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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 440 439, You admitted your mistake and betrayed Lord Gin

Suzuki Sonoko apologized playfully, but she was snickering behind her back.

Because in this case, Sano’s chance of winning will be greater.

Suzuki Sonoko is not afraid to disrupt Sano’s rhythm because she believes in him.

The chaotic situation will not affect Sano, only other people.

This greatly reduces the chances of someone winning at the same time as Sano and entering overtime, which relies more on luck, which is completely beneficial.

Suzuki Sonoko knew that she was doing this, and she was slightly suspected of cheating.

But after all, everyone has been “influenced”, right?

But if Sano can isolate this influence, fairness is still fair.

…who makes Sano look like he is determined to win that sports car.

Be reasonable.

Suzuki Sonoko doesn’t care about such a sports car.

If she wanted, Suzuki Sonoko could even give one to Sano.

But considering the influence of many factors, Suzuki Sonoko will definitely not give it away.

So offering a helping hand is the next best thing?

The time on the court passed by second by second. At the 30th second, Sano accurately pressed the timer and raised the small blue flag in his hand.

“Congratulations to this gentleman for winning this game and getting this prize sports car!”

Sano walked onto the stage, glanced at the mountain bike suit Mio Tokiwa had prepared for the overtime loser, and then glanced at the bright red sports car on the other end, secretly giving a thumbs up to Suzuki Sonoko.

Suzuki Sonoko smiled knowingly and gave a thumbs up in return – if Sano didn’t have that ability, then it would be useless no matter how much assistance she provided.

It may even be counterproductive.

To be more strict.

If others don’t have that ability…or don’t have that luck.

It makes no difference whether Suzuki Sonoko does it or not.


After Sano bought a gemstone for free, he successfully bought a sports car for free.

That guy, given to Mouri Kogoro who also participated in this game.

It was so irritating that my eyes were red.

Sano hummed happily, responding to the emotions and admirations of those around him.

“The tail is almost raised to the sky.”

Hui Yuan Ai shook her head and sighed. She really couldn’t figure out why a guy with such an identity could be so vulgar.

It’s not that Hui Yuan Ai looks down on vulgar people.

In fact, even Huihara Ai himself thinks that he is vulgar.

But this guy Sano.

It really shouldn’t be vulgar.

If I have to say it, it may be the same as Conan’s original belief that Sano did not do well enough.

Is it a similar principle?

Of course, Haihara Ai was just sighing. She was not stupid, let alone had no reason to break up with Sano over such a trivial matter.

And when Sano was happy.

Mio Tokiwa on the stage has moved from the appearance of a game but the worldly money inside to the obscure art sector.

That is to introduce his teacher’s new paintings to the guests.

The old man who painted must be quite famous. It is said that he specializes in painting Mount Fuji.

However, Mio Tokiwa wanted to be her teacher. In addition to seeking a nice name, she probably had a more vulgar purpose. When Sano and his party came over that day, she looked unhappy with the old man. look.

After Kogoro Mori’s gossip.

I learned that this woman had acquired a lot of the old man’s paintings through a master-apprentice relationship.

Then they resold them at a high price.

…This is a very reasonable way to make money, but it just doesn’t sound very good.

The curtain closed and opened again, and when the lights came on, what was revealed was Mio Tokiwa, who was hanging in mid-air in front of the painting, with his eyes wide open.

There was a sudden commotion among the guests present.

Officer Megure and his team, who had been waiting under the Twin Towers for a long time, quickly arrived at the scene.

Sano watched from the sidelines as a group of people investigated and analyzed the scene.

The tossing created a lot of movement.

Mio Tokiwa was strangled alive by hanging the pearl necklace around her neck with a wire and then connecting it to the machine that put down the painting.

The pearl necklace was given to me by someone some time ago.

Who exactly is unclear.

There was also a wine glass next to the body, but it was not as broken as the previous two times.

The main suspect is the secretary who clearly approached Mio Tokiwa before the curtain opened.

Moreover, the father of this secretary is also a reporter with a strong sense of justice.

From this, Mouri Kogoro was suspected.

But before the case could enter the next stage, Sano heard a faint roar.

Then, the lights on the scene disappeared instantly.

Over the intercom, staff said a bomb had destroyed the electrical room.

It also caused a fire and needed to be evacuated as soon as possible.

Officer Memu immediately calmed down the panicked guests and arranged for an evacuation.

Because the VIP elevator at the back has… hidden energy behind it.

So it can still be used.

But because that thing can only seat a few people at a time.

Officer Memu asked the children, women, and elderly people to take the elevator down.

As for the men, they took the stairs to other floors, then passed the connection between the two buildings of the Twin Towers and moved to Building B, which was not strange.

“high speed!”

Sano glanced at the best friend duo and Conan who needed to take the second elevator.

Unexpectedly, what Gin said was a bomb.

At this pace… there might be other more powerful bombs in this building, right?

Sano quietly took out his blasting gloves and put them on, put one hand in his pocket, and followed the team.


A new mission comes quietly.

[Please ensure that Suzuki Sonoko does not die at the hands of Gin within the mission time limit. You will receive one hundred strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the mission is – 00:09:59].

Ha, sure enough.

Sano was not too surprised.

I was just thinking about how to save Suzuki Sonoko.


But at this moment, Gin’s call came to his door.


“Evacuate the Twin Towers as quickly as possible. There are other bombs inside.”

“I know.”

“…a little question for you, Rye.”


“I’m curious as to why you saw Shirley and neither caught or killed her nor reported it to me. Can I understand that?”

“Do you want to protect Shirley, or have you been protecting her all along?”

Listening to the sound of the gin gradually turning cold.

Sano deliberately remained silent for a few seconds and asked: “So, is Shirley here too? Is it just a coincidence that you are targeting the Twin Towers, or is her the main target?”

…acting stupid?

Standing on the rooftop, Gin held a cigarette butt in his mouth and sneered: “It’s not a coincidence, it’s indeed a coincidence. We were originally going to destroy the Tokiwa Group’s computers, but just some time ago, we accidentally discovered that Shirley, Actually, she has been secretly calling her sister in the apartment she rented privately, and I happened to hear that she was coming to the opening ceremony.”

…What are you calling?

Sano was stunned for a moment, this was beyond his expectation.

Is that fake loli crazy?

Forget it, none of this matters anymore, what matters is the present moment.

“I said, are you aiming at the VIP elevator right now?”

Gin was not surprised by Sano’s words.

He just raised the corners of his lips and sneered again: “Why, are you afraid that I will see her with my own eyes?”


Sano touched his chin and raised the corners of his mouth as well.

If Gin hadn’t made this call, this step might have been put off later.

But since Ginjiu has already put his face forward.

If Sano didn’t react at all, he was not giving face to the other party.

“Lord Gin, if I remember correctly, during the Pisco mission, did you say that you would be able to recognize Shirley even if she turns to ashes?”


Gin had already seen Suzuki Sonoko through the sniper scope, and while touching the trigger, he responded: “Yes, I said, what do you want to express.”

“I want to express – you seem to have admitted the wrong thing, Gin-sama.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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