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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 414 413, professional and affordable, money comes to the rescue

To put it more bluntly, I feel like I am being squeezed out invisibly.

…Please, this is a critical moment that affects the life and death of three people. Forget about the explosives criminal, these two guys are the parties involved.

Can’t there be a little bit of tension? ?

And just when Takagi Wataru was doubting his life, Conan above him secretly turned his gaze back, trying to peek at Sano’s “secret skill”.

Conan thought that the environment was dark and he would not be noticed.

But who is Sano, how could he not notice it.

But Sano didn’t say anything else… just watched.

You can learn this stuff just by watching it.

The power of plug-ins is beyond your imagination, young man.

Of course this is not important.

The important thing is that Sano can’t keep his hands off the bomb now.

According to Shiratori Rensaburo, in the previous round, the prompt floated out on the bomb’s display screen in the last three seconds before it exploded.

Then wouldn’t it be enough to defuse the bomb at the last second before it explodes?

Sano doesn’t know much about the others.

But at least for Sano himself.

If you want to control the bomb’s defuse time, you only need to control the starting time.

Especially, the prisoner was so considerate and made the countdown for Sano.

It’s even simpler.

Of course, Sano originally thought that if it didn’t work out, he could take a gamble.

I bet I don’t need the hint from the explosives criminal… Of course, I won’t figure out the location of the second bomb by myself, but the task of defuse the second bomb will be the same as the previous bomb disposal task, where the map location will be given directly .

Of course Sano can’t gamble now.

Because as early as when Sano was talking nonsense with the demolition criminals, he had already received the task related to the second bomb. It was definitely necessary to dismantle it, but there was no location.

It’s up to Sano to find it out on his own.

…Having said that, judging from the previous situation.

Takagi Wataru was at the bottom and couldn’t come up, and Conan was at the top. Before Sano arrived, Sato Miwako said that the bomb disposal team wanted to remotely command the bomb disposal.

So let Conan demolish it?

What did the police think, letting a little kid defuse a bomb?

Sano, who was shocked to realize something was wrong, began to doubt the police’s thinking.

Not to mention that you don’t know that Conan is actually a fake child. Even if you know it, generally speaking, you wouldn’t leave such an important matter to an “ordinary person” to handle it, right?

Conan is not an ignorant brat and should know the risks involved.

Since you have done this, it means you are certain, right?

Sano suddenly asked Conan: “Have you ever learned how to defuse bombs?”


Conan was stunned for a moment and nodded: “I have learned a little bit.”

“This kind of thing is not usually taught in places, right? Where did you learn it?”

Sano asked again, while Conan scratched his head… Why does this conversation feel inexplicably familiar?

never mind.

“I learned it when my dad took me to Hawaii.”

Conan replied, and Sano nodded and said nothing more.

It wasn’t until a few seconds later that Conan brought up the topic again: “Hey, when you jumped off before, didn’t you notice the TV station’s helicopter next to you? They seemed to have broadcast your transformation process. Is that okay? Also, why did you transform and then transform back again after coming down?”

“It doesn’t make any sense, does it?”

Just when Conan thought that the other party would give an answer like, “Because the Tokyo Tower incident caused too much panic, the existence of the black mask can calm people’s hearts,” Sano calmly gave another answer.

“Ah, that’s because I don’t know if the bomb will explode if I come down. If it does, it won’t kill me with the protection of that thing.”

Conan: “…”

Takagi Wataru: “…”

Damn, when I came down with this guy, I was not sure at all! ?

Then aren’t the lives of the two of them already wandering around the gates of hell? ?

The duo stared, an old groove stuck in their throats.

I couldn’t spit it out, couldn’t swallow it, and finally became depressed and silent.

“…By the way, what are you doing?”

Because of Sano’s question, Conan had turned his head and was able to peek openly.

But after watching it for a few minutes, Conan still couldn’t understand it.

What the hell does it mean to put your hand on the bomb and not move.

Sano came back to his senses and said seriously: “Feel the bomb’s breath.”


Conan once again asked questions.

“If you want to reach the highest level of bomb disposal, you have to have bomb disposal tools in your hands but in your heart.”

Sano leisurely said: “Calm down, adjust your breathing to the same frequency as the bomb, and then stop breathing suddenly, you can stop the bomb from breathing… which means that the bomb stops functioning, that is, the bomb is successfully defused.”

It sounds reasonable to Sano, but no matter who listens to it, they will only think it is extremely outrageous. It is purely a science popularization of the principles of talking nonsense.

Conan’s expression gradually became dull and lifeless.

What the hell, is this person’s brain sick, or is his ear sick?


At this moment, Takagi Sheba below finally raised his hand weakly and said, “I think I might or should remind you two.”

“It’s only one minute until twelve o’clock.”

“Nonsense, we have a countdown here, we don’t need you to remind us.”

Takagi Wataru played a row of points and stopped making any sound, while Conan above concentrated his attention.

Time passed by second by second.

Finally, words appeared on the display again.

He was only halfway floating when Conan’s eyes lit up: “Kurosawa!”

Sano ignored Conan and just waited until all the words floated out.

Then he suddenly pulled out his hand and smashed the listening device next to him with a slap.

The two Conan men were so frightened by Sano’s slap that they thought a bomb had exploded and even stopped breathing, until two or three seconds later everything was fine.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly softened.

“Didan High School, it’s actually Didan High School.”

After coming back to his senses, Conan immediately stood up: “Xiaolan and the others are going to take the national mock test today, so they have to notify the police quickly and let the bomb disposal team come over!”


Sano interrupted Conan: “I will handle the bomb disposal work. Just let the police catch the explosives criminal.”


Before Conan could respond, Sano had already entered the mask form, jumped up, and moved back and forth in the elevator passage like an ape.

Finally disappeared into the darkness.

…No, why don’t you take yourself out first?

After Conan twitched the corner of his mouth, he quickly asked Takagi Wataru to call Sato Miwako.

The next day.

The explosive criminal, who was found by the police not far from Didan High School and caught by “Black Mask” himself, was escorted to a mental hospital by two police officers.

Get a diagnosis of a mental condition.

“Although Neon does have a death penalty system, this level of punishment is difficult to achieve in Neon. Even if you kill a person, you will still not be sentenced to death. Even if you are sentenced to death, you will still die of natural old age. , there are many phenomena of non-implementation, of course considering your level.”

“You will almost certainly be sentenced to death.”

The thin-faced man looked to the side in confusion.

It was a foreign man who muttered a lot while registering information. To be precise, he was a Western white man, with blond hair and green eyes, wearing a suit and glasses. At first glance, he looked like a successful and elite guy.

But judging from this location and the opponent’s performance.

I’m afraid I’m not in good spirits.

After squinting his eyes, the bomber still asked: “Are you talking to me?”

Sano did not answer and continued to talk to himself: “Of course, even so, you can still use mental problems to excuse yourself.”

“It’s very smart and very old-fashioned.”

The two young policemen responsible for guarding and escorting the explosives criminal looked at each other and frowned, and said to Sano: “Sir, do you know him? I’m sorry, he is a major suspect, even if you know him, , and no communication is allowed without permission.”

Sano still ignored the two young policemen and looked at the explosives criminal.

“You should know that if it weren’t for that black mask, your plan would probably not have failed, and it would be even less likely that you would be caught. So in your opinion, the purpose of that guy standing up is just to save innocent people. Or in order to enforce justice, I should arrest you, the prisoner, and bring him to justice.”

The explosive criminal and Sano looked at each other, with a mocking arc on their lips.

“Who do you think you are? You dare to ask me what I think. Do you think it’s unfair to hand me over to the law? Then you can kill me if you can?”

Faced with the opponent’s provocation, Sano closed the pen cap, straightened his sleeves, and then gave the answer as if talking to himself: “Actually, I think it is neither. The real purpose of the black mask should be to protect you. “


Sano turned around and faced the confused demolition criminal: “How many people do you think you have killed so far, and how many people resent you. The commission to find and kill the demolition criminal would have been long ago.” It has been gathering dust for many years, until yesterday, this commission was posted on the professional killer platform, and then, I accepted the commission.”

Sano tilted his neck with a cold expression and stared into the eyes of the bomber: “I do intend to kill you, but it’s not because of any personal grudges or moral sense of justice, but because of pure work.”

“are you ready.”

The pupils of the dull-looking demolition criminal and the two young policemen gradually dilated.

Then it exploded in an instant.

The explosives criminal turned around and looked for the police’s protection.

The two young policemen were reaching for their guns while trying to stop the blasters behind them.


At such a distance, no one could guard against Sano’s black cat vest.

While kicking out with his left foot, he grabbed the collar of another young policeman with his right hand.

One of the two young policemen flew several meters away and rolled into a ball, while the other was thrown directly out of the gate like garbage, leaving only the demolitionist looking at Sano stupidly, and quickly began to beg for mercy: “Wait, Wait a minute, isn’t it just money? I have money too, I’ll give you money, don’t kill me!”


Sano was too lazy to pay attention to the opponent, and directly transformed into a palm superman. He slapped the opponent until he was dizzy, staggering and about to fall back.

But in the next second, Sano grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back again. At the same time, he slapped him again, making this terrorist who was only good at making bombs go away.

He almost lost consciousness.

After releasing his hand, Sano moved his right foot back, pulled his right hand flat, and then swung it out violently.

This slap is different from the previous two slaps.

It’s genuine, and it fully displays its 100-point burst attribute.

The staggering demolition criminal’s feet instantly lifted off the ground. After spinning in the air for an unknown number of times, he hit the floor in front of the little policeman who was kicked away by Sano.

The little policeman clutched his chest and finally regained his breath and sat up.

As soon as he sat up, he saw that the demolition criminal’s eyes were wide open and his bleeding face was facing him. This was nothing at first… but the special problem was that this girl was lying on the ground with her chest facing up. Yes!

The little policeman was instantly frightened.

After Sano retracted his palm, he subconsciously tried to push down his glasses.

Then he discovered that there was a lot of blood on his palms. After smacking his lips, Sano showed a disgusted expression, turned to hold up his glasses with the butt of his palms, and then took a swipe from the young lady behind the counter who had turned into a stone statue. Paper.

Wiped the blood on his hands.

Then he took out a card from his pocket, with only the words “Professional killer black cat, professional and affordable, money comes to kill” printed on it. It was a small black card like a business card, and he threw it on the chest of the corpse of the demolition criminal. above.

Finally walked away.

…When the little policeman who was thrown out came back cursing, the foreign man was no longer in the hall, and he turned to look at the demolition criminal with a dead eye, only the bright red slap mark on his face was particularly conspicuous.

The little policeman suddenly felt bad.

“It’s over, my career is over…”

On the other side, Sano, who had left the mental hospital, was walking through the alley.

Well, Sano personally caught the explosives criminal yesterday and came to kill him again today.

Of course, Sano didn’t have anything to do and was just playing with this guy.

But yesterday, after passing through the space passage from Tokyo Tower to Teitan High School to find the bomb and defuse it, Sano received another mission to kill this guy.

Then he considered his “pitiful” workload as a professional assassin.

Sano conducted a bug experiment by the way.

There is indeed a mission to kill this guy on the professional killer platform.

But that was what Sano himself released and accepted.

For this purpose, the platform must be given a commission share.

If this doesn’t work, Sano will consider letting others issue the task and then take over it himself, instead of directing and acting on his own.

Of course, looking at it now, there is no need for that.

Because it is purely self-directed and self-acted, it is already up to standard.

Then go back and send a few more, you have to choose the target.


This demolition criminal would plant a bomb in Teidan High School, which really made Sano feel something, an indescribable thing stuck in his throat, because he had had such an idea before, and he was still “sleeping” that night .

Controlling the clone, he went to Didan High School and conducted a general inspection.

The result was nothing.

Therefore, Sano just assumed that he was overthinking it.

And it turned out that this guy actually installed the bomb the next day.

Really, Wuyu fucking opened the door for Wuyu.

The other thing is a little trivial matter when catching this explosives criminal.

Originally, this guy was observing Didan High School through a telescope on the overpass.

After the police surrounded him, the guy jumped off the overpass.

Sano, who was speechless at this, could only launch a pursuit with Sato Miwako, who jumped immediately after him, and finally caught this guy without a doubt.

Sato Miwako immediately wanted to take out a gun and kill the guy, but was stopped by Takagi Wataru who arrived, and then the two of them started performing fancy operations.

Inexplicably, he started talking.

Sano, who was clearly present at the scene but seemed not to be there at the time, was stunned for a moment.

Do you want to play like this?

…To be honest, Sano’s impression of these two people is much worse than before.

Of course, I can’t say how annoying it is, I can only say it.

The original expectations, or perception, were a bit higher.

The two people successfully held hands, and Sano’s first reaction was…substitute literature.

After all, Sano has never seen that Matsuda Jinpei.

But judging from the situation, Takagi Wataru looks very similar to that person.

The licking dog hugged the goddess back, and the goddess also successfully found a substitute.

This was Sano’s first thought, and of course that was not the case.

It’s hard to talk about Sano, people’s hearts are separated from each other.

Anyway, I have to make a speech, that is.

Everyone is happy, rejoice, bless, lock up, don’t cue, don’t follow the etiquette.

Suddenly, Sano retracted those messy thoughts. After a pause, he turned back and looked at the empty alleyway behind him: “Do you want to see me for anything?”

After the air was silent for a few seconds, Toru Amuro stepped out.

“I don’t think you followed me just to bargain with me.”

Facing Sano’s question, Toru Amuro had complicated eyes, although he also knew very well that no one would believe him if he stood up at this time and said it was not an accident.

Yes, this is a coincidence, but it is also inevitable.

If it weren’t for the existence of the bomb, if it weren’t for the Black Mask, Toru Amuro would not necessarily notice this case, let alone notice it.

There is actually a lot to do with him behind this case.

It is true that Toru Amuro is very interested in the killer in front of him, but to say that he is particularly concerned about it, that is not the case, not to mention that he has already tried to find out the details of the other party, but apart from knowing that this is an elusive newcomer, Apart from the killer, there is no other gain at all.

It’s completely like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Therefore, Tohru Amuro’s actions are likely to expose his relationship with this case.

But once Toru Amuro felt that it would be difficult to get involved with the person in front of him in the future.

Secondly, the feeling in my heart is hard to swallow no matter what.

Otherwise Toru Amuro wouldn’t be here.

Not to mention the issue of showing one’s face or not.

After a few seconds of silence, Toru Amuro was able to solve the problem on his own even without the person in front of him, but the pleasure just now made him speak.



Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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