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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 448 447, something is very wrong

Soon, the time came to afternoon.

When Sano left the Internet cafe in the morning, there were still a few scattered raindrops.

After a heavy rain in the morning, it gradually stopped again.

The fragrance after the rain makes the air a lot fresher.

But the rainwater accumulated on the ground always makes people smack their lips.

While Sano controlled the distant rye vest and worked with Calvados on missions, he also controlled the clone that entered the black cat form.

Play a game in Cupido Park where you will die if you touch the water.

Judging from the intelligence information Sano obtained.

Mission Objectives In today’s itinerary, one of the more prominent ones is an interview with a TV station. The location of the interview is in Aipido Park.

As an official with a very high status.

Tumen Kanghui naturally cannot have too low requirements in terms of safety.

Aipido Park, a public place, is undoubtedly the best place to hunt.

That’s why.

The hunter who came here couldn’t be just Sano.

Sano shook his tail and watched Reina Mizuna adjusting her makeup.

I didn’t expect that this woman was actually a reporter for the TV station.

No, judging from the nameplate, it should be called a female anchor.

Sure enough, these guys are also targeting Tumen Yasuhui.

…In fact, Sano had almost confirmed this speculation long before he saw Reina Mizuna.

Even though Gin was kicked out of the car, Sano didn’t have other means to understand the situation – he left Erhei in the Porsche to eavesdrop on the situation.

Of course, even if it is such a small spider, there is a possibility that Gin will notice it and slap it to death. Of course, Sano thinks it is not a big problem.

Because whenever there is danger, Sano can summon Erhei back at any time.

Even if the movement is too slow, it will be too late.

It’s not like it can’t be resurrected.

At most, it just leaves a little psychological shadow for this little spider.

However, Sano did not actually hear the name Yasuki Domon during the monitoring process. During this period, Gin and the others used some fancy names.

Got fooled.

Of course, Sano still discovered the keyword “Member of Parliament”.

Therefore, Sano can be sure that Gin and the others are going to attack Domon Yasutei.

Not to mention now.

It’s really troublesome.

Sano shook his beard unconsciously, if he wanted to do it here.

So in addition to Sano having to face the guard force around Domon Yasutei, he may also be threatened by Gin and the others. Although the chance is very small, it must be considered, especially among the forces there, there are There are two snipers in Chianti, they are the natural enemies of the Black Cat Vest…


Suddenly, Sano turned his eyes and saw Conan and Judy hiding in the distance.

…Has this foreign girl been discharged from the hospital? Why is she still hanging out with the God of Plague?

Conan’s appearance did not surprise Sano too much.

But Sano couldn’t ignore the gun in Judy’s hand.

Judging from the situation that night, this foreign girl’s marksmanship was still very good.

More strictly speaking.

It should be the highest level below gin.

Coupled with the appearance of Judy, it means that other FBI agents may have been ambushed around… The worst case scenario is that we need to face three enemies.

Sano raised his hind paws and scratched his neck.

If I had known earlier, I would have let Calvados go and let the Rye Vest appear directly.

As for whether Gin will be angry if things get serious.

Then wait until this girl is really angry. At worst, she can just apologize and fool her.

It’s not the first time anyway.

I never saw a time when Gin really refused to listen to Sano’s explanation.

There are plug-ins, bah, if you have the strength, you can do whatever you want.

Sano·akimbo·righteous and confident.jpg.

Back to topic.

Since Gin called the sniper duo, plus he chose such an environment.

So there is a high probability that he is planning to use long-range sniper assassination… So if this is the case, then why is Belmod in the car?

Sano’s head turned and he thought of Gin’s cautious setting.

Perhaps he was worried that the first assassination attempt would not be successful, so he prepared a second assassination plan.

What is important right now is the formulation of Gin’s first plan.

Sano turned his attention to the two bodyguards wearing sunglasses next to Domon Yasuki.

These two guys seemed very professional.

It is clear that when the employer is outside, he may face the risk of being sniped.

Therefore, we are very particular about our stance.

It perfectly blocks the trajectories of sniper bullets that may be coming from all around.

Under this premise, if Gin wanted to successfully assassinate Yasuki Domon, he would have to use the interview of the female anchor Reina Mizuno to create a perfect sniper trajectory for the sniper duo.

…No wonder someone from the intelligence team would be involved in the operation.

Sano couldn’t let Gin succeed – the mission of a professional killer was not a game.

All jobs in the world are not so simple and you can get paid.

Received a commission.

The target just happened to die unexpectedly.

Does this count as mission accomplished?

No, that counts as mission failure.

You have to provide evidence that the target was killed by you, so that you can get the money.

Popular prey is snatched from the mouths of competitors.

However, perhaps Sano doesn’t need to do anything to stop Gin’s assassination plan.

Then he turned his attention to Conan.

Judy had already launched into action, using a silencer-equipped pistol to roll through the park’s grove, breaking one showerhead after another.

The pressure of the water flow was released instantly and sprayed into the sky.

It seemed as if it was raining lightly. Domon Yasuki and the fans gathered around him opened their umbrellas one after another when they saw this, making the difficulty of sniping suddenly increase.

…that’s quite an idea.

It’s quite annoying even though I don’t have an umbrella, and I can’t hold one even if I have one.

Sano hurriedly approached Mizuna Reina and took the opportunity to get on top of her.

Hey, Sano wasn’t taking advantage of others, he was just hiding from the rain.

Well, we’re just taking shelter from the rain anyway, so why not find a sweet-smelling beauty to lean against?


You said you should hide from the rain, so why bother with others?

Brother, there is water on the ground. If you don’t climb to higher ground, are you going to wash your hands?

Reina Minato was startled by Sano’s sudden movement.

After lowering her head and realizing that it was just a cat, Rena Mizuna relaxed a little. Regardless of whether Sano was a wild cat or a domestic cat, she reached out and hugged her.

…Well, for caring, one more point.

“Since it’s raining, I’ll go to the pavilion to conduct the interview later.”

Tumen Yasuhui said to Sui Wu Reina.


After Domon Yasutei walked away, his fans immediately followed him.

In the surging crowd, one of Shui Wu Lina’s shoes was squeezed out.

When Mizuno Reina turned around, Conan happened to hold the shoes at the same time as her.


“Little brother, are you following me?”

Facing Shui Wulian’s question, Conan laughed dryly: “No, no…”

…This guy’s acting skills are so bad.

Sano was speechless at the God of Plague’s performance.

Mizuna Reina obviously didn’t want to believe Conan’s words.

After taking off the communicator given by Gin from her ear, Rena Mizuna stretched out her hand and put it on Conan’s neck, then repeated the question she just asked.

Conan’s answer was still no.

But Conan’s expression became inexplicably timid.

…But there is nothing we can do about it.

Who makes Shui Wu Lianna’s action look like a person who just wants to disagree with each other.

It would look like it would break Conan’s neck.

However, in response to Conan’s anomaly, Mizuki Reina let out a sigh of relief. While letting go of his hand, he stood up and smiled: “Thank you, thank you very much.”


Sano blinked.

Something is wrong.

Twelve out of ten things are wrong.

He took off his headphones and thanked Conan inexplicably without attacking him.

…This guy turns out to be a mouse.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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