Switch Mode

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 423 422, My gas stove is not turned off

That’s right.

This is Sano’s “plan”.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

The situation has turned into a mess and cannot be any more chaotic.

If he wanted to make things even more chaotic, Sano really couldn’t think of any other way besides this.

Judging based on Sano’s experience.

The normal development of the situation would be that the situation would be chaotic first, and then Sano would be able to smooth things over.

To put it more bluntly, the target is in danger and Sano removes the danger.

Although it doesn’t seem that there is any danger on Conan’s end every time.

There will be reactions from Sano’s side.

But at such an important moment, there shouldn’t be no reaction.

That’s why Sano felt strange.

And because of this——Sano plans to weigh Conan again.

To be precise, everyone including Conan.

No matter what the probability is, if the base number is increased, the probability of shipment will always be higher.

Anyway, Sano’s “goal” was never just Conan’s.

It’s not like Ginji Sano was saved.

… Sano is not a blackmail threat, he will cause destruction if he doesn’t pay.

Sano was simply correcting his mistakes.

That’s right.

This is pointing out bugs and loopholes, which is a kind gesture!

…Of course, Belmode, Akai Shuichi and others will definitely not think so.

There was just goodwill in Sano’s words.

The development of the whole incident tonight is undoubtedly very, well, surprising.

People kept taking off their masks and revealing their identities.

Unexpected intruders are constantly entering the situation.

To sum up, it can be summed up in one sentence, reversing and reversing, matryoshka and matryoshka.

Sano’s behavior can actually be regarded as that of a matryoshka doll.

First, he tricked Shuichi Akai’s appearance, Calvados’s approach and his greeting.

Immediately afterwards, there was another reversal – a super reversal.

There is one thing to say, even Belmode did not treat this person as a real teammate at the beginning.

I feel that this guy’s appearance may be harmful rather than helpful.

Anyway, the possibility of someone really wanting to help him should be slim.

But Belmode really didn’t expect it.

This girl actually came here wanting to kill herself.

Didn’t we have a good chat a few days ago? ?

And the backstabbing of other mice has nothing to do with her, Belmode!

This impure and great grievance is an unreasonable disaster, has it affected the fish in the pond?

…Although the other party said just now, this was just to vent his anger.

In just a few seconds, I felt a chill in my heart, making the air feel dead.

Akai Shuichi and Belmod looked at each other. The two sides, who were originally facing each other with swords, now pointed their guns at Sano tacitly.


Belmod gave the order, but Calvados looked hesitant.

…Calvados also heard what Sano said.

But after all, he had just been saved by Sano, and he was not pointed at a gun in any meaningful way.

For a moment, Calvados really couldn’t point his gun at Sano.

Sano below stood alone on the opposite side of everyone, but still looked calm.

…still no response.

Could it be that the heat is not strong enough?

Sano exhaled, there was nothing he could do.

I can only take out the genuine ones, with murderous intent.

Turning over his left hand, three lollipops of different colors appeared between his fingers.


Sano straightened his body and got ready to go.

In fact, the time wasted with Akai Shuichi has long since made Sano’s 100% bullet dodging effect wear off. Logically speaking, this is not good for him.

Does it matter?

Could it be that without that gun, Sano wouldn’t be able to kill the enemy?

No, it’s still OK.

And because it is different from the previous mode state.

On the contrary, Sano became a little inexplicably excited.

But at this moment… Sano seemed to be impressed, and the mission finally came.

The content is very simple, which is to ensure that the mission target survives.

An old copywriter.

Well, as expected, it can still be squeezed out after squeezing.

However, it is worth mentioning that there are two tasks, each with different goals.

Judging from the map positioning, they represent two people from Belmod’s side, and five people from Akai Shuichi and Conan’s side.

This is a bit troublesome.

Because if you just need to keep one party alive, then whether it is Sano’s current identity, or directing and acting.

All can be ended easily.

But it happens that both parties have to live.

Then relying on Sano’s rye vest alone will definitely not work.

If you direct and act yourself.

It’s not impossible, but…it always feels a little awkward.

And judging from the current situation, we want to solve the problem through self-direction and self-performance.

Sano’s rye vest will most likely be stepped on.

This makes people even more uncomfortable…even if it’s actually Sano who is stepping on him.

……Wait a moment.

Is it possible that the “danger factor” for these two parties is actually Sano alone?

After all, if it weren’t for Sano’s guidance, it seems like this mission wouldn’t have come at all.

If Sano had simply chosen to abstain, no one would have died tonight.

There is no need for Sano to do anything more?

In the few seconds that Sano was thinking, Akai Shuichi and the others felt a little baffled.

… He looked murderous just now, why did he suddenly stop moving?

Looking at this expression of bowing his head in thought, is he thinking about how to take action?

Suddenly, Sano raised his eyes.

“My gas stove seems to be off.”



The brains of Akai Shuichi and others fell into a momentary downtime.

“In short, that’s it. Forget it for today. Let’s make an appointment next time.”

After Sano made such a declaration, he received a notification that the mission was completed as expected.

Even though there is only one.

That is the task of ensuring the survival of the Belmode side.

As for the one on Akai Shuichi and Conan’s side, it still exists.

But this is nothing surprising.

After all, Sano, as a dangerous factor, is right for everyone.

But that doesn’t mean Sano is the only risk factor.

With Sano gone, the fight will definitely continue.

Judging from the situation, Belmode and Calvados were two against one.

Even if Shuichi Akai can beat three, there are still four losers.

Only if you can win by dragging four against each other, you will be lucky.

But just when Sano turned around and was about to leave, his eyes happened to hit Haihara Ai, who was sitting on the ground stupidly, holding Mao Lilan’s head.


The eyes of both parties should have passed by each other, but Sano stopped.

“You look familiar.”

Hearing this, Belmode and the others were stunned at first, and then became nervous again.

…In fact, it stands to reason that since Sano suddenly wanted to run away and became interested in Haibara Ai again, Belmode should tell him the true identity of this fake loli.

In this case, Sano might be allowed to stay and help.

The premise is…this guy will really help if he stays, not be a disservice.

You finally managed to get this god of plague away, so how could you pull him back?

So, Belmode chose to remain silent.

But from this, Belmod was certain of at least one thing.

That is, although Rye appeared here tonight, he did not seem to understand the context of the whole thing tonight, and it could even be said that he did.


Otherwise, he would definitely not be able to recognize Haiyuan Ai.

As for Haibara Ai herself… her mind was still blank, and she didn’t hear anything Sano said at all.


Sano suddenly turned his attention to Akai Shuichi again: “If I remember correctly, you seemed to have discussed a partner with Miyano Akemi in order to infiltrate the organization, right?”


Everyone present did not expect that Sano would suddenly bring up such a topic.

Before Akai Shuichi could do anything, Sano laughed again: “Then do you know where Miyano Akemi is now? I know, because…”

“Just as she was killed by me, I also disposed of her body.”

Sano raised his hand and patted the back of his neck, his eyes full of provocation: “I’ll use the thing that blew you up just now. Bang, split her in two from here.”

Seeing Sano’s rampant provocation, the expressions of Belmode and others unconsciously changed slightly… because they couldn’t figure out Akai Shuichi’s thoughts.

What if Akai Shuichi really still has any feelings for Miyano Akemi?

Successfully provoked into attacking.

That will undoubtedly make this big trouble that was about to disappear come back again.

Although I don’t quite understand the reason why the other party suddenly ran away.

Although even if the other party continues to stay, several people do not feel that there is no hope at all.

But if possible, they certainly don’t want such a time bomb to stay here.

Belmod stared at Akai Shuichi warily… If something went wrong later, she wouldn’t be able to care so much and could only drag Conan and Mao Lilan away first.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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not work with dark mode