Switch Mode

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 435 434, Gin: Belmode apologizes!

“But don’t worry too much. If it’s faster… well, maybe within half a month, maybe, maybe, you’ll recover.”

……Excuse me?




What does this all mean?

Belmod was stunned for a moment and had not yet reacted.

Chianti next to him suddenly leaned back with horror on his face.

“Holy shit, Belmod, your face!”

! ?

Belmode suddenly felt bad and quickly took out the mirror.

In the mirror, a face that was red with purple, purple with blue, and green with black, as if covered by colorful black, came into Belmore’s eyes.

Belmod’s face instantly became more distorted.


Facing Belmod’s roar, Sano calmly took a sip of the new coffee milk.

“What’s the hurry? It’s just a joke. How serious is it?”

“But you shouldn’t make fun of a woman’s face!”

Belmod was almost hysterical… If it was really a joke, such as two random strokes on her face, then it would be over.

But look at what Sano said just now.






All these details tell Belmode the fact that–

He was disfigured.


Belmode suddenly remembered the scar on Sano’s face that night.

Because I was disfigured, I dragged others into the trap and disfigured me.

Isn’t this very reasonable?

For a moment, Belmode felt like he was about to collapse.

“Tell me the truth, my face can’t be saved. Where is the antidote? Is there no antidote!?”

“If it can’t be saved, it can’t be saved. Anyway, aren’t you the so-called Witch with a Thousand Faces?”

Sano still looked as if the matter had nothing to do with him, and he even crossed his legs and said with a smile: “No matter what, I just need to change my face.”


Seeing that Belmod was about to lose control, Gin finally stood up.

“Rye, give her the antidote. I can make her apologize later.”

…Let Belmode apologize?

Chianti Vodka and the others stared at Gin.

Brother, is this partiality too much?

Be reasonable.

It was certainly Belmode’s fault in this matter.

But Sano undoubtedly went too far.

If I had to give an example, it might be that someone scolded someone on the street, and then sent the person away with a backhand knife – the relief was definitely looking at the relief.

But when it comes to the law, it’s definitely not possible.

Although the law is for people like Gin.

Equivalent to nothing.

But the rules of the organization are pretty much the same.

Therefore, with a few Chianti and vodka, it is difficult to understand the idea of ​​​​gin.

However, even if Gin spoke, even if the direction of the opening was very biased.

Sano’s answer was still the same.

“I don’t have an antidote.”

Gin’s face darkened. He had already said so, but he still didn’t give him face?


Sano sighed impatiently: “I’m not lying to you. This thing is something I researched myself. Whether there is an antidote or not, others don’t know.”

“Can I still not be clear about it myself?”

…It was actually a poison developed by myself?

After the melon-eaters were stunned for a moment, their expressions became even more horrifying.

current situation.

It may be like a scientist who is very deep in the field of science and suddenly shouts happily that he has made the most delicious food in the world.

The point is not whether the food is beautiful or not.

It’s about whether that thing is really edible!

Chianti patted the shoulder of Belmode, who had a dull look on his face, and let out a long sigh.

Have some condolences.

“…You guy.”

Gin also took a deep breath, feeling a dull pain in his temples for a moment.

“Why did you go to study poison again?”

“Isn’t this a few days off? I have nothing to do at home. I happened to find out by chance that poison is actually quite useful. Let’s expand my abilities.”

Sano said with a shrug.

…Accidentally discovered that poison is quite effective?

Gin’s eyes showed a little thoughtfulness.

This guy probably encountered another case, and the murderer was someone who used poison to kill him.

From imitating white hair at the beginning, to bombing, to wearing sunglasses when sniping, etc., and now to poisoning, according to what Chianti said last time, this guy seems to have developed some skills specifically in setting fires.

Probably imitated some arsonist.

The old imitator is guilty.

But this guy just imitates every time.

You can really imitate some strange things.

…Otherwise, let Vodka use the computer more in front of Sano.

Showcasing hacking skills.

See if you can get Sano to imitate something?

If that’s really possible.

Then maybe you can consider letting Sano develop in the direction of scientific research.

Become a super all-rounder?

…Gin took back his thoughts, because none of this was important for the time being.

The important thing is that Gin doesn’t think that Sano is imitating it.

It will be useless garbage.

Therefore, this poison may not be simple.

Sano’s control over poisons is by no means a novice level.

“Are you sure this thing won’t kill you?”

Gin asked the most crucial point.

“Well, the amount is very small, and it’s all concentrated on the outer layer of the face. If she can die, then she doesn’t need to worry about her face anymore.”

Sano said so.

Concentrate on your face?

Gin glanced at Belmod’s face. Didn’t Sano just touch the back of her neck? How did he do it and apply the poison on her face?

Sure enough, there is something.

Gin narrowed his eyes: “Then her face is really hopeless?”

“Well, it’s hopeless.”

Sano shook the cup boredly: “I can only wait half a month to let my face recover on its own.”

“…Can it be recovered?”

Gin asked in surprise,

“Nonsense, didn’t I just say that you can recover in half a month?”

Gin was speechless: “Then you just said you wanted her to change her face?”

“I have to change my face for the time being.”

Sano held up his chin and looked at Belmod, and couldn’t help but laugh: “Otherwise, if you go out with this face, I’m afraid it will scare the children.”

…That’s what it meant.

Gin looked at Bermod, thinking that this girl might still doubt Sano’s words.

But I didn’t expect it.

This girl’s whole body has fallen into self-isolation and turned gray.

He didn’t notice the exchange between Sano and Gin at all.

…Forget it, let this guy calm down first.


Suddenly, Gin’s phone vibrated twice.

After taking it out and taking a look, Gin’s eyes suddenly changed.

Looking at Sano opposite and Belmode next to him, Gin thought for two seconds.

“You can play by yourselves, I have some things to deal with here, vodka.”

“Here comes big brother!”

The gin duo left the cocktails first.

Sano looked at Gin’s back and rubbed his fingers.

Chianti on the other side poked Calvados and asked in a low voice: “Hey, don’t you like Belmode very much? Rye poisoned her just now, why didn’t you react at all, especially The problem is still her face, are you afraid of Rye and don’t dare to come forward, or do you think that since Belmod’s face is ruined, there is no need to waste any more time?”

Calvados glanced at Chianti, then at Sano and Belmod, then drank the wine in the glass without any response.


Chianti couldn’t tell the inside story, so he curled his lips in boredom.


In the evening, when Sano returned home from cocktails, Mao Lilan hadn’t left yet.

“What’s wrong?”

Sano stopped.

“Well, have you heard of the Twin Towers in Nishitama City, senior?”

“The Twin Towers in Nishitama City?”

Sano touched his chin: “I have no impression…but Nishitama, does it sound a bit familiar?”

“Ah, senior, you are talking about the case involving Moritani Teiji earlier.”

Mao Lilan started to popularize science: “The Twin Towers are the tallest twin tower buildings in Neon. It is said that what else is it called? It is the closest place to the kingdom of heaven.”

“……so what?”

“It’s like this. The owner of this Twin Towers building is actually my father’s schoolgirl in college. She invited my father to visit tomorrow.”

Mao Lilan prepared the ground and became serious: “So I want to keep an eye on him to prevent this guy from having any thoughts, or that woman from having any thoughts about my dad. Senior, you are so observant, come with me.” .”


Sano thought for a while, his vacation was not over yet, and he was indeed a little too busy at home, and… Listening to Mao Lilan’s description.

It always feels like a case.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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not work with dark mode