Switch Mode

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 416 415, Vodka: I can’t tell the difference, I really can’t tell the difference!

Ahem… After getting rid of some wild fantasies, Vodka stopped.

“This is it.”

As soon as he entered the door, Sano’s eyes had already passed by a short figure hiding behind the cabinet… Is this girl so stupid?

What about treating people as blind? ?

That half of the head was exposed like the butt.

Why, are you afraid that others won’t notice that someone is hiding there?

Sano withdrew his gaze and glanced at Vodka speechlessly.

And this guy too, he actually didn’t notice that half-big head… Could it be because he didn’t turn on the lights and wore sunglasses this late at night?

“Oh, have the things been put here?”

Vodka didn’t notice Sano’s thoughtful gaze, and raised his hand to tear off a disk that was stuck on the cabinet: “Really, did you actually put the things here and leave first? It seems that that guy is really afraid of us. Organization, so much so that they don’t even want to meet in person, for fear of being silenced by us.”

Looking at the inexplicably proud Vodka, Sano raised his eyebrows, but his eyes fell on the outline of a black shadow on the ground that was obviously different from the surroundings.

Subtle footsteps and breathing.

And that pungent smell.

Suddenly, Sano turned around and grabbed Gin’s hand that was about to raise it.


Sano was stunned for a moment, and so was Gin.

Probably he didn’t expect Sano to grab his wrist.


Vodka finally turned around and was also stunned when he saw Gin: “Brother, why are you here? Didn’t you already have Rye here…”

Gin’s eyes returned to coldness, and he calmly took back the pistol: “It’s nothing, I’m still a little uneasy, so I decided to come over and take a look in person.”

Saying that, Gin took the disk from Vodka’s hand.

“And you idiot, you don’t even know you’ve been tricked.”

Gin said coldly: “The purpose of sticking things on it with tape is to let you tear it up so that you can leave fingerprints. In addition, haven’t you noticed that there is a transmitter left in the disk? Is this meant? Serve us all in one pot!”

Vodka stared blankly at Gin as he took out the transmitter on the disk, his face suddenly turned pale, and at the same time he was slightly annoyed: “Brother, brother…”

“Don’t call me brother.”

Gin showed a little disgust on his face: “If I ask you to do things, everything will be ruined.”

“And you, Rye.”

Gin turned the conversation to Sano again: “I asked you to come here just to keep an eye on the vodka so that you wouldn’t have any problems. But in the end, he just let it go. You’re actually so stupid.”

Sano put his hands in his pockets, leaned on the cabinet and shrugged.

“But there’s still some residual warmth on this disk, so I think someone else might be nearby.”

Gin took out his pistol again and motioned to Vodka with his eyes.

Although Vodka was a bit brainless, at least he was a very competent horse boy in terms of understanding what his eldest brother meant, and he immediately took out his pistol.

The two of them cooperated and began to search behind all the lockers in the room one by one.

Sano watched from the sidelines and did not stop him.

As early as when Gin said the word “Yu Wen”, Sano noticed that half of the big head trembled and quickly retracted… So why does this girl have to hide in a place like this? This is not Dive into a dead end by yourself?

In fact, Sano was controlling the clone earlier and rushing towards Conan.

I already discovered something was wrong.

Because this guy is moving, and the direction of movement is towards Tokyo.

In order to prevent the trip from going in vain, Sano waited patiently for a while.

In the end, as expected, I met this guy in Tokyo, and as expected, I followed him to the place where vodka and the mission target were traded.

Sano probably figured out what kind of death this plague god was committing this time.

But Sano originally thought that the dangerous factor this time would be vodka.

Maybe we have to add Sano himself.

Unexpectedly, there would be another one, and it was “gin”.

Of course, whether this product is a dangerous factor or not is another matter.

Of course, regardless of whether this guy is a danger or not, it’s no problem for Sano.

At most, the originally planned self-directed and self-acted film may no longer be needed.

Seeing the vodka duo showing “everything is under control” smiles when they were about to search the last row of cabinets. However, after being double-teamed at the same time, they all showed expressions of shock and confusion. Sano Come closer.

“What’s wrong.”

Vodka came back to his senses, quickly retracted the gun pointed at “Gin”, and said somewhat submissively: “Brother, there seems to be no one here at all. Is that guy too scared and ran away? “

“Gin” didn’t respond, nor did he feel any embarrassment.

Just suddenly he reached out and opened a cabinet next to him, followed immediately by the second and third one.

It looked like he wanted to go through all the cabinets in the last row.

This also made the weak breathing sound in Sano’s ears become heavier and heavier… Of course, it may also be because Conan was hiding in the small cabinet.

resulting in hypoxia.

Sano’s “ear power” is almost abnormal. As long as he pays careful attention in advance, it is naturally easy to detect the sound of Conan quietly opening the cabinet.

Otherwise, how could Sano allow Vodka and the two to double-team him.

I just don’t know what this “Gin” is thinking.

With Gin’s level, he might be able to barely keep up with Sano.

Sensing that Conan was hiding in the cabinet.

But it’s not clear whether this “gin” can be detected.

If not, then why does the other party think that Conan will not be caught in the wave just now?

Simply, “trust”?

And if we put aside this point, the other party is pointing directly at Conan’s hiding place…

No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like you’re here to save people?

The vodka next to him seemed a little helpless and embarrassed… because in his opinion.

“Gin”‘s behavior is a bit like being stubborn and angry because of shame after discovering that his train of thought was wrong… he broke the jar and smashed it.

A pointless waste of time.

But Vodka didn’t dare to say anything, so he looked at Sano.

Sano raised his hand to signal Vodka not to move.

Driven by curiosity, Sano did not move.

Just watching “Gin” silently, he gradually approached the cabinet where Conan was hiding.

Finally, I finally opened Conan’s cabinet door…

However, after the cabinet door was halfway open, “Gin” suddenly stopped.

Then he laughed in a self-deprecating way.

“Haha, it’s impossible for a seven-foot-tall man to hide in a cabinet like this…”

However, “Gin” couldn’t close the cabinet door again.

A hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed “Gin”‘s wrist.

The bent “Gin” raised his head subconsciously, and stared straight at him with a pair of eyes that were as blue as black without any light.

“Why don’t you open it.”

Facing Sano’s inquiry, “Gin” breathed out: “I have already said, a grown man…”

“Why is it a grown man? Have you ever seen the other person with your own eyes? Why can’t it be a child? Would it be strange for you to use children to complete plans? As long as they are trained, children It would also be a very useful tool, wouldn’t it?”

In Sano’s series of words, the pronunciation of “child” was deliberately emphasized.

This made “Gin”‘s nerves become more and more tense.

… Damn it, this guy is really a big trouble.

Belmod cursed secretly in his heart, didn’t he say that only Vodka could perform this task? From which evil source did the damn information come from! ?

But what really made Belmode nervous.

Still not sure what the other party found.

First of all, it was the child’s pronunciation that made Belmod wonder if the other party had discovered Conan, and secondly, the other party’s attitude towards him.

You need to know, whether it is from Belmode’s own perspective or from the performance of vodka on the side, rye’s attitude towards “gin”.

It shouldn’t be like this.

Even if “Gin” really did something wrong, Rye would never “question” him.


This guy has figured out he’s a fake.

Even further, his identity has been discovered.

…Just as Sano thought, Belmode was here to save people.

But Belmod’s original plan was to, while rescuing people, also give a little “warning” to this little devil who wanted to die, so that he would know that anything related to the organization was nothing like walking on the tip of a knife. the difference.

If you don’t pay attention, you will hit a dead end.

As a result, when they arrived at the place, Belmod discovered that there was an unexpected person.

Because the situation was urgent, Belmode had no time to think too much and could only proceed according to the original plan… Otherwise, if those “loopholes” were pointed out not by himself but by the other party, then the initiative would not necessarily be in his hands. .

Even if you think about it more deeply, this may also become a loophole for Belmode himself.

No, it’s just that the last cabinet has not been opened.

It has been grabbed, of course, from the root.

This guy may have discovered some other loopholes that he didn’t pay attention to.

What’s worse, now, could it be that I failed to save people and got trapped instead…

At the same time, the one who was more nervous than Belmod was naturally Conan in the closet.

Today’s things can be said to be complicated or simple.

Probably Conan encountered a case and discovered that there seemed to be some kind of transaction between the deceased and Tequila, which appeared in the Mantian case.

So after solving the case, Conan read the other party’s diary.

Finally, I learned the contents of the transaction between the other party and the organization, and arrived at the other party’s villa in Gunma Prefecture.

After getting more information, he just received a call from Vodka. Conan used the voice changer to advance the transaction time and rushed to Tokyo.

Of course, on the way, the Halo of the God of Plague still played steadily, and by the way, a robbery case was solved…

All in all, it was an exciting day.

But Conan didn’t expect it to be more exciting.

First, I thought that there would only be one vodka trading partner, but suddenly there was a rye, and then a gin appeared.

And then his little tricks were clearly seen, and he was even more blocked into a dead end.

After a lot of suffering, when Gin gave up his doubts on his own, before he could relax, the damn rye actually started to entangle him deeper.

If he wants to be beaten or killed, just give him a happy word.

If I don’t hurry up and don’t get killed, I’m going to be suffocated to death!

Conan was in a daze, his face flushed, but he had to brace himself and listen carefully to what was going on outside.

“…Don’t tell me what a fool you are, Rye.”

Finally, Belmode found a breaking point: “Others can’t hear the sound in the cabinet. How can you still not hear it? The ticking sound of the time bomb.”

Time bomb?

The sound of walking seconds?

Conan was stunned and looked at his watch… Awesome!

It was like he dug out a tunnel for himself in a desperate situation!

Conan was so excited that he wanted to get out and give Gin a kiss.

“Don’t even tell me that when you install a time bomb, you will simply set up a timed detonation device and will not leave a remote control or trigger device.”

Belmod looked at Sano calmly, feeling that the hand was stable.

Maybe the other party did find other loopholes, but since he didn’t speak out until just now, and the content he published was only about the cabinet.

Then there should be no problem in other aspects, or it shouldn’t be a big problem if you take it out.

However, facing Belmode’s confidence, Sano was just thinking… Could this guy’s ears only be able to hear the sound of a watch, but not the sound of breathing?

Also, this brain circuit is quite strange.

Aren’t you afraid that you will break your skin and forcefully open the cabinet?

Sano retracted his thoughts and finally did not continue to entangle at this point, but this did not mean that he did not intend to entangle the other party anymore.

“Then let’s change the subject.”

If you want one layer of face to be reasonably protected from being torn apart, you have to tear up another layer of face.

Sano suddenly took out his gun and pointed it at Belmode’s head: “Who are you?”

Belmode and Vodka both looked tense.

Vodka quickly pulled out his gun and pointed it at Sano: “What rye are you doing!?”

…Is this guy actually so sincere?

Sano raised his eyebrows and ignored Vodka. He just looked at Bermod: “You may be right about one thing. The people who tried to set up a trap for Vodka did not leave or had no time to leave, so they could only stay here.”

“Another point is that if the person who set up the trap is not a child and cannot hide in such a cabinet, then where do you think he can hide? Is it possible that he actually did not hide at all, but stood openly He came out, or even sneaked into us, and is he one of the people present?”


Vodka was stunned for a moment, feeling like he had been opened up to new ideas.

… Sano met him halfway and came here together, and he also called in advance. It should be impossible for it to be fake, except for this Gin.

He arrived unexpectedly without any prior notice.

Before Vodka could think about it, Sano continued: “In addition, as an excellent employee, Gin-sama works hard day and night. He always likes to smoke to relieve his worries. The smell of cigarette smoke is very strong on your body. There is also some smoke smell, but it is closer to women’s cigarettes, and it seems that in order to cover up the smell of smoke, a little bit of perfume is sprayed on.”

Along with Sano’s voice, Vodka’s muzzle has gradually turned towards Belmode.

“Could it be that you are…”

Belmod secretly gritted his teeth, but still pretended to be calm and sneered: “I can understand that you want to betray the organization, rye, and the smell. If someone can smell such a smell, unless you He’s really a dog, so there’s no need to make such excuses if you want to fight with me.”

Vodka was stunned again, and turned his gun towards Sano again.

After all, vodka doesn’t have that sense of smell. Is the situation what Sano said?

It’s true that I can’t tell the difference…

Faced with the swaying of vodka, Sano also chuckled: “You don’t seem to know that Gin-sama has been busy looking for Kurosawa everywhere recently, and he has no time to mix in such a trivial matter. You don’t even know, How much does Mr. Gin trust me? Since he asked me to come, how could he still waste his time and make such a trip himself?”

Vodka pointed his gun at Belmode again.

Belmode: “…”

What’s worse, it seems that there is something that can’t be said about this kid.

“That’s better than this.”

Sano took out his mobile phone: “Call Gin-sama?”

“Oh, yes, there is another way!”

The vodka cleared away the clouds and mist and saw the blue sky and clap your hands.

Belmod’s mouth twitched. In fact, she knew very well that she would never be able to “win” from the beginning. Pretending seems to be a very powerful thing.

But the powerful premise has a crucial point.

That is “no trace”.

The super-powerful disguise technique can make Belmod appear to have no flaws, but there are other “traces” besides this. For example, if she pretends to be a new child, she must first understand the other person’s habits. experience.

Finally, kill the opponent and completely erase the most critical “trace”.

Avoid face-to-face confrontation situations.

But Gin is different here.

Although Belmod already knew the other party well, it was impossible to erase him.

This is the most fatal flaw.

It’s okay if you are not suspected. Once you are suspected, you only need to ask for proof of identity.

The traces will expand countless times.

Watching Sano press the keyboard on his phone, Belmode’s eyes narrowed and he suddenly shook his sleeves.

A smoke bomb fell on the ground.


Smoke exploded and Belmode fled quickly.

Sano followed closely: “Vodka, follow up!”


Vodka Brain is almost down because of the current situation.

This Gin is indeed not his elder brother.

As early as the beginning when Sano suggested that the gin was fake, Vodka already had a guess about this person’s true identity.

There is no way, this is the magic of disguise.

It’s really too distinct… Of course, it could also be other disguisers.

But in my impression of vodka, Belmode is the only one with such technology.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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