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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 436 435, Photos Ten Years Later

“Is it just the three of us?”

Sano asked.

“No, there is still Sonoko. I originally thought that if I didn’t leave before senior came home, then I would invite senior to go with me. If I leave first.”

“Then I won’t bother you, senior.”

Mao Lilan rubbed the back of her head: “Because I was planning to leave just now, so I called Yuanzi first and told her about it.”

Sano nodded and asked again: “Where’s Conan that plague… boy? Isn’t he going?”

“Conan, he seems to have said he wants to go camping with Dr. Agasa and his classmates. He must have already set off at noon today.”

Mao Lilan asked doubtfully: “What’s wrong?”


Sano shook his head: “Then call me tomorrow and I will go to your house to find you.”

“No, no, just wait for my call tomorrow. We’ll take you here.”

Mao Lilan hesitated and asked.

“Then, do you want to take that little girl with you?”

Sano was stunned: “Let’s forget it. It’s not good to always bring her into contact with something.”

Mao Lilan blinked and touched the back of his head in confusion.

But since Sano said so, Mao Lilan didn’t say much.

Arrived the next day.

Sano piled into the trio’s car and set off for the Twin Towers.

But after arriving at the place.

Sano still saw the Plague Team.

The two sides looked at each other across the road, and they unconsciously and slowly made a row of dots.

“Zao, brother Sano, hello…”

The trio of real kids all said hello, drawing the other three’s attention back.

“Conan, didn’t you guys go camping? Why are you here?”

Mao Lilan asked in confusion, and Conan asked in reply: “You are the ones, how come you are here? Or… such a lineup.”

After a wave of exchanges, the two parties completed communication.

It turns out that the places where Conan camped last night are not far away, because I passed by the Twin Towers yesterday and it felt very strange, just on the way back.

Plan to stop by for a visit.

All in all, Sano and his friends successfully expanded their sightseeing team.

From an unlucky squad, they evolved into an army of plague gods.

A girl who looked a bit like a student, with clear stupidity in her eyes ran out and said she was the secretary of Mouri Kogoro’s junior schoolmate.

Take Sano and his party into the building.

First, we visited Tokiwa Group’s products.

…The Tokiwa Group is the owner of the Twin Towers. Although it is not as good as the Suzuki Consortium, it is also one of the super large consortiums at the Neon T1 level.

Unexpectedly, when Kogoro Mouri was young, he would have such a rich woman by his side.

It’s a pity that I didn’t seize the opportunity.

But why does the word Tokiwa sound so familiar?

“Oh, what is this, a game console?”

Just when Sano was distracted, under the guidance of an engineer named Yuan Jiaming, several real children gathered in front of two things that looked like e-sports cabins.

Curiously, the three of them wanted to reach out and touch it, but they considered Sano’s presence.

The three of them still looked at Yuan Jiaming obediently.

“Ah, this, this is just a supercomputer. It is mainly loaded with software that can be used to predict people’s appearance ten years in the future. It is a very great invention… Do you want to try it?”

Yuan Jiaming is about thirty years old, a bit chubby, and wears glasses.

The smile on his face makes him look friendly at first glance, and he feels like a younger version of Dr. Agasa.

“What it will look like ten years from now…”

As soon as Yuan Jiaming said these words, the interest of everyone present was piqued.

The first thing I tried was Dr. Agasa and Ayumi, the real lolita.

After half-lying on the chair, the helmet-like thing was put down on its own and scanned, the computer started running, and finally spit out two photos.

The photo of Dr. A Li is completely the same as what he looks like now.

The photos of the real Lolita Ayumi are different.

The girl of high school age has short, silky hair and a smile on her face, and what stands out is her cuteness – she should be considered a class beauty.

After Mitsuhiko and Genta rubbed their noses, they happily became the second wave of testers.

But compared to Ayumi, the appearance of these two guys ten years later seems a little ordinary… well, almost to the point of ugly.

Looking at Suzuki Sonoko who was curious about eating the melon, she laughed loudly. Only Mao Lilan comforted the two, saying that it was already very good. Mitsuhiko and Genta were moved.

He also launched a counterattack against Suzuki Sonoko.

Provoking Suzuki Sonoko to drag Mao Lilan and become the third wave of testers.

Finally… what is more unexpected is that Suzuki Sonoko’s photos have an indescribable smell. It’s not that they are ugly, but they just feel weird.

It’s not very different from Suzuki Sonoko’s current face.

In particular, the distinctive feature of the exposed forehead has been retained. In addition to various details, it may be that the makeup has become particularly thick.

There is a sense of… a vulgar noble lady?

Genta and Mitsuhiko immediately mocked Suzuki Sonoko who was doubting his life.

It’s like getting the place back.

Although Sano actually doesn’t understand it very well – even if Suzuki Sonoko is really like this in the future, isn’t it better than what these two brats will look like in the future?

Should the level be higher?

At the same moment, the photo of the other Maori Orchid also attracted admiration.

Sano leaned over and took a look, and was stunned.

…Similar to Suzuki Sonoko, Mao Lilan has not changed much.

It’s just the various details that create an improvement in maturity.

But such a change is extremely huge in terms of visual effects.

Just like Suzuki Sonoko’s transformation.

In Mao Lilan’s photos, her long black hair has become thicker and more fluffy. With a little light makeup and accessories on her ears, she has a cool temperament.

…It feels like a younger version of Fei Yingli who took off her glasses and changed her hairstyle.

“Oh, she’s so beautiful. It’s such a shame to be with that guy Shinichi.”

Dr. Ali said this.

“Indeed, let’s take this opportunity to get rid of that guy Shinichi.”

Suzuki Sonoko who came over muttered.

Conan rubbed his head and blushed: “Hey hey hey, how can there be…”

“Why are you so blushing?”

Mouri Kogoro cast a suspicious look at Conan.

Conan laughed dryly again and quickly responded.

But in this situation, Sano noticed Mitsuhiko peeking at Maori Lan.

Ayumi peeked at Conan.

“Primary school students today are really quite…mature.”

Haiyuan Ai said with her chest crossed.

“Well, you’re right.”

Sano rubbed the fake loli’s head: “Young lady, elementary school student.”


Before Haibara Ai could do anything, Sano moved closer to Mao Lilan and said, “I think you should just leave that kid alone and go watch a movie with me tonight.”

The atmosphere at the scene was slightly tense, and Suzuki Sonoko’s eyes widened.

“Senior, you must have changed your attitude too quickly. Once you see what Xiaolan will look like ten years from now, will you lose her people and your daughter?”

Mouri Kogoro even hit Sano’s face directly: “You kid, you’d better not have any ideas about anyone in my family, otherwise I will fight you tooth and nail!”

Conan also hurriedly said: “Sister Xiaolan, don’t listen to him, he is clearly just coveting your face ten years from now, and he is motivated by sexual desire!!”


Mao Lilan sighed helplessly and looked at Sano: “Senior, please stop teasing everyone. This program seems quite interesting. Why don’t you try it.”


Sano looked at the machine and narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, Sano actually doesn’t have much interest in this thing.

The so-called appearance after ten years is according to Yuan Jiaming.

It’s nothing more than a prediction.

To put it bluntly, it’s just adding fuel to the fire through some data.

Maybe it does have a bit of scientific basis.

But to say that it is 100% accurate, in Sano’s opinion, is pure nonsense.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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