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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 444 443, do you think that Porsche 356A looks like my car?

I had already received Sano’s message a long time ago.

Officer Memu, who led the team to wait on the rooftop, as well as Mao Lilan and his group, faced this scene with their eyes widened and their faces dull.


Sano straightened his sleeves again, turned his head calmly, and looked at the four people from behind and on the rooftop opposite, who had similar expressions.

The trio of real children came to their senses, after a quick breath.

With a tacit understanding, they all took a step back with a “swish”.

Only Haiyuan Ai, who had just finished twitching the corner of her mouth, was left, twitching the corner of her mouth again.

…what the hell.


The second figure cut through the night sky, followed closely by the third, fourth and fifth.

Until finally he threw the old man who was still unconscious.

Sano then looked back at the red sports car.


This thing is too heavy.

Even Sano doesn’t have the ability to make this thing fly.

…By the way, this should be reimbursed by Gin, right?

His car was blown up because of Gin’s actions.

Why can’t it be reimbursed?

If he doesn’t reimburse him, he’ll keep stalking him, and if he doesn’t, he’ll secretly take revenge and go back.

For example, hang the gin a few more times.

You can consider continuing to hang street lights. Anyway, with spider silk, you don’t even need to carry a rope.

Very convenient.

He glanced at the countdown with less than one minute left.

Sano stopped being distracted. After taking a few steps back, he accelerated and jumped into the air.


Different from those who were thrown by Sano before.

Sasano, who landed in a superhero pose, looked extremely chic.

After getting up and smoothing the wrinkles in his suit.

Officer Mumu and his group immediately surrounded him.

“Holy shit, you’re so handsome, senior!”

Suzuki Sonoko’s face was full of excitement and she described Sano’s actions just now incoherently.

“Brother Sano, are you crazy? You sent me a message to open this thing. I thought you had come up with some brilliant plan, but it turned out to be like this. You are not afraid of any accidents and give them to them. Fall to death!”

Officer Megure, on the other hand, accused Sano… of course he said it was an accusation.

Actually it’s a bit much.

Officer Megure was simply frightened.

It could be said that he was pouring out his uneasiness to Sano.

After all, unlike a little girl like Suzuki Sonoko, as a criminal police officer.

Officer Megure had more serious thoughts.

These two people also represent the group of people who hold two opinions about Sano’s actions.

No matter what your opinion is.

The underlying facts cannot be changed.

That is Sano turning the tide with monster-like power at a critical moment.

Sano is unquestionable.


Beside the pool, Conan, who had barely dried his wet body, looked at Sano and returned the towel to Mao Lilan next to him, frowning.

…How did Sano’s strength become so great?

You know, the distance between the two buildings of the Twin Towers is not short.

Otherwise, Conan wouldn’t have thought about borrowing the shock wave of the explosion to rush forward when there was a height difference between the two sides.

If Conan remembers correctly.

The world record for shot put throwing is not as long as the distance between the two buildings of the Twin Towers.

Of course, there is a big difference between throwing a shot put and throwing people like Sano.

But the weight difference between the two sides is also huge.

Not to mention that, the old man who can barely be considered a normal adult weight, and Genta, the heaviest among Conan’s little brats, are two girls, Ayumi and Haibara Ai, who are definitely heavier than a shot put. many.

At least let Conan speak.

Throwing a shot put is definitely much easier than throwing a few of your own.

As for Sano’s escape method, in addition to using the explosion shock wave to play speed, it was changed to manual throwing, and there was a specific “path”.

But it was very different from the escape method suggested by Conan, and it didn’t surprise him at all.

There is no way to heaven and no way to earth.

This “path” is the only path.

Conan can think of it, and Sano can naturally think of it too. It’s just that there are differences in details.

As for why it’s all the same way.

Sano did not choose to drive, but manual, and Conan could understand.

Using explosion shock waves is a gambling act in itself. If the timing is even slightly wrong, the car will be destroyed, people will be killed, and the entire team will be wiped out.

Since Sano can do it manually.

The manual one is definitely more stable.

…It just happened so suddenly that people were not mentally prepared at all.

Especially since Conan was the first to be thrown.

But Conan also knows.

Even if he is not the first one to be thrown, his mental fluctuation will definitely not be small.

Because it’s different from riding in a car with the big guys and it’s exciting.

Sano threw them one by one.

Not being the first to be thrown, maybe a little bit mentally prepared, but something like this.

Conan would rather call it psychological torture.

And if you’re riding in a car, you have to take into account the timing of the explosion. With a bigger exciting point at the back, the speeding thing doesn’t seem so exciting.

Turning his attention to the other people who were also wearing wet clothes, even Haihara Ai, the fake child, was still pale at this time, and his hands and feet were weak.

Not to mention the state of several real children.


Sano’s cell phone vibrated, and after taking it out, he pushed away the crowd.

“I’m sorry, I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first. That old man is the murderer. Just ask Conan about the specific situation and he will explain it to you.”

After leaving such a sentence to divert the attention of everyone present.

Sano left the Twin Towers.

It’s midnight.

In cocktails.

Gin stared straight at Sano.

“Tell me, I clearly warned you to hurry up, why did you still stay in the Twin Towers?”

Sano picked at his nails: “The main purpose is to see if Shirley is inside.”

“…So, are you there?”

Gin’s expression did not change, and he followed Sano’s words.

“Not here.”

Gin nodded: “That time we had a purpose.”

Sano blinked.

Gin seems to know his own tricks very well, so he actually took the initiative?

“The second best thing is that my car is still inside.”


Gin raised his eyebrows, remembering that Sano said that Suzuki Sonoko helped him earn a car.

…So the main reason why I stayed there was because I couldn’t bear to leave the car.

Gin rubbed his temples, but before he could speak, Sano asked quietly: “Hey, Gin-sama, you blew up my car, so you should be able to reimburse me for it. Yes, yes, absolutely.” Is that okay?”

Gin: “…”

“What if I said no.”

Sano didn’t respond immediately, just turned his head and looked downstairs.

Gin followed and saw his Porsche 356A.

“Lord Gin, look at this Porsche 356A, does it look like my bombed-out car?”

…Who knows what the bombed car looked like?

Faced with Sano’s naked threat.

After rubbing his temples again, Gin could only say: “I’ll report back to you later, let’s get down to business first.”


Sano turned his head and sat up straight.

“Why did you take the others to escape?”

Gin asked his first doubt: “I originally planned that after the connection was blown up, there wouldn’t be any living things inside. Just forget it yourself. Why do you have to do this extra thing? I don’t believe you are doing it to prevent You seem to be too cold-blooded, if you want to, it shouldn’t be difficult to leave there quietly without alerting anyone.”


Sano touched his chin, and the direction of his answer surprised Gin.

“What do you mean, to avoid looking too cold-blooded and ruthless? Doesn’t it mean that I am cold-blooded and ruthless if I can’t see it? Mr. Gin, do you have some misunderstanding about me? I am a very friendly and approachable person, okay? ?”

Gin: “…”

This guy, does he know what he’s talking about?

“Besides, are you too confident in me, Gin-sama?”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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