officer Megure.

After hanging up the phone, Shiratori Rensaburo took out the piece of paper posted in his car: “The hall and each division have received similar things.”

“This is declaring war on us…”

Soon, Sano and his party, perhaps as witnesses at the scene, arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department.

After making a useless written confession, Shiratori Rensaburo just finished his meeting, and immediately went to see Sano for a small meeting.

From this, Sano also learned more details.

For example, the one on the Metropolitan Police Department and Shiratori Rensaburo’s car. This is not the first time something similar to a threatening letter has appeared. It has appeared many times before.

To be precise, twice.

On both occasions, police were unsuccessful in fully catching the suspect.

This resulted in the sacrifice of many police officers.

After the last time, the police will do this every year on this date.

Receive a countdown.

Until this year, the countdown is over.

What the police received was a letter of challenge that was close to a coded letter.

It is worth mentioning that in the last bomb case, Officer Megure and others took it so seriously because the suspect’s “threat letter” was very similar to this one.

What is even more worth mentioning is that the slap that caused Takagi Wataru to be slapped in the previous case was the person Miwako Sato seemed to be obsessed with.

It was the only policeman who died in the previous round.

“The above are all the clues we have currently.”

Rensaburo Shiratori looked at Sano with a serious face, and his tone could even be said to have a tone of pleading: “No matter from every aspect, this case is very important to us, so if you… Even if you don’t want to have too much contact with us, I still hope to be able to ask you, no matter what, please be sure not to let the tragedy continue.”

Sano leaned against the wall, half-opening his eyes, and didn’t reply. He just glanced at everyone in the room who was looking at him, then looked at Conan who sneaked in next to him, and asked: “I look like a bad guy now.” .”


Conan was stunned for a moment, then blinked and replied cautiously: “If I say… it is indeed a bit similar, will you be angry and hold a grudge against me?”

“I already hate it.”


Sano sighed and looked at Shiratori Rensaburo: “I never make promises to anyone. The only thing I can promise you is that I will try my best.”

“That’s enough.”

Shiratori Rensaburo breathed out: “We plan to go out to investigate, do you want to come with us?”


The group of people immediately left the Metropolitan Police Department and boarded three cars.

Among them, Sano and Shiratori Rensaburo were in the same car.

Originally, Sato Miwako and Takagi Wataru were going to send five little kids home.

But Conan sneaked into Rensaburo Shiratori’s car again.

The kids in the other two cars were also clamoring to help with the investigation.

It immediately gave several police officers a headache.

Finally, Sano spoke, and Conan successfully stayed.

“So, how are you going to investigate?”

After hearing Sano’s inquiry, Shiratori Rensaburo, who was driving, played a row of points.

“It seems like they’re just headless flies running around.”

…As expected, he was ridiculed again.

Shiratori Rensaburo twitched the corner of his mouth and said nothing, because in such a situation.

Regardless of whether it is a refutation or an explanation, I am afraid that it will only be ridiculed more powerfully.

“You still have to decipher the code above first.”

Conan looked at the card in his hand and frowned slightly: “Do you have any ideas, Uncle Kurosawa?”


Sano answered very cheerfully.


If you can solve this thing by yourself, why do you bring a tool like you with me?

Sano gave Conan a look of contempt.

In the end, Conan did not disappoint Sano and solved the mystery.

Even Haiyuan Ai gave the answer at about the same speed.

The trains at Minami Cupido Station are red.

Persuaded by the reasoning of Conan, the tomboy duo, Shiratori Rensaburo and the others immediately contacted Officer Megure, and then launched a large-scale search operation on all the red trains at Minami Cupido Station.

It’s a pity that even after working until midnight, no bomb was found.

A lot of fireworks bombs used for pranks were found.

Obviously, the suspect knew from the beginning that the “police” would solve the mystery this way.

I’m even in the mood to play with him.

“What should I do now…”

While Officer Mu and everyone else were worried, Conan was also frowning in thought.

Only Sano’s thoughts had drifted elsewhere.

The reason why Sano chose to participate in the investigation of this case is similar to yesterday.

It’s just that yesterday’s tasks were all completely physical work.

Whether it will be like this today, it’s hard to say.

All in all, there is a high probability that there will be follow-up, but judging from this rhythm, I am afraid that we have to wait until the only two time points in the threat letter that are clear enough –

Tomorrow at 12 noon and 3 pm.

…That’s what Sano originally thought.

Unexpectedly, Sano would receive a new mission right after, and it wasn’t bomb disposal or rescuing people.

[Please participate in tomorrow’s national mock test and complete the test. You will receive 100 strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time for the task is – 17:59:59].

take an exam?

After Sano was stunned for a moment, he smacked his lips and frowned slightly.

If Sano remembers correctly, there seems to be something in the text message sent by Mao Lilan.

When does the national mock exam officially start?

It’s afternoon anyway. Could it be that there is a bomb in Didan High School?

Sano touched his chin. This seemed difficult to explain.

It’s not uncommon for tasks that conflict with time.

Just wait and see patiently.

“By the way, Mr. Kurosawa, may I take the liberty of asking you…two rather abrupt questions. Of course, if you mind, you can choose to ignore them.”

Sano retracted his thoughts, looked at Shiratori Rensaburo who also retracted his thoughts, raised his eyebrows and said: “Since I already know that I am presumptuous and abrupt, why do I ask?”

Shiratori Rensaburo: “…”

“Because I’m really a little curious. I won’t be happy if I don’t vomit.”

Looking at Shiratori Rensaburo with an awkward smile on his face, Sano waved his hand: “Then you can vomit.”

…What does “vomit” mean?

After playing a row of points again, Shiratori Rensaburo asked: “Actually, in the last bomb case that was very similar to this case, the criminal gang was already caught by us, but according to what they said, in order to confuse the public, they are still In other places, two time bombs were installed.”

“But after we rushed there, we couldn’t find the so-called bomb, let alone no explosion at the original time. Because we were worried that someone would take the bomb away by mistake, we tried hard to check the surveillance cameras around the two locations.”

“Then it was discovered that before the scheduled explosion time, a figure wearing a peaked cap appeared in both locations. This figure was very similar to another person who appeared in another super bomb case that had a great impact earlier.”

Shiratori Rensaburo first laid the groundwork and then asked the key points.

“I want to know, is that person you, Mr. Kurosawa?”

Next to him, Conan no longer thought about trivial matters and listened with his ears pointed.

However, facing the serious expression of Shiratori Rensaburo, Sano’s eyes were dull.


“Next, next?”

Shiratori Rensaburo was confused at first. Then he realized what he meant and twitched his mouth: “The next thing is, when the prisoner was finally arrested in the last bombing case, a mysterious man suddenly opened fire and injured three people. Suspect.”

“Based on the bullet casings left at the scene and the test results of the warheads on the suspect, we can almost confirm that this person is the same mysterious person who appeared in the earlier case where Detective Mouri Kogoro was attacked by a hired killer. Individually, at least they use the same gun.”

“I would like to ask, Mr. Kurosawa, what do you think?”

Sano thought for two seconds and asked curiously: “Judging from what you said, I don’t feel that these two so-called mysterious people have any connection with me. Why do you think so?” Want to ask me.”


Shiratori Rensaburo was confused again. After touching his head, he thought carefully.

…There seems to be no connection at all.

Then why do I subconsciously think that the other party will be at least one of the two.

Or even both?

Shiratori Rensaburo was diverted.

Conan touched his chin thoughtfully.

It turns out that in that case, things like that actually happened one after another.

Conan has an impression of the “two people” mentioned by Shiratori Rensaburo.

The man in the hat once secretly defused a bomb. As for the man with the gun in the back, he shot the killer with a pistol from a very long distance and successfully saved Mouri Kogoro’s dog… cough , little life.

This time, these two people appeared in the same case.

And there is a possibility that the two people may actually be the same person.

…Speaking of which, in the original case.

It seems that the trio of real children was indeed mentioned, and the “hat man” pulled out a pistol.

Sure enough, it’s the same person.

Conan’s brain was running rapidly. In addition, the setting of “Hat Man” was a bit close to a certain bomb maniac at the very beginning. This was undoubtedly the wrong route, but it was because of what happened at the kindergarten bazaar a few days ago.

But it gave Conan a brand new, very similar idea.

That is, could that person be Bourbon?

Or… Kurosawa, could it be bourbon?

Conan’s thoughts were opened and he looked at Sano and then at Haibara Ai.

The radar didn’t respond… It was the same thing last time at the bazaar.

think carefully.

There is an unclear grudge between Black Mask and Gin, which is tantamount to being in an antagonistic relationship with the organization. For this reason, Kurosawa chose to enter the organization undercover.

Obtained Bourbon’s code name through his own abilities.

It is precisely because of this that Haihara Ai cannot sense the smell of “Bourbon”.

After all, this product is not pure.

…This kind of development is very reasonable!

Conan’s eyes lit up. He actually knew very well why Shiratori Rensaburo subconsciously felt this even when there was no superficial connection between the two parties.

There is contact between the two parties.

Because in the previous case, Kurosawa “disappeared”.

After appearing suddenly and unexpectedly in the early stage to save the situation, Kurosawa should have become the core focus, either crushing everything or turning the tide.

But actually it doesn’t.

After leaving seemingly with some progress, Kurosawa never appeared again in the entire case.

No matter how you look at it, it feels wrong.

Two more people suddenly appeared later…perhaps it can also be said to be a new character.

Subconsciously thinking that the two, or three, are the same person.

There’s nothing surprising about it, it’s a very subtle and deep connection.

Conan took a deep breath and felt that his respiratory tract was trembling with excitement.

If this speculation of mine is true.

That is really a huge discovery!

…Is there something wrong with this kid? Why is he shaking like this?

Sano glanced at Conan, and then at Rensaburo Shiratori, who was still thinking about why he thought that way, almost autistic.

Are there no normal people around me?

Sano thought so, then said hello and found a room to sleep.

…There is no other way, looking at the pace, it will take all night.

There are exams and tasks to be done tomorrow, so how can we do it without a little sleep?

The sky is huge, the biggest one is eating, and the second largest one is sleeping.

So, the whole night passed like this, and Officer Memu and his team also spent the whole night in vain.

When Sano got up.

I happened to bump into this group of guys who were listless and had bloodshot eyes, as if they had just finished doing something and would be thrown over their shoulders by ants when they went out to have breakfast.

“I said, it’s not that serious. They don’t even provide breakfast?”

Faced with Sano’s question, Shiratori Rensaburo’s heads were almost turned to pulp. It took him a while to realize what he meant, and then he said.

“Ah, no, we visited you before. You were sleeping soundly, so we didn’t want to disturb you. We planned to pack a meal and bring it back to you to eat.”

Gao Mushe said: “Then since you are awake, come with us.”

“Let’s decide first what we want to eat. I’m very picky.”

Shiratori Rensaburo sighed helplessly: “Okay, okay, you can eat whatever you want. I’ll pay for it myself, okay?”


So generous?

Sano raised his eyebrows and suddenly remembered that he had heard it somewhere.

Shiratori Rensaburo is still a rich second generation.

Then this meal is quite satisfying.

Sano followed Shiratori Rensaburo’s car and finally came to a family.

Burger fast food restaurant.

“…This is yours, picky?”

Shiratori Rensaburo looked dull, while Sano looked normal.

“I’ve been eating too much instant noodles recently and I’m a bit tired of it. I want to change the taste.”

Thinking about it carefully, Sano seems to have never eaten a burger since he came to this world.

It’s okay if I don’t think about it, but when I think about it, my appetite comes to the ground.

What’s more important is that it’s delicious, inexpensive and affordable.

Even though it was Shiratori Rensaburo’s money, Sano shouldn’t care about it.

But adults.

What matters is reciprocity.

That Shiratori Rensaburo was willing to pay for Sano Sou’s meal at his own expense.

Naturally, Sano couldn’t really empty out the other party’s pocket… Anyway, it wouldn’t be enough to empty out a breakfast, and secondly, there would be no point in emptying out the money.

At least for Sano, compared to the so-called “big meals” in high-end restaurants.

The burgers are definitely more attractive at the moment.

However, Sano’s behavior caused a certain fat foodie to complain.

Genta rubbed his stomach and muttered: “What? You said it so powerfully. I thought I could eat eel rice, but in the end I just ate hamburgers…”

Sano’s eyes turned cold and he looked over.

“If you don’t want to eat, get out.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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