Switch Mode

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 422 421, no one here can survive

…Does this make oneself blind?

But just when Calvados was speechless and was about to shoot Judy again to completely incapacitate him, a greeting suddenly rang in his ears.

“Hey, good evening.”

Calvados was shocked. When he turned around, Akai Shuichi was pointing a pistol at him.


Calvados didn’t wait for a reaction.

Before Shuichi Akai could react, he made a move first.

Just another greeting rang in Akai Shuichi’s ear.

“Hey, good evening.”

The confident smile on Akai Shuichi’s face and the astonishment on Calvados’ face froze at the same time.

Turning around, Sano was standing next to Akai Shuichi.

He stretched his neck, as if he wanted to put his face against Akai Shuichi’s face.

…When did this guy come next to me? ?

Shuichi Akai didn’t have time to think about it, and just elbowed him with his backhand.

Naturally, Sano leaned back casually and easily dodged it. At the same time, he launched a counterattack and hit Shuichi Akai’s head with a swinging blow.

Shuichi Akai dodged back and jumped directly to the container below.

Sano followed closely behind.

In mid-air, Akai Shuichi pointed his gun at Sano.


The most taboo thing in combat is to fly into the air.

Because it is difficult to react flexibly and avoid attacks, let alone in a gunfight.

But Sano was different.

I saw Sano’s entire body instantly twisted into an exaggerated arc.

Missed the bullet.

Even Shuichi Akai’s several shots immediately following the first bullet.

Also at the extreme distance, Sano twisted and dodged.

…This guy is a monster! ?

Shuichi Akai, who fell first, used all his firepower, but it was still useless.

Until Sano also landed on the container where Akai Shuichi was and rushed towards him again. He had even used up all the bullets in the pistol.

Shuichi Akai was able to keep retreating and jumped off several containers one after another.

Take the opportunity to replace it with a new magazine.

The sound of Sano and Akai Shuichi fighting naturally attracted the attention of others present.

Except for Mao Lilan, who trembled for a while holding the fake loli, who actually fainted, Belmod, Haihara Ai, and Judy all turned to look at the two people who were moving around on the container as if they were filming a movie. figure.

Under the light of the relatively round and big moon tonight.

The three of them could barely make out the appearance and attire of the two figures.


After the pupils of the three people shrank, their hearts tightened.

Among them, Judy was okay. She had only heard of the name Rye and had not really seen the meaning of this code name. However, Bermod and Haihara Ai knew it very well.

Although the latter is simply a psychological blessing of fear.

The appearance of Rye brought out the figure of Shuichi Akai.

This undoubtedly made the situation more tense.

But at least on the surface, Judy’s side has no advantage.

Belmode was intact, and Calvados, who was supposed to be eliminated by Akai Shuichi in a sneak attack, was also intact due to the appearance of Rye.

On the other hand, Judy was seriously injured and Shuichi Akai was dragged down by Rye.

Conan was sleeping soundly, and Mao Lilan was sleeping soundly as well. The only one who was still awake, Haibara Ai, had always wanted to die. Now that she saw Rye, she was no different from being dead.

Big crisis…

Judy looked heavy, but Belmode’s heart was heavier than hers.

Because this girl is not the reinforcements called by Belmod at all!

This operation is very likely to involve Kudo Shinichi, who became Conan. If it weren’t for Akai Shuichi and the FBI, and if Calvados wasn’t a dog-licker, Belmode wouldn’t want anyone involved at all.

Not to mention the mad dog Rye.

What if Rye knew that Kudo Shinichi would become smaller after taking that medicine.

Will he be less serious and pretend not to see it like last time?

But it’s not something Belmode can decide.

Even a one-ten-thousandth risk is enough to make Belmod vigilant.

At the same time, Calvados above had turned his gun in an attempt to target Shuichi Akai.

However, this guy moved too fast.

Coupled with Sano’s “getting in the way”, Calvados couldn’t even try to shoot.

…Damn it!

Akai Shuichi had already fired another round of bullets, but they still missed the target.

While cursing secretly in his heart, the continuous pulling away for more than ten seconds had allowed the FBI agent to calm down, and he immediately threw away the pistol and stopped retreating. Instead, he took the initiative to meet Sano and tried to start a close combat. .

The two sides quickly completed two waves of fist fights.

Taking advantage of the previous advantage, Sano suppressed Akai Shuichi and retreated one after another.

But with the blessing of one hundred flexible attributes and Sano’s own melee skills, it is difficult to suppress Akai Shuichi in a real sense.

Not to mention that Rye’s body was still injured.

As expected, Akai Shuichi has gradually adjusted his condition.

If we continue to fight like this, the final result will most likely be the same as last time.

It’s a pity.

This time is different from last time.

Sano’s punch was blocked, but his palms suddenly released, and the two lollipops used their inertia to hit Akai Shuichi’s head… What are you thinking?

Want to hit yourself with a lollipop? ?

Akai Shu was stunned for a moment, and Sano had already pulled back a few meters away.

Suddenly, Akai Shuichi remembered the incident at the Rice Flower Central Building earlier.


Akai Shuichi hurriedly rushed to the container on the other side.


Two small fires disappeared in an instant.

Before Shuichi Akai could get up, Sano rushed over again and kicked him horizontally, sending him flying to the container on the other side and rolling around several times.

After reluctantly getting up to block Sano’s next attack, Akai Shuichi discovered something again.

Two lollipop handles were exposed in Sano’s tightly clenched fist.

…What the hell, how do you fight this? ?

It wasn’t until the end that Shuichi Akai jumped from the container to the ground where Belmod and the others were, and then he seized the opportunity and kicked Sano in the head with a backflip.

Sano turned his head to dodge, but his hat was kicked off.

The two bodies hit the ground one second apart.

Among the people present, some had seen Sano’s face, while others had not.

Rye’s face can be scarred.

It’s actually the first time I’ve seen it.

Sano raised his chin and grinned at Akai Shuichi. The bright red scar on the left corner of his mouth even had blood oozing faintly… In other words, there was a special attack suit that could be used to speed up the recovery of the injury, otherwise it would only take one day.

I’m afraid Sano’s face may not be visible yet.

“It’s not a good habit to expose people’s scars, Shuichi.”

Sano touched the scar on his face, but he used an unusually affectionate name in his complaint.

This made Akai Shuichi twitch the corner of his mouth.

…The scar was very “fresh”, it looked like it had been inflicted just a few days ago.

With the monster evasion rate this guy can even dodge bullets.

Who on earth can do such a thing?

Faced with Akai Shuichi’s silence and vigilance, Sano glanced at Belmode who was also surprised by the scars on his face… After all, he had taken off his hat when the two of them had dinner in the cafe a few days ago.

At that time, Sano’s face was still very immature.

Of course none of this matters.

After Sano withdrew his gaze from Belmode, he suddenly shot away the pistol Judy was about to touch, then slightly adjusted the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at her head.

“Put the gun down, Shuichi.”

Akai Shuichi didn’t reply, but just glanced at the gun he pointed at Belmode at almost the same time.

The meaning is self-evident.

Sano dared to shoot Judy, and Akai Shuichi shot Belmode.

…Belmod, who originally had a wait-and-see mentality close to watching a show, twitched the corner of his mouth.

However, Belmode knew very well that Akai Shuichi might not know.

Take yourself hostage.

The probability is equivalent to playing the piano to a cow.

As expected, Sano laughed after looking at Akai Shuichi for a few seconds.

“I said, you don’t think I’m here to help her, do you?”


Sano touched the scar on his face again: “Do you know where this injury came from? I’ll tell you, a rat cadre stabbed me in the back.”


Sano pointed at Belmode.


Sano pointed at Akai Shuichi again.

“It’s a perfect match.”

Listening to Sano’s words, Belmode’s pupils gradually narrowed: “Could it be that…”

“Yes, the purpose of my being here is not to help anyone.”

Sano’s eyes were cold and he showed a cheerful and kind smile: “I just want to vent my anger. To be more straightforward…”

“That means everyone here, no one really wants to live today.”

Things started to get worse today


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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