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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 437 436, surprisingly no surprises

But as most people actually know, the so-called tests such as zodiac signs and personality types are just some nonsense.

But he will still play it out of curiosity.

Then consider the reaction of Ke Xue in this world and the God of Plague at the core of Ke Xue, as well as the creation equipment of the same Ke Xue on this kid.

“…Then just have some fun.”

If this machine.

It is indeed possible to determine with 100% accuracy what a person will look like ten years from now.

No, 100% not necessary.

As long as they are 70 to 80% similar.

That is enough to arouse the curiosity of 99% of people.

Motivated by the duo of best friends, Mouri Kogoro reluctantly got on the machine with Sano and became the fourth wave of testers.

Photo spit.

The result was no surprise.

In the photo of Mouri Kogoro, there is a more decadent uncle who is close to an old man.

But on Sano’s side, it’s…

“No change.”

No one paid attention to the mumbling Mouri Kogoro, and most of them gathered around Sano.

There is absolutely no difference between Sano in the photo and his current appearance.

Even the position of the hair has not changed at all.

“how so?”

Sano ignored the doubts of several people and frowned slightly. If it was a malfunction, then the photos of the other people could not be normal.

Furthermore, before Sano, the photos of Dr. Agasa were in a similar situation.

But the main reason for this situation should be that Dr. Ali is in the middle stage of old age, no more than ten years.

Probably not enough to make Dr. Agas even older.

The others are different.

Several children will reach high school age ten years later.

The duo of best friends go back ten years and go from teenagers to young adults.

Even Mouri Kogoro will be close to the early stages of old age ten years later.

Sano is the same age as the best friend duo.

This shouldn’t happen, but if it’s not a malfunction.

So this guy thinks Sano’s face won’t change at all in ten years?

…It’s a bit incomprehensible.

Sano tilted his neck and didn’t think much about it.

Seeing this, other people are even less likely to hold on to this point.

Then, the tomboy duo were also forced into the machine.

By the way, I almost forgot, there are two more perfect materials here that can test the accuracy of this machine and how many perfect materials it has.

Sano watched the tomboy duo’s panic with interest.

Both of them are almost ten years younger.

It would be really interesting if the faces predicted by this thing ten years later are exactly the same as Kudo Shinichi and Miyano Shiho.

Under Sano’s watchful eye, the machine started up.

Then it exploded.

…Of course it wasn’t really an explosion, it was just paralysis.

The photo of the two of them was not spit out.

Yuan Jiaming doubted life on the sidelines, while Conan breathed a sigh of relief and lamented his good luck.

On the other hand, Haiyuan Ai chuckled and laughed at himself: “Maybe the two of us ten years from now are no longer in this world, so there are no photos.”

“You guy…”

Conan responded with a dead eye.

After playing with the machine, Sano and his team were taken to meet with Mouri Kogoro’s school girl.

This woman is called Mio Tokiwa.

It is similar to the photo of Suzuki Sonoko.

In addition, Mio Tokiwa also introduced several other people to Kogoro Mori.

A middle-aged, drunken, bald man who seemed to be a congressman.

An old man who paints and engages in art, and is also Tokiwa Mio’s teacher.

A designer in his thirties who is responsible for designing the twin towers.

It is worth mentioning that this designer is actually a student of Moritani Teiji.

…So many new characters appeared all at once.

It seems to be paving the way for the murderer, the deceased, the suspect and other characters.

Surprisingly, this meeting did not happen unexpectedly.

Things ended very peacefully.

…To be precise, it’s the halftime break.

Judging from the conditions of these people, accidents will probably come.

It’s just a matter of time.

Watching Ayumi and Mitsuhiko approach Mao Lilan one after another, muttering not knowing what they said.

Sano’s attention drifted to the two staff members who had just come up in the elevator.

The two of them were chatting, but the content of their chat was…

Porsche 356A.

……Um? ?

Is the gin here?

Conan reacted quickly and took the elevator downstairs.

Sano came to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked downstairs. It was indeed Gin’s car.

Reminiscent of yesterday’s cocktail group meeting, when Gin suddenly asked for vodka and left first.


Sano rubbed his fingers.

By the time Conan came downstairs, Gin had already started the car and left.

Amid curses, Sano and his group left the Twin Towers.

On the second day.

The surprise came as expected.

The congressman is dead.

Just last night.

And because I met the deceased yesterday.

Sano and the others were called to the Metropolitan Police Department by Officer Megure and made a simple note.

The general situation of the matter is – the congressman stayed in a hotel room in Building B of the Twin Towers last night. When he was found dead, there was a small wine glass broken in half from the middle next to the body.

I don’t know if it was a death message left by the deceased or some special mark left by the murderer.

Apart from Sano, the suspects include those named guys from yesterday.

Secretary, engineer, painter, and the disciple of Teiji Moritani, the designer of the Twin Towers, and finally Mio Tokiwa himself.

Five people in total.

None of the five people had alibi, and Mio Tokiwa was the most suspect.

Because the person who stayed in the room above the deceased last night was Tokiwa Mio.

Seeing a group of people chatting for a long time, but unable to come up with anything, Sano felt bored and yawned widely.

Officer Megure’s attention immediately shifted to Sano.

“Brother Sano, can you find any useful clues based on the current situation?”

…he died as a city councilor.

Officer Megure is still under a lot of pressure.

Unfortunately, Sano just shook his head.

Putting aside the current development of the situation, judging from Sano’s experience, it is almost difficult to directly fill up the progress bar. Even if it can be filled up, he does not want to interfere.

Despite Sano’s true identity, it seems that he has not been involved in any case for quite some time.

Before yesterday, Sano would indeed have planned to intervene depending on the situation.

But things are different now.

Gin was also mixed in.

Sano thought it would be better to keep a low profile for now and wait and see what happens.

The useless discussion is over.

The group of people went back to their respective homes to find their respective mothers.

Sano noticed that Maorilan was peeking at Mitsuhiko and Ayumi, and then poked at each other with some gossip: “Hey, what are you looking at? What happened to the two of them?”


Mao Lilan came back to her senses, hesitated for a while, and then leaned into Sano’s ear.

“Is such that……”

“Bah bah bah bah.”

After hearing the gossip, Sano blinked and couldn’t help laughing.


Sano’s laughter attracted the attention of others.

“What’s the matter, are you smiling so happily?”

Conan’s gossip aroused and he approached Sano and asked doubtfully.

But seeing that Conan actually came over by himself, Sano became rude.

“It’s nothing, I’m just a little impressed that you are so charming.”

Sano patted Conan on the shoulder and gave a thumbs up.

Conan typed a question mark in confusion. After being stunned for a few seconds, he remembered the call he had received from Mao Lilan and his eyes slowly widened.

Could it be that……

“Ah ah ah don’t say it!”

Conan, who was in a hurry, covered Sano’s mouth.

Sano had already given the answer to Haibara Ai and Suzuki Sonoko who were also confused.

“Because a certain little loli likes this guy, she is so distressed that she talks to her elder sister.”

Conan’s figure instantly stiffened.

…To be fair, children, whether they like it or not, no one will really take it seriously.

If Conan was really a primary school student, he might even blush.

But Conan is not.

However, two of the people present knew that Conan was not really a primary school student.

As a high school student.

There is no choice but to become smaller.

As an excellent male.

Being liked by a girl is also something you can’t help.

But these two things together, there is something wrong.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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