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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 429 428, Harry Potter can fly freely on his broom~

Sano thought of the group of killers who targeted Kuroba Kaito last time.

Or is it the name of a killer gang or even an organization?

After smacking his lips, Sano didn’t think much. He just looked at the map and found the location. He followed the location directly to find Kuroba Kaito.

Then there is no doubt about it.

In the lobby of a building, Sano saw the police, who were in full swing, making corresponding arrangements in response to the warning letter issued by Kaitou Kidd.

The leader was none other than Officer Nakamori.

In addition, what surprised Sano was that he actually saw Kuroba Kaito among the police.

To be precise, it is Kuroba Kaito who appears in his normal form.

What’s going on with this kid? Could it be that the difficulty this time is so high that he needs to use Kuroba Kaito’s true identity to sneak in and get closer?

Sano’s eyes fell on the boy next to Kuroba Kaito, who was probably about the age of a high school student…what was that thing wearing?

Looks like Sherlock Holmes?


Watching the cosplay boy suddenly take out a handcuff and cuff Kuroba Kaito’s wrist, but he untied it again, then cuffed it, untied it, cuffed it and untied it again, and repeated this for more than ten rounds. , infinite nesting dolls.

Sano hit a row of points…the two of them were having a good time?


Suddenly, Sano turned around and saw…well, Kaitou Kidd.

Kaitou Kidd also noticed Sano.

To be precise, I noticed the black cat lying in the vent.

After tilting her neck, Koizumi Hongzi didn’t think much.

I just looked down for a moment, then jumped down at the right time.

“It’s Kidd!”

Watch “Kid” take away the gems, and then… fly up on a broomstick.

At first, I was still doubting whether this preview letter of Kaito Kidd was actually a fake and a pretense. The purpose was to fish out Kuroba Kaito, Sano, the real Kid. For a moment, I unconsciously raised a question mark.

What the hell?

You can’t see the hands and feet… Is this some kind of high-tech crop?

Before Sano could think about it, he saw the police mechanism activated again. Kaitou Kid’s broom was immediately locked by countless chains, and Kaitou Kid also let out a cry.

Um, a very feminine exclamation.

……female? ?

Sano tried his best to recall what he had just seen, the fake Kid’s face.

But I found that no matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t remember it.

“Ding ding!”

At this moment, Kuroba Kaito took advantage of everyone’s attention being drawn away and quietly played a few rounds of playing cards, destroying the electrical box in the hall and causing the lights to disappear instantly.

Then a few rounds of playing cards broke the chains and successfully helped the fake Kid break free.

So, this fake Kid should not be the enemy of Kuroba Kaito who wants to fish?

Seeing Kuroba Kaito slip away.

Sano shook his tail and followed.

But at this moment, Sano received a second mission.

[Please ensure the survival of the witch within the mission time limit. You will receive one hundred strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the mission is – 00:19:59].


An image of fake Kid riding a broomstick quickly appeared in Sano’s mind.

No, if it’s a witch, it shouldn’t be called a broom.

But a broom.


Well, it’s the broomstick that Harry Potter can fly freely on.

…It’s so outrageous!

Why does this have a witch in it?

This is unreasonable!

Sano came back to his senses, full of surprise, and quickly pulled out the location and found that it existed.

Without hesitation, he separated the clone and rushed to chase the witch first.

Soon, Sano heard the screams of the witch lady.

The time is not up yet, there should still be a chance.

Sano quickened his pace and saw Miss Witch lying motionless on the ground, still not taking off her Kidd clothes, and quickly stepped forward and forward.

But the other party suddenly stood up and stabbed Sano with a long steel needle.

While dodging, Sano grabbed his wrist, and this time he finally saw the face of Miss Witch.

Well, it is indeed Miss Witch, not Master Witch.

It’s just that Miss Witch’s state doesn’t seem right, her face is expressionless, to be precise, her expression is numb, her eyes are dull… It can be said to be exactly the same as those puppets of Ito Taka, if Miss Witch is really on the same side as Kuroba Kaito , then there is a high probability that he will be a “good guy” rather than a bad guy.

A sudden attack on Sano, with a direct target, was obviously not right.

Has it been manipulated?

She’s not really a witch. Logically speaking, she should be able to control others, right?

Why is this still being manipulated?

…This witch is obviously not very knowledgeable, but she is extremely weak.

“who are you?”

Sano completely knocked out the witch lady with a knife, and looked back at the man in black robe.

The man was wearing a mask that covered the upper half of his face, and there were three “eyes” emitting scarlet light on the mask. At first glance, he didn’t look like a good person.


Sano narrowed his eyes, and before he spoke, he looked at Kuroba Kaito who finally arrived.


Looking at Sano in the mask form, Kuroba Kaito was startled for a moment, then turned to look at the person behind the three eyes, his face darkened again: “Spider…”


Sano raised his eyebrows: “Why, do you know him?”

“Ah, an internationally famous killer, codenamed Spider. I was targeted by him last time. I didn’t expect that he would come again this time. Do you really want to kill me?”

After hearing Kuroba Kaito’s explanation, Sano nodded thoughtfully.

It turns out it’s not Spider, but spider.

That corresponds to the setting of the four hundred aunts that I just obtained.

Wait a moment.

Zoo, spider, is this what it means?


At this moment, Spider seemed to have the impression of Sano’s vest, and smiled with interest: “Ah, it turns out to be that one, Black Mask, I have heard of you, why, you, a superhero, appeared in Here, do you plan to catch this thief, or do you want to help this thief?”

Sano came back to his senses and smiled: “Unfortunately, he is my prey. Your web is stretched too long, spider, be careful to become my web’s meal.”


The spider smiled disdainfully, and the red light in its three eyes became even brighter: “Then come on!”

“Be careful with his illusions!”

Kuroba Kaito’s reminder had just sounded in Sano’s ears, but it had quickly disappeared.

Also disappearing at the same time were several people in Sano’s sight, as well as the surrounding trees.

Sano instantly came to a cliff from the grove.

The strong wind danced wildly, making Sano’s figure unstable, as if he would fall off the cliff at any time.

Sano remembered Kuroba Kaito’s “genjutsu”.

…It’s a witch, and it’s an illusion. Conan is almost crying!

Sano wasn’t too nervous because he knew it was fake.

But you can’t be completely nervous, because in the real world, spiders don’t know what they will do.

Just how to break this illusion is a question.

Generally speaking, maybe you should do this for yourself, try to use the actual pain sensation in your body to stimulate your brain, so as to get rid of the control of illusion.

But Sano is not an ordinary person.

The current situation of “illusion” made Sano unconsciously think of one of his crooked goods.

Ghost coat.

The effects attached to it are very similar to the spider’s illusion.

Regarding the effect of Ghost Smashing the Wall, I mentioned that the duration of the effect will be determined based on the will attribute of the target.

The principles on both sides should be similar.

And the effects related to the will attribute.

Sano happened to have one.

Although that thing is mainly based on the momentum attribute, the blessing of the will attribute is pitifully low.

But just like the correlation between the three major attributes of the body, the momentum attribute and the will attribute themselves influence each other. The low will attribute blessing is superimposed on the high momentum attribute…

Low will attribute blessing.

Two lows together.

At least it should be less humble.

As a result, the Beast Eyes opened, and Sano’s gray “eyes” lit up with red light.

Then as expected, the illusion was instantly shattered.

What caught Sano’s eyes was the original grove and the fighting spider and Kuroba Kaito.

Probably because he was very confident in his illusion skills.

Spider didn’t realize at all that Sano had cracked his illusion.

Sano did not act rashly, but still stood motionless.

It was as if I was still in the midst of an illusion.

Until the spider wielding a black scythe chased Kuroba Kaito and entered within ten meters of Sano.

Sano then suddenly raised his hand and shot out a spider web.

Shot directly…on the big eyeball in the middle of the spider, causing the opponent…

He was frightened for a moment and stopped chasing Kuroba Kaito.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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