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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 433 432, stand up

Xiaopang drowsily opened his eyes a crack, then closed them again.

Finally completely lost consciousness.

…Of course, an injury of this degree is definitely not fatal.

I probably have to go to the hospital and stay for a few days.

Sano looked at the black man again, and the two looked at each other for a few seconds, but no one made any move.

Until the other party was already a little confused.

Sano then said: “Why, aren’t you going to fight me?”

“You still won’t take action?”

The black man was startled and grinned, revealing his white teeth.

“Ha, let’s start!!!”

A punch was thrown out violently, and Sano’s tall figure fell down instantly.


Taking a step back with his right foot, he stirred up a layer of dust.

Seeing that the body of the man in front of him was bent almost 180 degrees, his head was almost touching the ground, but his left foot seemed to be rooted in the ground, and he still didn’t fall completely. The smile on the black man’s face Suddenly he froze.

While he was stunned, solemnity came to his mind.


Sano twisted the soles of his feet, making a harsh sound when they rubbed against the ground. With all his strength, he pressed his face against the black man’s fist and straightened his body back up.

same moment.

Sano’s fist landed on the black man’s face.


Under the brutal force, the black man staggered back a few steps.

He finally managed to stabilize his figure, but his face still looked a little dazed.

After shaking his head, the black man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and grinned: “Not bad, you finally didn’t disappoint me, and your trip to Neon was not in vain. Remember, kid, I’m from America. Called Black Dragon!”

After Heilong introduced himself, he rushed out again and punched Sano in the face.

Sano still didn’t dodge or block, and he took Black Dragon’s second punch with his face.

And the results.

It’s still the same as the first punch.

Of course, this guy’s fists are very hard, and he can even compete with Kyogoku.

Sano was not as unscathed as he seemed.

But at least compared to this guy.

The impact on Sano was indeed minimal.

Black Dragon once again received a heavy punch from Sano – he also had his own self-esteem.

Since Sano can’t dodge.

Then the black dragon will naturally not do anything unnecessary.

So, both sides just punched each other.

Each used their best strength and fought each other for more than ten rounds.

Then, the power of Black Dragon’s fist became weaker and weaker.

Every time he was knocked back by Sano’s fist, the time he needed to catch his breath became longer and longer.

……How can this be! ?

The black dragon finally couldn’t hold on and fell to the ground all of a sudden, his head feeling dizzy.

How could there be such a monster, how could someone be hit on the head so many times by his fists, and yet still stand like a normal person! ?

Black Dragon put his hands on the ground and tried to stand up.

“stand up.”

Before Black Dragon could get up, Sano, who was standing in front of him, looking down at him like an ant, suddenly moved his lower lip.

Three words were spoken coldly from under the mask.


Black Dragon woke up instantly and his face became extremely ugly.


This is outright contempt.


Under the strong stimulation, Black Dragon’s body was suddenly filled with strength, and he got up again and punched Sano.

Then he was knocked away by Sano’s punch and fell to the ground.

“stand up.”

Sano didn’t say too many words or actions, just this sentence.

Three words.

Seeing the black dragon getting up unsteadily, punching himself again, and then being knocked away by his own punch, Sano said again: “Stand up.”

Black Dragon was covered in cold sweat.

This cold sentence was like a command.

At this moment, it seems to have become a nightmare in Black Dragon’s heart.

Just three times.

A seed has been planted very firmly deep in the black dragon’s brain.

Just like Conan heard Gin.

Huihara Ai heard Rye.

The spider saw a pair of red eyes.

It is a truth that it will directly cause extremely strong fluctuations in emotions.

Damn, damn, damn, damn! ! !

The black dragon, which was clearly on the verge of reaching its limit, was once again bursting out with its last strength.

However… this punch hit Sano’s chest, but there was no movement at all.

It was like a mosquito landed on Sano’s chest.

Sano didn’t even move.

Be reasonable.

The black dragon can indeed fight.

Strength, speed, body resistance and control, martial arts skills in fists and feet.

Whether it is the three basic attributes or melee skills.

Maybe they can compete with Kyogoku Shin.

But this guy is too easily excited.

Sano forcefully held his fist, and Heilong followed his example.

It was even more unfavorable than the earlier fight between Sano and Kyogoku.

It’s normal to lose so easily.

This is like a 100-meter sprinter who insists on competing with a marathon runner for five kilometers.

It’s pretty much the same truth.

After looking away from the fist on his chest, Sano raised his head and raised his hand.


As soon as the punch landed, the black dragon’s head came into close contact with the ground.

Numerous cracks opened in the cement floor.

Black Dragon rolled his eyes and completely lost consciousness.

However, Sano raised his fist again.

“I didn’t allow you to sleep like this.”


With Sano’s second punch, his wake-up call service was officially started.

Fists like a violent storm kept hitting the unconscious black dragon.

This caused the black dragon to groan and twitch unconsciously.

…It will definitely not be possible to wake him up.

Sano himself knew it, but he didn’t really want to wake up the black dragon in the first place.

What the hell do you do this shit?

Do you think it can be over with just a few punches?

Until I feel that the Qi has been almost relieved.

Only then did Sano stop punishing the black dragon.

Looking back, Mao Lilan had regained most of his mobility.

He was looking at Sano stupidly.

“Did you call an ambulance?”


Mao Lilan was stunned, and after realizing it, she quickly reached for her cell phone.

“This, this is called…”

Sano didn’t stay here too long and left alone. He switched to his vest and entered the black cat form when no one was around until he reached his home.

Then he changed back to the main body vest.

…the night passed.

Sano saw Mao Lilan and the little girl downstairs again.

The two are practicing karate.

After talking, Sano learned that Huang Mao and Xiao Pang were still in the hospital.

The black dragon was also sent away.

But in comparison, even if Huang Mao and Xiao Pang were put together.

There may not be a black dragon who needs to be hospitalized for as long.

At the same time, Sano also learned what happened yesterday.

It was nothing more than the three of them going out to have dinner together after Sano left.

As a result, Black Dragon probably focused on Huang Mao, the second-in-command… Of course, it could also be a simple encounter. Anyway, Mao Lilan was affected by this.

Then the fight started, and Sano’s chance encounter… was exactly what he thought.

A bit luckier.

Maybe the little girl didn’t go to eat with the three of them last night.

Otherwise, what happened last night, let’s not say whether it will be affected by this little girl, even if it is not affected, it is not every “child”.

They all have the same strong psychological quality as Xiaopang.

…No, this little girl seems to be quite capable.

He was almost kidnapped and murdered, and he saw dead bodies, more than once.

After thinking about it, Sano took out a mobile phone and threw it to the little girl: “I gave this to you by recharging the phone bill some time ago. The card has been applied for, so you don’t need to pay the phone bill. My number has also been saved. If you encounter it in the future, If you need anything troublesome, you can call me…you know how to use a mobile phone, right?”

The little girl hurriedly caught the phone and was stunned for a while before nodding and indicating that she knew how to use it.


Mao Lilan, who saw what the little girl was hesitating about, smiled and touched her head.

“Okay, they said it was given with phone credit, so just take it. Besides, although this uncle likes to take advantage, he is actually very rich!”

Sano raised his eyebrows: “Hey, hey, the phrase “love to take advantage” is redundant, right?”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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