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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 430 Chapter 429, Forming a Killer Team

At the same moment, Sano shot the second “point”, but before this point was released.

Sano quickly grabbed the spider web and formed a link with the spider.

Then he pulled hard.

Some of the busy spiders immediately became unstable and fell to the ground.

Sano yanked hard again, dragging the spider directly from the ground towards him.

One last kick.

At this time, the spider finally pulled away the cobweb on his face, but before he could recover from the pain of the kick on his chest, three scarlet eyes met the “sight” of Sano’s pair of scarlet eyes looking down. .

“As I said just now, you have become my Chinese food.”

The spider’s attention drawn by Kuroba Kaito returned, and Sano’s soaring momentum attribute finally had an effect on him, coupled with the asymmetry of the situation.

Even this master of illusion, the top killer, unconsciously felt a little fear and panic in his heart: “How, how is it possible? You were clearly caught in my illusion, and Kaitou Kidd didn’t even touch you, how could you?” …”

“So much nonsense.”

Sano didn’t bother to say anything more, so he just punched him a few times, causing the spider mask to crack.

After a violent beating, the spider lost consciousness.

Next to him, Kuroba Kaito couldn’t even come to his senses… This was an elite mini-boss after all. He thought that he would at least have to go through a hard fight and spend a long time before he could solve it. Guy.

Why did it end so quickly, so… hastily?

in addition.

Kuroba Kaito glanced at the spider silk that Sano threw casually on the ground.

Originally, Kuroba Kaito thought this would be something like a wire rope.

Unexpectedly, upon closer inspection, there were things that looked like spider webs on both ends.

Is this Black Mask’s new equipment?

But why does it happen to be something related to spiders?

Then think of what these two people have in common – masks and “scarlet eyes.”

… Could it be that there is some special connection between these two people?

So did this guy show up to catch me? He just happened to encounter a spider, or he knew he was in danger and came to save others, or maybe.

Is it just for spiders?

And when Kuroba Kaito was deep in thought, Sano turned to look at him. The Phantom Thief who witnessed the whole beating process couldn’t help but tremble…

If it was the first situation, wouldn’t he have to be treated like this, right?

After all, the first thing Sano said just now was about whose prey he, Kuroba Kaito, was.

At that time, Kuroba Kaito was inexplicably excited after hearing this.

But that was a special situation.

The situation is no longer special.

When I taste it again, I feel not only embarrassed but also nervous.

However, facing the vigilant Kuroba Kaito, Sano was too lazy to say anything to him.

After taking care of the spider, both tasks will be prompted to be completed.

…It’s kind of surprising, so the zoo is a gang or organization.

Spiders are one of them.

But the only dangerous factor this time is spiders.

Wouldn’t it be better to just name it a spider from the beginning? What about a zoo?

A waste of energy, fighting with the air.

But before Sano could leave, the cosplay guy also popped out.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Bai Ma Tan’s brain went into a temporary shutdown.

As a high school detective, White Horse Detective’s home field is actually not in Neon, but abroad. This time he returns to Neon. On the surface, it seems to be for Kaitou Kidd, but in fact, it is for the killer Spider.

This internationally renowned killer is brutal, powerful, and ruthless.

There is countless blood on the hands.

Such a guy ran into neon territory.

The White Horse Detective who received the news was naturally unlikely to ignore it.

Immediately afterwards, we returned to Neon. The reason why we were targeting Kaitou Kidd was only because the spider that Detective White Horse was eyeing was eyeing Kaitou Kidd.

Then I decided to wait and see what happened.

But unexpectedly, it turns out that Kuroba Kaito, whom Hakuba Detective originally targeted, does not seem to be the real Kaitou Kidd. Unexpectedly, after chasing him, he actually saw the unconscious and captured spider, among the other people present.

Except for one Kaitou Kid who was also unconscious and one who was awake.

There is another mysterious person dressed strangely.

“…Are you Kidd’s accomplice?”

After coming back to his senses, Baima asked subconsciously.

Sano glanced at Hakuba Tan… To be fair, he wasn’t boasting.

Even those who don’t care much about news reports in the current neon society should have heard of the existence of Black Mask at some point.

Spider failed to recognize him because he was a killer from abroad.

But he didn’t recognize this guy, which made Sano feel a little strange.

But Sano has always been good at managing his curiosity.

In other words… sometimes curiosity really has no driving force for Sano.

Sano left.

Kuroba Kaito also left, taking Koizumi Anko on the ground with him.

It’s not that Detective Baima didn’t think about trying to stop him, but… as a detective.

The White Horse Detective is really too mediocre in terms of mobility.

At least compared to Sano and Kuroba Kaito, he is indeed inferior by more than one and a half stars.

With some frustration, he peeled off the cobwebs stuck to his face and waved away some of the smoke remaining in front of his eyes. After that, the white horse detective turned his attention to the spider lying on the ground.

Forget it, it’s not without gain after all… No.

Strictly speaking, spiders should be the main purpose of White Horse Detective.

When did you unknowingly change your goals?

After sighing a little depressed again, Baima Tan walked towards Spider.

He planned to take off the broken mask of the world’s top killer, see his true appearance, and hand it over to the Neon Police for processing. But at this moment, a faint sound of footsteps suddenly reached the ears of the white horse detective. He turned to look .

A white Western male wearing a suit and glasses pushes through the trees.

caught in the eye.

Are the foreigners the spider’s accomplices?

Before Hakuba could think about it, Sano walked towards the spider.

After picking it up casually, he planned to leave. Seeing that Hakuba Tan could not sit still, he hurriedly shouted “Wait a minute” and wanted to stop Sano.

“……do you know who he is?”

Because Sano didn’t take into account the existence of Hakuba Detective at all, the high school detective couldn’t tell whether he was an enemy or a friend for a while.

So after stopping what must have been a wrong step, Hakuba Tan made tentative inquiries to Sano to determine the man’s true position.

If there is any misunderstanding, resolve it and live together peacefully.

No matter whether the other party made a mistake or the White Horse Detective made a mistake.

It all makes sense.

But Sano didn’t even stop, and kicked the white horse several meters away.


Fuck you.

Go do what you like and stop wasting Sano’s time.

Sano quickly left with the spider in hand.

As for why Sano went back and took away the spider.

Then we have to mention the new mission Sano received after rescuing Kuroba Kaito and the other two.

[Please form a team of killers. The team members must be at least the top killers in Neon territory. Rewards will be issued based on the completion of the progress. The upper limit is 1,000 strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is – 9999:59:59].

…It is similar to the long-term phased mission of Black Death Vest to dominate the country.

What needs attention is the entry criteria for the killer gang that Sano will form.

The worst level has to be the top killer in Neon Territory.

This is undoubtedly worth pondering, because the number of professional killers in Neon is very small, so to say that the “top” refers only to the range of professional killers in Neon, Sano thinks it is basically impossible anyway.

There is a high probability that it includes other killers like Gin.

In short, the entry standards are quite high.

It’s not that difficult to find such talents.

At least the small cadres in the factory should all be barely qualified.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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