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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 418 417, can you dodge bullets, but not daggers?

Except for occasional major events, Sano has always left it to Huang Mao and Xiao San to deal with the small matters of the Black Death, that is, the daily operations, including some less unexpected unexpected situations. These two people are obviously very aware of his thoughts.

Whether it is out of his own sense of responsibility and self-esteem, or because he is worried about being “punished” by Sano.

As long as the matter is not serious enough, it is impossible to contact Sano.

But this black man’s description… made Sano unconsciously think of Kyogoku’s previous incident.

But I have seen Kyogoku’s true yellow hair, and he is also abroad now.

So it can’t be Kyogoku Makoto.

It shouldn’t be Kyogoku Makoto, because there is no reason.

Could it be Hattori Heiji or Amuro Toru?

Hattori Heiji should be unlikely, but Toru Amuro should have that strength.

But Sano had given Huang Mao a “special attention list”.

It’s not that Toru Amuro doesn’t exist inside, if it’s really him.

Then Huang Mao shouldn’t be called “black”.

Unable to think of a clue, Sano simply gave it up and decided to take some time back to see if he could meet that black man.

Before it was time for school to end, Sano took a shower and went out.

So that I can erase the class tasks that were triggered in my sleep.


When they arrived at school, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were a little surprised to see Sano.

Because in their impression, Sano would come to school, usually in the morning.

Sometimes I would run away after class, and sometimes I would stay all morning.

Even rarer is to finish a day of classes.

Coming here in the afternoon, it seems like this might be the first time?

After chatting for a while, Mao Lilan got down to business: “I just planned to send you a message tonight. Teacher Judy has resigned. We are going to hold a farewell party for her at her home tonight. Senior, will you go?” “


Sano was stunned for a moment, wasn’t that foreign girl staring at Belmode?

Why did he run away so well?

…Generally speaking, this is what causes the phenomenon of running away.

There are only two.

One just sucked and had to run.

The other one is OK and can collect the vegetables.

For Judy, the former may mean that Neon officials noticed the existence of Shuichi Akai and other FBI agents and took warning and other measures.

Forcing Judy and his party to leave.

The latter is simple.

That means Belmod is going to be caught.

This is really interesting.

Thinking of the long talks and friendly exchanges he had with Belmode while he was prostituted for free in the coffee shop a few days ago, Zuo Ye probably already had an idea.

After rubbing his fingers together, Sano said he would depend on the situation.

Sano would attend if he had time.

Then, after Sano finished his class, he went home and turned on the computer for a while. He ordered a takeout. After eating, he went out to a street corner and got into Gin’s car.

He took the document bag handed to him by Vodka, and when he opened it, it contained all the relevant information about a cadre member…who had a wine name that he had never heard of before.

“What do you mean, my teammate?”

Gin lit a cigarette: “Okay, I want you to do a mission with him later. But this mission is just a cover. The real mission is to determine whether this guy was planted by a hostile organization.” mouse.”

Sano raised his eyebrows: “Why should I go? It’s easier to handle this kind of thing with an acquaintance.”

“Because only you can avoid risks while having sufficient value.”

Gin glanced at Sano: “Although you have come into contact with and even killed rats before, you have never really caught a rat. I don’t know how valuable a rat at the level of a cadre member is. The bait is not big enough.”

“But it’s hard to lure him out of the cave.”


Sano probably understood what Gin meant.

Just like the FBI on Akai Shuichi’s side, they still didn’t act rashly and wanted to catch a bigger fish even though they knew that Bellmode was right in front of them.

Can have the power of a rat at the level of a cadre member.

It must not be small.

It makes sense that the bigger the body, the bigger the appetite.

It is naturally difficult for ordinary cadre members, that is, baits of the same level, to get the other party to take the bait without being “eaten”, but Sano is different.

First of all, although he is a new cadre, he is not humble to say the least.

At least except for a group of senior cadres such as Gin, Sano is relatively good among ordinary cadres.

Not to mention that this rat is a suspected hostile organization.

rather than official.

Then Sano’s “threat” will be included in the value range of consideration.

Secondly, it is similar to the above, Sano is awesome enough.

Even when the opponent feels that he has secured a victory, Sano can defend himself.

Go even further and grab each other.

…This damn sense of trust is really a headache.

Sano threw the information back, and after leaving Tokyo and driving a long distance, he was thrown out of the car by Gin and walked to the meeting point with the mouse – Gin didn’t follow him, even The sniper duo is also on the road, just to make the fishing go smoother.

Naturally, it is impossible for a few backups to follow too closely.

Sano pinched the bug stuck on his wrist under his glove.

The listening device used for communication is different from the one he carried when he was in heaven earlier.

The “radio effect” of this bug has been adjusted to the normal frequency.

Sano no longer needs to put his mouth to the bug to speak so Gin can hear him, but correspondingly, he can no longer open a team channel with the other party.

But it is different from the previous latent response.

No matter in terms of environment, situation, or goals.

It is unrealistic and unnecessary to open an in-team channel.

Soon, Sano saw his good teammate.

It was an ordinary-looking man, probably in his thirties.

After sizing Sano up, the man spoke to confirm: “Rye?”


Sano put his hands in his sweater pockets, nodded coldly, and then turned to look at the building next to him.

“Just get rid of this stronghold, right?”

“Well, this is a stronghold of a hostile organization. If it can be eliminated, it will save a lot of trouble.”

The man hesitated for two seconds and then asked: “But are you sure that the two of us without backup can take down this stronghold alone?”

“To be precise, it’s not just the two of us.”

Before the man could ask where the others were, Sano spoke again: “It’s up to me alone.”


“You are an old man, so you should know better than a newcomer like me. Many tasks are actually not very difficult. The reason why more than one cadre member is needed to complete them is just to let them monitor each other… That’s what this task is.”

Sano tilted his neck and looked at the man with a face that seemed to be filled with fog.

“To put it bluntly, you are just a pendant. I will take care of all matters. You just need to stand by and watch obediently and keep your name.”


…This guy has such an arrogant attitude.

The man twitched his lips and said nothing more, but just led the way into the building.

“Although I really want to tell you that there are many people in this stronghold, the best way to deal with them is to hide and sneak in, and defeat them one by one, but it depends on your attitude.”

The man kicked open the door: “Perhaps it would be more suitable for you to kill him directly?”

“Roughly the same.”

Sano followed closely and entered the door. Within sight, dozens of men in black were holding firearms.

“Then leave it to you.”

As if he was worried about being accidentally hurt, the man thoughtfully closed the door for Sano to prevent anyone from escaping or the news spreading, saying that he wanted to hide it first.

However, in the next second, a cold light flashed past.

Sano dodged to the limit, and a wound of several centimeters appeared on his face. At the same time, the brim of the passerby’s hat was also cut open. Due to the damage, the passerby face effect disappeared, revealing the blood and shock on his face.

The wound spread from the left corner of Sano’s mouth to near the ear, and the scarlet blood and white tissue were clearly visible.

Almost penetrated the entire face.

The reason why Sano couldn’t completely dodge the sword and was stunned was simple.

Because it was too sudden.

Although from the very beginning, Sano’s goal was to expose this guy’s true colors.

It shouldn’t be so quick, let alone so decisive.

“Ha, you can dodge bullets, but you can’t dodge daggers!?”

The man’s sneak attack was obviously unsuccessful, but he still showed an extremely excited smile and kept laughing wildly: “Why, I don’t understand. Is this your super power? You can only dodge bullets!?”

Sano instinctively wanted to pull off the corner of his mouth, but the burning pain on the left side of his face could only make his facial features become distorted and he looked to the other side.

The men in black had already withdrawn their firearms and took out cold weapons.

Surrounded Sano.

The door is indeed closed, but in the eyes of these people, they are not the ones who are locked up.

But Sano.

Did this guy already know that he was under suspicion, and had even determined that today’s action was a complete trap, so he set a trap in turn?

To be honest, this is actually not too surprising.

It was precisely because he was worried about such a situation that Gin arranged for Sano to come over.

But what’s really surprising is that this guy actually found Sano’s flaw.

Compared with other vests, the people and things Sano’s rye vest has to face are undoubtedly more dangerous, so this vest may be regarded as the most dangerous among all vests.

The strongest and most almighty.

However, the reason why the rye vest is so dangerous is not only that the people it has to deal with are different from the people that other vests have to deal with, but more importantly, the difference in weapons.

Firearms, heavy firepower.

However, Sano has a perfect way to deal with this.

That means dodging bullets 100%.

But if the opponent doesn’t use firearms at all, and instead uses a very brutal fighting method.

That’s not to say that you can’t wear a rye vest.

It’s just that the advantages are not as great as the former, and correspondingly, the risks are also greater.

Sano finally took out his hand from his pocket.

The moment the pistol was revealed, a group of people surrounding Sano also swarmed up.

“Don’t be afraid to fight to the death for me. Keep the distance as close as possible. He might have a bomb on him!”

Amidst the man’s command, gunfire suddenly broke out.

Sano had only fired two shots, and he didn’t even know if he hit the vital point. These guys were already approaching like zombies.

Sano had no choice but to follow suit.

Hold a person’s wrist with your backhand, point the pistol at the head and shoot him.

He lowered his waist to avoid a horizontal knife, raised his gun and shot it through the head from the chin.

Cold light and bloody light danced wildly, but Sano’s pistol bullets were limited after all.

Moreover, at such a distance, the weight of the pistol was in the way. Sano simply threw away the gun, grabbed the man’s dagger, and started a close-range hand-to-hand combat.

But there are too many other people.

Even if Sano’s dodge rate is maxed out, there still has to be room for him to dodge.

Especially since this group of people have obviously received strict training in close combat.

For a moment, Sano seemed to be dragged into the deep water by countless hands.

The struggle had no effect at all. On the contrary, he sank deeper and deeper, and the blood on his body became more and more.

There are Sano’s own and the other’s.

At the same moment when Sano’s side entered a heated stage.

Gin on the other end seemed more anxious.

Because of the bugging device, Gin had a relatively clear grasp of Sano’s situation.

It’s just that I haven’t seen it with my own eyes. It’s difficult to fully control many things based on sound alone.

Furthermore, when the words of the mouse “It can dodge bullets but not daggers” came from the earphones, Gin’s heart already “thumped”.

“Rye, what’s going on!?”

In desperation, Gin didn’t have time to think too much and quickly wanted Sano to speak on the public channel.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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