Switch Mode

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 434 433, laxative? I only have poison


Mao Lilan smiled shyly.

“But your injuries don’t bother you.”

Sano asked.

“Ah, it’s just a minor injury. Just put some medicine on it and it’ll be fine. It’ll be fine.”

Mao Lilan said with a smile.

After chatting for a while.

Sano set his sights on the door of the house where Toru Amuro lived.


It seems like it’s been a long time since I’ve seen my boss?

Have you moved away because you no longer have any doubts about yourself?

Sano touched his chin, but didn’t think much about it.

Then several days passed by, and Sano also had a few days of leisure.

But the holidays will eventually end.

So, Sano received a text message from Gin and came to Cocktail.

Here, Sano saw the Gin duo, the sniper duo, and Belmode and her licking dog, the Calvados duo.

Six people in total.

…This picture looks inexplicably familiar.

“What, is there some big task to do?”

Sano took a seat casually, and Belmod happened to be next to him.

Belmod’s eyes twitched.

Silently, he moved his butt on the stool to the other side in the direction of Chianti.

…Be reasonable.

Belmod thinks that the current relationship between the two is a bit awkward.

Although it turns out that everyone is peaceful on the surface, but they are always thinking behind the scenes.

But at least there is still a surface, right?

What now?

My face may be torn, but it doesn’t seem to be.

But to say it wasn’t torn, Belmod was very embarrassed.

I can’t fight even if I fight, and I can’t fight even more. It’s so uncomfortable.

I just don’t know what this guy is thinking… It’s really difficult for a normal person like me to figure out the brain circuit of a mentally ill person.

Belmode Baldhead.jpg.

“It’s nothing big, just a day off as a group to get together.”

Vodka answered Sano’s question.

Isn’t that just… team building? ?

Sano was speechless and suddenly lost interest.

No matter which world, which place, or which point in time.

Team building in a company will always make people feel excluded.

After recovering his thoughts, Sano finally looked at Belmode.

He had long noticed the old witch’s sneaky glances at Sano.

What happened that night will most likely not have any impact on Sano.

Because of Belmode’s little care, he didn’t dare to report anything to the organization.

As for whether it will have any impact on Belmode.

At least according to what Sano heard, although it’s hard to say whether the old witch’s previous “mission” was directly arranged by someone above her, it seems that she was severely criticized and has become a lot calmer recently.

I just don’t know if he was specifically punished.

“What are you looking at? I know I’m handsome, but I can still accept the relationship between brother and sister. Your relationship with a grandson and grandma is a bit exaggerated. And to be honest, your face doesn’t really match my aesthetic taste, so it’s better to have something else. That’s what you have in mind.”

The corners of Belmode’s eyes twitched again, and finally couldn’t help but reply: “Bah, he’s handsome, who the hell can like you, and what the hell is Sun Nailian? Don’t you think this is a good match for a person?” Is it rude to be a lady!?”


Sano looked around: “Where is it?”

“I’m sorry…”

Gin on the other side glanced at Sano and the other two.

Gin actually didn’t know much about the situation of Belmode’s mission.

All I know is that it failed.

Then Belmode was severely criticized, and his current actions were no longer as free as before.

But Gin didn’t care much about this.

What worries Gin even more is the fact that some unknown person disguised himself as him some time ago and almost got rid of his vodka pants.

Follow the report after vodka turned back.

That person is probably Belmode.

But Gin had no evidence.

In addition, Sano disappeared after the guy at that time.

Although Sano’s follow-up report said that he had lost track of the other party, Gin’s intuition was the reason.

Can the person targeted by this guy really escape?

If Sano lied, if that guy was really Belmod.

So are these two guys plotting something in private?

Gin turned the wine glass in his hand, his eyes dark and unclear.

“Okay, okay, we finally got together, why are you making so much noise?”

Chianti slapped her hand and interrupted the communication between Sano and Belmode… Of course, in fact, her behavior was to favor Sano.

After all, Sano was the one who started the conversation, so Belmode’s response was at best a legitimate one.

Chianti acts as peacemaker at this time.

The one who suffered was naturally Belmode.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

Who told Chianti and Sano to be on the same side?

Today this is undoubtedly a team-building event for the members of the action team, but Belmode is not an insider of the action team, but an undoubted “outsider”.

It’s not that Belmode came forward shamelessly.

The relationship with Chianti and others can be considered as good as it is.

Belmod snorted coldly, but did not continue to ask for trouble.

He just asked the bartender for a drink and pushed it to Sano: “Forget it, please.”

Sano glanced at the mouth of the cup and chuckled: “Why, didn’t I tell you? Old woman, I’m still underage and can’t drink. I’ll change it to coffee and milk.”

Before Belmod could react.

The bartender had already handed over the prepared coffee milk.

Belmode took the coffee milk first and pushed it to Sano: “No.”

This polite behavior in normal social interactions seemed to be a little bit of a sign of goodwill towards Sano, or a sign of reconciliation on Belmode’s part.

Of course, Sano didn’t believe it.

But just when Sano was about to drink the coffee milk in the cup, the gin on the other end casually popped out the cigarette butt in his hand and fell into the cup in his hand.

“Idiot, have you become so unvigilant after a few days of rest?”

Sano sighed before Belmod could smile either.

“I’m not talking about you, Gin-sama. Although I definitely don’t need to spend money on this cup of coffee and milk, waste is not a quality behavior.”


Sano added: “What’s more, I’m also very curious about what this old woman put in my cup. If she can’t poison me to death, then I’ll kill her half to death. If she poisons me to death, I’ll kill her.” Well, then crawl out of hell and kick this bitch down.”

…has it been discovered?

Belmode was not too surprised and said with a smile: “It’s just a little joke. Don’t take it so seriously. What’s on it is just ordinary laxatives.”

“It turned out to be just a laxative.”

Sano sighed with regret: “I didn’t expect that you would be carrying such fun things on your body, but what should I do? I don’t have any toys like laxatives on my body…”

As he spoke, Sano put his hand on the back of Belmod’s neck.

This caused varying degrees of changes in the eyes of everyone present.

There is no way, when the existence on the back of the neck is connected with the person in front of me.

It always gives people a different feeling.

Among them, Belmode, who was involved in the incident, was the most panicked.

…Belmod certainly knew that the act of adding poison to the cup was a little provocative.

But there’s no need to just use the bomb, right?

Belmode also knew that the man in front of him had an unusual brain and could not judge based on common sense.

But since I can stay quietly in the organization, I still have the title of a cadre member.

Then it shouldn’t be a big problem.

The other thing is…as a qualified criminal.

Belmode would inevitably have some mean thoughts from time to time.

This is not the first time that Belmod has attempted suicide. There have been countless times in the past, among which, except for Sano, others have been the most responsible.

I really want to talk about it.

Last time he disguised himself as Gin to save people, maybe it can be counted?

all in all.

Belmod has already tensed up his nerves, and the Chianti people next to him are not doing much better… Let’s just forget about playing and making trouble.

Once it reaches the point of killing each other, the seriousness of the matter will be great.

And that’s it.

This place is so big, what should I do if I overdo it and get affected?

But at this moment.

Sano retracted his palm.

After Belmode relaxed a little, he hesitated whether he should leave first.

So I can check my body to see if there is anything left behind…

special gift.

But Sano suddenly continued what he said before and said: “…I only have poison on my body, so I’m sorry, after all.”

“Like you said, it was just a joke.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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