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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 427 426, The wonderful effect of spider venom

The chicken immediately started croaking and moving around.

Sano let go of his hand and threw the chicken on the ground. After beating it twice, there was no movement.

Can a creature the size of a chicken or duck be fatal in two to three seconds?

Sano looked at his palm again and secreted spider venom, but this time he chose to use full firepower, and the entire palm became wet. The spider venom was no longer transparent like water droplets, but turned black, causing his right hand to turn black. It was so dark that it looked like he was wearing a black glove.

…Really a vicious hand?

Sano amused himself by grabbing a duck by the neck.

The chicken appeared just like before.

The only difference from the previous chicken is that this duck also died in a few seconds.

But… Sano really doesn’t know whether he should say that this thing was poisoned.

Because during the whole process, a “sizzling” sound continued to sound like being burned by high temperature, and smoke was even coming out from under Sano’s palm.

Looking down at the duck’s body again, I saw that the entire neck had turned into mud.

Only a little bit of flesh is left connecting the head and body.

This is……

Sano thought for two seconds and pressed his palm against the wall next to him.

The “Zizzi” sound sounded again.

After a few seconds, Sano retracted his palm, and a dark palm print was left on the wall.

If you look carefully, you can see that the palm print is concave.

To put it bluntly, this wall was made of material that had a handprint “corroded” by Sano.

This is the same poison that Sano remembers, used to destroy corpses and eliminate traces in martial arts TV series.

Destroy matter.

Attack both internally and externally?

But the inside is definitely more trouble-free than the outside.

Looking at the black spider venom flowing in the palm print that was still faintly expanding outwards, Sano thought for a long time, separated the clone, and then touched his arm with the dark palm… A heartbreaking pain came quickly.

Looking at the thin layer of spider venom on the surface of the skin, which quickly “dried up” in just two or three seconds, revealing traces the size of a finger, as if it had been burned, Sano pulled out the map, which originally only had 3D models of buildings. In the picture, there is now a similarly 3D perspective view of the human body structure. In the position of the arm, a piece of red is gradually spreading inwards.

That’s spider venom.

Because it is inside the body, Sano can control the “movement” and “switching” of this thing.

The latter is different from the production switch outside the body. It is an effective switch.

To put it bluntly, after the spider venom enters the human body…to be precise, the biological body, Sano can control the time when the poison is released and the length of time.

The former point is easier to understand, but the latter point is that Sano can control the flow of spider poison to choose the source location of the poison, such as the heart or brain.

In this way, even if it is just a drop, not even a drop, just a little foam.

They can all be killed instantly when the poison takes effect.

As for the appearance of the 3D human body on the map, whether it is due to poison perception or spider venom control, Sano is not sure.

Back when I was experimenting with that chicken.

Sano could already see this thing on the map.

There were just too many things to try at the beginning, so Sano ignored them for the time being.

Until he took the duck for an experiment later, Sano really couldn’t tell whether the guy was poisoned to death or whether he died because his neck was broken by corrosion, so he tried it himself.

From this Sano also knew that spider venom can penetrate the skin.

This is a good thing.

But just touching it hurts so much, so it doesn’t fit the assassination properties of poison.

You can consider using it in close combat.

Touching the point of death…huh?

Damn, when you say that, why do you feel so full of strength in an instant?

Sano tilted his neck and turned to control the spider poison in his body to seep out from his body again.

The last part is the most critical part of the experiment on the effects of spider venom.

Sano took out a white mouse, a small bottle and an empty syringe.

After pulling out the contents of the bottle, Sano gave the hamster an injection.

The hamster immediately started twitching.

Then he opened his mouth and dripped a very small amount of spider venom into it.

As soon as the spider poison entered the hamster’s body, a 3D perspective view of the hamster appeared on the map in front of Sano, with two different red patches, one large and one small.

A sharp contrast.

It seems that the appearance of this thing is indeed due to poison perception.

Sano then controlled the spider poison to kill Red on the other side.

The moment the two sides came into contact, the big red color immediately began to melt away rapidly.

Until the other red color completely disappeared from the map, Sano looked down and saw that although the hamster was still struggling, at least it still had breath.

Fight poison with poison.

It can indeed detoxify.

Sano narrowed his eyes, and the clone next to him picked up a small bottle.

Just like Sano treated the hamster before, he gave the main body an injection.

Then Sano reenacted the scene of poisoning himself and fighting poison with poison. In the end, everything went smoothly… It seemed to be successful.

Sano wiped the sweat off his head, stood up and took a deep breath.

The effects of spider venom can be summed up in two aspects.

One inside and one outside.

It mainly acts on the body, is only effective on living things, and will kill living things.

When the spider venom is in the human body, it can be controlled by Sano, but the poison that cannot be controlled is outside.

That is corrosion.

In addition, because it can destroy all substances, it can also enter the living body and help kill some toxins without being toxic…

Maybe try it to see if it can kill cancer cells?

Sano touched his chin. This idea was quite strange. If he was shot in the future, wouldn’t he just melt it without having to work hard to buckle it?

This seems a bit difficult.

Because the spider venom itself has a corrosive effect, even if Sano controls not to remove the poison, it will still cause some damage inside the human body.

You can only use a small amount when “detoxifying”.

Once there is too much, the person may die before being poisoned.

So get rid of things like toxins and other things that are difficult to dissolve.

There is a high probability that the problem cannot be solved in this way… Otherwise, I am afraid that the person with the problem will be solved directly from the root cause.

In the end, it is indeed more difficult to kill people purely by relying on the corrosiveness of spider venom, that is, the external effects than the internal effects.

After all, if you want to corrode a living person alive… that little bit of spider poison is definitely impossible, and it should be very tiring.

However, consider that spider venom can penetrate directly through the skin.

This point is not important, and there is no need to care about it anymore.

After getting up and stretching, Sano took back the clone and cleaned up the traces.

He raised his hand and pressed a piece of spider silk hanging around his neck like a necklace. He raised his head from the collar and looked at the little spider’s head.

Sano began to try to feed it experience.

“I’ll call you Erhei from now on.”


…Of course the spider’s cry cannot be “ga”.

Whether or not the spider even makes a sound is another matter.

Sano turned his head and glanced at Daikoku who landed on the edge of the window, the sound just now.

He was asking Sano if this spider was a new partner.

“Well, it will be your junior from now on… When you have nothing to do, you can communicate with it more and teach it experience, which will help it grow faster.”

Sano suddenly wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper again.

Dahei happily responded: “Okay, just leave it to me!”

The next day came, Sano, who had fallen asleep in a daze, got up and went out to smoke a cigarette.

I often can’t open my eyes when I can’t sleep.

When I can sleep, I can’t close my eyes when I open them. Humans are such strange creatures.

Opening the door, Sano heard a sound of “ho ho ha hey”.

Sounds a bit familiar.

He took two steps to the corridor railing, stuck his head out and looked down.

Two white figures, one big and one small, were standing on horseback, punching and kicking from time to time.

It was Mao Lilan and that little girl.

Did it come so quickly?

Sano raised his eyebrows, lowered his back, rested his elbows on the railing, and rested his chin on his palms. He puffed away smoke while lazily watching the two of them practice karate.

When leaving the hospital to have dinner together yesterday, Sano mentioned karate teaching to Mao Lilan, and she readily agreed.

I just didn’t expect it to be so positive.


Seeing Mao Lilan throw a beautiful high kick, the little girl immediately followed suit.

Then… an unsteady figure sat on the ground, stirring up a layer of dust.


Sano couldn’t help but laugh, which also attracted Mao Lilan’s eyes.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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