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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 438 437, Sano: Gin is going to explode

As expected, despite the teasing look on Suzuki Sonoko’s face.

There was even contempt in Hui Yuan Ai’s eyes.

“Ha, indeed, he knows how to seduce little girls.”

Facing Haiyuan Ai’s ridicule, Conan’s face suddenly turned red and purple.

However, after gritting his teeth, Conan decided to drag Hui Yuan Ai into the water with him.


You won’t be able to laugh anymore!

“Ha, just average, not as good as you.”

Conan pretended to be calm: “I heard that Mitsuhiko also went to talk to Sister Xiaolan.”


Haibara Ai glanced at Sano and raised her lips: “There is nothing we can do about that. As an excellent woman, even the charm she exudes unconsciously will always attract some suitors.”

…You actually accepted it shamelessly? ?

Conan stared, never expecting that Hui Yuan Ai would be so shameless.

However, Sano reached out again and stirred up the situation.

“Indeed, compared to Conan, you are more capable.”


Sano turned his target to Haibara Ai, with an unstoppable smile on his face: “After all, I originally had someone I liked, but in the end, I was poached by you, and now I want to step on you again.” Two boats, but I feel like a scumbag, swaying unsteadily, and feeling in a trance.”

Seeing the corners of Haihara Ai’s mouth gradually twitching, the corners of Sano’s mouth grew wider and wider.

“You are really charming, Miss Goldfish.”

“What the hell…”

Hui Yuan Ai gritted his teeth for a while, but finally felt that he could not win in this round.

He got into the car angrily.

Mao Lilan, who was next to him, reached out and tugged at Sano’s clothes, and said with a resentful look on his face: “Senior, it’s very difficult for me to do this.”

… As the saying goes, the most useless sentence in the world is nothing more than – I am telling you something, but you must not tell it to others.

The two children talked to Mao Lilan one after another.

Logically speaking, Mao Lilan should not mention this matter to others.

Not to mention telling all the content.

And Mao Lilan told Sano, naturally with an attitude of trust.

But as a result, he just finished speaking one second and turned on the loudspeaker the next second.

Can we still have fun together?

In this regard, Sano also realized that his behavior just now was not very authentic.

After coughing twice.

Sano chose to ignore it and got in the car.

Mao Lilan: “…”

The next day came, Sano received a call from Gin.

“Why are you on the guest list for the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers in Nishitama City on Saturday?”

Listening to Gin’s question on the phone, Sano unconsciously raised a question mark.

“Why can’t I be on the guest list?”

…Sano actually didn’t know anything about the guest list.

However, this did not prevent Sano from answering Gin’s questions.

Gin on the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds. He probably realized the puzzling nature of his question, so he brought up the topic: “Have the police looked for you?”

“You’re talking about that congressman.”

Sano lit a cigarette: “Why, you killed him.”


Gin seemed a little confused: “I mean Yuan Jiaming.”

“Yuan Jiaming?”

Sano thought of the engineer and wondered, “What happened to him?”

“We killed it last night. If the police ask you to investigate, don’t go too deep.”

Upon hearing this.

Sano was confused.

Was Yuan Jiaming killed?

“What about that congressman? Doesn’t it have anything to do with you?”

“Oh, a small city councilor is not worth our trouble.”

“……All right.”

Sano probably understood what Gin was thinking.

But just when Sano was about to hang up the phone, Gin said again: “Wait a minute Rye.”


“… We will make some noise during the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers on Saturday, so please pay attention.”

Sano rubbed his fingers.

Sano’s intuition told him that Gin was suppressing other things and he was hesitant to tell him.

There will be some commotion at the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers on Saturday, probably because Jiaming Yuan’s tail still needs to be dealt with, but other than that, I’m afraid…

Gin also has other purposes.

Why don’t you make it clear to yourself.

Do you think you shouldn’t tell yourself?

In other words, Gin does not have complete trust in himself.

So there are some things that I don’t want to tell myself.

“Okay, I understand, I will pay attention.”

Sano didn’t feel anything unusual and ended the call.

Then, Sano received a call from Mao Lilan.

News of Hara Garaki’s death finally reached Sano, and next to his body, a small wine glass was also left broken from the middle… huh?

Isn’t that right? Gin wasn’t the one who killed that congressman. It would make sense that there were things left next to the body.

But wasn’t this guy killed by Gin? Why would there be something left next to the body?

Sano quickly came up with an idea.

That was the murderer of the previous case, who originally wanted to kill Yuan Jiaming.

In the end, Gin was one step ahead.

So he had an idea and left the wine glass directly next to the body to take the “credit”.

According to Mao Lilan, Officer Mumu already believed that this was a special mark left by the murderer because of the wine glass, rather than a death message.

The two cases were also merged into one serial murder case.

And according to this situation, the murderer is likely to commit another crime.

The next target is likely to be one of those “suspects”.

Therefore, Officer Megure wanted to stop Tokiwa Mio from the opening ceremony on Saturday.

I don’t think it’s safe.

As a result, Tokiwa Mio ignored it at all, and instead asked Officer Megure to help bring the invitation letter to the opening ceremony to Mouri Kogoro.

The names on the invitation were all the people in the group who had passed by the day before yesterday.

But it’s worth mentioning.

Unlike the previous round, one of the suspects in this round has an alibi.

It’s the old man who draws.

After leaving the Metropolitan Police Department yesterday, the Plague Team launched an operation.

Several suspects were investigated.

Yuan Jiaming’s body was also discovered by these brats.

Judging from the time of Yuan Jiaming’s death, when he was killed, several kiddies happened to be at the old man’s house, conducting relevant investigations.

This provided him with a perfect alibi.

Although for Sano who knows the “real murderer”.

This alibi has no reference value.

But Sano didn’t think so of the old man who seemed to be standing out of the blue.

Will be the murderer.

Because this thing might just be a turmoil to confuse people.

…No, I am the only one who knows this, not Conan.

Sano shook his head and didn’t think more about it.

Currently, Sano is more concerned about whether he wants to go to the opening ceremony.

To be precise.

Should I participate in this thing as a real person?

But before Sano could think about it, the task of asking him to participate in the opening ceremony came.

No need to think about it now.

The requirement is to participate, and it is highly unlikely that you will be able to sneak in.

The opening ceremony of the Twin Towers can be regarded as a gathering place for the upper class.

It is not that simple to get the invitation letter reasonably.

What’s more, the main body identity just happens to have an invitation letter, so there is no need to waste other efforts.


It’s Saturday.

Sano came to the downstairs of Mouri Kogoro’s house, and everyone else had already gathered here early.

Only Suzuki Sonoko hasn’t appeared yet.

Just when Mouri Kogoro was already complaining in dissatisfaction.

Suzuki Sonoko is finally here.

“Hi, good morning everyone.”

“I didn’t say that, you are too much…!?”

As soon as Mouri Kogoro turned his eyes away, the complaining voice stopped abruptly.

Sano followed and looked over. As soon as he took a sip of water, he couldn’t hold it back and sprayed it all on Conan who was standing next to the car.

“Cough cough cough!!”

This time down.

Sano’s first reaction was – Gin was going to explode.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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