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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 432 431, man, real man

But according to what Koizumi Anko said, Sano didn’t seem to know.

Adhering to the principle of being humble and polite, and asking questions when you don’t understand something, Sano listened to the witch’s popular science.

turn out to be.

The “superpowers” mentioned by Koizumi Anko do not mean those who are beyond the cognition of ordinary people, that is, they can be regarded as within the scope of “strange people and strangers”.

No matter how unscientific it is, at its root, it is still scientific.

Spider-like illusion, explained by Koizumi Anko.

It becomes a combination of hypnosis and some inducing equipment.

The magic of Kuroba Kaito is the same as that of Kuroba Kaito.

And the witch Koizumi Anko, as well as Sano, both have “special energy” in their bodies that ordinary people don’t have… although he himself does not know this.

So there is “magic power” in my body, but I don’t notice it.

Or is it that Koizumi Anko mistook other special existences in her body for magic power?

After pondering for a while, Sano suddenly asked: “Since we have been in contact, has your magic power been affected… Just like what you just said, it will cause you to change from a witch to an ordinary person. .”

Koizumi Anko nodded and confirmed: “Yeah, my magic power has begun to become sluggish. If it continues, it will probably gradually dissipate until it dissipates to an irrecoverable level, or even disappears completely.”

…That’s not a “misidentification”?

Sano frowned. Unable to figure out the specific clue, he decided to conduct a tentative experiment: “Then can I learn your kind of magic?”

Koizumi Anko was silent for a few seconds and gave the answer: “If you want to ask if you can learn my magic, then I can tell you that you can definitely do it. However, the inheritance of the witch prevents me from using those skills. I’ll teach you things. In addition, because you don’t have the blood of a witch, and you’re already quite old, to be honest, I don’t recommend you learn these things, because it doesn’t mean much, and you may die without being at my current level. .”

“Don’t be too greedy. Mastering your own things is the key.”

Sano nodded thoughtfully, just as he also wanted to learn the face-changing technique of those guys like Kuroba Kaito, but had never tried it.

Of course, magic cannot be learned so easily.

When he asked such a question, apart from his curiosity and novelty about magic, Sano wanted to see if he had that so-called thing in him.

“Special Energy”.

“I just want the simplest magic to let me experience the feeling of a magician. Of course, if you have magic that you can reveal to me, it doesn’t matter if it is a little more difficult.”

Sano pulled up a chair and sat down.

His words and actions were full of threats that could not be rejected.

…If you don’t give magic, then don’t even think about continuing to be a witch.

Koizumi Anko fully understood the meaning of Sano’s threat.

After twitching the corner of her mouth, Koizumi Hongzi reluctantly agreed.

After getting what he wanted, Sano took out his phone again.

“Let’s exchange numbers by the way. If there are special circumstances, I will contact you. Correspondingly, if you encounter any big trouble in the future.”

“You can also ask me for help.”

Koizumi Hongzi was full of resistance for a moment: “Don’t even think about it!”

“Don’t you think that when I say keep a distance, I just refer to the actual distance in space? It refers to the causal connection hidden under the surface!”

“Not to mention talking on the phone, even sending text messages or even writing letters will create a connection between us… Of course, the spatial distance is also important. It will have an impact within a few hundred meters at least, but if the internal connection exists, then even if There’s a whole world between us, and that’s useless.”

Sano nodded again. Koizumi Anko’s statement was quite reasonable.

So, Sano stood up and walked to a nearby room.

“Let me see where I will sleep at night…”

Koizumi Hongzi: “…”

A wonderful night seemed to end just like that.

Sano’s killer team successfully added one of the world’s top killers… at least in name. In addition, he also received a copy of the witch’s low-level magic training content, as well as a string of the witch’s phone number.

Everyone is happy, everyone is happy.

Suddenly, Sano’s voice sounded “in his ears”.

This is not casual chat, this is serious business.

Daikoku was arranged by Sano to stare at spiders, trying to see if he could find some information about the so-called zoo, and the feedback he got was–

Spider flew away overnight and left Neon.

According to Dahei’s description, the spider was in a hurry, as if it wished it had to fly on a plane, but instead carried the plane and flew out of the neon lights on its own.


All in all, in this case, in addition to not being able to make the spider guy do things obediently, it would be impossible for Dahei to follow the plane and leave Neon.

… Mainly because it’s impossible to keep up.

The line in the zoo was just cut off.

Ha, it’s just trivial things that don’t matter.

Anyway, Qian Sano has received it.

There are already several criteria for judging the members of the killer team –

You only need to create an account on the professional killer platform and bind it to the account of Sano’s Black Cat Vest, and then you will be considered successful.

It doesn’t matter whether the new employee has ulterior motives or doesn’t obey orders.

That’s considered signing a “contract.”

In addition, the reward for joining Spider is a full hundred points.

I just don’t know that this capitation fee is so much for one dead person.

It still depends on the level of the candidate.

All in all, Sano’s team only has about a dozen people.

So there is no need to rush.

Not in a hurry either.

Just take your time.


Suddenly, a vaguely familiar shout came into my ears.

Sano stopped in confusion, shook his tail, turned his head and looked over.

Then, the sound of breaking glass was heard, and a huge black shadow smashed the floor-to-ceiling window from the shop dozens of meters away and flew out.

After seeing clearly that the guy who hit the ground was actually Fatty, Sano’s tail slapped.

Immediately afterwards, two more black shadows flew out of the broken floor-to-ceiling windows.

It is Huang Mao and Mao Lilan.

Looking at the three people who looked slightly embarrassed, they all had more or less injuries on their bodies.

Sano turned his attention to the black man who stepped out of the floor-to-ceiling window with great strides. Yes, a black man, this was a real black man.

It’s not the fake, shoddy stuff like the three Kyogoku Toru and Amuro Toru.

The naked upper body is covered with solid tendons, dark and shiny.

He is about 1.89 meters tall, not as good as Xiaopang, but better than Huang Mao and Mao Lilan.

It’s still a lot higher.

The black hair is slightly shorter than that of Spider, braided and hung on the back of his head.

There is only one aura exuding from my whole body – I am good at fighting.

“What’s wrong? Is that all you have? Get up and fight again!”

With a confident and arrogant smile, the man challenged Mao Lilan and the other three.

“I’ll beat you up!!”

Huang Mao rushed forward, his fist was easily blocked, and then he was kicked several meters away again.

Following closely, Mao Lilan became the next target.

Mao Lilan is not weaker than Huang Mao, but not much stronger.

The first moment of the fight.

Mao Lilan was completely at a disadvantage and was suppressed crazily.

Seeing Mao Lilan being knocked down, the fat guy behind him finally got up.

“My mother said that those who bully girls are bad people!!!”

Xiaopang combined his fists from behind the man and punched them hard.

The black man didn’t try to be brave. He had to block this blow. After dodging it, he grabbed the little fat man by the collar and punched him several times, causing his nose to bleed.

Fortunately, Mao Lilan and Huang Mao, who got up again, cooperated in the attack in time, which drew the man’s attention away from Xiaopang, but they still fought hard.

No, saying it was a tough fight is already flattering.

This was a one-sided ravage and beating for the three Maolilan people.

Totally just “punishment”.

Therefore, this guy is the one Huang Mao talks about.

Are you a black person who has been making trouble for the black god of death, clamoring to get him to die?

Sano frowned in a way that he couldn’t frown at all.

After taking a look at the scattered passers-by on the street watching the excitement, Sano tried to release the black cat form, but failed, probably because there were cameras.


Sano quickly turned around and found an alley, released the black cat form, and put on the black death vest.

By the time Sano returned to the “battlefield”, the battle seemed to have come to an end.

The unquestionable crushing made the battle duration infinitely shorter.

“Hahaha, Tokyo is indeed interesting. I didn’t expect that just because I wanted to fight with the so-called Black Death, I could meet so many powerful people.”

After the black man laughed a few times, he turned coldly and said, “But I’m tired of playing, and you’re no longer good. If you don’t want to die, just tell me where the damn black man is, and ask him to come out and follow me.” beat!”

Huang Mao, who had a bruised nose and swollen face, spat on the black man and smiled disdainfully.

He didn’t speak…I don’t know if he was speechless.

The black man wiped away the phlegm on his body expressionlessly, and was not angry. He just looked at Mao Lilan who was sitting next to him: “I know you are very stubborn, so that’s it. If you don’t call the black man to die, I will take this Little girl, let’s vent your anger.”


Huang Mao’s expression changed, and he wanted to get up and curse, but he simply didn’t have the ability.

In the end, Xiaopang stood in front of Mao Lilan.

“My mother said that a man must protect girls…”

Xiaopang’s condition is actually no better than Huangmao’s.

But in comparison, Xiaopang’s body is stronger, so even if he is a little unconscious, he still has a certain ability to move.

But even the fat little guy who is in full condition can only be beaten.

This level of mobility is no different from zero.

“If you want to pretend to be a hero, fine, I’ll satisfy you.”

The black man grinned, kicked the little fat guy over, and landed a few more punches.

“You guy…”

Mao Lilan climbed up with difficulty, trying to stop the other party.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly broke in.



The black man stopped his fist and turned his head to look. A figure wearing a special attack suit came into his eyes.

“Hey, another sandbag?”


The yellow hair on the ground said hello to Sano weakly, which made the black man stunned for a moment.

He showed an expression of great surprise.

“It turns out you are a gangster. Damn it, I finally forced you out.” FBI

to be honest.

The black man didn’t speak Japanese very well, and there were a few English words mixed in from time to time, but this was all a trivial matter, because Sano ignored him completely.

After walking closer, Sano looked at the little fat man who had changed beyond recognition and could no longer recognize his human form.

…This black man still has some quality.

Relatively speaking, Mao Lilan’s injuries among the three were the least serious. The injuries of the two men, Huang Mao and Xiao Pang, were almost serious, maybe…


But Mao Lilan’s injury was the least serious, but his physical attributes were probably the weakest.

As a result, even with the slightest injury, Mao Lilan was still unable to move.

The injuries of Xiaopang and Huangmao were similar, but because of their larger size.

In fact, Xiaopang’s “injury” should be considered the most serious.


There were tears in the corners of Xiaopang’s eyes, and while he was choking, he still muttered to himself inarticulately: “I am… a man… I want to protect girls…”

…as a person with an IQ of just a few years.

Xiaopang’s thinking mode should be based on that of a child.

Including the previous time when Xiaopang was crying and beating someone at the same time, Sano could understand it.

As a child, whether it is grievance or anger.

Often some cat urine comes out.

Sano was in a similar situation when he was fighting with others when he was a child.

But a child can still maintain a firm will in such a situation.

That’s really rare.

Sano bent down, touched Xiaopang’s head, and praised him.

“Well done man.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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