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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 443 442, Conan: Take off

The belatedly arrived Vodka lay on the edge of the rooftop, calling for Gin.

“Pull me up!”

Gin’s heart was full of anger because he was upside down and because of the height.

This caused Gin’s face to turn red.

His breathing was quick and astringent, making Gin’s eyes almost burst into flames.

Damn it, bastard!

How dare that guy! ?

After being pulled up by the vodka, he took great pains to get rid of the spider silk on his body.

Gin’s eyes were still bloodshot.

I have to admit that Gin was careless.

From the very beginning, the trap set by Gin had been seen through.

It was even turned around and another trap was set unknowingly.

The most important thing is that set of…should I say it’s new equipment?

The tough, highly maneuverable silk thread restricted most of the movement capabilities of the combatants arranged by Gin in an instant.

However, the other party is not subject to this restriction, and can even use this thing to show more ghostly operations, taking advantage of the height difference between the silk thread and the environment.

Used a faster and more flexible style of play than before.

At that time, Gin’s side was said to have been caught in the net, but in his opinion.

This can no longer be called the Internet at all.

It was like entering a spider’s lair.

He was completely manipulated and lost completely.

But what really made Gin angry was the consequences of losing.

That means there are no consequences.

He was not killed or forcibly arrested.

Instead, they were tied into a rice dumpling and hung upside down on the rooftop.

It seemed that Gin’s Mazai Vodka arrived first to rescue him, or the police noticed the situation here and came first to capture him.

To the other party, there is no difference.

At that time, Gin couldn’t hold it back and asked about the meaning.

But the answer he got made Gin’s facial features become distorted.

“Are you kidding? It ends so early. What’s the point?”

The man’s eyes were glowing red.

Although he didn’t see it with his own eyes, Gin could still understand that it was under that mask.

It must be a smiling face full of teasing and contempt.

“It is absolutely impossible for the prey that falls into my net to escape. Anyway, it’s not that there are no other prey. Compared to directly devouring you, a dispensable guy, I just pull it out when I’m in a bad mood. Wouldn’t it be more interesting to play around a little bit?”

… As the saying goes, scholars can be killed but not humiliated.

Since Gin’s debut, it’s not that he hasn’t suffered losses or lost face, but he suffered such a big loss and suffered such humiliating treatment.

This is really the first time.

This made Gin almost lose his mind.

“When you come here, who will keep an eye on the situation over there?”

Hearing Gin’s words, Vodka’s mouth twitched – hell, if he had come a little later, the gun might have been pointed at his head, but when he pulled him up, he started accusing himself of not thinking carefully enough and burning bridges. ?

“Don’t worry, brother, the rooftop over there is already on fire. The helicopter can’t get down, and the bomb is about to explode. As long as Shirley is really still inside, she will definitely not be able to escape unless she has wings.” Dropped.”

Vodka patted his chest confidently.

But in the next second, Vodka’s intercom rang.

“Sir, it seems that someone has escaped from the Twin Towers. From what the police said… everyone in the Twin Towers seems to have been evacuated!”


Vodka’s face was suddenly filled with astonishment.

Gin grabbed the walkie-talkie directly: “Do you know who are the people who evacuated?”

“I only heard that there was a person named Sano Shinichiro inside, and the other people seemed to have been rescued by him!”

After hearing this, I originally planned to look at the situation and call Sano to secretly investigate whether Miyano Shiho had taken the opportunity to escape, or to find the heinous guy and kill or capture Gin.

I fell into a daze with vodka.

Sano actually stayed there. Didn’t he ask him to evacuate quickly?

How did this guy escape from such a situation?

And also brought out the rest of the people by the way?

Gin came to his senses, frowned, threw the walkie-talkie back to Vodka, got up and went downstairs.

“Go find Rye.”

The time came a few minutes ago.

There were still four minutes until the bomb’s timer was set.

The only breaking point that Conan thought of was rejected by Sano.

But then Sano said he wanted to leave again, and he still looked like he was going to take a few people with him.

“…How do we leave?”

Conan didn’t think Sano was joking and asked with a frown.

“It’s very simple.”

Sano straightened the sleeves of his suit and kicked the floor-to-ceiling window in front of him to pieces.

“Fly away.”


Quietly, Sano’s suit, which was modified to match the scene of the opening ceremony, had changed, becoming narrower and longer, but due to environmental problems, no one noticed it.

Vodka has already rushed to rescue Gin, and now is the best time to evacuate.

But beyond that, Sano felt even more satisfied.

It’s still Sano’s performance on using the spider silk effect in Gin’s move.

This is a part of the plan and an experimental test.

The test subjects were Gin and his thugs.

Speaking of spider silk.

Sano’s instinctive reaction was Four Hundred Aunts.

But after all, Sano is not really the Four Hundred Aunt, and wants to imitate Spider-Man’s fighting style.

It is difficult, or it cannot play a big role.

As a result, Sano launched some new attempts.

For example, Spider-Man himself is quite demanding about the combat environment.

It requires a variety of spacious and complex environments with height differences to be able to operate.

And a place like the rooftop can only be described as so-so.

But if Sano leaves countless spider silks on the rooftop first, he can create better environmental conditions for him to perform – the rooftop is originally an empty plane, but the arrangement of the spider silks makes it become Be three-dimensional.

Sano can shoot the spider silk directly onto the spider silk that should be a ball of air.

This will forcefully exert the effect of the spider silk.

It doesn’t even have to be new webbing.

By directly using the ready-made spider silk, you can “pull” or “swing”, or even “bounce” or “step on”, whatever is convenient for you.

If we talk about Sano’s original vest, it mainly took the route of a flexible assassin.

So now that we have Spider Silk, we will have a certain confidence in group battles, and at the same time, we will also have an upper limit in terms of flexible advancement. To sum up.

Sano was satisfied.

Of course these are not important, what is important is the current matter.

Under the conditions of Sano and the others, it seems that there is no other way than the fight mentioned by Conan.

There is no other way to escape.

But this is for ordinary people like Conan.

But for Sano, it was different.

Sano didn’t even need to spend a few seconds. Four methods of escaping with numerous oil bottles appeared in his mind, such as… putting on wings.

Fly out.

For another example,

Use the flip-top lighter bug in the lighter set to pass through the flames.

Another example is to summon Erhei back and use spider silk to go downstairs.

But these three methods are either too troublesome or too, well, shocking.

Relatively speaking.

Sano’s fourth method is simple and crude, and… much more normal.

“Sano, what do you mean when you say fly away?”

Conan asked confused.

Sano walked back to Conan and grabbed his collar.

“Don’t move.”


Before Conan could react, Sano kicked him hard.

Conan’s feet instantly flew into the air, and the scene in front of him became blurry. The air hit his face head-on, like slaps one after another.

Conan felt his face hurt.


Before Conan could even utter his exclamation, he felt the world begin to spin again.

Conan, he flew!

…The terrifying explosive power allowed Sano to cross a distance of more than ten meters in the blink of an eye, and then took a second heavy step in front of the window.

The figure stopped abruptly.

The waving of his arms, coupled with the inertial force of the sprint, was all poured into Conan’s body in Sano’s hands, making the god of plague like a shell being discharged.

Fly into the sky.


The brutal screams pierced the night sky.

Conan successfully crossed dozens of meters in the air and landed in the rooftop swimming pool of Building B, where the “glass cover” on the rooftop had been opened, splashing out a large splash of water.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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