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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 426 425, Mihua’s good neighbor—Four Hundred Aunt!

The key lies in whether this time is correct enough.

I’m not afraid that I won’t be able to produce “A goods”, I’m just afraid that if I’m not straight, I’m going to be crooked and screw up Sano’s brain.

Two chances.

No matter what, it should be corrected once, right?

With this thought in mind, Sano just came over.

Hesitation leads to defeat.

Sano is willing to exchange Conan’s twenty years of life for winning a lottery!

“Randomly strengthening, congratulations to the host’s spider for being strengthened, the strengthening is successful…”

……spider? ?

After Sano was stunned for a moment, goosebumps suddenly appeared on his skin.

Another living reinforcer.

It is already the third one. Is this the pace of development towards a great summoner?

It’s just that this time’s goal is a bit outrageous, isn’t it?


If that thing crawled onto his body… Just imagining it, Sano felt like he would dance in a laser shower on the spot and become a Tokyo rocker.

After coming back to his senses, Sano’s mouth twitched and he pulled out the map with an expression on his face.

Finally, he targeted behind his own home.

There must be no spiders in Sano’s house.

If there was, it would have been slapped to death by Sano long ago.

The back of this… building.

It was an open grassland with some abandoned garbage.

Such as household appliances and some building materials.

I don’t know why the officials didn’t arrange for anyone to clean it up.

After some searching.

Sano successfully found a spider that was crawling along the spider web in his direction with difficulty.

This spider is… very small.

It was so small that Sano’s diaphragm was gone.

Such spiders should have been called… in Sano’s hometown in his previous life.

Thin spider?

The pronunciation is like this, how to write it specifically, and does it really represent a category?

Sano really doesn’t know yet.

If you look closely, you can see that this spider is entirely black… Nope.

Can’t look carefully.

Otherwise, the energy will come back again.

After regaining his attention, Sano stretched out his fingers so that the spider could crawl up.

In contrast, this spider looks even smaller.

Even if he spreads those legs, they are still not as big as Sano’s fingers.

At the same moment, specific effects emerged.

Reinforcement name: black spider.

Grade: B.


1. Pet (the affinity between this reinforcer and its owner will reach the highest level and cannot be eliminated).

2. Contract (the attributes of this enhanced object are doubled in all aspects, and it can communicate spiritually with the owner).

3. Summon (use the ignored distance to summon the enhanced object to the vicinity of the owner).

4. Spider silk (the user can spit out enhanced spider silk from the wrist, and its use consumes physical strength).

5. Spider venom (This enhancer will produce highly poisonous mouthparts, and the user’s right hand will have the ability to secrete the same spider venom. This spider venom has the strongest toxicity, can directly destroy substances, and can be carried out when inside the body. Control, use consumes physical energy).

6. Poison perception (when other poisons appear within a distance of three meters, the system map will provide location).

Restrictions: Effect summoning cannot cause the reinforcement to appear in any observed place, and the summoning location will be modified according to the situation; effect spider silk, effect spider venom, and effect poison perception require contact with the reinforcement. can be used.

Note: Your rice flower neighbor is here!

…What a wonderful neighbor!

She even spun spider silk and transformed into the Four Hundred Aunt, right?

After Sano made his usual remarks, his attention was completely focused on poison perception and spider poison effects. These two things should be the focus.

Needless to say, poison perception.

Sano also has a sensing bomb thing in his hand.

But the scope of that thing is too small, and to be honest, it doesn’t have much effect.

Poisons are different.

Of course, what worries Sano more is the effect of spider poison.

The specific manifestation of this effect seems to have two points.

One is that this spider was not poisonous before, but now it is poisonous, and it is still highly poisonous.

The second one is that just like Sano can now spin silk like a spider, he is also damn poisonous.

And it is as poisonous as the former.

In addition, the right hand secretes poison, which feels more compatible with the blasting gloves… Poison hand? ?

Well, apart from this, what Sano is more concerned about is the following description.

Needless to say, it is the most toxic.

The focus is on direct destruction of substances, as well as when spider venom is in living organisms.

These two sentences can be controlled.

Is that what you understand it to mean?

After touching his chin, Sano did not act rashly. Instead, he wandered all the way, switching vests one after another to buy some needed items, and then took the little spider to the old map he often used for experiments.

…An abandoned factory is still an abandoned factory.

It’s just not the same abandoned factory.

Different from the previous two seniors Dahei and Xiaohei, although among the three exclusive effects of this spider, except for poison perception, the other two are active skills, but they are not based on it, but on Sano. Lord.

Therefore, Sano didn’t need to wait for anything at all, he could just try it on his own.

After looking at his wrist, Sano suddenly bent his palm and showed his wrist. As his heart moved, a black wire-like thread immediately shot out and stuck to the wall a few meters away, and it was still there. Keep getting longer.

Sano immediately thought about it again, and the spider threads stopped growing.

After looking at the end of the spider web, which was the joint with the wall, Sano sprayed out another small spider web from his wrist, making the spider web into a complete body.


Sano adjusted his wrist and quickly sprayed spider silk towards the walls on both sides at the same time.

A complete line of spider silk lay on the ground… The time for spinning the spider silk is too short, so the length is not enough. If you want to form a “thread”, you have to grasp the time.

Sano had the idea of ​​activating and closing the spider silk at the same time.

A cobweb shot out like a bullet and stuck to the wall.

From this, Sano probably understood the effect of spider silk.

Strictly speaking, the effect of spider silk can produce two things.

One is the spider web, which is the point, and the other is the spider silk, which is the thread.

Needless to say, there must be a point at both ends of the line. When to draw the second point is the key to the operation of this effect.

But to be honest, although this thing can’t play some roles in other aspects besides being Spider-Man, those roles… at least for Sano personally, are of little significance.

Just be a 400-year-old aunt.

After thinking about it, Sano took out a knife again, picked up the spider silk on the ground and started cutting it.

After a lot of effort, it was still cut open.

In terms of toughness, it’s pretty good.

Sano found a more spacious place and tested the ultimate spray distance of the spider silk.

The final conclusion is about thirty meters.

The jet speed is not bad, and the muzzle velocity can even rival that of a pistol, but it will go back more than ten meters.

The speed is too slow.

After experimenting with spider silk, it was time for spider venom.

Turning around, he saw several hamsters and rabbits that Sano bought from the pet shop, as well as chickens and ducks from the vegetable market, sitting quietly in cages.

Looking at Sano’s right hand again, the tip of his index finger suddenly became wet.

After increasing the intensity, it gathered into a drop of dark water.

Sano casually pulled out a chicken, opened its mouth, and dripped water in.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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