Switch Mode

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 417 416, Belmod: I really want to escape~but I can’t~


Vodka is the only one I know.

Therefore, when such a phenomenon occurs around us, we will naturally think so subconsciously.

But with this kind of thinking, it is somewhat difficult for Vodka to understand the current situation.

Why did Belmode disguise himself as his eldest brother?

Also, if it was really Belmode, wouldn’t it be a little bad to just arrest people or even kill them without knowing the real situation?

We are all teammates!

Is there anything you can’t sit down and talk about?

…Of course, regardless of whether this person is Belmod or not, the disguised gin is real.

It must be caught.

Otherwise, once Sano and Gin bring vodka back home, they won’t be able to do anything…

That vodka is dead.

After taking a few seconds to reboot his brain, Vodka quickly identified his goal.

As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend will never die if he is a poor Taoist.

Even if this person is really Belmod, then for the sake of your own safety.

You can only wrong the other party.

The concern between friends and colleagues is mutual.

If Vodka is willing to think about the other person, then the other person must also think about him!

That’s right, if the other person is willing to think about himself.

Then you definitely don’t want to put yourself in danger just because you think about the other person.

This makes perfect sense!

…Besides, who gave this guy free time to do this?

Then what else can I do with vodka if I want to commit suicide?


Vodka ran out of the station and looked around, but only saw a row of empty streets.

Unconsciously hitting a row of dots… Isn’t it just a few seconds behind me? How about people? ? ?

Vodka stands disheveled in the wind.

At the same time, Belmode on the other end was running quickly, turning and hiding several times, changing clothes, and was standing in front of a shop reading a newspaper.

He used his peripheral vision to observe the scattered passers-by around him and confirmed that there was no ghost-like figure.

Belmod let out a sigh of relief: “Fortunately, I can run fast…”

“What did you say?”


Belmod turned his head, and the figure in a black sweatshirt wearing a peaked cap whose face could not be seen clearly was leaning against the door of the shop, “looking” at him with a lazy attitude.

Belmode: “…”

After twitching the corners of his mouth, Belmode forced a smile: “Do we know each other?”

“Do you need me to tear off that layer of skin on your face and confirm it carefully?”

Sano tilted his head and replied, causing the corner of Bermod’s mouth to twitch again.

“…Ah, look, there’s a flying saucer!”

Belmod pointed to the sky and shouted.

The air was silent for a few seconds. The boss sitting behind the counter in the store slowly looked away from the newspaper in his hand, raised his head and blinked.

The atmosphere was slightly awkward.

Sano was stunned for a few seconds, and then he raised his head to look at the sky, coaxing his surprise like a child.

“Wow, there is a flying saucer.”

Belmode: “…”

This guy is too fake, right?

But this is a good thing for myself.

It’s a pity that Rye, your confidence gave me an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Belmode dropped another smoke bomb from his sleeve, his eyes filled with excitement.

Could it be that he thought he only brought a smoke bomb? ? ?


Smoke exploded.

Amidst the boss’s confusion, Sano raised his hand to push away the smoke and curled up the corner of his mouth.

“Dahei, call the time.”


A few minutes later, after changing his clothes, Belmod came to a station and planned to leave as soon as possible by car.

To avoid being found again.

As a result, it was still dozens of meters away. From a distance, Belmode saw Sano leaning on the entrance of the station just like before in front of that shop.

He even waved to Belmode.


Although he couldn’t see his face, Belmod could probably imagine it under that peaked cap.

It must be a very annoying smiling face.

After twitching at the corner of his eye, Belmod quickly turned around and fled again.

Sano, on the other hand, took it easy and calmly took his back away from the wall.


Five minutes later, the bus sign came off and Sano was waiting for Belmode.

Ten minutes later, in front of the taxi, Sano opened the door for Belmod first.

… He even made a “please” gesture in a very gentlemanly manner.

Half an hour later…

Belmode became numb and sat down on the ground.

“Are you really a pervert? You insist on following me like this!?”

Bermod couldn’t bear it anymore and finally burst out completely, roaring at Sano… although it was completely different from her language and expression.

In terms of behavior, he was in a completely bad state.

Sano laughed. At this moment, he felt that there should be such a BGM for Belmode – “I really want to escape~ but I can’t escape~”.


Speaking of which, why does this development feel inexplicably familiar?

Forget it, none of this matters.

Sano lit a cigarette: “Why, don’t you plan to keep running? I think I can play with you for a day.”

Belmod’s mouth twitched wildly.

Have fun, have fun!

“What do you want?”

Looking at Belmode with numb eyes, Sano confirmed that the other party had indeed given up struggling.

“Let’s find a place to talk.”

Sano looked around, and finally landed on a coffee shop: “It would be better if there was a cup of strong coffee and a piece of sweet cake.”

Belmode: “?”

Is this kid blackmailing himself?

… Could it be that he has been chasing me for a long time just to extort this thing?

That’s not pure nerves… Oh, this guy is indeed sick.

Belmod remembered the rumor he had received earlier that it was suspected that Gin had specially applied to Rum to mobilize Tohru Amuro to kidnap people abroad in order to treat the other party’s illness.

No, it shouldn’t be called hearsay now.

Because Belmode had already seen the psychiatrist with his own eyes.

Although during the testing process, Belmode failed to reach the conclusion that “Rye went to see a doctor”, whether it was from the testimony of some witnesses when the other party first arrived, or from the “hidden rules” of the organization.

Belmode couldn’t think of any other answer.

Of course, none of this matters. What matters is that Rye is a fucking lunatic.

This is both good and bad for Belmode.

The bad thing is that you can’t figure out the opponent’s brain circuit. Who knows if this guy will suddenly take action and kill himself… The stability is too poor and it is easy to lose control.

The good thing is that depending on the other party’s brain circuit, it may not develop normally.

Get rid of yourself.

Maybe… there is still room to turn?

After calming down a little, Belmode got up and patted his butt: “Okay, coffee cake, I’ll treat you to it. Which store do you want to go to, or should I order it?”

“Just that one, it’s close.”

Sano took the lead towards the cafe, followed by Belmod… Obviously this was a great opportunity to slip away, but considering the previous experience.

Belmode thought it would be better if there was no need to waste any more energy.

But Belmode still couldn’t help asking: “Hey, let me tell you, how did you manage to find me all the time? I checked my body when I changed clothes, and there was nothing left behind at all. yes.”

In fact, Belmode seriously doubted that the problem lay with his wrist.

After all, there were only two contacts between the two parties at the station.

And it was Belmode who was grabbed by the wrist.

Therefore, it was inevitable that Bellmode would think so… But when she changed her clothes, she first threw away all her clothes, and secondly, she checked her body.

Logically speaking, there shouldn’t be any problems.

There’s no way this guy’s method can penetrate the skin, right?

Facing Belmod’s curious gaze, Sano stopped and looked up at the sky.

Belmode was stunned for a moment, then raised his head, but what could be in the sky?

…Could there really be a flying saucer?


Dahei quickly fell down, stepped on Sano’s shoulder, tilted his neck at Belmode, winked, and said hello with another “qua” sound.

Belmod also blinked and finally reacted.

“You made a bird stare at me??”

“What’s wrong with the bird? Don’t take it lightly. If it weren’t for it, would you be followed by me all the time?

Sano touched the bird’s head with his finger: “By the way, it also likes sweets.”

Belmode: “…”

What do you mean, you still have to invite this bird’s guests?

After curling his lips, Belmod followed through the door of the coffee shop.

It’s a dark, windy, murderous night.

When Sano returned home after completing a firefight with a group of peripheral members.

Just as he turned the corner at the top of the stairs, he ran into a dark shadow.

Sano, who was still distracted, was startled and almost subconsciously wanted to take action.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that it was the little girl standing there.

“…Why are you standing here in the middle of the night?”

The little girl seemed to be very sleepy. She rubbed her eyes sleepily, but her answer was full of surprise: “Midnight? Are you sleepy? It’s past four o’clock now, and it will be dawn soon.” ah.”


Sano was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the moon in the night sky. Sure enough, it had deviated so far that it was almost to the side… It turned out that a night had passed.

Then this little girl is sleepy not because she hasn’t slept, but because she hasn’t woken up.

“It’s only around four o’clock, and you’re already up.”

Sano touched his pocket and took out a lollipop: “Do you start kindergarten so early?”

It already has the demeanor of Sano’s junior high school students in his previous life.

“No, the kindergarten is on holiday today, and I made an appointment with my friends to play together.”

The little girl took the lollipop and replied after thanking her.

“That’s it.”

Sano didn’t think much and was just about to go home and take a long nap.

There was faint movement behind him.

Turning around, I saw a fat man who was at least over two meters tall… No, for such a height, maybe it shouldn’t be called fat.

Instead, we should say “strong”.

All in all, this is the person standing behind Sano.

Like an upright bear, head lowered, looking down at Sano.

The air froze for a moment, and Sano almost instinctively wanted to draw his gun.

“Ah, Fatty, you are too slow.”

The little girl’s greeting made Sano move.

After looking back at the complaining little girl, Sano looked at the monster-like guy again and asked: “He is the one you just mentioned…”


“Yeah yeah.”

The little girl rushed between Sano and the man and introduced: “He is the fat little guy who just moved here a few days ago. He is a bit silly, but he is very good!”

“Little Fatty, this is… just call me Sichuan. He is also a super good person!”

After being introduced by the little girl, Xiaopang touched the back of his head, showed a very honest, honest…well, actually very silly smile, and shouted “Hello, Sichuan”.

…I feel like I can’t afford this shit.

Sano stared at Xiaopang for a few seconds, then calmly said “Yeah” and agreed.

Just after the older one and the younger one went downstairs, Sano turned around and saw two more familiar figures.

One is Ito Taka.

The other is a young man with dyed blond hair.

Originally, Sano was not able to recognize the guy behind him right away. After all, he was indeed infected by Gin in this regard.

But after the golden retriever saw Sano and nodded slightly as a greeting, the scene in his mind popped up on its own.

The temporary waiter hired from Osaka on the Suzuki family’s ship.

So that’s it, he’s from Taka Ito.

Sano originally suspected it was that boy Kuroba Kaito.

When I got on the boat that day, did I want to observe myself or something… I squinted my eyes.

Sano nodded in response.

“Good morning, Master, have you just finished your night out?”

Faced with Ito Taka’s teasing, Sano just asked: “Newly moved in?”

“Well, with his brother.”

Ito Takashi nodded and asked: “I just went out just now, Master, you should have bumped into me.”


Sano also nodded: “Call me Fatty?”

“Well, Master, how do you know… Oh, by the way, he seems to have gotten to know your little girl very quickly, Master. I just want to go play with her today. She has already introduced you two to each other. Yet.”

Sano continued to nod.

“Both of their brothers have a family history of hereditary mental illness. The older brother is doing better and can basically be treated as a normal person, but the younger brother is in a bit of trouble.”

Ito Takashi poked his head out, just in time to see the figures of one large and one small downstairs, and lit a cigarette: “He is already sixteen years old, but his IQ will basically stay at the stage of six years old for the rest of his life, but human beings For now, I am being honest and obedient, so I won’t cause too much trouble.”

Listening to Ito Taka’s self-centered explanation, Sano also lit a cigarette.

…Is this an intellectual development disorder? No, this thing doesn’t seem to be a mental illness.

That’s caused by other reasons.

Sano also looked at the backs of the two people, his thoughts suddenly stagnated, and turned to look at Ito Taka: “Wait a minute, how old did you say this guy is just now?”

“Intelligence? He’s six years old.”

“No, no, I’m talking about actual age.”


“…What the hell is this sixteen!??”

Sano stared, and the golden retriever on the side explained: “If you are stupid and have a good attitude, you will eat more and sleep more, and you will grow faster.”

Sano: “…”

Does this mean it grows faster? ?

“By the way, what’s your name?”

After a few seconds of silence, Sano changed the subject and asked. After looking at the golden retriever, he gave a tentative answer: “Xiao Shou, or Xiao Jin?”

Golden Retriever fell silent, and Ito Taka next to him interrupted the conversation: “Just call him Ah Yin.”

Ah Yin?

Sano raised his eyebrows, not to mention the name, it felt a little familiar and a little girly, so it was clearly a golden retriever.

Why call it A Yin?

Can’t understand, can’t understand.

“In short, Ah Yin and Xiao Pang are both very good friends of mine. I originally thought that if I had a chance in the future, I would bring them to Master to show you. Since we have met now, let’s get to know each other first, and then when we go out, If these brothers are in any trouble, please ask Master to take care of them.”

Sano stared at Ito Taka for a few seconds, and then he said faintly: “For you, there is only one situation where you still need me to take care of you when you are away from home, and that is when I catch you and send you in.”

Ito Takashi’s expression did not change at all, and he shrugged: “Who knows.”

“Well, let’s go out for breakfast. Master, do you want to join us? I’ll treat you.”

“Forget it, I’m tired, go to bed.”

Sano waved his hand and separated from the two of them.

Just after returning home, Sano received another text message from Ito Taka.

But it’s not Sano’s own number.

It was the mobile phone number used by Rye Vest.

“Sir, I would like to introduce a friend to the factory. What do you think?”

…If you join an organization, you should join an organization, especially a factory.

Where did this guy learn these crooked words?

Sano thought for a while, oh, it seems that he can only learn it from himself.

As for the so-called friend Ito Taka said.

Apart from that Ah Yin, Sano couldn’t think of anyone else.

Sano replied: “Don’t report such trivial matters to me. Didn’t Gin say you can directly arrange people to join the organization? It’s your own responsibility.”

“This is different. This friend of mine doesn’t listen to me as much as others, but in terms of friendship and ability, I highly recommend him.”

Ito Taka replied.

It means that this person is not a puppet.

Sano scratched his face. Judging from the richer demeanor and more autonomous behavior of A-Gin, he did not look like Ito Taka’s puppets.

“Then just send Gin a message and follow the normal procedure.”

Sano was too lazy to worry about it, so he left the matter directly to Gin, then turned off his phone and went to sleep.

Do Not Disturb mode is on.

Don’t bother with small things, burn incense on big things.

Then Sano woke up and found that Huang Mao had sent him a bunch of messages.

It is said that there is an inexplicable black man who appears out of nowhere and keeps causing trouble for the Black God of Death.

Especially looking for some lone Black Death members to attack.

After the fight, he told Black Death, the boss of Black Death, to come out. If he doesn’t come out, he will cause trouble every day.

During this period, there were even members of the special attack team who were targeted by this guy.

But the result is still the same tragic.

“This man is very good at fighting. The five members of our special attack team are like children facing adults in front of him. Moreover, he seems to be deliberately avoiding the search net, and we can’t find any trace of him at all. “

Sano frowned slightly and rubbed his fingers.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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not work with dark mode