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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 413 412, is this something you can learn?


Everyone, including Conan, Shiratori Rensaburo and several police officers, froze.

Is this guy so violent? It’s a bit scary…

Even adults like Shiratori Rensaburo and tomboys like Conan.

These words all made me feel cold for no reason.

Not to mention what the real child would be like as the person involved.

Yuantai stood there a little helpless.

In addition to embarrassment, feelings of shame and anger also welled up in my heart.

However, when he instinctively wanted to fight back, Genta met Sano’s eyes again.

His eyes flashed and he looked away subconsciously, and his straightened back suddenly hunched down.

Why does this person give people such a sense of oppression…

Genta shivered, and Shiratori Rensaburo, who could also be regarded as a party involved, quickly intervened between the two to smooth things over and acted as a peacemaker.

“It’s just a child. Children’s words are not limited. Children’s words are not limited. Don’t be so serious, hahaha.”

Shiratori Rensaburo couldn’t stop laughing… After all, if you really want to say it, the little fat man was just quarreling with him, and Sano was quarreling with him, so maybe it can be considered as such.

Are you standing up for Shiratori Rensaburo?

Under such circumstances, it would undoubtedly not be good for Shiratori Rensaburo to stand against him again.

But who told the person involved to be a first-grade kid?

Forget it if he is an adult. Not only will Shiratori Rensaburo not take care of it, he might even help a piece of yin and yang… So why on earth does this guy have to compete with a child so much? It makes people feel moved or embarrassed. It’s embarrassing, so awkward that it makes you want to die…

Fortunately, Sano gave Shiratori Rensaburo this face.

The group finished their breakfast in silence.

Then Shiratori Rensaburo and others still planned to send Conan and others home.

Sano didn’t stop him this time.

It’s outrageous enough to allow these little brats to stay up all night.

Continuing to drag it back is unjustifiable no matter what.

“It’s going to be bad, it’s going to be noon soon, and I still don’t have a clue…”

Shiratori Rensaburo bit his finger: “The colleagues on the other side who went to inspect the baseball fields have also inspected the large baseball fields, leaving only some small baseball fields, but places like that should not become targets. That’s right…”

Sano glanced at Shiratori Rensaburo, who didn’t know whether he was talking to himself or communicating with him. Although he didn’t think deeply about the content of the threatening letter, judging from the surface meaning, it was about baseball. related.

Therefore, even though I have been convinced by Conan and Haibara Ai’s reasoning.

Officer Megure still arranged other manpower to search major baseball stadiums in Tokyo and eliminate them one by one to ensure that nothing was missed.

Despite the current situation.

Not much use.

It wasn’t until later that Sano found an opportunity to temporarily escape from Shiratori Rensaburo’s sight and leave the clone behind when no one was around, while the original body went to take the exam.

This triggered a new task.

[Please dismantle the target bomb within the mission time limit. If you complete it, you will get one hundred strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is – 01:59:59].


Sano quickly pulled out of position.

This is…Tokyo Tower?

Sano raised his eyebrows and came to the car. Without saying a word, he kicked Shiratori Renzaburo, who was in the driver’s seat, and kicked the passenger away. After closing the door, he didn’t even have time to fasten the seat belt, so he pressed the clutch to shift gears and stepped on the accelerator like crazy. accelerate.

Drift and swerve towards Tokyo Tower.

Shiratori Rensaburo didn’t react in time, and his whole face was pressed against the car window.

After finally standing upright while holding on to the window, he asked, “What’s going on? Where are we going?”

“Tokyo Tower.”

“Go there and do it… squeak – Damn, brother, please slow down!”

By the time Sano arrived at Tokyo Tower with Shiratori Rensaburo, an abnormal situation had already occurred.

A line of black smoke could be seen floating into the sky from a distance.

Has a bomb gone off?

Sano stopped the car, ignoring Rensaburo Shiratori who was lying on the car window vomiting wildly, and glanced at the pile of police blockades under the Tokyo Tower.

Finally, I saw the four members of the Plague Team and Miwako Sato who were sitting in the car.

“Where are those two guys?”

Sato Miwako, who was still looking solemn at first, turned around and saw Sano, who was stunned for a moment: “…I forgot to inform you two. Takagi and Conan are up there because a little girl is trapped in the elevator. There is a gap. It was too small, so I had to ask Conan to go in and bring her out.”

“Unexpectedly, there was a sudden explosion above the elevator and the elevator fell down. Takagi followed the elevator at the last moment and is now trapped in the elevator with Conan… In addition, a very dangerous bomb was installed on the ceiling of the elevator. Once there is any slight vibration, it is likely to cause an explosion. The rescuers are unable to go down. They are planning to lower the bomb disposal tool with a rope and then remotely command Conan to defuse the bomb.”

After Sano took a look at Miwako Sato who was staring directly at him after explaining the situation, he knew what the other person wanted to say without having to think about it. He walked to the entrance of Tokyo Tower within the blockade without hesitation: “Just leave it to me later. .”

The police officers at the blockade originally wanted to stop Sano.

But when Miwako Sato said, “Let him in and cooperate fully,” she hurriedly got out of the way and even raised the cordon for Sano.


Sano went straight to the top floor of the Tokyo Tower elevator and opened the elevator door.

Looking outside, a helicopter that was probably a TV station was flying around the Tokyo Tower. It seemed that it noticed Sano’s presence. The woman holding the microphone immediately signaled the cameraman to turn the camera here.


After curling his lips, Sano turned around.


The black leather sheath instantly covered his body, and Sano fell face to face, as if he had lost his center of gravity, and “fell” straight into the empty elevator passage.

Leap of faith~

“…Holy shit, shit, shit, Black Mask, that guy turned into Black Mask!!?”

Faced with Sano’s move, the female reporter holding a telescope on the helicopter was stunned for a few seconds, then she pulled the collar of the cameraman next to her with surprise and excitement: “You got it, you got it, right? That’s not a dazzle on my part, he did turn into Black Mask at the last second!!”

“Oh my God, viewers in front of the TV and radio, if you are watching our reports, please put your hearts in your stomach, because Black Mask has taken action, and Tokyo Tower will definitely be safe!!”

…Under the Tokyo Tower, Miwako Sato held a radio in one hand, listening to the surprised voice of the female reporter, her expression equally dull.

Although in the early days Kurosawa was equated with Black Mask.

It has almost become a fact that Officer Megure and others tacitly accept.

But in the final analysis, there is no evidence, let alone seeing it with my own eyes.

There is nothing, reality exists.

Even after several repeated contacts, Sato Miwako and others almost ignored this point and only regarded Kurosawa as a not-so-friendly detective.

Although Sato Miwako regarded the other party as the last straw in her current helpless state, she really didn’t expect it.

The other party actually turned into a black mask.

…This is a live broadcast!

It wasn’t until the calls from Takagi Wataru and Conan came from the mobile phone in the other hand that Sato Miwako came back to her senses: “Ah, hey, hey, I’m here, I’m here!”

“What are you doing, Officer Sato? You are still distracted at this time.”

Conan buried the grievance and got down to business: “You just said that Kurosawa… uncle came in to help us. What do you mean? How did he come in? Did you explain to him the special situation we have here?”


Miwako Sato breathed a sigh of relief: “I must have said it, but I don’t know what he was thinking, because the reporter on the helicopter just said that he was photographed… turned into a black mask and jumped into the Elevator access.”


Suddenly, Conan’s scream came from the other end of the phone, and Sato Miwako quickly asked what happened.

Sano looked from the entrance and exit of the elevator ceiling to Takagi Wataru, who was inside the elevator and was as frightened as Conan.

I don’t know if he was frightened by Sano’s sudden jump or because of his current appearance.

After releasing the mask form, Sano said to Sato Miwako through the phone in Takagi Wataru’s hand: “I’m already here, you don’t need to worry about the rest.”


Miwako Sato didn’t even need to ask, Conan asked first: “What the hell, how did you get down? Why didn’t the bomb move?”

“It is said that any vibration will cause an explosion, but as long as the vibration is within a certain range, it will be fine. Otherwise, why didn’t the bomb explode when the elevator fell and when you climbed up?”

Sano replied casually while reaching out and touching the bomb.

Because there were no lights in the elevator passage and the environment was relatively dark, Sano didn’t have to worry about being seen by Conan, so he just put his blasting gloves on openly. Of course, even if he was seen, it wouldn’t be a problem.

There are so many pure black gloves.

The only problem is that the mask form has not been completely released, and the glove part is still retained.

What can you do?

“But in order to prevent too much vibration when I opened the elevator door, I went to the top floor of the elevator and got down. It made my whole body sore.”

Sano looked at Conan and then at Takagi Wataru: “You two owe me a big favor.”

“Oh, I know.”

Conan suddenly pointed at something next to the bomb, and then asked in a low voice: “How is this bomb? Do you think it can be defused?”

Is this a bug?

No, if you pretend to be so aboveboard, it should be a hearing aid.

After Sano withdrew his gaze, his voice still did not calm down: “Ah, it’s very simple. It only takes a while to dismantle it, but the real problem is.”

“When should we dismantle it?”

“……What’s the meaning?”

Takagi Wataru below looked confused, but Conan’s eyes showed a little thoughtfulness.

“I remember you said that the last round, that is…a few years ago, anyway, it was the one Matsuda Jinpei. It seemed that when he was sure to be able to defuse the bomb, he was told to another person. The location of a bomb can only be obtained in the last three seconds before it explodes.”


“…Is that what you mean?”

Takagi Wataru finally reacted, and Sato Miwako’s shout came from the phone that had been on: “No! No matter what, you can’t do this!”

“Hang up, it’s too noisy.”


Takagi Wataru looked at Sano blankly, and after hesitating for a few seconds, he hung up the phone.

“So, we have to wait until the end.”

Conan asked.

Sano raised his hand and knocked on the bug: “Mr. Demolitionist, please listen. I’ll stay alone and let the two of them leave first. Okay.”

“Biz—that policeman has to stay.”

Sure enough, Sano got a reply.

“Forget it then.”

Conan made his own decision and looked at Sano: “I believe in your ability.”

“Okay, in the end, when I have to run away, you can be buried with Takagi.”

Sano said this, causing Conan to slowly hit a row of dots.

Is it so unlucky to say something?

Sano sat down “lightly” and had nothing to do. He grabbed the prisoner and started chatting: “Let me tell you, what are you thinking about, Mr. Explosive Prisoner?”

“If you simply want to cause damage, then the prompt that appears at the end should be fake, right? Speaking of which, the police officer in the last round is actually willing to believe that the answer will indeed be obtained in the end, and the answer he will get It could be true, you guys are really weird.”

“Can prisoners and police still trust each other so much?”


“Oh, I can’t say anything to the police, but I always do what I say and will never cheat. The damn police used my friend’s remaining conscience to lure him out and cause him to die tragically. I will never be like them. Liar!”

Only after the prisoner’s indignant accusations did Sano understand the other party’s motives.

No, Shiratori Rensaburo seemed to have said that.

But Sano was distracted and went in through his left ear and out from his right ear.

Generally speaking, the prisoner originally had a teammate. When they committed a bomb crime for the first time, they just extorted a large amount of money and then abided by the “agreement.”

Ending the bomb countdown.

But later, due to a mistake by the radio station, it was said that the bomb was still counting down.

The prisoner called the police again and told them how to defuse the bomb.

But in the end, the police took advantage of this and found the prisoner.

During the pursuit, the prisoner died in a car accident.

But in the eyes of this prisoner, this was completely a conspiracy by the police and was done deliberately.

So I came to take revenge on my teammates.

Well, what he said was so righteous that Sano couldn’t even refute it.

Well, the main reason is that Sano is too lazy to refute, just talk, how can we talk when the smell of gunpowder is so strong?

“…I read the report. You are the popular superhero, Black Mask. So, please tell me, the absolute justice, what my friend did wrong, and what happened to the police? correct!?”

Sano glanced at the countdown to the bomb, and finally stopped fooling around and replied: “Ah, it was indeed a mistake. The mistake was that I failed to catch you all right away, which is why your teammate who still had some conscience died. That’s why I let you, a heartless person, run around unscrupulously outside. That’s my mistake.”

“What a loser.”

After a moment of silence, there was a chuckle: “Ha, although it is expected that we are on opposite sides, at least I am happy that we can reach a consensus.”

“Then, I hope that compared to these idiots, you can survive and keep your name of justice. Don’t let the audience be disappointed, Mr. Hero.”


Conan poked Sano and asked in a low voice: “Are you really planning to wait until the end?”

“if not?”

“There were hints in the threatening letter he gave me, but the answers I solved based on the hints were at least four to five hundred. There was no time to eliminate them all before three o’clock. Do you have any ideas that could be more precise? “


Seeing that Sano answered without hesitation.

Conan unconsciously hit another row of dots… It felt like this guy was fooling himself just like he had just fooled the explosives criminal?

Suddenly, Sano raised his hand and touched the bomb.

Seeing this, Conan immediately stopped caring about anything else and opened his eyes to observe carefully.

Is this going to defuse a bomb, or is it planning to do something else?

If it is the former, it means that the other party has actually seen the core of the truth.

To be honest, Conan wouldn’t find it strange if this was the case.

Although he hasn’t had much experience yet, Conan can at least confirm one thing.

The level of reasoning of the person in front of him was not weaker than his own.

Even stronger, he might be able to compete with some annoying guy.

Coupled with the unknown source, but inexplicably powerful intelligence channels.

Finding the truth is perfectly normal.

And if it’s the latter, it at least means that the other party already has an idea in mind.

Conan doesn’t think this idea is feasible enough.

Although he doesn’t know the inside story yet, as mentioned before, Conan believes in the other party’s ability.

No matter which one of the two the situation was, it was enough to make Conan curious.

Therefore, Conan did not want to miss any details.

And then… there was no more.

After Sano put his hand on the bomb, he didn’t make any other moves.

Time seems to stand still.

Only the countdown tells Conan that he has not awakened this unique super power.

Why didn’t it move?

Conan tilted his neck, his head filled with questions.

Then, Sano finally made a move – he turned his head slightly, looked at Conan who was looking at him, frowned and raised his chin: “Turn your head over to me, you can learn my unique secret bomb disposal skills.” ?”

Conan: “…”

Is this the reason why it doesn’t move? ?

After the corners of his mouth twitched, Conan turned his head away silently.

Takagi Wataru below was silent the whole time… I couldn’t help it, the movement above was too much, what the hell, especially the chat between Sano and the prisoner earlier.

Takagi Wataru felt that there was no way he could get in the conversation.

In other words, it makes Takagi Wataru feel as if he is the only irrelevant person.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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