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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 425 424, what does it have to do with me, Conan, if you don’t want to receive spam text mess

Fortunately, this troublesome matter did not continue anymore.

Akai Hidemoto wanted to turn around to say thank you, exchange feelings by the way, and see if he could also come to make a deal and have a reliable and good teammate or something, but he didn’t want to turn around. There was no one in sight. .


Where are people? ? ?

Then he turned to look at Judy, who was already extremely angry. On the other end of the room, she was sleeping soundly, and the fake loli was still sitting there as dumb as a stone.

Akai Shuichi rubbed his temples.

So, do I have to clean up this mess by myself?


Soon, the time came to the next day.

Sano was dragged to the hospital by Mao Lilan to visit Judy who was shot.

After something like that happened, Judy’s identity as FBI was naturally impossible to hide.

But it seems to be because the trunk of Judy’s car is so soundproof.

After Mao Lilan woke up, she had no idea what had happened.

But after discussing it with Sano, Mao Lilan still felt uneasy.

I just planned to have a showdown with Judy and have a good chat.

As a result, as soon as he arrived downstairs at Judy’s house, Mao Lilan saw the other party coming downstairs to leave.

Out of some unknown state of mind, Mao Lilan got into the trunk of the car… This was unexpectedly similar to the behavior of a certain plague god.

Later, Mao Lilan discovered through the gap that Haihara Ai was about to be shot.

In desperation, Mao Lilan jumped out, and there was no need to say more after that.

In this regard, it was naturally impossible for Judy to tell Mao Lilan all the specific inside information.

This will not only protect Mao Lilan’s safety a little bit.

It also saved Judy the effort of explaining it in words, and she was happy and relaxed.

“I know the details of last night.”

After the visit, on the way back, Sano looked at Mao Lilan: “I don’t want to waste more words, just two sentences. First, I should have told you that you don’t have to worry about this matter anymore. It’s okay if you don’t listen, and you still act in private. , don’t inform me, secondly, is your mind just a decoration? Why did you stop moving after knocking down that fake loli, and do you want to die so much?”

…Facing Sano’s criticism, Mao Lilan rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

Don’t know how to explain it.

Suzuki Sonoko, who was a little excited because she knew Judy’s FBI identity, quickly retracted her enthusiasm and acted as a peacemaker: “Senior, don’t say that, Xiaolan is just an ordinary high school girl after all. How can you think so much after seeing a scene like that?”

“Besides, the matter is over. Xiaolan was also very frightened. Let’s not comfort her. At least don’t talk about her for the next two days.”

“Ordinary high school girls should look like ordinary high school girls.”

Sano glanced at Sonoko Suzuki: “Have you ever seen an ordinary high school girl who, when faced with something like this, would be stupid enough to get it done by herself?”

Suzuki Sonoko felt guilty at Sano’s look, and she didn’t dare to say anything anymore.

“It can be said that it is left to you, but you haven’t done anything yet.”

Sano turned his eyes slightly and looked at James who was following him for some reason.

Talk a lot?

But before Sano could counterattack, Conan spoke first.

“No, even though he didn’t show up, Brother Sano was also helpful.”

Conan said to James: “I heard… Teacher Judy said that the two people had been in contact beforehand. To be precise, Teacher Judy wanted Brother Sano to help. Brother Sano didn’t reply at that time, but what happened next Come and see.”

Conan looked at Sano again: “Uncle Kuro Ze, brother Sano should have called him.”


Except for Mao Lilan and James, everyone was stunned by Conan’s words.

And Sano himself.

Conan will suspect that Sano himself is involved with Kurosawa’s vest.

There’s nothing surprising about that.

After all, it’s not the first time.

But it was the first time to say it with such certainty.

Is there any obvious flaw? Then what does it mean for Judy to contact him… Suddenly.

Sano understood.

What Conan is talking about is not actually Judy.

But Hattori Heiji.

Hattori Heiji sent a text message to Sano, asking him to help Conan.

Sano didn’t reply, and no one showed up, but Kurosawa did, and he did say what he said.

Entrusted by others.

In this case, it is understandable that it will be understood that way.

…The idea of ​​​​a detective is really strange.

After feeling strange in his heart, Sano didn’t deny anything since he didn’t take the credit. He just quickened his pace and Mao Lilan came back to his senses.

Followed quickly.

to be honest.

Mao Lilan actually felt a little aggrieved after being criticized by Sano just now.

But now I know that Sano helped last night, which was an important turning point.

Then the feeling will be different.

To give a less appropriate example, it may be that you failed in an exam.

First, he was scolded by the class teacher, and he used all kinds of curse words. Later, he found out that the class teacher just hoped that he could do well in the exam.

He even licked his face behind his back and begged his grandpa and grandma to apply for a scholarship for him?

…In short, Mao Lilan’s mood has improved a lot.

“Senior, are you hungry? I’m treating you, let’s go together…”

Looking at Mao Lilan’s back, Conan exhaled with a faint look in his eyes.

To be honest, Conan should be grateful to Sano.

Because judging from the situation last night… Although Conan didn’t see it with his own eyes, according to Judy’s explanation, if it hadn’t been for Kurosawa’s sudden appearance.

Then Conan’s side is likely to suffer heavy losses.

Especially the fact that there is a guy like Mao Lilan present who Conan didn’t even see before he lost consciousness, just thinking about it now.

It all makes people feel uneasy.

Due to unconsciousness, Conan could not see Rye nor Kurosawa.

Hang up the whole time.

But this doesn’t matter to Conan.

The important thing is that when Mao Lilan was in danger, he was sleeping next to him.

It’s simply outrageous!

Although Conan trusted Sano, he also trusted Kurosawa.

If he knew in advance that he had such a hand, Conan could safely hand over many things.

But it’s only about Mao Lilan.

No matter who you leave it to, you will feel more at ease than Conan himself.

Therefore, Conan’s heart is somewhat complicated.

Forget it, everything is over, just pay more attention to this aspect in the future.

Just like what Sano said to Mao Lilan.

Learn lessons, strive to improve, and do better next time.

After secretly making up his mind, Conan said to James, “No need to send it off again”, and then quickened his pace.

I caught up with Sano and the others.

“Na na.”

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the two best friends to whisper, Conan also tugged on Sano’s sleeve.

Trying to whisper.

Sano raised an eyebrow and looked at it: “If you fart, let it go.”

“…Can you take me off the blacklist?”

Conan looked at Sano with some embarrassment and pity: “I know what happened last time was wrong, and I will definitely not do it again in the future. Please forgive me just once, okay? I’ll treat you to dinner later!”

“Eat whatever you want!”

Sano squinted at Conan for a while before calmly responding: “Deal.”

Seeing this, Conan immediately breathed a sigh of relief and showed a sinister smile.

…Although Sano has already completed a deal with Haibara Ai.

Conan was removed from the blacklist, but does this prevent Sano from eating one more serving?

Not in the way.


Conan suddenly licked his face again and said, “Well, ask Kurosawa to pull me out of the blacklist too. I won’t bother him. I will only contact him at critical and important moments. Otherwise, every time I meet Isn’t it troublesome to have you contact him for everything? It also saves you some trouble, doesn’t it?”

Oh, it turns out the real purpose is here.

…Sano once called Hattori Heiji as Kurosawai.

Therefore, Hattori Heiji has the number of Kurosawai’s vest.

Hattori Heiji has it, so how could Conan not ask for one.

As a result, the two of them sent tentative messages to Sano.

Including last night’s action, Hattori Heiji, in addition to Sano, also sent messages to Kurosawa.

The result was – Sano didn’t receive it at all.

It’s not that Sano really blocked Conan and even Hattori Heiji’s mobile phone number from Kurosawai’s vest.

Sano just set up something to reject emails and calls from non-contact numbers.

After all, compared with other vests, including Sano’s identity, Kurosawai’s contacts are indeed a bit small. In other words, there is only one person named Asai Narumi?

Of course, even less popular is the killer black cat vest.

One duck egg.

All in all, Sano doesn’t want to receive spam.

What, what does spam have to do with Conan?


This thing can only be understood but cannot be explained in words.

To sum up, Sano’s answer is – you want to find Kurosawa, what’s the use of telling him Sano?

Conan hit a row of dots and let out a “tsk” sound.

A stage ends.

Sano finally took a look at his inventory.

Then it’s time for the happy and exciting lottery draw.

Excluding the customary deposit, there are just two opportunities.

To put it responsibly, the last time the “A goods” were released, they were the thug suits from the last draw.

There was only one break in between, and things were pretty good that time.

Therefore, the probability of “A goods” being released this time is not high, and can even be said to be very small.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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