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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 415 414, the crazy gin


Sano watched the other party turn around and strode away after he finished speaking, and couldn’t help but tilt his neck.


Thank you for what?

What’s there to thank you for?

After a few seconds of confusion, Sano had instinctively sorted out his thoughts.

Because of this new vest, the journey of life is really too short.

Add to this the unique timing and the action that just ended.

Why did the other party thank Sano?

It seems extremely clear.

So, does this guy have a grudge against that explosives criminal?

Sano actually didn’t want to think too much.

In this life, who hasn’t chosen an enemy yet?

What’s more, this guy is still a demolition criminal, so he must have more and deeper enemies.

But what Sano knew was that in a total of three… maybe two rounds of big explosions, all the people who died were police officers.

Remind me of Toru Amuro’s mouse setting.

A wonderful idea was born.

The organization’s undercover agents come in many varieties.

Exclude those who just have their own petty thoughts or are rebellious.

The rest were basically installed by other forces.

These forces may be large or small, positive or negative, but the key point lies in the latter.

Positive and negative.

There is no doubt that Toru Amuro is right.

But it’s hard to tell which one is right.

After all, there really aren’t too many intelligence organizations around the world.

Of course, the most famous one is the FBI where Shuichi Akai works.

Originally, Sano thought that if Toru Amuro was not from the FBI, he would at least be from a foreign organization, especially an intelligence organization from a Western country… Because this guy was of mixed race, he subconsciously thought so.

But looking at it now, it doesn’t seem to be the case.

Well, Shuichi Akai has an oriental appearance and is a member of a Western intelligence organization.

Amuro looks like a Westerner and is a member of the Eastern Intelligence Organization.

Very reasonable.

Of course, it’s hard to say whether it is.

Of course, Sano’s intuition told him that it was 99% correct.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult for Sano to understand such an old fox.

How could such a big flaw be exposed at this time?

After curling his lips with interest, Sano took out his phone, thought for a while but then put it back.

Don’t be in a hurry, you can’t rush this kind of thing.

Intelligence is often mutual.

Just like the “information” Gin gave Toru Amuro, it was actually a trap.

Although logically speaking, Amuro Toru should not and could not set such a trap for the black cat.

But you can never go wrong with being careful.

Another thing is that Sano is really not in a hurry.

So what if Toru Amuro is an undercover agent.

Firstly, the evidence is not that easy to find, and secondly, there is no point in handing over the evidence once it is found.


Uncovering a cadre-level rat with high performance?

…Do you really think that Sano is a newcomer who just joined the organization?

Unless Sano can find evidence that Gin is an undercover agent, it won’t make much difference if the performance is there or not, even if it is an incidental bonus.

It may not be more than the salary Tohru Amuro gets every month.

As for why it makes no sense to check.

In addition to being useful in the future just in case, the more important thing is.

Sano himself wondered.

Overall, today was a good day.

He raised his hand and touched the small golden hairpin on his head that was almost integrated with his blond hair.

Sano first switched his vest and confirmed that Toru Amuro had indeed left.

Then the hairpin was modified, and a pair of black cat ears appeared on the head.

Then the whole person shrank instantly and turned into a black shadow moving quickly.

Several days passed in the blink of an eye.

By directing and acting on his own, Sano’s killer mission has come to an end. In addition, he has also deliberately spread the name of the killer black cat. His original intention is to attract some customers so that he will not have to pay for the platform out of his own pocket.

But the time was too short after all.

In particular, most people don’t know enough about professional killers.

Hence the subsequent supplementary tasks.

It was all done with Sano’s own money.

Of course, in terms of cost performance, there is still a huge gap in currency value between the two sides.

From a practical point of view, Sano did not lose anything but gained with blood.

Of course, from Sano’s personal point of view…everything that should have been earned was not earned.

That’s a loss.


Suddenly, the phone vibrated. When I opened it, it was a message from the fake loli.

“I accidentally made too much for dinner, do you want to eat it?”

The picture that was sent immediately after it made Sano, who had not planned to pay attention to it at first, pointed his finger.

After staring at the fried shrimp, fried chicken and other delicacies in the lunch box in the picture for a few seconds, Sano shifted his attention to the instant noodles in front of him, and replied quickly after a few seconds.

“I’ll get it?”

“No, I’ll send it to you. Are you at home?”


“Okay, I’ll be there soon.”

After closing the phone, Sano touched his chin and said that this fake loli just cooked too much. He definitely didn’t believe it, even if he really did too much.

You shouldn’t think of giving it to Sano.

Especially when he came all the way to see it off.

Although the relationship between the two is not bad, it is not that good.

Hmm, I feel like there’s a conspiracy.

But correspondingly, the relationship between the two should not be bad enough to “kill each other”. What is the purpose?

never mind.

Anyway, as long as there is no poison in the food, it will be fine.

Sano stopped thinking about it and turned on the computer and started crackling.

After a while, there was a knock on the door. I turned off the computer and opened the door.

It was Haihara Ai who was carrying a lunch box.


Sano took the lunch box from Haihara Ai.

Before Haiyuan Ai could speak, the door slammed shut again, almost missing her nose as she was about to enter. As she typed a question mark, veins on her forehead bulged.

“Hey, you’re going too far this guy, why don’t you invite me in for a seat?”

The fake lolita slapped the door wildly.

After a few seconds, the door opened a crack, revealing Sano’s eyes.

“Just bring food when you bring it. What are you going to do when you come in? I’m alone. If any bad noise comes out, I will marry… no, I won’t be able to get a wife.”

The corners of Hui Yuan Ai’s mouth twitched: “I beg you, can you be more serious?”

“Okay, let’s get down to business.”

Sano opened a small gap and held out a chicken nugget with chopsticks.

Hui Yuan Ai stared at the chicken nuggets for a few seconds: “…I didn’t poison it.”

Sano didn’t say anything, but just raised the chicken nuggets. Seeing this, Haihara Ai couldn’t help but take a deep breath, then stood up on tiptoes and opened his mouth to bite the chicken nuggets into his mouth.

Well, it seems that it was indeed not poisoned.

Sano nodded, took back his chopsticks, and closed the door again.

But this time the fake loli was prepared and grabbed the crack in the door.

The two of them stared at each other through the crack in the door.

Although Sano has the absolute advantage in terms of strength, the fake loli has her hands and feet stuck in the crack of the door. It is impossible for him to really pinch this thing off. Of course, if he wants to, he can kill the opponent. Push it out.

Still very easy.

Of course, Sano let go of his hand.

Hui Yuan Ai, who was desperately trying to open the door, instantly lost his center of gravity and fell backwards.

Finally he sat down on the ground.


Hui Yuan Ai raised his head with a dark face, while Sano shrugged: “You can’t blame me. I let you in with good intentions. Who asked you to use such force?”

After saying that, Sano turned around and sat down and started eating.

Huihara Ai could only get up and pat her butt and enter the door.

“So, what do you want to do with me?”

Haibara Ai glanced at Sano’s computer and said, “It’s because of Edogawa.”


What is it, a place name?

After realizing that this was the surname of the God of Plague, Sano stuffed a piece of fried shrimp into his mouth, raised his eyebrows and asked, “Why, what kind of trouble did that guy cause again?”

“It’s not that guy, it’s you two guys.”

Hui Yuan Ai rubbed his temples: “I’m telling you, it doesn’t matter if that guy has a bad mind, why are you also having a bad mind and blocking his number?”

“Are you a primary school student?”

Sano picked up another rice ball: “Since you and he can be regarded as primary school students, then why can’t I be regarded as a primary school student? I must be fair.”

Hui Yuan Ai was speechless and choked.

“It’s almost time to reconcile.”

Haibara sighed and said: “I already know what happened. I also sent a text message to Mao Lilan. I know that you didn’t go to see her because you knew she was fine. Although Edogawa knew this, he already knew Wrong, I’m just embarrassed to take the initiative to apologize to you, but I still want to ask you.”

“Generally speaking, if a very close friend is sick, even if you know that he is fine, you should at least go and check on him. Of course, I am not saying that you are doing something wrong.”

Hui Yuan Ai thought about his choice of words: “I should say, I didn’t do enough.”

“I’m really sorry for making you have too high expectations of me.”

Sano’s mouth was stuffed with rice balls and he replied to the fake loli’s words casually.

Hui Yuan Ai smacked his lips, showing an inexplicable mockery of breaking a jar.

Why on earth do I have to get involved in this matter with all my brains…


After eating and wiping everything, Sano threw the lunch box back to Haibara Ai: “If you came here to persuade me, then there’s no need. I’m different from that guy. I’m not a real child. As for getting angry over such a trivial matter.”

…Come on, come on, come on, pull out your ban record and start talking again?

Hui Yuan Ai felt a twinge of angina: “Then remember to drag him out of the blacklist.”

“don’t want.”

Haibara Ai:”……”

Sano answered very decisively, and Haihara Ai’s points were also very neat.

“Didn’t you just say you weren’t angry?”

“Whether you are angry or not has nothing to do with the blacklist.”

Sano Yuya said: “I blocked him because he was too annoying. He just sent me spam messages. What’s more, my internal card is not unlimited. You still expect me to take time to clean him up.” It’s rubbish.”

…Is that guy so annoying?

Hui Yuan Ai frowned, because in her impression, she rarely sent messages to Conan.

Maybe it’s because there are boys on both sides.

Coupled with the sense of security that Sano gives, Conan feels that the other party is the “captain”.

Is it even a “parent’s” illusion?

So when something happens and I want to chat… it seems to be really annoying.

Hui Yuan Ai thought for a while and said, “Then I will ask him to send you less messages in the future and only contact you at important moments. How about you take him off the blacklist?”

Sano stared at Haibara Ai: “Do you care about him that much?”

Haiyuan Ai twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a fake smile: “I’m not caring about him, I’m afraid that the two of you will get more and more quarrelsome, and finally break up, and then it will spread to me… For example, if he takes Kudo Shinichi’s His identity was revealed or something.”

“In your eyes, am I so ignorant?”

Sano once again asked his soul, while Haibara Ai smiled and blinked.

It’s considered acquiescence.


Sano also twitched his lips: “Okay, I want to eat curry rice tomorrow.”

Haibara Ai:”?”

This is a deal… okay, this is actually a threat, right?

Why should I be blackmailed because of others? ?

Haibara Ai’s face darkened again, and she firmly stated that she would never be coerced and bow to the evil forces. As a result, Sano naturally opened the door for him in a good-natured manner.

Looking at the open door, Haiyuan Ai hit another row of dots.

… People are so cheap that they obviously have nothing to do with themselves, but they feel like they can’t care less.

After taking a deep breath, Haihara Ai raised her index finger to Sano: “A piece of curry rice.”

Seeing that Haihara Ai actually compromised, Sano showed a little surprise on his face.

After a few seconds, he confirmed: “A piece of curry rice for lunch.”


After watching Haibara Ai leave, Sano clicked his tongue in surprise.

This is both unexpected and reasonable.

After all, Conan, the God of Plague, always looks dumbfounded, and anyone who knows him a little better and has a deeper friendship with him would be surprised.

There is a high probability that this guy will be regarded as a “junior”, especially since his appearance is visually misleading.

It’s just that Ai Haihara will take on this role.

It’s a bit surprising.

Could it be that maternal love is something that exists when a girl is young?

After touching his chin, Sano no longer thought about it, as long as he could eat.

Why do you care so much?

After turning on the computer and working for a while, Sano turned off the computer and got up to go out.

Finally, I received two missions from Gin.

Gin drove away directly after delivering the mission… He was in a hurry, his attention was scattered, and he looked like he was not in a good mood.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

Because Gin has been in this state for several days.

As for the reason.

That’s naturally because Sano…strictly speaking, Kurosawai, to be more strict.

It’s Black Mask.

Gin knew the name Kurosawa and strictly suspected that it was a fake name.

Gin also knows that Kurosawai is the Black Mask, but the authenticity needs to be considered. He has never even met this person. It is all based on Belmod’s words. Whether he exists or not is a matter of fact. question.

But it’s different now.

Kurosawa stood up carelessly.

He even turned into a black mask in front of countless viewers of the TV station’s live news broadcast.

Even if Gin doesn’t want to believe it, he has to believe it.

So after being shocked and stunned, Gin stared at the video of the report that day, watched it dozens of times, and then used all the permissions at his disposal.

Start exploring the details of this Kurosawa Well.

It’s a pity… nothing is gained, and there is no possibility of gain.

Although this can be said to be within Gin’s expectations.

It’s one thing to not be able to predict it, but it’s another thing to be able to accept it.


In addition to his daily work, he was troubled by Kurosawa, who couldn’t find him all day long.

Sano secretly clicked his tongue as he watched Gin leave.

In fact, it’s good to ask your boss to find something to do that is useless, otherwise he might be too busy to do anything else and end up doing other things.

…Then what else can we do?

Tell Gin to stop looking, it’s impossible to find him?

With how obsessed Gin is right now, it’s strange that he can listen.

Otherwise, tell Gin that there is no need to look for it. In fact, Kurosawa Well is right in front of you…


Suddenly thinking about it, it seems quite… if there is a chance in the future.

Just have fun with it.

Looking back, Sano went to complete the mission.

Just after finishing a mission just now, I was on my way to the second mission.

Sano suddenly received a call from Gin.

“There doesn’t seem to be something right over there with the vodka. I’m far away. Go over and take a look.”


Sano stopped moving. When he received the details of the mission that Gin sent to buy Vodka tonight, he also received a new mission.

[Please save the fake child who is seeking death within the mission time limit. If you complete it, you will get one hundred strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is – 03:59:59].


Sano pulled out the map and found a location.

There is a high probability that it is some kind of plague god.

Isn’t this location a bit far away?

Sano frowned, and after thinking for a while, he separated the clone.

One side goes in search of vodka, and the other side goes in search of Conan.

…Having said that, it couldn’t be that there were problems on both sides at the same time.

Did it crash?

No, one is in Tokyo and the other is in Gunma Prefecture?

The distance between the two sides is so far, no matter how you think about it, you shouldn’t be able to collide with each other.

After shaking off these random thoughts, Sano hurried forward in both directions.

Then, the time came to midnight.

An underground station that is still under construction has coin storage cabinets specifically for guests, neatly arranged in rows in a room.

“…Rye, this is just a simple small transaction, and the target of the transaction is just an ordinary little programmer. You really don’t have to follow me, and it’s true, brother, how can you not trust me so much, no matter how bad I am? , it’s impossible for him to be so bad that he can’t even do this level of things well.”

Footsteps and murmurs echoed in the passage, from far to near.

Sano picked his ears impatiently and pinched Vodka’s neck: “Didn’t I say, Brother Jia, do you hate teaming up with me so much?”

Vodka’s body stiffened, and he realized that he seemed to have said too much. He quickly shook his head: “How could that be? I’m not afraid of wasting your time.”

“Don’t you still have a task to do, is it really okay to waste your time on me?”

“Whether time is wasted or not is not something that we, migrant workers, can have the final say on.”

Sano retracted his palm and said, “You have to go and settle the grievances with your elder brother about this issue.”

Vodka: “…”

If I dare to bury my grievances with Gin, why are I still complaining here?

It’s just a phone call away and I’m drooling!


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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