Switch Mode

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 445 444, Gin: I have to take the car apart and check it.

Sano added: “I don’t dare to say that I can leave quietly in such a situation. If you put it like that, I am very stressed.”

Gin asked after being silent for a few seconds.


Sano asked in return.


Sano and Gin stared at each other with big eyes, and almost said “I can do it, you can do it” and spat out.

Of course Sano can actually do it.

But at least from Gin’s current perspective.

Sano couldn’t.

“Finally, Mr. Gin, you should have checked who the people I rescued are, a few first-year elementary school students, and an old murderer. Do you think Shirley can even disguise himself as a elementary school student or an old man? “

Facing Sano’s three-step rhetorical question, Gin finally stopped dwelling on this topic after remaining silent for a few seconds, and instead brought up another, unrelated topic.

“Hat off.”

…Have you finally brought this matter up?

Sano raised his hand and took off his hat without hesitation.

The centipede-like scar on his face was revealed.

“Explain again what is going on with this thing on your face.”

Sano lit a cigarette: “It was a summer many years ago. I was playing on the side of the road. An old Taoist priest in tattered clothes passed by me and said that he saw that my bones were amazing and that he was a rare person in a hundred years. The…disguise genius.”

in the next five minutes.

Sano made some eloquent and outrageous lies about Gin.

Gin was stunned for a while.

The specific meaning is that Sano’s disguise technique is different from Belmod’s.

Not with a human skin mask.

Even if it’s another face, it’s a genuine face.

This shocked Gin, and he immediately took action to confirm that Sano was not lying.

Then he asked Sano to change his face and confirm again.

“…It’s actually possible to replace the human skin mask with another face.”

Gin let out a sigh of relief. You must know that this setting is completely different from Belmod’s disguise technique.

The art of disguise relies on a human skin mask.

But the human skin mask can be easily torn off.

It’s okay not to be suspected, but once you are suspected, all you need to do is touch your face with your hands.

Those who disguise themselves will reveal their true colors.

But Sano was different.

Even if someone suspects him, even if someone tries to drag his face, Sano will still not be exposed.

…It is simply the best artifact for intelligence personnel.

Unfortunately, before Gin opened his mouth, Sano continued: “But don’t think too much, Gin-sama. My disguise technique is indeed more advanced than those guys’ disguise techniques, but the balance of yin and yang has With good comes bad.”

“Although I don’t need a human skin mask to change my face, I can’t change other people’s faces. At the same time, each of my faces is very troublesome to make.”

Sano lit another cigarette: “So even if I have been practicing for more than ten years, the number of faces I can change, including the original faces, is only more than two.”

…So that’s it.

Gin nodded thoughtfully.

This… is quite reasonable.

Because normally, even if Gin had not known the uniqueness of Sano’s disguise technique before.

After all, he is also a master of disguise.

But Gin had unconsciously ignored this point.

Get to the root of it.

Sano’s disguise technique is still too little shown.

Now, everything makes sense.

But Gin didn’t underestimate Sano’s special disguise technique because of this.

Strong is still strong.

It’s just not as strong as the first reaction.

Gin didn’t even think about asking Sano to make a selfless contribution and hand over this terrifying superpower-like disguise technique to the organization, or even personally teach others.

Let’s not talk about whether it can be taught.

Whether you can teach it well or not is the biggest question.

Before Sano appeared, why was Belmod’s disguise technique unique to the entire organization?

Except for this old woman who hides her secret, no one else can learn it at all.

Sano’s disguise technique is stronger, but Gin doesn’t think it will be any easier to learn.

There are some things that you can’t learn just because you can’t learn them. There’s no way around it.

If there was someone who was willing to teach everything, who knew how to learn, and could learn it well, then the organization would probably already have an almighty hexagonal warrior per capita.

It can also be coupled with top-notch scientific research technology.

“But what did you mean when you just said, two… multiple faces?”

“It means the third face is in progress.”

“If I give you a clear goal now, can the third face become like that?”

Sano could probably understand Gin’s little thoughts. After shaking his head, he raised the corners of his mouth, supported his chin with one hand and stared at the other person: “If I can change it midway…”

Gin raised his eyebrows.

“If you are not afraid of death, you can try it.”

Sano shrugged: “Okay, the problem has been explained clearly, I will leave first. By the way, Gin-sama, please remember to reimburse me when you go back.”

Watch Sano wave and leave.

After Gin drank all the wine in the glass, he also got up and went downstairs.

Only after arriving next to his Porsche 356A, Gin stopped.

Gin did not get into the car immediately, but asked Vodka: “Has Rye been near the car.”


Vodka, who was left waiting in the car, looked confused.

“No, no, what’s wrong?”

Gin frowned and thought for a few seconds, then asked Vodka to get out of the car, and then conducted a 360-degree inspection of his car.

Outside the car, inside the car, under the car, on the roof, and even lifted the hood.

It’s as if I can’t wait to dismantle the car into its parts and assemble it again.

I can see that the vodka next to me is full of question marks.

What happened to my eldest brother?

Because someone was hanging on the rooftop, were you mentally stimulated? ?

…To be fair, let alone Gin who has agreed to reimburse Sano for the car.

Even if you don’t agree.

Gin didn’t really think that Sano would blow up his car.

Just because they can’t blow up cars doesn’t mean they won’t leave bombs behind.

If you have to say it.

It might be like Belmode’s occasional attempt to commit suicide.

Of course, in that bitch’s mouth, it was a prank, no matter how nice it sounds.

Just a joke.

What is a joke?

In the eyes of ordinary people, it may only be called a joke if both parties laugh.

But for people like Belmode.

As long as it doesn’t cause too serious consequences, it’s all a joke.

For example, Belmod once poisoned Gin.

And what’s in the wine glass is most likely not a playful laxative.

Just because Belmode felt that with Gin’s temperament and ability.

You can definitely find that the wine glass was poisoned, so it’s not a big problem.

So now comes the problem.

In Sano’s eyes, does Gin belong to the kind of person who can easily solve it without any problems even if a bomb is installed in the car?

Speak nicely.

Does Sano trust Gin’s ability?

Gin didn’t know the answer.

Originally, Gin had never had this association with Sano – unintentional loss of control and intentional mischief are two different things.

But consider what Sano did to Belmod that day.

and Sano’s inexplicable quirk of imitating people.

It is not completely impossible that this kid has been influenced by Belmode and has such unpleasant bad habits.

Just erring on the side of caution anyway.

Gin still felt that it was better to be careful.


The little girl wearing a karate uniform has her eyes widened, her face full of evil spirit, her body sinks, her right hand holds the wrist of her left hand, and the five fingers of her left hand are bent into claws, as if she is holding a ball of invisible invisible energy in her hand, and she is dubbing.


“Look at me!”

Mao Lilan jumped back, his right hand also bent into a claw: “Rasengan!”

“Sass here!”


The two people, one big and one small, rushed towards each other and bumped into each other.

“I won.”

The little girl grabbed Mao Lilan’s…chest with a cold look on her face.


Mao Lilan rolled her eyes in cooperation and fell to the ground.

“Bah bang bang.”

There was applause from upstairs. Mao Lilan looked up and saw Sano facing the two of them with his mobile phone.

Mao Lilan: “…”

“Senior, are you taking a video?”

Sano blinked, closed his phone and put it in his pocket: “No, I was just texting someone.”

Mao Lilan: “…”

Believe it or not!

“It’s a good performance.”

Sano supported his chin with one hand, raised the corners of his mouth, and praised.

Mao Lilan’s attention was immediately diverted, and she scratched her head in inexplicable embarrassment and shame, her ears dyed red: “No, I just saw that her practice was too boring, so I took a break with her… …”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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not work with dark mode