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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 446 445, Tokyo General Manager

Listening to Mao Lilan’s chatter, Sano pursed his lips.

He didn’t say anything else, why was this girl explaining so much to herself?

never mind.

“Shu, come down and play together!”

The little girl didn’t have that much thought, and happily asked Sano to go play together.

“No need to.”

Sano waved his hand, took out a cigarette and lit it: “I don’t have such childish interest.”

Mao Lilan: “…”

So co-authoring it is just childish?

“How can this be childish?”

The little girl looked at Sano with indignation and condemnation: “This is the will of fire!”

Sano couldn’t help but laugh.

“Hey, do you still understand the Will of Fire?”


The little girl took out a book from her arms, with the words “Naruto” clearly visible on it.

“This is the most popular novel recently. All our kindergarten children love to read it!”

“Senior, haven’t you seen this?”

Mao Lilan also asked helpfully: “The students in our school are also watching.”


Sano Miju smiled: “Then it seems that this book is indeed quite good.”


Mao Lilan said with emotion: “It seems that I am still a new writer. The last chapter is about to end, and I don’t know what the ending will be.”


Sano looked at Mao Lilan, who had gradually entered a fanatical fan state.

I was a little confused.

Originally I was just hanging out and having some fun.

It caused some sensation, perhaps as Sano expected.

But it caused such a big sensation, even covering kindergartens in terms of age groups, and girls were also deeply involved, which really surprised Sano.

“It’s a pity that it won’t happen again in a short time.”

Mao Lilan didn’t hear Sano’s murmur clearly and asked him confusedly what he said.

“It’s nothing. You guys can play slowly. I’ll go back and catch up on my sleep.”

After waving his hand, Sano returned home – that thing was originally a product of boredom.

At the beginning, Sano was quite interested.

He was busy every day, even if he just took some time to code, he could code enough, but as time went by, he gradually became weak.

…How about becoming a great eunuch?

Although my passion for the Naruto book has faded a lot.

But if it is to open a new pit.

Sano does have a lot of ideas.

Of course, Sano also knew that this was just happening over and over again.

It really has to continue.

Sano will most likely continue to be a eunuch.

Maybe he will succeed in transforming into the Grand Controller of Tokyo in the end.

But it was just fun, so why would Sano care about this?

Suddenly, Sano stopped and took out an envelope from the mailbox at the door.

After opening it and taking a look, Sano regained his fighting spirit.

…How long has it taken to earn so much royalties?

No, Sano must continue to eat this bad money!

After closing the door, Sano turned on the computer, and there was a continuous crackling sound.


After a long time, Sano came to the gathering place of the Black Death.

The black dragon, which has been causing headaches to the Black Death Gods some time ago, is still lying in the hospital, allowing these tools to return to their original random actions.

But besides this, another trouble came to the door.

“Recently, whether it is the superficial commissions of the Armed Detective Agency or the internal commissions, anything that touches the border will be greatly hindered. The key is that the people who hinder us are still official personnel, and it is not easy for us to make our own decisions. , so I just want to ask the boss what you mean.”

Sano glanced at the scattered peripheral members not far away, stared at his mumbling appearance, and lit a cigarette: “Is it the police?”

“It’s the Self-Defense Forces.”

Sano paused in his puffing and frowned: “Self-Defense Forces?”


The mistress took out a document and handed it to Sano: “We have checked it privately. The main thing is this guy named Yasuki Domon. He is a cadre of the Self-Defense Forces and a hawkish official who belongs to the Justice Department of the official. Recently, the official has related to us. All matters are given direct orders by him.”

…The factions and camps of official personnel are extremely complex, and there are countless lone wolves in large and small groups. The Black Death’s intelligence database divides these people.

Mainly based on the type of general direction, it is divided into four types.

The justice system and the evil system are the good guys and the bad guys in the usual sense.

Hawks and doves refer to toughness and softness in methods and attitudes.

Most of the Justice Department are good people and are defenders of justice.

The doves of the justice system are the ones who will compromise with the evil forces in order to find a balance, or the best situation, while the hawks are completely different.

We must never bow to the evil forces.

The world must be filled with light and there must be no trace of darkness. This is the creed of this kind of person.

“No one cares about him.”

Watching Sano flip through the information, the mistress added: “Domon Yasuki’s father is a high-level person himself and has a wide range of contacts. He will also participate in the election of the House of Representatives in the near future. He has an unparalleled reputation. Unless he touches the bottom line, officials of the same level will , no one should be willing to face him easily.”

Upon hearing this, Sano threw away the information without even looking at it.

“Don’t worry about this matter for now. Keep a low profile recently and wait and see what happens.”

“Okay boss.”

Sano glanced again, his yellow hair still not fully recovered: “I heard that you and that, black thing, live in a ward with separate beds?”


Huang Mao was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: “Yes, I chatted with him and found that this person is actually quite easy to get in touch with, but he is a bit of a fool.”

Sano raised his eyebrows, said nothing, stood up and left.

… Domon Yasuki’s identity is more troublesome, and it’s not impossible to do it hard, but after the hard work, Sano will be able to escape, and the monk will not be able to escape the temple.

You have to deal with it as a templeless person.

Just then, a new mission arrives.

[Please accept and complete the first task in the latest order on the Killer Platform within the task time limit. You will receive one hundred strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the task is – 23:59:59].


Sano, who originally thought it would be a mission related to Yasuki Domon, rubbed his fingers in surprise. Has the killer-related mission reached the level of a designated platform mission? But is there a bug in this limited method?

Sano switched his vest and found an Internet cafe.

After logging in as a guest, Sano selected the sorting method of tasks as latest.

The first one is – assassinating Domon Yasuki.

…I still have to do it with Domon Yasuki for the co-authorship.

Sano scratched his face and felt a little speechless, but he didn’t hesitate and just made up random things and announced a new mission that absolutely no one would take.

This pushed Tumon Yasuhi’s task to the second row.

Pull out the task and take a look.

The latest mission requirement ranked first has become second.

Will it be updated in real time? It seems that this bug is no longer stuck.

Sano, who knew what was going on, quickly logged into the Black Cat account and accepted the task.

“Kanghui Kanghui~poor unlucky guy~”

After the money was paid, Sano did not get off the computer immediately. After playing with the computer for a while, he found a small game that was not too boring and started playing it.

But as he played, Sano gradually became fascinated and forgot about the passage of time.

It wasn’t until dawn that Sano realized that the night had passed.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve experienced the feeling of staying overnight…”

After getting up and stretching, Sano closed the computer, found the Black Death’s Armed Detective Agency, paid for Domon Yasuki’s trip today with his own wallet.

But just when Sano was about to take action.

A text message from Gin disrupted Sano’s original plan.

Nothing special.

He just asked Sano to go there and said he had a mission.

…But this morning, I sent myself a text message asking me to do the task.

Or the first time?

Something’s not quite right.

Advanced tasks?

Sano quickly thought of Domon Yasutei.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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