Switch Mode

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 421 420, noobs pecking each other

But be reasonable.

The original identity is for Sano now.

In fact, it can be considered dispensable.

Sometimes Sano often thinks about when the situation is so bad that it can no longer be bad.

Just wear a vest, change your identity, change your location, and become an ordinary person again.

Anyway, there are plug-ins, which will not expose any actual flaws.

Even if you don’t open a new vest, you will live with the other current vests.

Isn’t it impossible to create a new identity?

Sano first knew that Conan was the protagonist, and subconsciously felt that staying by his side would bring certain benefits, so he did not refuse to approach him.

Later, the ontological identity developed to a certain extent and gained certain advantages.

Looking back now, this advantage is also dispensable.

In addition, the most important thing is that although the relationship between Sano and Conan is not bad, it is not much better. He is not reluctant to let go of this god of plague.

As to why this is so.

Sano still wants to retain his true identity as much as possible.

To be honest, Sano doesn’t know very well either.

Maybe it’s because this identity is the earliest setting.

Just like that broken house, it has a different kind of…

A sense of belonging?

Sano licked his paws. It seemed that he was still nostalgic… Fuck, so disgusting.

Sano, who was once again shocked to realize that his behavior was abnormal, stuck out his tongue and pouted a few times.

And below, the battle has already begun.

Because there is Dahei watching Belmod, when this girl takes action.

Sano received the news immediately.

After Conan was rescued by Belmode disguised as Gin…

Things seemed to be developing extremely quickly.

It was obvious that Sano had only been away from the God of Plague for a few days.

At least Belmode has now figured out Haibara Ai’s identity, so he drove to Dr. Ali’s house in the name of seeing a doctor.

Take away this fake loli reasonably.

But Judy got there faster than Belmod and took away Haibara Ai… To be precise, Conan was disguised by his mother.

Intelligence always goes both ways.

Belmod can grasp the key points, and so can Conan.

Otherwise, there would be no such action tonight.

Through probing, Conan roughly determined that Judy was not an enemy, and then used the other party’s hand, using the transcript compiled by Tomoaki Aride from an earlier case, to probe Belmod, who parked the car at the pier. .

Thus successfully finding Belmod’s flaw.

This forced Belmode to tear off his face and reveal his true face.

What is more unexpected is that the reason why Belmode targeted Haibara Ai, Miyano Shiho or Shirley was not because of orders from above or wanting performance, but because of some grudge between the two. .

To be precise, there is a grudge between Belmode and Haihara Ai’s parents.

Belmode had once taken the experimental product of an earlier stage of that drug than the two fake children had taken, which caused her appearance to stay at the current stage forever… To put it bluntly, she would remain young forever.

The effect is even more outrageous than that of two fake children.

Belmod’s true age may have been over fifty.

Sano was a little surprised by the fact that this bitch was actually an old witch.

…In short, after such a background introduction.

The two women immediately drew their guns at the same time, but Judy was obviously faster, and even pretended to only shoot Belmode’s pistol, probably because she wanted to capture him alive.

But if you capture him alive, you can also attack him elsewhere, and make Belmod lose his mobility first, right?

Isn’t this purely villain style?

As Sano complained, Belmode also showed his backhand.

Calvados, who was lying on a container hundreds of meters away, immediately shot Judy in the abdomen.


Why not start?

Before Belmod could be proud, Conan in the car stopped pretending.

When a soccer ball broke the window, it also knocked the pistol out of Belmod’s hand.

Conan pushed open the car door in a very flattering manner, and while tearing off his mask, he pointed an anesthetic needle at Belmode with his watch, signaling her not to act rashly.

However, facing Conan who was full of hostility, Belmode moved quietly.

Blocked Calvados’ sniper rifle.

Things seemed to have reached a deadlock all of a sudden.

Sano, who was above, looked at this scene and had no intention of watching the show.

After all, Sano didn’t come all the way here just to watch a show.

But… what about the mission?

Where did the special mission go?

How could there be no mission at such an important and critical moment?

Sano licked his paw again… It was a bit unreasonable. Could it be that he was going to get nothing tonight?

As the saying goes, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

Sano could have spent a leisurely night without caring.

But who let Sano know what happened tonight?

Irritability breeds irritation and no tasks?

Then Sano would just create the mission himself.

“Put me down, Dahei.”

But just when Sano had already decided on the direction, he planned to make the situation more chaotic.

An unexpected character actually made the situation even more chaotic.

Haibara Ai.

The fake loli comes in a car wearing Conan’s glasses.

He probably came here using a tracker.

After getting out of the taxi, Haiyuan Ai ran wildly in the direction of Conan and the others.

…What do you mean, the two fake children didn’t discuss a plan?

Is this Conan’s arbitrary action?

Then it wouldn’t come out so boldly, right? Isn’t it a bad idea?

I remembered that Hattori Heiji’s text message mentioned that Haibara Ai had a cold.

Sano suspected that Haihara Ai’s brain was burned out.

At this moment, Belmod took the opportunity to panic Conan because of this intruder.

He grabbed Conan’s wrist and in turn numbed the god of plague.

Haihara Ai stopped and pretended to be calm and “negotiated” with Belmode.

The distance was a bit far, so Sano could only hear a general idea.

It’s nothing more than wanting to trade your own life for the safety of others.

Belmod was naturally extremely happy about this.

But just when Belmod was about to take action.

An unexpected character unexpectedly appeared again, making the already chaotic situation even more chaotic.

That’s right, it’s Mao Lilan.

Only to see the trunk of Judy’s car suddenly open, Mao Lilan climbed on the roof of the car, and flew towards Haibara Ai under Calvados’ instinctive sniper.

As a result, until Mao Lilan hugged Hui Yuan Ai and lay on the ground, Calvados also missed a shot.

…Is this girl a master of human body tracing?

How could he be so bad at shooting at such a close distance?

And so does this girl Mao Lilan.

It didn’t matter that Haiyuan Ai’s brain was burned out. Could it be that this guy was hit by a bump in the trunk and his brain was damaged? He didn’t want to take a preemptive strike in this situation.

Take Belmode as a hostage?

If it really doesn’t work, even if you drag Hui Yuan Ai away, your chances of surviving will be much higher than if you pin her down on the ground and use her as a human shield, right?

Sano was instinctively stunned after receiving the complaint, and was still thinking about whether to go and rescue him, but Belmode had already stopped faster and turned to become a master of human body sighting. However, unlike Calvados, yes.

Belmode at least consciously controlled it himself.

Looking at the chaotic situation below, Sano, who still hasn’t received the mission, has begun to doubt even if he intervened.

Is it possible to receive the task again?

When he turned around again, Calvados, this fool, had focused all his attention on Belmode, completely unaware that a dangerous black shadow had quietly appeared beside him. .

…Is this real food or fake food?

Sano has always regarded Calvados as a colleague of the same level as the sniper duo, but how can this be seen in reality today.

Isn’t it a little bit different from the sniper duo?

Is it because you care too much about Belmod?

Sure enough, love captivates the mind.

Calvados is like this, and Belmode is also like this.

The equally confusing operations on both sides made tonight’s supposedly serious matter look like novices pecking at each other… Of course, that might be because of that.

Sano opened the “God’s Perspective”.

Although this “God’s perspective” is not entirely God.

After the corners of his mouth twitched, Sano jumped directly off Dahei.

Sano was too lazy to think about it anymore. No matter whether it would work or not, let’s try it first.

……at the same time.

Calvados was wary of Judy next to Belmod.

Taking advantage of the opportunity that Bermod was panicking because of Mao Lilan’s appearance, Judy was crawling on the ground secretly, probably hoping to crawl to Calvados’ sniper blind spot, and then “hijack” Bermod with a gun. .


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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not work with dark mode