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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 420 419, children’s education must start from an early age

Chianti, who came to a terrifying conclusion, looked at Gin with horror and disbelief.

Masaka! ! ?


Gin noticed Chianti’s gaze, looked over, and made a question mark.

“What’s wrong?”


Chianti shook his head repeatedly, indicating that nothing was wrong.

Let’s not talk about whether this conjecture is true or false.

Even if something special is true, it can’t be said openly.

Chianti doesn’t doubt it otherwise.

He might be silenced by the angry Gin.

But after hesitating for a long time, Chianti still couldn’t hold it back and asked tentatively: “Hey, Gin, has anyone given you chocolate so far?”


The three people present all cast surprised glances at Chianti.

“Chianti, you…”

Cohen, who had never said a word from beginning to end, finally said with a somewhat complicated expression: “I know you girls always have some yearning for this, but no matter what, you should at least not make up your mind. arrive……”

Faced with Cohen’s faint “heartache”.

Chianti blinked, and after a few seconds of reaction, his eyes widened again and he cursed angrily.

“Damn it, Cohen, what are you thinking about? I’m just asking. Even if no one wants me, I can’t give my idea to Gin. What the hell are you doing? Do you want to die, Shabi!”

In turn, Cohen, who was vomiting the fragrance of Chianti, remained silent.

On the other hand, the corner of Gin’s mouth next to him twitched… What do you mean, no matter what, no one wants it, and they won’t give it to me, so what’s wrong with me?

To be honest, Gin is not bragging.

At least growing up, Gin was treated like a handsome boy.

And the reason for this is that I haven’t fallen in love yet and I don’t have a girl chasing me.

Apart from the fact that Gin doesn’t have time to worry about trouble and doesn’t want to talk about it, his identity is rather special and his personality is quite… well, in short.

To be precise, Gin’s situation is that no one dares to pursue it, and it’s definitely not that no one wants it.


Gin still answered the previous question and brought the topic back.

To prevent Chianti from getting more outrageous.

However, before Chianti could speak again, Vodka interrupted again: “Hey, how could you not have it? Brother, didn’t I give you chocolate before? Although it was eaten by rye, didn’t I also give you rye? ?”

“Rye gave you chocolate!?”

Chianti stared again.

As for Chianti’s reaction, Gin, who probably had some guesses, immediately added.

“Some little girls gave it to him on Valentine’s Day. He couldn’t finish it, so he gave it to us.”


Chianti showed a knowing smile and said nothing more.

Yes, she knows Chianti.

Just like Gin didn’t receive the chocolate.

Although in Chianti’s opinion, the rye has a nice face.

But there are girls who give Rye chocolates, even more than he can eat.

Isn’t that just an excuse?

Even if it’s said that Rye doesn’t like chocolate, it’s more reliable than this, right?

But Chianti still understands.

Forbidden love, I’ve hit it, I’ve hit it.

Chianti’s lustful and obscene smile caused Cohen, the only one next to him who did not take his attention away from her, to shed a drop of cold sweat on his head.

Why do you feel that this teammate of yours is a little abnormal?

… Sano didn’t know that Chianti had unknowingly helped him create a new scandal.

And also ridiculously crimson.

Of course, even if you knew Sano, you wouldn’t be surprised.

A woman.

In his last life, Sano had often heard the girls in his class discussing all kinds of weird topics in private, such as all kinds of…jokes and claps.

Sano didn’t have much objection to this.

Because most people are quite well-educated, and private conversations are not about spreading rumors.

If he said it verbally, it would be close to a joke.

Don’t even talk about girls, even Sano himself would sometimes shout verbally with the boys who were playing well, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, etc.”

Until later, when Sano was bored and looking for novels to read, he accidentally opened it…

The door to a certain category.

Sano is more accepting of this aspect… of course, he just respects it.

Not really gay.

Of course, Sano didn’t know what Chianti was thinking.

Sano, who was already exhausted, fell asleep and didn’t wake up until the afternoon of the next day.

After getting up, I subconsciously touched my face.

Yes, it is smooth and delicate, and the skin is like gelatin.

After smacking his lips, Sano got up, washed up, and glanced at the pile of instant noodles.

I still plan to have a serious meal when I go out.


The moment he opened the door, the dazzling sunset forced Sano to raise his hands to cover himself.

Why is the sunset so red today?

After tilting his neck, Sano adjusted and locked the door and went downstairs.

As a result, just after turning the road, Sano saw two familiar figures, one big and one small.

Mao Lilan and that little girl.

There was a ruffian-looking young man next to him, with an arrogant and irritable look on his face.

The two sides seemed to be arguing about something.

After arguing, the man planned to fight Mao Lilan.

Regarding this, Sano naturally had the attitude of watching a show… Let’s see how that person will be kicked away later.

But before Mao Lilan could do anything.

Then another figure appeared.

His big hands grabbed the man’s back collar and instantly lifted his feet off the ground.

“Hey hey hey…”

In panic, the man turned around and met Xiaopang’s eyes.

“My mother said that those who bully children and girls are bad people!”

Xiaopang finished speaking viciously.

He threw the man out like a little chicken and was smashed into pieces.

Obviously, Xiaopang has terrifying power that matches his size.


Generally speaking, people of this size may not have such great strength.

Sano was seriously doubtful.

Is this guy’s explosive attributes comparable to his own black cat vest?

Still not right.

Explosive attributes will affect strength, but strength does not mean explosive attributes…

all in all.

This little fat guy is pretty scary.

Just when Sano thought there was no chance, to his surprise, Xiaopang actually threw the man away, then rushed over again, grabbed the opponent’s collar, and punched him one after another, and even kept punching him while doing so. While crying.

“You can’t bully people, my mother said you can’t bully people!!”

…Who the hell is bullying whom? ?

Seeing the inexplicable and strange scene not far away, Sano’s brain shut down for a few seconds, and finally realized that he couldn’t treat Xiaopang as a normal person.

Seeing that the man’s features were distorted and his face was deformed after being hit by two punches, and he estimated that he would be admitted to the ICU after a few more blows, Sano’s eyes twitched and he still moved closer.

“Hey, hey, it’s okay, it’s okay, if you hit me again, you’ll die!”

Sano tried to grab Xiaopang, but this guy was too strong. At least he wasn’t wearing a thug suit or special attack uniform, so it was definitely impossible to stop him by force.

Even Mao Lilan from behind reacted and rushed forward to help.

It’s still of no use.

The little girl also came to help… This is even more equivalent to nothing.

In the end, Sano brought out the chubby brother as a threat, which made the guy calm down a little and stop torturing the man.

Sano looked at the little fat man sitting by the wall who was still sniffling and being comforted by the little girl, and then looked at the unconscious young man on the ground who was in human form.

…This was the first time Sano saw such a tough guy.

“Senior, I have already called the police and the ambulance is here.”

After Mao Lilan took back the phone, he looked at Xiaopang hesitantly: “That person, senior, are you acquainted with him? Will there be any problems?”

“So we know each other.”

Sano lit a cigarette: “There must be a problem, but it shouldn’t be too big, because he…has something wrong with his brain. I guess this isn’t the first time.”

“That’s it…”

Mao Lilan nodded, and Sano asked: “But why did you come here to find me?”


There was some hesitation in Mao Lilan’s eyes: “I have something I want to talk to you about, senior. Do you have time?”

“I’m going to have dinner. Have you eaten yet? If not, let’s eat together. Let’s talk at the dinner table.”

Saying that, Sano looked at the little girl and Xiaopang at the other end.

…It’s better not to tell these two guys. Let’s not mention that the police may need to take Xiaopang away temporarily when they arrive later. Judging from this guy’s condition.

Please eat it for a while, and blood may drip from Sano’s heart.

After thinking about it, Sano called Ito Taka.

After a while, a police car and the golden-haired Ah Yin arrived one after another.

“Thank you.”

Ah Yin thanked Sano and left with Xiaopang in the police car.

Look at this skilled appearance and calm attitude.

It really shouldn’t be the first time, and there won’t be any big problems.

“Let’s go.”

Sano turned his eyes to the little girl who had a slightly worried face, raised his hand and rubbed her head: “Okay, it’s okay, come with us to eat.”


Arriving at a ramen restaurant, Sano ate noodles while listening to Mao Lilan explain the situation.

…In fact, there is nothing to say.

It was when she was holding a farewell party for Judy at her house last night that Mao Lilan accidentally discovered some strange photos behind the mirror in her bathroom.

In the photo, there is Mao Lilan, Conan, and Haibara Ai.

This undoubtedly made this girl wary.

So after thinking about it, Mao Lilan planned to discuss with Sano what to do.

Unexpectedly, I met a little girl not far away and was scolded.

Mao Lilan stepped forward filled with righteous indignation, ready to act chivalrously.

As a result, I didn’t expect that Xiaopang would take the lead…

“…I didn’t touch those photos, but I took them with my phone. Senior, please take a look.”

Sano glanced at the photos on Mao Lilan’s phone and swallowed the last bite of noodles.

“So, what are you going to do?”

Facing Sano’s inquiry, Mao Lilan picked up her fingers: “I’m not sure, because I feel that Teacher Judy is actually a good person, but I’m not the only one in her photos. Just in case, I I think it might be better to be more cautious…Should I call the police?”

Sano touched his chin: “Have you discussed this matter with anyone else?”

Mao Lilan shook his head and said no.

“so be it.”

Sano put forward his suggestion: “Leave this matter to me. Don’t act rashly. When I find out, I will decide the direction based on the situation.”


After thinking for a few seconds, Mao Lilan nodded and agreed with Sano’s decision, then stood up and bowed to thank you: “Then I’ll leave this matter to you, senior.”


After sending Mao Lilan away, Sano went home with the little girl.

But just in the middle, Sano received another text message and opened it.

It’s black leather.

Well, that black guy from Osaka.

Looking at the content of the text message, Sano narrowed his eyes.

The taste is getting stronger and stronger, so strong that people are looking forward to it.

Sano raised his head and glanced at the black spot not far away at the top of the building.

The black crow then spread its wings and flew away, gradually disappearing.

After watching Dahei’s figure disappear, Sano immediately looked at the little girl next to him, and asked with some confusion the little question he had kept beside him.

“I said, why do you always have these troubles?”


The little girl looked up in confusion.

Sano opened his mouth, swallowed his original words, and said instead: “Forget it, it doesn’t matter. Why don’t you learn some self-defense techniques? It will be much easier if you encounter someone being bullied like today again in the future. .”

“Self-defense techniques?”

The little girl tilted her neck, obviously unable to fully understand Sano’s words.

“Well, karate is a kind of martial arts that the sister just learned.”

The little girl remembered the tip of the iceberg of Mao Lilan’s skills that she saw the last time she went to have a meal.

“So, who do you think is more powerful, that sister or the little fat guy?”

Sano touched his chin, thought for a few seconds and gave the answer: “Although I don’t have the advantage in terms of strength, if we really want to fight, that sister should be able to win.”

The little girl was stunned for a moment and opened her eyes: “Wow, are you so awesome? I want to learn, I want to learn!”

“Well, then I’ll ask her later if she’s willing to teach you. It should be no problem.”


The little girl jumped up and down excitedly, dancing, and kept shouting that she would be the new black mask in the future.

Sano looked on, noncommittal.

As the saying goes, doll education must start from an early age, and Sano doesn’t expect the little girl to really be able to practice to the level of Mao Lilan. There is no talent in that thing.

Of course, hard work alone is not enough.

Maybe it’s a little stronger.

At least if something like this happens again in the future, there will be no one else around, so I won’t be helpless.

Even if it can improve some psychological quality, it would be good.

Besides, maybe this little girl is actually very talented.

If that’s the case, then it’s not impossible to inherit Mao Lilan’s mantle while still young and become Mao Lilan in the next ten years.


Sano suddenly stopped the little girl and warned with a serious face: “Remember the little devil with glasses when we were eating together last time? That guy is the God of Plague. If you encounter him in the future, try to stay away. , unless I’m by your side, you can’t get close, otherwise you’ll be in serious trouble.”


The little girl was stunned again and couldn’t help but wonder: “Why?”

“There is no reason, just do it if you are told to do it.”

“All right……”

Soon, the time soon came to night.

A dock in Tokyo, with containers everywhere… reminded Sano unconsciously.

The place where Miyano Akemi faked her death earlier.

This is a key and important plot, does it have to limit the setting of the scene?

Sano, who had activated the black cat form, lay on Dahei’s back, looking down from high altitude.

…Well, it’s actually not that high, it’s equivalent to three or four floors.

It’s not that the strengthened Dahei can’t even bear the weight of a cat.

It’s just that Sano himself is a little afraid of heights.

Ever since meeting Mao Lilan in the evening, Sano had arranged for Dahei to keep an eye on Belmode.

Although Belmode has seen Dahei, he also knows that Rye has a crow that can stare at people.

But as a bird, Dahei has the advantage of being small in size and height at the same time.

Naturally, it is difficult to find.

Especially Sano’s intuition told him that the breaking point of the matter is likely to be today.

Therefore the monitoring time is short enough.

The chance of being discovered is even closer to zero.

And the reason why Sano thinks that the breaking point may be today.

Except for Judy who suddenly ran away, there was a text message from Hattori Heiji on the other side.

According to Hattori Heiji, Mouri Kogoro received an invitation to a Halloween event, and at the same time, he also received Conan, to be precise.

It’s Kudo Shinichi.

The sender is Belmode.

Conan’s true identity has been discovered and he has to go.

But Conan knew very well that this was most likely a conspiracy to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Therefore, Conan asked Hattori Heiji for help.

Coincidentally, Conan’s mother happened to be back, so there would be no problem with disguise.

Not to mention that with the experience of the last failure, Hattori Heiji’s proficiency will undoubtedly be greatly improved this time.

Conan has not contacted Sano to ask for help in getting him involved in this operation.

Maybe it was because they were still fighting over the previous blacklist, or maybe they thought Sano hadn’t removed Conan’s number from the blacklist yet.

It’s also possible that Conan is confident enough and doesn’t feel he needs Sano’s help.

Sano didn’t want to investigate, and he didn’t bother to investigate.

It’s just that Hattori Heiji sent a message to Sano, which probably meant that he personally felt that one more person would be more powerful, so he contacted him privately.

On the contrary, it gave Sano a headache.

Because although Sano does intend to get involved in this matter, his true identity.

It is undoubtedly not suitable to be mixed in.

It’s okay that Hattori Heiji didn’t mention it, but Sano didn’t show up when he mentioned it.

Doesn’t that make Sano very cold-blooded?

…Wait a minute, why do you want to make yourself less cold-blooded?

Sano was shocked to realize that he had fallen into a blind corner of his mind.

In fact, Sano has been doing it consciously or unconsciously since a long time ago.

Try to reduce your identity and presence around Conan as much as possible.

Many times, Kurosawa’s vest appears, except for the occasional situation where the identity of the main body is inappropriate or unsuitable.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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