Switch Mode

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 424 423, The difference between the fruit knife and the Qinglong Yanyue knife

However, Akai Shuichi did not lose control after being expressionless for a while.


Akai Shuichi asked calmly: “So, what do you want to express.”

“It’s nothing, I just think you are quite rubbish.”

Sano shrugged, picked up the passerby’s hat that fell on the ground, patted the dust and turned to leave.

“I’ll tell you one more thing.”

Sano turned back and smiled: “Although I can’t continue to play with you, I left you a gift, a fireworks show. Enjoy it slowly.”


Before Belmode and the others could react.

Sano just snapped his fingers.

The sky filled with fire and roar burst out in an instant.

The containers piled up everywhere were like bubbles, shattered into pieces, or flying around.

From the place where Sano’s rye vest started, that is, near Calvados, to the ground where Shuichi Akai, Belmode and others were.

It was as if a bombing line had been formed.

…It turns out that this guy has been planning everything from the beginning.

Akai showed a solemn expression.

Fortunately, the power of these bombs is not particularly powerful, and the distance is not that close.

Except for the waves that made their hair flutter, everyone present was not really affected.

But everyone knows it very well.

If the other party is really serious, the power of the bomb, the location of the bomb, or the location of everyone will be changed.

Then the final result may be…the team is destroyed.

Were those little powerful bombs that looked like lollipops just a cover?

Is the purpose to divert attention?

While leaving a stereotype, take the opportunity to leave a bomb.

This guy……

Everyone who was shocked to realize that they had been on the verge of death came back to their senses.

Sano’s figure was no longer visible.

Of course, Sano didn’t really leave.

After all, the mission to keep Akai Shuichi and Conan safe is not over yet.

After Sano’s original body left, the clone that had been waiting for a long time appeared.

“Hey, good evening everyone, you seem to be having a great time.”

After letting out a long sigh of relief, Belmod was originally planning to deal with Shuichi Akai with Calvados, but he didn’t expect a figure to approach from under the moonlight.


Belmod’s face instantly turned ugly.

If Shuichi Akai was alone, Belmode might still have the confidence to fight.

But at this moment, another guy appeared who was just as difficult to deal with, or even worse.

Especially the series of explosions just now were really too loud.

It’s hard not to attract the attention of irrelevant people and attract the neon police.

Supported by many factors.

Finally, Belmode no longer had any intention of continuing to entangle.

Haibara Abelmode will definitely not be able to take him away.

What you should consider now is how to leave safely.

Belmod quietly looked at Conan lying on the ground, who was the closest hostage choice to her.

Although Belmod would not harm Conan, and would even protect the boy in return.

But others don’t know there is such a secret.

If you use them as hostages, you won’t be afraid that these “good guys” won’t take the bait.

With this in mind, Belmod moved his steps, but he didn’t want a car to fly over the next second as if it was out of control… Okay.

In fact, it should be said that it slid over or bumped into it.


The car driven by Belmode collided with the car driven by Judy.

Not to mention Belmod, even Conan, who was lying next to the car, was almost swept under the car.

He stiffened his neck and turned around to look. The man withdrew his feet that were faintly flashing with electric light. He had a false adult smile on his face and said, “Don’t move around. Otherwise, I don’t know if I will kick you next time.” On the head.”


Is this the same equipment as Conan’s boy’s foot strength-enhancing shoes?

Belmode remembered the kick Conan kicked before tearing off his mask.

But the power difference between the two sides is too much! ?

Here they are just playing football, but over there they are using the car as a ball? ?

Good guy, two knives, a fruit knife and a Qinglong Yanyue knife, right? ? ?

The corners of Belmod’s eyes twitched, and Akai Shuichi on the other side wasn’t much better… In the last fight between the two, Sano punched him in the face several times.

Not very offensive, but very insulting.

At that time, Sano yelled that he didn’t use his “full strength”, so it was a tie.

Akai Shuichi and others didn’t know whether this was just a tough talk.

Looking back now, if Shuichi Akai had received such a kick in the face at that time…

Then Shuichi Akai will definitely not be here tonight.

“…It’s really scary, Black Mask.”

Belmode forced a smile, glanced at Calvados who had already pointed his sniper rifle at Sano, and asked to divert his attention: “Why, do you want to join in the conflict between us and the FBI?”

“I advise you not to be careful. Not to mention that rookie sniper, even Akai Shuichi cannot hit me. In this regard, I am not much weaker than the guy who just left. .”

Sano said casually, causing Belmode to freeze again.

Knowing that Calvados existed, knowing that Rye had just left.

How long has this guy been watching here?

Before Belmode could think about it, Sano spoke again: “Don’t be so nervous. I’m not here to fight with you. I’m just here to save people.”


Belmod frowned, what’s the difference?

“Well, as long as you put down these two brats and that girl and get out of here, I can guarantee that I won’t do anything to you two. After all, I have no grudge against you. Even if you want to leave, if Akai Shuichi wants to stop you… “

Sano glanced at Akai Shuichi: “It’s not like I can’t help you in turn.”


Judy on the ground was about to speak when Shuichi Akai raised his hand to stop her.

To be honest, of course Akai Shuichi wanted to capture the two Belmodes alive.

But isn’t this condition not allowed?

Not to mention the new appearance of Kurosawa and the presence of the previous Rye.

It’s just that there are no two guys to disrupt the situation, just deal with the two Belmodes.

Akai Shuichi is not 100% sure that he can succeed.

Especially the injured Judy and the three little ones, one big and one small, had to be taken into consideration.

It would be good to be able to save these few lives.

What kind of bike do you want?

Otherwise, how could Shuichi Akai not take action when he was provoked like that before?

The overall situation is the most important thing.

For a moment, the situation became clear.

Neither party wants to take huge risks anymore, and reconciliation is an inevitable option.

But Belmode still couldn’t help but ask: “Kurosawai, do you have anything to do with these three people, why did you come here to save them?”

“I’m just taking people’s money to eliminate disasters for them.”

Sano said so.

Belmode narrowed his eyes: “Then if I pay you to do something, will you do it?”

“If you have enough money, you can make all the stars in the sky come true.”

Sano waved his hand and said impatiently: “In this regard, you can just consult the Armed Detective Agency. As for now, it’s better to get out of here. Otherwise, if the time drags on for too long, another guy will be dragged over. With that guy’s temper, But you won’t be as easy to talk to as me anymore.”

Belmode frowned again: “Are you talking about black death?”

Sano didn’t reply, just sighed and his eyes became cold.

“I told you to get lost. You really don’t understand, right?”


Belmode stopped talking nonsense, quickly got into his car, and stepped on the accelerator.

At the same time, Calvados on the other side also evacuated.

After watching Belmod’s car disappear from sight, Akai Shuichi relaxed his tense body… Just now, when this guy asked if he could pay for the other party to do something, he actually got a positive answer.

Akai Shuichi was actually a little surprised.

They are even ready to “bid”.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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not work with dark mode