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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 442 441, Hanging Gin Upside Down

As for Conan.

It’s just a little bit more complicated.

To put it simply.

The four members of the Plague Team met a woman with a child on the way down the elevator, so they chose to get off the car and give up their seats, and instead walked up the stairs.

I plan to keep up with the pace of Officer Megure’s unit.

But it was because the connection between the Twin Towers was blown apart.

The foursome were forced to stay in the building.

Conan, who took the second wave of elevators downstairs, discovered the situation of the foursome.

Immediately played the wave extreme jump through the skateboard.

So, it became the current situation.

The trio of real children looked at Sano with some apprehension.

He was afraid that Sano would not approve of the behavior of the three of them, which was out of good intentions but seeking death.

Fortunately, Sano didn’t say much.

Just staring at his sports car and worrying.

“Hey, stop staring at that thing and leave now.”

Just when Conan was about to urge Sano, he suddenly found someone lying behind the sports car.

…Mio Tokiwa’s painter teacher.

“what’s the situation?”

Seeing the old man’s eyes closed, Conan was stunned for a moment and asked quickly.

Sano answered casually.

Half true, half false.

It was true that Sano bumped into this old man after arriving on this floor.

What’s fake is that Sano didn’t discover anything through reasoning.

Just pure intuition, coupled with the test of the hammer of justice, confirmed that this old man was the murderer of the first and third person in the three murder cases.

Then through the beating of justice, the old man who wanted to commit suicide was stopped, and the evidence was successfully found-the pearl necklace hidden inside the crutch.

Mio Tokiwa’s pearl necklace was definitely a gift from this old man.

But in fact, the string around Mio Tokiwa’s neck is not the same string as this string.

The method of killing was too clear, and there was nothing much to say.

The main thing is motivation.

The old man loved to paint Mount Fuji, but the twin towers built by Mio Tokiwa perfectly blocked the view of Mount Fuji from his studio.

To be precise, it was split in half in the middle.

Therefore, the old man left a wine glass broken in the middle next to the body.

This highlights the anger in the old man’s heart.

Of course Sano didn’t care about the old man’s nagging, he only cared about what to do with his car.

…Mio Tokiwa is dead.

Logically speaking, this sports car may not necessarily belong to Sano.

But Mio Tokiwa is Mio Tokiwa, and the Tokiwa Group is the Tokiwa Group.

Mio Tokiwa is just a part of the Tokiwa Group.

Sano felt that now that Tokiwa Mio had spoken out her words, the wealthy Tokiwa Group would not lose their face for a car.

…So how to get this car out?

If it was destroyed here, would the Tokiwa Group be willing to replace it with a new one?

Sano touched his chin and fell into thought.

“Don’t look too much. The helicopter has arrived. It’s time to go up. Since this guy has been confirmed to be the murderer, let’s take him away with him.”

Conan, who received a call from Officer Megure, urged him again.

Sano listened to the faint sound of the propellers of the helicopter above, but still did not move: “I advise you not to go to the rooftop.”


Conan frowned: “Why?”

“Because if nothing else happens…”


There was a faint explosion, and Sano continued the second half of the sentence: “The accident happened.”

Conan and the others were immediately dumbfounded and ran to the corridor to take a look.

The blazing flames on the rooftop were almost spreading.


Conan looked at Sano.

Sano calmly lit up his cigarette and said, “There is a bomb up there, and the other party didn’t want to give us a chance to evacuate.”

“…even have gas for this?”

Conan regained his composure: “But it’s not a big problem. As long as the flames above go out on their own, we will still be able to leave safely.”


Sano lifted the tablecloth: “Then do you think that thing can be extinguished within five minutes?”

Conan: “…”

What the hell, why is there a bomb here! ?

Hui Yuan Ai’s face darkened and he immediately went to lift the other tablecloths.

Then the atmosphere at the scene fell into despair – the place was already filled with bombs.

“You can’t let anyone live anymore…”

Conan’s eyes were dull, and Sano hit him on the head: “If I want you to live, then there can be no accident from the beginning.”

Conan rubbed his head: “No, you have discovered these bombs from the beginning. If you don’t think of a solution quickly, are you still thinking about this broken car??”

“What a broken car. You are the only one who broke the car. Your whole family is a broken car.”

Sano glared at Conan.

After playing a row of points, Conan began to think about ways to break the game, and finally set his sights on the rooftop of Building B next door, which was shorter and could be opened to reveal a large swimming pool. His eyes instantly brightened.

“I have an idea. Maybe we can try to use the shock wave of the explosion to start the car and rush through it at the last second of the explosion…”

Before Conan finished speaking, a cold gaze looked down from above.

“You kid, do you want to die first?”

Conan’s mouth twitched and he said helplessly: “Brother, don’t worry about this car at this time. People are dying. If you don’t do this, this car will still be blown up. This is just a minor blow. What matters is your life!”

“I can still understand the car, but life is unnecessary.”

Sano sat on the car door and looked at Conan: “If it really comes to the end, it will be you who die, not me. Don’t compare me with you.”

……What does it mean?

Before Conan could react, Sano stood up again.

“time to go.”


Conan blinked in confusion: “Where are you going?”

Sano walked to the window: “Get out of here.”

To talk about this whole thing tonight.

In fact, it is still a little bit complicated.

First, he determined Gin’s method of making trouble, and then determined his second purpose of targeting the Twin Towers.

As a result, although Sano saved Suzuki Sonoko’s life.

But later, it is not that simple to save the lives of other people in the building.

Gin said that he would cut off all possibilities and even blew up the connection between the Twin Towers.

Sano knew almost immediately that there must be other bombs hidden in the building.

According to normal thinking, when an accident occurs, there are two ways for people in the building to escape, one is the VIP elevator, and the other is the connection point.

But in fact there is still a third one.

Horizontal movement has been eliminated, and the vertical movement of the VIP elevator has also been eliminated after Sano’s confirmation, but vertical movement is not just downward.

It can still go up.

Rooftop, helicopter.

You can figure this out just by thinking about it a little more deeply.

Therefore, Sano did not waste time and searched layer by layer… It was too late.

Instead, he came directly here and waited.

And because he has already put on explosive gloves.

Sano also sensed a large number of bombs here – it was definitely too late to defuse them.

You have to think of other ways to do it.

Of course, another key point is that the time limit for saving the lives of these little bastards…and the old man exceeds the bomb’s timing device.

That is to say.

The dangerous factor in this mission is not just bombs.

The second target of Gin’s side is Haibara Ai when escaping from the building.

Gin or someone recognized that Ai Haihara was the shrunken Miyano Shiho.

Then the fake loli’s life will undoubtedly be threatened again.

To sum up, there are actually two things Sano has to do. First, prevent these guys from being blown to death.

Second, preserve Huihara Ai’s identity.

For this reason, Sano activated the second method originally prepared to protect Suzuki Sonoko’s life when Gin might insist on taking action.

Now, this method has taken effect.

On the rooftop of the building hundreds of meters away from the Twin Towers.

Dozens of cocoons were suspended in the air by a thread, with only one head exposed.

The night wind blew, causing Gin’s silver hair to dance wildly in the wind, making it even more messy.

It’s still Gin’s heart.

“Big, big brother!!”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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