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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 439 438, why do you assume that I am a man?

Conan was sprayed all over by Sano, and he was about to get angry after being stunned.

He noticed the strange atmosphere at the scene again, and then followed everyone’s gaze.

Conan: “…”

“Wow, Yuanzi, what are you…”

Mao Lilan also became a little incoherent.

Suzuki Sonoko, who had already taken off her headband, shook her hair somewhat triumphantly.

“How’s it going? My new look looks good, right?”

“Oh, it’s really good.”

After being surprised, Mitsuhiko and Genta both looked at Conan with a smile: “Conan, are you stunned? I said this guy likes big sisters!”


Conan was stunned and quickly denied it.

…Actually, Conan has never seen the true form of Haihara Ai with his own eyes.

But this does not prevent Conan from recognizing the current image of Sonoko Suzuki at a glance.

It overlaps with the expected appearance of Haibara Ai when she grows bigger.

As for Sano, there is nothing surprising.

After all, Sano really met Miyano Shiho.

Except for the difference in expression and temperament, at first glance, he looks exactly like Miyano Shiho.

That is to say, Sano had not had much contact with the two of them, and the distance was close enough, and his eyesight was abnormal enough, so he was able to detect the subtle differences in the facial features of Sonoko Suzuki and Shiho Miyano in a few seconds. .

But not everyone is Sano.

What if someone who had only seen Miyano Shiho but never Suzuki Sonoko, whose agility attributes were not as high as Sano’s, and who was not that close, came to see it.

There will undoubtedly be a mistake.

Then I thought that gin was suspected to be related to today’s opening ceremony.

“I said, if it really doesn’t work, why don’t you go today?”

Sano couldn’t help but said.


Suzuki Sonoko looked puzzled: “Why?”

“…Forget it, it’s nothing.”

Sano stopped meddling in his own business for the time being and closed his eyes to rest.

On the other hand, Haibara Ai, who was sitting next to Sano, narrowed her eyes.

“I said, why are you so surprised when you see her appearance?”

Haihara Ai poked Sano and asked.

There is one thing to say, Suzuki Sonoko’s change is indeed big, but it is based on Sano’s previous style.

It’s impossible to be so shocked that water spurts out.

Unless, what surprised Sano, besides Suzuki Sonoko’s change, there was something special about this change.

As Miyano Shiho himself, Haibara Ai certainly knows the image of Suzuki Sonoko.

A bit like myself.

But neither Conan nor Sano had ever seen Haibara Ai’s true form.

Just based on speculation, maybe there will be a reaction on the level of Conan.

Sano’s… was undoubtedly a bit too much.

Facing Haihara Ai’s suspicious gaze, Sano opened his eyes a little, and in order to prevent being disturbed again on the way, he raised the corners of his mouth and said: “Why, I have seen photos of You, do you think it’s weird? “

Hui Yuan Ai was stunned.

“……Not surprisingly.”

“Then it’s over.”

Hui Yuan Ai stopped saying anything.

“…But Sister Yuanzi, why do you suddenly want to change your look?”

After getting in the car, Conan asked curiously: “Is it still the same style?”

“Hey, this is not a photo from the Twin Towers last time. It doesn’t work.”

Suzuki Sonoko said with a smile: “I just wanted to change my image. As for why I got this look, it was mainly because my senior asked me to take off my hairband and change my hairstyle. Then I happened to see this little devil’s head. Brown waves, I just took it over for reference, haha.”

“So that’s it…”

True loli Ayumi secretly looked at Conan and pinched her short, silky hair.

How about getting brown wavy curls yourself? ?

Soon, the group arrived at the Twin Towers.

As expected, the guests who came to the banquet were all “successful people.”

All kinds of famous brand suits, dresses and accessories.

There were also some food and drinks on the table that looked ridiculously expensive at first glance.

“Ah, I should have brought that little girl with me, too. What a pity.”

When Mao Lilan saw the things on the table, he immediately slapped his head with annoyance on his face.

Sano replied calmly: “Her name is not on the guest list. Do you want your dad to be shameless and go to Tokiwa Mio again?”

“…That’s right. She should have come with us at that time.”

Mao Lilan sighed, which aroused confusion from Conan next to him.

Sano was actually a little surprised.

I didn’t expect that the relationship between master and disciple would develop so quickly.

However, Sano didn’t want the little girl to come here. Originally, he just didn’t want her to be exposed to the so-called upper class society prematurely, so as not to grow crooked again.

Later, when he met the camera that looks like ten years in the future, Sano still thought that he should bring the little girl over to play with it, but now it was different.

The twin towers will undoubtedly be favored by death today.

It’s hard to say what the specific situation is.

Bringing that little girl here would never be a wise decision.

Otherwise, if Sano really wants to have sex for free.

What does Mouri Kogoro’s face have to do with Sano?

As a guest, Sano wanted to force a little girl to come in. As long as Mio Tokiwa was not afraid of losing face, she would definitely be accommodating.

After watching Mio Tokiwa holding the microphone, she made a boring speech.

I plan to play a little game again.

Well, the prize is a mini game of a red sports car placed on the display stand next to it.

…Fuck, damn rich people.

“Everyone should have played this game before. It’s just counting thirty seconds.”

“Guests who want to participate in this game, please give your watches, mobile phones and other items to the staff first. When the game is over, we will present a gemstone equal to the value of the watch to the guests.”

Actually gave me gems?

Really rich and powerful.

If I had known better, I would have brought the watch I received earlier.

At least it’s worth some money.

Sasuke muttered, but in a blink of an eye he saw that Suzuki Sonoko didn’t seem to be interested in this game.

After an idea struck him, Sano raised his lips.

“Hey, hey, Sonoko, are you wearing a watch? How much is it worth?”


Suzuki Sonoko raised her wrist in confusion: “I’m wearing it, but it’s just a troublesome thing specially prepared for such occasions. I don’t know the specific price, but it shouldn’t be cheap, and the guarantee is several thousand… “

Suzuki Sonoko paused and looked at Sano with wide eyes: “Senior, do you want to…”


Sano put a finger in front of his lips: “Can you lend it to me?”

Suzuki Sonoko was silent for a few seconds, and with a lewd smile, she took off her watch and handed it to Sano: “Hey, hey, senior, I understand. What I like the most is this kind of deception. Now, let me lend it to you. !”

Next to her, Haiyuan Ai showed her dead eyes.

There were two things that made Haihara Ai speechless.

The first is that the two of them are working together, and the second is…

Can you stop using a face that is so similar to your own body and showing such a vulgar smile?

It’s very disturbing!

All in all, Sano just snagged a gem with a guaranteed eight-digit starting price.

As for the Twin Towers staff member, when he saw Sano throwing a women’s watch into the box, he had weird eyes and expressions…

Sano said it was not a big problem.

Who said boys can’t wear women’s watches?

Besides – why can the other party assume that his gender is male?

Seeing that Sano didn’t react.

The staff member didn’t have much to say.

Then there’s that thirty-second game.

In fact, this thing is very simple, not as complicated as Sano thought.

Just rely on your own feeling, count thirty seconds, and then press the timer.

If it’s exactly thirty seconds, you win.

Of course, if no one wins by thirty seconds, the person with the smallest gap wins.

If two or more people hit the mark within thirty seconds, or the gap is the same, the final winner will be determined by guessing.

This game is simply not too easy for Sano.

Let’s not talk about how accurate Sano’s control of time will be with his flexible attributes.

Even if it’s just in case.

Erhei had also quietly used the spider silk to climb up the ceiling.

Watching the time for Sano.

I’m sorry, I just accepted this sports car first.

Sano was full of fighting spirit and confidence, and held the timer with certainty of victory.

“Then, the game begins!”

A group of players immediately closed their eyes and started counting down.

“Senior, come on!”

Suzuki Sonoko used her hands like a trumpet to cheer for Sano, but it attracted dissatisfied looks from the people around her. Firstly, it was because she seemed a bit uneducated.

Secondly, the players were all disrupted by Suzuki Sonoko’s shout.

“Sorry, sorry.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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