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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 431 Chapter 430, The Fear of the Witch

The real question is.

These talents are basically well-established.

It’s not like Sano found it and just drew two big cakes.

People will be willing to work for Sano.

Even if someone is willing, their company may not be willing.

So, Sano came up with the idea of ​​coming to a spider that happened to be not far away and could definitely meet the requirements… Although judging from the way this guy was dressed today and his performance, there were a few…

Pull down.

It doesn’t quite meet the standards expected of a top killer in the world.

But this is only because Spider is facing Sano.

The miraculous illusion didn’t work, and he was suddenly attacked. What could be weird about it, especially if you really want to study it carefully.

Spider is not without its excellent performance.

At least… he controlled Sano for several seconds.

That is to say, Sano has a cheat, otherwise, Miss Witch will be even more depressed.

It is the best comparison to Spider Brothers.

But even Sano didn’t have the means to restrain the spider illusion.

It’s not like Sano doesn’t have other ways to deal with spiders.

The simplest way is.

Ignore illusions and carry out large-scale attacks on reality.

As the saying goes, if you can’t solve the problem, just solve the person who raised the problem.

The second is to act through eyes other than Sano’s “body”.

The black cat form of Kaito who follows Kuroba Kaito next to him is okay, but the two black ones who haven’t grown up and are still trapped in the mask form are fine.

The black man in the sky can also “command”.

……all in all.

After taking the spider to an alley.

Sano immediately gave two gentle slaps, gently touching the spider’s face.

While waking up the spider, it also helped to remove the remaining garbage from the other party’s face.

Well, I’m so considerate.

From this, Sano finally saw the true appearance of the spider.

Can he be regarded as a standard Western white man?

Although in terms of aesthetics, the appearance of the spider seems to be closer to that of the East.

The blond hair is parted in the middle and shawl, and what is more conspicuous is the top and bottom of one of the spider’s eyes.

Covered in a tattoo of spider lines.

…It feels so non-mainstream.

Watching the spider slowly wake up, Sano withdrew his gaze.

Try to make your expression look kinder.

After all, you want to recruit people to join the company, and the relationship between the two parties is still different from the normal recruiter and job seeker. When applying for a job, people need a job.

Spiders obviously don’t have this need.

Furthermore, as stated previously.

Spider is also a part-time worker with a company.

Even if you are willing to resign and find a new job, whether you dare to do so is another matter.

Even if Sano is willing to wipe his butt and pay the “liquidated damages” for the other party, the other party may not believe it… Of course, you have to try it first to see if it works.

Fantasy is never meaningful.

Even if it is just an experiment, it is good to test the internal standards of this task.

After Spider woke up completely, he sat up suddenly and looked around.

After discovering that the guy who beat him violently before was no longer there, Spider not only breathed a sigh of relief, but also showed a little anger and frustration: “…Who are you?”

“Let me introduce myself. Black Cat, like you, is a killer.”

Sano held out his hand to the spider.

However, the spider did not respond politely. He just snorted and got up.

“Did you rescue me?”


“…Are you also hired by them?”

“If you mean a zoo, that’s not it.”


There was hesitation on Spider’s face, but he didn’t dwell on it. He probably realized what Sano meant, and he frowned and asked, “Then why did you save me?”

“I plan to form a killer team, but I am currently short of people, so I would like to invite you to join.”

Sano answered truthfully.


Spider smiled disdainfully: “Okay, since you helped me, I don’t want your head. Get out of here and pretend nothing happened tonight.”

“That’s not okay.”

Faced with Spider’s inexplicably similar speech to that of a scumbag, Sano pushed up his glasses and suddenly punched out, grazing the opponent’s head and cracking the wall behind him: “You don’t seem to understand the situation. My invitation is not to discuss with you, but to inform you.”

“In other words, it gives you a chance, a chance to choose.”

“If you really don’t want to join my team, it doesn’t matter. It’s just the killer spider’s head that should cause quite a stir.”

“This will help me attract a lot of job seekers.”

The spider looked at the stone chips that fell on his shoulders, his face stiff.

What the hell, what kind of monster is this with speed and power?

I couldn’t see clearly. If this punch had just been aimed at my head…

Spider instantly felt that the beating he had received earlier was relatively light.


Maybe Spider’s physical skills are not that powerful after all, and can only be considered average.

But the spider itself does not rely on physical skills to survive.

This is just an auxiliary means.

As a killer, you can’t be careless!

A cold light suddenly appeared in Spider’s eyes.


Before the spider started to use his hypnosis, the eyes of the man in front of him suddenly emitted red light, and the terrifying pressure was just like the previous black mask.

“I advise you to stay away from me and play your little tricks. My patience is limited. You have five seconds to think. After five seconds, you won’t be able to give an answer or you will give an error.” Answer.”

“Then don’t blame me for not caring about the friendship between colleagues.”

Cold sweat trickled down quietly.

Looking at those scarlet eyes, Spider immediately recalled the previous pair of eyes. When the two were superimposed, the endless panic was like a flood, completely flooding his mind and causing his breathing to lag.

After all, I didn’t dare to continue with that little trick.

“I, I understand, I will join your team, okay?”

Spider planned to adopt a delaying strategy and agree to this person’s conditions first. As for whether he would really listen to this person’s orders in the future, hehe, the sky is the limit.

If you can’t afford to offend yourself, you can’t afford to hide.

As long as he wants to hide, can this person still search the ends of the earth?

But after Spider agreed, Sano was silent for a few seconds and suddenly asked again.

“Do you have an account on the professional killer platform?”


Spider was stunned for a moment: “Yes, there is, but I haven’t used it for several years. After all, with my current reputation, business will definitely come to me…”

“……what you up to?”

Sano retracted his fist, grabbed the spider’s collar and walked out of the alley: “Go to the Internet cafe.”


And just when Sano was taking the first step to make his killer career bigger and stronger and create greater glory, Koizumi Anko was taken away by Kuroba Kaito.

When he woke up and went home on his own, he was blocked by someone.

“First meeting, Miss Witch.”

Sano had already released his mask form, and wearing Kurosawai’s skin, he smiled at Koizumi Anko: “Of course, in fact, this is not the first time we have met, we have just met, but your state was not right at that time. So I may not remember it, I don’t know if Kuroba Kaito told you.”

“I should be considered your savior.”

Koizumi Anko looked at Sano blankly without any reaction.

It wasn’t until Sano felt strange a few seconds later that he even became impatient and planned to speak out again, when Koizumi Anko suddenly stepped back with a look of shock and anger.

“Stay away from me, stay away from me!!”


Sano raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

“What’s wrong, Miss Witch, do you know me?”

“I don’t know you, and I don’t want to know you. Keep your distance from me!!”

Koizumi Anko seemed to be facing some fierce beast, and she was afraid to avoid Sano.

Even after stumbling a few times, he turned around and ran away.

It aroused more and more surprise in Zuo Ye… The curiosity here was different from before.

It gave Sano a different kind of desire to explore.

What does this witch mean?

After rubbing his fingers, Sano asked Daikoku above to report the point, and followed Koizumi Anko from a distance until the witch returned home.

Only then did he become a little calmer because of time and environment.

Seeing this, Sano revealed his figure again and knocked on the table, attracting the attention of Koizumi Anko who was sitting on the sofa. The panic also appeared again.

“You, why are you at my house? What do you want!?”

“I don’t want to say anything, I just have a few questions to ask Miss Witch.”

Sano was also a little irritated by Koizumi Anko’s reaction. He even raised his voice to interrupt the other party, intending to take the initiative in his own hands.

“I will leave after asking the question and I won’t do anything to you. But if you continue like this, I can’t guarantee that I won’t pester you for the rest of your life.”

Koizumi Anko’s breathing was rapid. After finally regaining her breath, she pretended to be calm and said.

“What exactly do you want to ask?”

“First, why are you so afraid of me? Second, apart from riding a broom, do you witches have any abilities that are different from ordinary people? Third, besides you, are there any other witches in the world?”


“Besides witches, are there any other… superpowers in the world?”

Koizumi Hongzi was silent for a long time and gave the answer.

“First of all, besides witches, there are other… superpowers in this world. Secondly, I don’t know where these people are. Because of the special nature of this existence, I can’t detect their existence from the crystal ball. In addition, the witch’s ability is magic and making magic items. Finally, superpowers…at least the witch cannot stay too close to other superpowers, otherwise, the magic power will disappear.”

Koizumi Anko stared at Sano: “This is also the reason why I so… want to keep a distance from you, because I don’t want to become an ordinary person.”

Hearing this, Sano’s thoughts stopped and he pointed at himself.

“Am I a superpower?”

“…You need to ask me this?”

Koizumi Hongzi was speechless.

… In terms of being unscientific, Sano is naturally even more unscientific than Koizumi Anko.

But Sano didn’t expect that he would be judged as the same kind by Koizumi Anko.

It can even play a certain regulatory role and affect the existence of Koizumi Hongzi.


Sano asked again: “Why do I feel like you haven’t seen any other superpowers besides me?”

Koizumi Hongzi said quietly: “Except for my mother who was also a witch because she was right in front of me when she was born, today, you are indeed the first time I have met, and you are also the first… superpower person. “

Koizumi Anko’s answer made Sano confused again.

“Isn’t that spider today considered a superpower?”

“How can he be considered a superpower?”

Koizumi Hongzi was also confused.

“Illusion, doesn’t he know how to do illusion, and he controls you?”

“What happened to the illusion?”

“Isn’t it a skill that ordinary people can master through study and practice?”

Koizumi Hongzi frowned: “I said, you can’t tell the difference between ordinary people and superpowers. Where is it?”

Sano blinked, he felt that he knew.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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